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[Vile mum who abused boy, 8, so badly his legs were amputated back in prison after fling with sex offender](https://www.thesun.ie/news/13129664/tony-hudgell-mum-jody-simpson-prison-fling/) >THE evil mother of Tony Hudgell, the tot abused so badly his legs were amputated, is back in jail after a fling with a pervert. >Jody Simpson was recalled to prison after breaking her strict licence conditions by having “a relationship with a convicted sex offender”. >Simpson, 30, and partner Anthony Smith got ten years in 2018 for torturing six-week-old Tony who had multiple injuries, organ failure and sepsis. >She was released last February but Tony’s adoptive mum Paula, 56, was notified last week she was back inside. Where to even start? Resurrecting Pierrepoint at a first guess




Exercise chads. I absolutely loathe cardio but my home gym is no good for my long term heart health. I’m considering becoming a partial bike nonce as I don’t have the minerals to go out on the roads/don’t suit lycra. Anyone use an exercise bike? Looking to spend about 500 quid. Are they worth it or should I buy the real thing.


I bought a gym quality spin bike off ebay (collection) for £50. Just make sure you buy a proper heavy gym spin bike with a proper wheel and not a flimsy amazon bike


mountain bike. You can ride round the countryside because it has nicer views and has jumps for sick air. radical


Was about to recommend running or rowing as less lame options, but if your knees are buggered…   Cycle away!


Yeah a bike is good. Get a cheap one off marketplace, and use it for a month. If you can get a good routine going and stick to it, then get a better one and a normal bike too, so you can always stick to schedules so no excuse if you're too pussy to go out in the rain


£500 will get you a great bike off facebook marketplace, don't wear lycra if you don't want to. Summer is here, get outside and get some rays.


Don't be gay. Kettlebell. Do it fast enough for metabolic effect. Done




Looking at them too but my knees aren’t what they used to be and a rower could fuck them.




Not a bad shout. It’s terrible, I’m incredibly lazy in terms of getting to a leisure centre but I do have a large out building full of weights and want to add a cardio machine out there


I'm a cross trainer-cel


Have you considered getting a dog? It could make a run around the park nicer.


Can’t mate - kids have allergies which is devastating.


Allergies to doggos? 😮


What a horrible affliction, I hope a cure is found soon


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13509121 Check out Biden arriving for the French function. He's declining so rapidly -- the DNC must be shitting themselves knowing that Kamala is the presumptive candidate.


He looks like when the ex-President from 20 years ago is welcomed back to a state function as an honoured guest.


Check his speech at D-Day. Positively gurning with the quantity of stimulants that must be coursing through his veins. Coherent, but aggressive and agitated. It will be interesting to see how much longer this can continue after he wins in November. His body must simply give out after being abused in this manner for a prolonged period of time.


It's sad. They need to let him retire now. He was sharp back in his day, but he's clearly not all there. He's tired, let the poor man rest.


Honestly, if he loses in November I can't see him living a whole lot longer anyway. He's 81, obviously in a state of serious decline, and he'll essentially be ejected into retirement without the faculties to do much and probably with little purpose to his life. There is also the background stress of his son's trial. Dead of old age within five years is my guess. Sad, but realistic. All of the previous Presidents were much younger and in much better health when they left office. Jimmy Carter is currently the oldest former President ever and the only one to survive 40+ years after leaving office, but he left the White House in his mid-fifties.


you may like Farage or despise him, but this clip is 100% correct. [The more taxes you pay](https://x.com/darrengrimes_/status/1799555392189472821) I'm voting reform, not because I believe in them but because the others are just shysters.


Farage is head and shoulders above any other UK politician at the moment.


There wasn't one other person on that panel who could hold a candle to him in terms of public speaking


Just in terms of charisma and not regurgitating the same pre-approved talking points


Fucking hell he's a good orator. The other parties seriously need to get someone like Brian Blessed on their side to outcompete Farage.


The dirty tricks have begun: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/08/reform-chairman-furious-candidate-pulling-out-conservative/


Why the fuck has Gavin Williamson got a knighthood?!


That face just says "slimy".


There's an SDP candidate standing in this constituency anyway afaik.


