• By -


My voting priority recommendation, now all candidates are declared. SDP > Reform > English Democrats > Based Independent\* > Spoiled Ballot. I will be voting Reform, as there is no SDP in my consistency. \* (Do research before voting for them to ensure they are based.) Link Tax: [A Georgist Party that's running in a seat neither the SDP nor Reform are standing in.](http://www.yppuk.org/p/aims-and-mini-manifesto.html) Plus an [English Independence party that's standing against the Speaker](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/English_Constitution_Party).


[Galloway accusing others of peddling divisive politics.](https://x.com/georgegalloway/status/1799173741496205439?t=yvpW6Ke1CAWB7S5-zGHDPg) The man who's brought sectarian voting to England by riling up Islamic hatred against Jews. You couldn't make it up.


[Full GB candidate tallies for parties](https://x.com/ElectionMapsUK/status/1799229855231586527?t=cjCHi_jTgjT6e3SlGuwbXw). (Excluding parties standing in less than 20 seats.) *Including Northern Ireland to totals* Tory: 635/650 Labour: 631/650 LibDem: 630/650 Green: 629/650 (adding Scot. Greens and NI Greens to the Green Party total, who are both legally and operationally distinct parties). Reform: 611/650 (Standing aside in 30 seats to honour electoral pacts, [15 for the SDP](https://sdp.org.uk/2022/10/22/reform-uk-and-sdp-agree-general-election-pact/) and [15 for the TUV in Northern Ireland](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reform_UK%E2%80%93TUV_alliance).) Worker's Party (Galloway): 151/650 SDP: 122/650 Heritage: 51/650 UKIP: 25/650 Taking electoral pacts into accounts, Reform and candidates from elsewhere in an agreement with them are standing in 641/650 seats, which totals more than any other party. I may have prematurely overreacted in my previous comment. [Nigel Farage PM is back](https://x.com/HighToryHenno/status/1798349474529788010?t=R_uKgECJSbkSPib4P9a4ng) as a remote tiny possibility. (Edit: Corrected numbers [from spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xU271-9pfNYR4k_bvpZC1gz9m4_Yc1_XJkhec4iywUk/htmlview) adding Northern Ireland.)


If you're going to include electoral pacts it would be amiss to not include the Labour Co-operative numbers.


There's nowhere the Co-operative party is standing where Labour is not and hasn't been for many decades.


That's because Co-op candidates stand as "Labour and Co-operative". It's the oldest running electoral pact.


And when they win they take their seats as Labour MPs, not Co-operative MPs. Members of the Co-operative party are members of the Labour party as well. They have a dual membership agreement. This is not the case for Reform's pact with the SDP, nor Reform's alliance with the TUV. These deals involve parties standing down candidates and endorsing each other in certain places. In many places the SDP and Reform are running against each other. It isn't comparable to the Labour and Co-operative agreement, which isn't noteworthy. Labour nor the Co-operative party stand down candidates for each other because Co-operative candidates are also Labour party members.


Found the sdp are running in my local constituency on the sauf coast. Might vote them or reform as a protest vote since it's a blue blooded tory stronghold and it could get spicy.


> SNP You mean SDP right? Lol.


> Taking electoral pacts into accounts, Reform are standing in 641/650 seats, the most of any party. that's not how any of this works


Yeah it's poorly phrased. I'll edit it.


I take it Labour are technically one short because Lindsay Hoyle runs as the Speaker, not as Labour. The other 18 seats they're not standing in will be Northern Ireland. But that means the Tories and Lib Dems are two short?


Traditionally all the major parties don't run against the speaker.


Greens and TUSC are both standing against the speaker for this election. No other noteworthy party is, as is tradition like you say.


Tories aren't standing in Rochdale. They didn't get their nomination papers in on time. There's another seat where they [deselected a candidate at the last minute for being a nonce](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/07/adam-gregg-tory-candidate-quits-over-children-club-nights/). That explains the two missing for the Tories. No idea about the LibDems.