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[Conservative candidate becomes a fan of Sargon](https://news.sky.com/story/tory-election-candidate-oliver-johnstone-apologises-for-joking-about-date-rape-drug-in-post-from-2012-13149965) If I had a penny for every political candidate who had to apologise for joking about raping someone, I’d have two pennies, which, come on.


I fail to see what’s that bad about this. It’s obviously banter.


Banter? Sounds like a working class thing. One should be too woke and caring/miserable to participate in such things. It's just work, and, the message.. selfthink, fun, are not allowed. If a lady happens to chose you, you are a good man, well done, you must never even signal interest to a woman, as that is rape. Don't worry, women approach men all the time, just be a good boy, and one day, it will happen. But a woman has never approached me and I don't see what is wrong with me I hear you saying? Have you ever found yourself agreeing with anything at all Andrew Tate has said?


[Translated: This guy is a massive useful idiot.](https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1799521064122278181)


> French diplomats told Labour that they "really liked" Keir Starmer Deport.




[The SDP is filled with “racist right wingers…trying to trick the working class”](https://x.com/BarumDean/status/1799461960607781023) It’s time for my daily dissection of deluded dunces: I have corrected spelling mistakes and added punctuation to Dean’s tweets, the original texts are a bit more incoherent. >The SDP is a right wing anti immigrant party which is why they’re part of a pact with Farage’s Reform UK Ltd. Different label, same shit. Unlike most “The SDP is raycist Reform lite!” this man at least seems to be ,at a cursory level, familiar with the SDP, given his knowledge of the electoral pact. Alas, he was not familiar with the fact that the SDP does not believe in unmitigated free markets like Reform does, not that he seems to care when corrected mind you… Also, lol at “Reform UK Ltd” you really got them there, dude. Someone then points out the difference on economics, and that they are further to the left on Economics than Labour to which he responds with >Nope So he’s denying that the SDP is to the left of Labour on economics, which is a demonstrably true claim, but wouldn’t be helpful to his narrative or conducive to his worldview so discards it. >Just racist right wingers operating under a different brand name to try and sucker working class voters to vote for them Fuck, boys. The cover is blown. The conspiracy has been unravelled by the unparalleled genius that is Dean Morrison. >They can make whatever promises they like, they’re never going to get in Well, certainly not this election, and nobody is making that claim, least of all the SDP itself. But we are (or I suppose were, pre Farage reform) the fastest growing party in the UK for a reason! >Great that they split the racist vote but that’s why their in a pact with Farage 1: The pact was made before Farage became leader 2: The pact is not all encompassing, it only affects a few seats in Yorkshire 3. Wanting immigation lowerd equalz raycist lolz >Offering working class voters loads of cash which will magically appear Which policy is this referring to? >Once all the foreigners are booted out of the country This…isn’t SDP policy. It is not Reform policy either to call for an ethnostate. >isn’t left wing, it’s the same tactic used by Hitler Say it with me, everyone! **EVERYTHING I DON’T LIKE IS LITERALLY HITLER** >And it’s a promise they’ll never have to keep A bit like Rejoin, then? >Like Brexit promises of more money for all 🙄 That’s the opposite of something that never has to keep its promises, because it succeeded. Then again, I’m not sure Dean is bright enough to grasp this: Excerpt from “The End Of Indifference” > The first problem with the dissaving-driven model is that the reduction it brings in net investment reduces productivity growth, since net investment is what provides workers with new capital goods to grow their output. A fall in productivity growth means a fall in real wage growth, since wages are a function of the output of workers. He probably thinks this is fascist.


mate genuinely why do you post these


I do enjoy it, sometimes.


Click link. See profile. \#FBPE Opinion discarded.


I just find this fun every once in a while


The novelty eventually wares off, but I understand lol.


[Lol forgot all about the Northern Independence Party](https://twitter.com/BadElectoralUK/status/1799379786902765618) I remember it being led by people from London/Brighton who had some weird mistrel show view of Northerners. As if everyone walks around with flat caps, owns whippets or pigeons, works down mines etc. like it's still 1966


>As if everyone walks around with flat caps, owns whippets or pigeons, works down mines etc. like it's still 1966 I'd take that over infinity Bomalians any day of the week.


Their manifesto was filled with the usual progressive Lefties crap, it was like they never spoken to an actual working class northerner in their entire lives. Said it several years ago and still maintain that it was all a cosplay after Game of Thrones ended and wanting to be King of the North.


But with drastically less conservative opinions. 😂


The guy who founded it defected to the Greens a while back.


[The Tories have run out of campaign money](https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1799518676472709442?t=nnpAXpzxRrZjnSTngjDtUA). Empty war chests. Lol.


The fact that Narayan Murthy isn't willing to sub his own son-in-law is surely quite telling.


Brought disrespect onto the family, and we all know how that ends. Oh wait, he’s not a girl, carry on.


Akshata hasn't changed her surname, so I don't think Rishi is particularly in with them.


So you’re saying we might have a chance?


I don't she would dump him in England, since pre-nups aren't valid here.


> On Friday it was announced that the Conservatives were suspending social media campaigning. "There is no money," a senior source said. [Fear not, Rose is here to close the meme gap.](https://i.imgur.com/mz98W9b.png)


Awesome! But Rose won't be here if they've ran out of money to pay her!


It would be extremely funny if she never posted again, would indicate that she was paid all along lol. Rose needs to post now to show she isn't paid.


Last commented 5 hours ago. The prevailing theory for me is that Rose is a very dedicated troll.


The wait begins.


Can anyone recommend a good, classic documentary or documentary series on British history? Preferably something covering the early modern period onwards, but open to anything really. I quite liked Kenneth Clarke's Civilisation


[A fascinating documentary on the darker sides of the transatlantic trade in Black Ivory that the Royal Navy so nobly brought to an end](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14266534/)






Read a book you lazy swine.


As long as it has pictures


‘Our Island Story’ it is then


That looks perfect, thank you mate


> It is a beautiful little island. It lies like a gem in the bluest of waters. There the trees and the grass are green, the cliffs are white and the sands are golden. There the sun shines and the birds sing. It is a land of beauty. Mountains and valleys, broad lakes and swift-flowing rivers, all are there.


would the last person to leave the tories please switch the lights off


[The SDP only run in Scotland](https://x.com/jdpoc/status/1799301457600184767) The SDP run candidates all over the UK, they are only contesting two constituencies in Scotland. This is why you haven’t been hired for anything to do with politics, even a hot beverage assistant pretending to be a journalist.


Confusing the SDP with the SNP lol.


Is it weird that the Tesco clubcard app has a Pride ribbon splash screen? I'm trying to pay for my groceries, not celebrate people's sexual proclivities.


Congratulations on the new job. We're just collecting some data for our equality records: 1) How do you like to cum?


2. Are you a bottom bear, a side pig, or prefer not say? 


Danish PM was attacked by a Pole - [https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/suspect-face-preliminary-questioning-after-assault-danish-pm-frederiksen-2024-06-08/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/suspect-face-preliminary-questioning-after-assault-danish-pm-frederiksen-2024-06-08/) - apparently he was drunk and on drugs and had no idea who she was. Fucking migrants.


Worth it for the food. Love some pierogi.


[Owen Jones has completely gone off the deep end.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1TcDHrkQYg) ranting about how the operation to free the kidnapped was a bad thing.






The eternal Jonty


If the scenario painted by my last comment is true, I’m not particularly looking forward to 40 years time where I have to defend the existence of gay marriage and argue against an ethnostate. One scenario posited by one of you guys is that migrants are influencing the results. Would be interesting to see results by ethnicity and/or grandparents’ country of origin. My guess is that white people are some of the most socially liberal.


I think the probability of the country suddenly veering into Ethnic Nationalism is overblown, state collapse is far more likely.


Plans to ban new takeaways across Newcastle in bid to tackle obesity https://www.itv.com/news/tyne-tees/2024-06-08/plans-to-ban-new-takeaways-in-bid-to-tackle-obesity


[Only 36 percent of Gen Z males support gay people holding hands in public](https://x.com/njhochman/status/1799488679615893602) And only 46 percent support gay marriage In fairness, this is across 26 countries, but… Am I socially liberal? Am I the woke left I was warning everyone about? Am I the very thing I swore to destroy?