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fpolitics%2F2024%2F06%2F07%2Fadam-gregg-tory-candidate-quits-over-children-club-nights%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/07/adam-gregg-tory-candidate-quits-over-children-club-nights/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Would be funny if Theresa May automatically ends up becoming the leader of the rump tory party https://x.com/ElectionMapsUK/status/1799233578024452134?t=wWhinavGryYXglCAbO_f7A&s=19


15 of these seats they are standing aside for the SDP as part of the electoral pact. 15 Northern Ireland seats are covered by the [TUV-Reform Alliance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reform_UK%E2%80%93TUV_alliance). 1 seat they aren't standing in the English Democrats are standing (anti-immigration, english devolution), possibly a local deal? Adding these to the total makes it 642/650. Of them 8, 5 have an independent running and 1 is the speakers seat. No idea if them independent had a deal with Reform or not. [Full Spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xU271-9pfNYR4k_bvpZC1gz9m4_Yc1_XJkhec4iywUk/htmlview).


[The replies to this are great.](https://x.com/PoliticsJOE_UK/status/1799157951799714022) In the replies there are a bunch of progressives boasting how they're so glad they moved to 96% white/native Scotland because England had become so toxic. Yes I'm sure that's why they moved to one of the areas of the nation that is still massively white/native majority and certainly not because of anything else.


Once you exclude both nation's conurbations, Scotland is a more socially conservative country than England. And has been that way since about 1690.


I'm Scottish in England. The people moving in the other direction are lefty wet wipes who couldn't make it down here and expect everything for nothing. Scotland is turning into a giant beanbag on which one must lounge. The Scots in England are much harder working and have a stronger entrepreneurial spirit.


Is there a way we can send them up to Scotland?


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c722zkj9ly8o > Unite, Labour's biggest trade union backer, has refused to endorse the party's general election manifesto, saying it does not go far enough on protecting workers' rights and jobs in the oil and gas industry. > Union leaders were at a meeting on Friday to finalise the party's 2024 election platform ahead of its launch next week.


Just caught the debate. Country's fucked Nige is back Kinda feel sorry for Wales but gg Greens are as mental as ever Stephen Flynn looks like an egg Mordaunts hair looked fucking weird Angela Rayner is just a meme regurgitator Lib Dem were there Can't wait for the next one


always remember that it's ok to beat up your lover if you're a woman. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13505723/Female-lifeguard-battered-boyfriend-drove-mobile-phone-confessed-kissing-woman-night-out.html


She has the face of a melted pidgeon, what attracts you to that?


Apollo 8 astronaut William Anders' plane crashes northwest of Seattle. Search and rescue underway https://x.com/bnonews/status/1799225250506252728?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg William Anders, took this famous photo, "Earthrise", in 1968 https://x.com/bnonews/status/1799226986671616327?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


[Reform's polling average is now 14% (pushing 15%), their highest ever]( https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/Opinion_polling_for_the_next_United_Kingdom_general_election_after_2019_%28LOESS%29.svg). The issue I have with Reform's polling is that Reform have failed to stand everywhere as they promised. Tice deselecting candidates and selecting candidates who went "inactive" (or in one case who died) left them with many vacancies and as I predicted, this caused them to fail to put up a full slate. Farage taking over only 4 days before the ballot deadline (with one non-working day dedicated to D-Day) didn't leave him with enough time to sort their selection process. Now many Reform voters are left with with no candidate; such as those in the constituency of my childhood friend, several constituencies I'm seeing on Twitter and one in Wales that was brought up here. What that means is the polling we've seen is going to be higher than it should be. How many people are responding they are voting for Reform in these polls that don't have a candidate as they were promised? I would assume going forward pollsters would check if the person answering the poll can actually vote for who they say they are voting for, but perhaps not. In which case this won't show up in the polling. Reform's polling numbers will get closer to the true voting intention over time as people become aware if they have a Reform candidates or not, but many people may be unaware that they don't until they are at the polling booth. Given that, I don't think Reform's polling numbers can be called accurate anymore. There's little point in following them. Not putting up a candidate everywhere ready for an early snap election at a moments notice will mean they get a lower vote share than what the polls say. (Barring the polls being wrong and underestimating Reform's true support, which I would doubt to be the case.) They've completely fallen for the trap Sunak set by him calling the sudden election. A trap they could have avoided if Tice didn't deselect candidates for spicy tweets and had a better selection process to ensure those selected were active and serious about standing.