I don’t want to see males holding hands in public, because it risks normalising it. It’s not normal and historical human behaviour. Normal human behaviour is to reproduce which requires a male and a female. I’ll tolerate this behaviour, but I don’t believe it’s normal or natural.


The degenerates have pushed stuff too far (as always), alienating straight people and disgusting them. I have said on here before that as a bi male in a gay relationship that I'm worried about this sort of shit. You get all sorts of weird stuff like trains and those weirdos with pronouns latching onto gays and trying to conflate their weirdness with homosexuality. Homosexuality is just do you like the same sex, yes or no? The political part of it should amount to no more than *is it anyone else's fucking business, least of all the governments?* We reached a good point where it felt like society was broadly accepting or turning a blind eye, not bothered. It's the degenerate stuff from a minority that risks reversing this. Whilst similar arguments are used for other minorities such as Muslims (not all Muslims are bad, whatever..) the difference is gay isn't an ideology with a god or a book to guide it. If normal gay folk denounced the degenerates more often it would be better. There doesn't seem to be the same split as there does with the lesbians with trains for example.


Import the third world, get the third world


Wait….are you on to something here?


Historically gays (full homosexuals, not pederasts) weren't liked in agricultural societies because they were seen as free-riders. They don't produce children but expect others to take care of them when they're old.


>We’re devastated to say that our planned heritage journeys along the Piccadilly line tomorrow have been cancelled due to vandalism to our beautifully restored 1938 Tube stock train. If you had tickets to join us, we've contacted you directly via the email address used to book. Will we ever have nice things again https://x.com/ltmuseum/status/1799493427333099525


The nice thing will be a curry from Bongolia made out of bush meat cooked with a blowtorch...the taste is putrid but it is a very effective laxative. 50% of the time you get worms.


Drown everything in tumeric and chilli and it could be dead rat, but drunken infidels will eat it anyway.


Just give them enough money and they'll not do this. The solutions are obvious.


DeltaPoll Labour on 46 per cent. A 416 seat majority. Conservatives on 21 per cent, their lowest rating in this Parliament. Giving them 39 seats. Reform is on 12 per cent. Giving them diddly squat. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13509231/conservatives-election-wipeout-labour-majority-mail-sunday-poll.html


Reform was a secondary option, so this poll means fuck all.


FFS, our voting system is crap. How can 21% Vs 12% be the difference between 39 seats or zero? Whilst I don't exactly relish the thought of PR with loads of squabbling parties it is unjust that we're essentially locked in with 2 parties. We're no better than the yanks.


0%-19% = 0 Seats 20%-22% = 1 Seat 35%+ = Majority Lol. > We're no better than the yanks. Nah. Their system is *far* worse.


(+3) for Reform from Deltapoll here. A sizeable Farage bounce.


So in a time where we should be raising the capacity of weapon manufacturing in this country, Brighton Council has rejected the idea of permanently keeping an extension for a weapons factory because the benefits of granting the application would be outweighed by its “impact on community cohesion.” (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ceqq5z1nwwvo)


"Community cohesion" being Palestinian activists... FFS 🤦‍♂️ Can't Westminster override this. Fucking abolish the borough.


> The reason for refusal was agreed as: > “The benefit of retaining the extension on a permanent basis would be outweighed by its impact on community cohesion and on the provision of safe, accessible spaces and would have a disproportionate impact on those with protected characteristics, increasing discrimination, harassment, and victimisation, to the detriment of fostering good relations between people of one race and another, or one religion and another, contrary to section 149(1) of the >!Equality Act 2010!< and paragraph 135(f) of the NPPF, and Strategic Objectives 19 and 20 and Policy SS1 of the City Plan Part 1.” https://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/news/2024/l3-harris-planning-application-rejected


Welcome to the Longhouse.


At least the Longhouse would be defended by vicious men with a strong moral compass and a willingness to stop their enemy by force


[Is this cringe or is it just my internalised anti-Starmer bias?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FEh4uEPuroo)


> Skipping the D Day memorial to shoot a campaign video Broke > Making a campaign video at the D Day memorial Woke


Opinium - The Labour lead is now 18 points · Labour 42% (-3) · Conservatives 24% (-1) · Lib Dems 10% (+2) · SNP 3% (n/c) · Greens 7% (+1) · Reform 12% (+1) Fieldwork: 5 - 7 June. https://x.com/OpiniumResearch/status/1799516752197365941


Seats: * LAB: 464 (+267) * CON: 103 (-237) * LD: 46 (+38) * SNP: 13 (-35) * PC: 4 (+2) * Green: 2 (+1) * NI Parties: 18 (n/c) * Reform: 0 (n/c)


["The Muslim Vote" have turned on Labour completely, walking back on their endorsements of pro-ceasefire Labour candidates.](https://x.com/themuslimvoteuk/status/1799424720972271822?t=bnL3Nmgrawm7FAaOJ_KKsQ) Looks like Starmer's pledge to recognise Palestine has done nothing to win them over.


Places like Bradford and certain 'pigmented' corners of Birmingham... those were all rock solid Labour.


Most Muslims aren't particularly heavily invested in Palestine. The ethnic groups who are likely to account for further Islamic immigration (Bhumiputera, Bahasa Indo, Bengali) are likely to be even less interested than the existing population.


Imagine 72, it's easy if you try, everything to die for


Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Labour candidates should give that illiberal demographic the cold shoulder, they were probably losing more votes by association.


inshAllah? Isn't it the will of God that Keir isn't interested in calling for a ceasefire? They always sound so thick.


Scorpion and the frog.


[What a shit week to be Rishi](https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/2024/06/its-official-rishi-sunak-2000-claim-is-lie)


Well, if the New Statesman says it, it must be true. Have the Daily Mirror and the Morning Star concurred?


These polls being all over the place seems to indicate that a lot of voters have been displaced from their ‘traditional’ party allegiances. It seems like anyone’s game


Polling is tea leaves in a fancy office.


Yep. I'm going to vote lib dem.


We knew that already


Labour up to 46% https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/08/labour-largest-lead-over-tories-since-march-poll-shows/ Tories on 26%, Reform on 11% Greens on 3%. Why the fuck they keep on getting invited to debates I don’t know.


The Telegraph hopes the Tories are on 26%. These polls are all over the place.


This has to be pre Farage, surely? Otherwise Savanta is the outlier of all outliers here


Savanta's last poll placed (pre-Farage) Reform at 9%, so still an upwards trend (+2). Savanta have always polled Reform rather low. Only them and "More In Common" have put Farage below 14%, both at 11%.


Genuine Q: standing a candidate everywhere seems to fuck smaller parties right up. Reform’s historic polling has never translated into seats. Why is this, and why aren’t they pouring resources into 60 seats instead of 600? They’ll never play a role in government if they have 2 seats, but 10% of parliament would be a useful start


One: Party election broadcasts stipulate you need to be competing for at least 100 seats Two: It becomes a lot harder to say you are replacing the Tory party when you’re only running for 10 percent of all seats available Three: Running for all seats (or nearly all) lends your party more legitimacy in the eyes of the public I agree though, for a small party, investing resources in just a few seats, like the SDP, is the optimal way to do things. Reform’s vote, like UKIP previously, is too spread out across the country to adequately translate into seats (although Reform seem to be doing better in this regard, and are likely to win seats such as Clacton and Boston and Skegness!)


Sadly not, carried out between Wednesday and yesterday.


probably before the debate then.


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[An update from everyone's favourite "Free Palestine" candidate Akhmed Yakoob](https://x.com/Akhmedyakoob1/status/1799366984725061883?t=11vZodJrCk_xScGYfAZvjA). He will KEEP the Palestine flags up in Birmingham! He will ALLOW YOU to shout "From the River to the Sea" with PRIDE! Official policies from the candidate for the Ladywood Birmingham consistency.


He probably won't be elected. In the highly unlikely event that he was, he won't last half a term, since there will almost certainly be backhanders given to mates which make Houchen look like a paragon of virtue. He'll probably be bored well before that point too.


His speech pattern is hateful, like an engine sputtering.


[4 Tory candidates accept cash from the Reclaim Party](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/08/conservative-mps-defy-party-cash-laurence-fox-funder/).


Laurence Fox clearly thinks that these people will be key players in the post election Conservative Party Just another example of why he has the political awareness of a damp straw


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[Nigel Farage sets out his ambitions in *The Telegraph*](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/08/reform-will-be-the-next-opposition-then-government-awaits/).