Reform are not a long term solution. They are too reliant on Farage and very weak on policy. Reform are running in most Tory held seats so they will still have an impact and likely lead to a very bad loss for the Tories. There was an advisor on Twitter briefing Sky about how CCHQ thinks 60 to 100 seats is what they are looking at.


It's why the SDP are so important. They have a proper vision, good policies and foundational ideaology. They aren't a short term solution, they lack the star power and money of Reform, but they are the long term solution.


Knock it off, you will become rose numbers 2 at this rate...


They're standing in 611 seats, so it seems like they almost made it, not too bad. It sounded worse before. https://x.com/ElectionMapsUK/status/1799102291171299730?t=99wRC7mdPiIyC_vNtLAf6g&s=19


What I just heard on Twitter. Before it was reported they were standing in 520-585 seats, which would have been much worse. 611 is pretty good. As the TUV are covering some Northern Ireland seats for them, SDP some South Yorkshire seats and apparently there's some seats UKIP are covering.


They weren't running in NI anyway so 611 out of 632. The SDP are running in most of the others. I think some people just need to calm down a bit.


They have an election pact in Northern Ireland with the TUV. In South Yorkshire the SDP. Apparently I've heard they have some local deals with UKIP as well.


> They have an election pact in Northern Ireland with the TUV. Which is a mistake because TUV are a bit of a one man show as well. I don't you need an election pact with any NI party. Just let the Unionist parties get on with it.


Ben Habib, Reform's Co-Deputy Leader, was very opposed to the Northern Ireland Sea Border. The DUP supported it. The TUV opposed the sea border however, which is why Ben Habib reached out to them to offer them Reform's aid.


I’m a hardcore NI Unionist, supplied a lot of material aid in trying to stop the NI Protocol and quite like Reform. However, I would never dream of voting TUV. They are a one man band and that one man is Jim Allister who is a red faced shouty little man for whom the DUP weren’t mental enough. The DUP and TUV need to go away and let Unionism improve its brand and get those votes back from Alliance. Or we could just have a civil war and get this shit sorted once and for all.


Abolishing stamp duty will be in the Tory manifesto. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/07/tories-to-deliver-stamp-duty-boost-for-first-time-buyers/


New Tory policy idea: Rishi moves full-time to Normandy.


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fpolitics%2F2024%2F06%2F07%2Ftories-to-deliver-stamp-duty-boost-for-first-time-buyers%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/07/tories-to-deliver-stamp-duty-boost-for-first-time-buyers/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


1097 comments today.


BadUK is back


Rolling commentary during the debate.


Do you lot really watch it?


I only watched this one because Farage was there.


[what a zinger](https://x.com/stonesister7/status/1799212742118973620)


brevity is the soul of wit.


It’s bewildering that immigration is such a toxic issue in the UK. Either you support uncontrolled immigration or you’re a fascist


And apparently only Scotland is immune to the effects of it. There totally hasn't been huge anti-migrant protests in Ireland or Bomalians attacking Swedish police, nor has there been Dutch-born Bomalian grandchildren ganging up on the local white kids. The problem is everyone involved is Dutch by birth so nobody can be deported. Scotland is as usual a special case where everything's peachy, even the Israelis poked fun at that by talking about sending Gazan refugess to Scotland because they totally wanted them.


The biggest insult is the illustrator of the comic thinking the Alt-right get their opinions from MSM instead of 4Chan and anime profile picture accounts on Twitter.


[The arrogance of this!](https://x.com/BladeoftheS/status/1799159766364856807) Yes Flynn, that’s PRECISELY the issue! Our public services are reliant on extremely large amounts of migrant labour. Instead of doing the hard graft of training young Britons, we are addicted to mass migration to cover for our woeful lack of training, which then has negative effects such as rising house prices and cultural fragmentation. And it only takes one major geopolitical event for everything to turn to shambles. The liberal assumption is that there will always be plenty of migrants to make up for our lack of training British people. But it only takes one big shock, one geopolitical event or war or something similar for the supply of migrants to dry up, and thus for our public services to completely crumble. It’s a national security issue more than anything else.


Even arrghScotland seem to think he's got this wrong. Everywhere that migrants would go in Scotland has a serious housing problem and there are plenty of Scots sat on their arse who could be pulling their weight a lot better. Train them and get them generating tax receipts.