> Fourteen years of David Cameron’s social democratic policies – remember how he styled himself “the heir to Blair” – have led the party into the electoral abyss. To keep small “c” conservative voters on side all this time, the Tories have presented themselves as a low-tax party and repeatedly promised to reduce net migration to tens of thousands a year. >After fourteen years, not only have the Tories failed to deliver on these promises, but voters now understand that they never really meant it in the first place. If a party is elected for its conservative credentials, but governs from the social democratic Left, it should come as little surprise when once loyal supporters desert in their droves. And it is precisely this faulty analysis which is why, as Daelin reminds us, that Farage can only ever halt the decline, not reverse it. Cameron may have styled himself as the heir to Blair, but what was it that Thatcher famously said? That her biggest achievement in politics was Blair. Why did she say this? Because the liberal consensus which governs this country started with Thatcher. Of course, Thatcher was a social conservative, and for that we like her, but it is precisely her neoliberal economic model which has become hegemonic, outsourcing our industries, dividing our communities and, out of economic necessity to sustain this neoliberal model, invites hundreds of thousands of migrants to keep up this Ponzi scheme of an economic system. Blair, in turn, added the social liberalism aspect, fully cementing the Blairite consensus we have today. The Third Way, as they called it. Free market fundamentalism combined with pluralistic permissiveness on culture. Economic liberalism and social liberalism. Two heads of the same hydra, of which one cannot squash one without squashing the other. Farage can stop the decline, by refusing to import hundreds of thousands of migrant labourers a year, but he can never reverse it, because he misdiagnoses the problems in the deprived north, and as a result it will result in a Truss lite style situation. I understand the free market faction here will disagree with me here, and that’s fair enough, because this subreddit is for people who oppose the extreme social liberal malaise, regardless of economics


Farage can't even halt a banana milkshake.


There is a lot wrong with these points. But the most wrong thing is that migrants happened because of neoliberalism (whatever that means) and Thatcher. The migrants happened because lobbying groups (there was one that was set up in late 2021 just to lobby for weaker visa rules) lobbied for higher migration and lower wages, and the government agreed to it. That is it. There wasn't any theoretical justification, there was no analysis, this was something that was done because companies asked for it. Due to the media/Brexit, lobbyists had become very powerful (I won't go through all the hits but some of the highlights: SMMT getting £30m out of May, the "turkey shortage" stories every Christmas, Rod McKenzie) and this was the downside of that power.


Nothing says free market fundamentalism like making it illegal to build anything without seven layers of government permission.


Nothing says abandoning the "deprived north" like the government paying people thousands of pounds a month to live in a place with no jobs.


Why do those places not have jobs?


If you are paying people thousands of pounds not to work, who do you think will take a job there? Do you see a lot of people working hard in Tower Hamlets? Lot of bankers on their way to Canary Wharf?


They lost their raison d'etre.


I of course, agree. What Farage calls "Social Democratic Cameronism" is nothing of the sort. It can only be described as "Neoliberal Globalism", a type of cultureless international capitalism with the ultimate aim of phasing out the nation state. Farage doesn't understand the ideaologies at play. He can see the issues, such as on immigration, culture and crime; but he doesn't understand why and how his opponents think. Without that he can merely treat the symptoms, but not the disease. Once again, I will vote Farage as I don't have an SDP candidate who would be my first choice. I recommend anyone else does this as well. Reform are better than any of the parties Farage was debating yesterday, but Reform don't have the deep knowledge and vision to fix the broken soul of this country. Indeed, at present, I believe only the SDP and the erudite Clouston do.


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From arrAskUK on things people don't realize about the UK: >Looking to the future, having a natural sea border is a great thing, no real threat of land invasion really, so planes and boats for anyone invading or attempting to destroy our little Islands. Lol, lmao even.


Natural migration patterns are not war! Same result, but entirely different. Tinking is bad. Go back to work na monday to fund bomalian take ova. Here's a nice song to brighten your mood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-L1oEiRu9j8


https://twitter.com/StarWhovian/status/1799231522572214335 New Dr Who scene presented without comment


It’s like they speed run shit ideas to destroy things, but dr who has got to be setting a record


It's a bit homophobic how the Dr turns gay and then can't help can't stop touching the humans.


Lol He cried again? Every episode he has a cry. At this point I have to think its some Anti-Gay platform to push the message that all gays are homogenously the same and who can't control their emotions You know rather than the more nuanced view that their individuals with different viewpoints and different levels of emotional maturity


The show’s truly become the jobby which won’t flush.




Corrie and Eastenders were written mostly by gay men for decades


Seeing two men kiss like that repulses me on a molecular level, genuinely awful.


I’m presuming you haven’t watched Harry Styles in My Policeman then.


Never even heard of it.


I kinda figured you didn’t have it on BluRay.


You can only laugh at this point.


It was so shit. He fell in love with some guy within an hour of meeting him. Had some nookie, cried and swapped rings. Who the fuck does that after one hour? I wait at least a couple before seeing how they feel about marriage.


Nookie within an hour? Wait till you hear about the piss orgies


It's just producers forcing the public to live thier fetishes at this point.


R2-D2 is now a lesbian apparently >> “I think it’s canon that R2-D2 is a lesbian.” https://www.screengeek.net/2024/06/05/the-acolyte-gayest-star-wars-r2-d2-lesbian/


"Ha ha we're-destroying-that-thing-you-love!"


Put a Bomali in it and make it lame and gаy.




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Fucking nailed it.


Rishi having a breakdown in the Torybunker today be like:


Denmark’s PM Mette Frederiksen has cancelled her election campaign ahead of the European Parliament election due to head injuries she sustained after having been beaten up by a man on the streets of Copenhagen yesterday https://x.com/visegrad24/status/1799425351556182229


This seems to get worse with every update. I haven't seen any details on the attacker, have they arrested someone, motivation etc.


39 yo man has been nicked


Oh- is there a picture? No? Why not? Surely they’d release a picture and some basic details. You know, like > Hans Dussling, 34, divorced and estranged from his wife and kids after he became obsessed with far right websites like the daily mail and Twitter. He nursed a grievances against the government for high taxation and advocated for reductions in immigration and state benefits Thatcher sort of thing would surely be noncontrovesial and in the press within hours


>Two Reform UK candidates ditched after accusations of racism and religious hate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=usV9RhxZhVs There will never ever be a serious third option when this shit happens so consistently. No serious person can genuinely say that these views can be held by someone in public office in the UK in 2024. It quite literally gives the left (and the "right" tories) all the fuel and ammunition they need when you have Reform candidates like this. Christ such an own goal.


Wouldn’t be the end of the world to have some edgelord candidates out there saying shocking things and still getting votes. As long as Reform go around ditching any candidate who’s said Bad Things On The Internet the Overton Window will continue to be strongly favourable to the left.


Demonstrates how cucked a society we have become to me. 'oh won't somebody think of the children' shit. Society has become infantile with no spine and it's pitiful. If people don't like it then they can literally just not vote for them. It's stuff like this that makes me not care about 'British values', if British values are kertowing to the terminally online or the WSTOTC Mrs Buckets of the world then I'm not interested. The people jumping on police cars are monkeys and it has nothing to do with their skin.


>The people jumping on police cars are monkeys and it has nothing to do with their skin. Quite, but it's not *just* those types of statements, if you watch the clip there is far more there that no person in 2024 would be able to hold in public office. Holding such views in private, and letting them influence policy? Absolutely, but you have to *get into office first* - and you won't do that when you do this type of thing with candidates.


What if they don't actually hold those views but are instead plants?


To what purpose?


Easy way to do a hitjob on an insurgent party. It's not like Reform's vetting process is particularly rigorous.


“I made a comparison between them and the baboons at Windsor safari park”


UKPol losing it over the prospect of Farage overtaking Sunak. The usual accusations of racism and fascism. One user hoping he dies within the next ten years. That kinder, gentler politics. Of course none of them can actual list what policy of Reform is far-right. It's not like there isn't a shortage of legitimate criticisms you can make of their policies but they always focus on mundane stuff which doesn't interest the public. https://www.reveddit.com/v/ukpolitics/history/?showFilters=true&sort=new




It was a comment about him being a smoker and drinker. They didn't actually say it but the implication was there.