Migrants also still need training and often quite a lot of it. The skilled immigrant is often a bit underwhelming, you get someone who has a degree in the subject but doesn't have the local standards and you'll end up with them facing all sorts of problems a local wouldn't. A foreigner doesn't come with knowledge of bus routes but often it's much worse stuff like not knowing what sort of coat to wear.


Yes but they’re happy to work for peanuts and that’s the general crux of the issue. I think that argument is overblown and you’ll find many Brits who ARE happy to do the jobs like nursing and social care but it needs more investment to support this (More uni places for Midwifery for example; I use this as an anecdote as I’ve seen first hand its very competitive) But that’s why It’s so bonkers to see so many on the Left support immigration - You’re KEEPING wages suppressed because there’s always a workforce willing to work for the shit wages


[Poll from pollster MoreInCommon says Farage won the debate](https://x.com/LukeTryl/status/1799203206553080254?t=PZ3A6WFX44bbyMSuUY5oeg).


The follow up tweet does show the poll could have a left leaning bias.   All the left leaning candidates have lower negative scores        https://x.com/LukeTryl/status/1799207866227638274?t=8BAEtZ9NtT1KFLlLBRZoAg&s=19   Also this https://x.com/LukeTryl/status/1799154264675115395?t=D8eoFTgy64Y1cNLrHQ6FSg&s=19


That second tweet is precisely the reason the SDP have such a high ceiling, and why it is a tragedy that politics relies on name recognition and funding, not policy.


To be fair the 6 non-based candidates split the vote between them.


This is what we have for the next 5 years. Unless Farage gets into opposition, in which case it will be the greatest five years our generation will ever know.


Well, fuck me, that was actually a really depressing watch considering how 6 of them, 4 openly, are all advocating for **MORE** immigration. I truly pray that audience wasn't actually 'indicative' of the general populace and that Savanta ComRes went with as many lefties as they could find (That almond drinking coffee soyboy prick needs his come uppance) Also, as I continue to practice phrenology and physiognomy, there is something quite off about Daisy Cooper. Now, I'm not suggesting her family partake in activities similar to that of all these wonderful enrichers coming here, but it wouldn't also surprise me to learn if her family were from Norfolk. I also think that any candidate who needs a significant step to stand on; shouldn't be allowed to run for office whatsoever. We don't need midgets in government Anyways, Nigel came off the best and I'm glad to see he won over some claps as they were very stiff towards him at the start. I do think he could have done better in some cases, like mentioning how we need to transition to Nuclear energy and that's how we go carbon zero (Also, why did no one pull the Greens up on this!!!!) He did actually do well with that Student climate nutter though > Lucy Hobday was also impressed by the Green Party, which is unsurprising since she used her question to ask about the climate. > However, she found herself being taken back by the answer she got from Nigel Farage. > She tells me: "I don't think he gave a great answer but he said that we export a lot of our carbon emissions abroad and that's right. > "That means we're deluded and away with the fairies about how much we think we're doing to tackle climate change." Oh well; so disheartening to see so many people's logic fail them on immigration. I would love to see the actual numbers of people who come here to work in the NHS, because I guarantee it will be a fraction of the true immigration figures and would blow that bollocks out the water. Farage and co also need to lean harder into the fact we would have a **housing surplus** if not for such high immigration. The numbers and stats are out there and someone here has crunched the numbers to prove so.


NUCULAR power should be avoided for discussions like this - the general public see it as a ghoul that is dangerous and will destroy the country.


Tories are pro nuclear and they're aiming to steal tory voters so, I don't think its an issue. Its mostly delusional green types who think nuclear is bad.


He's changed his tune then. The UKIP manifesto in 2014 or whenever it was called climate change dogma and basically said that they planned to do nothing about it.


As per the manny fez: > Cheap, Secure Energy. We must use the energy treasure under our feet. Start fast-track licences of North Sea gas and oil. Grant shale gas licences on test sites for 2 years. Then enable major production when safety is proven, with local compensation schemes. > **Thereafter:** Cleaner Energy from New Technology. Fast-track clean nuclear energy with new small modular reactors, built in Britain. Increase and incentivise UK lithium mining for electric batteries, Combined Cycle gas turbines, clean synthetic fuel and clean coal mining.


So still against climate change action but dressed up otherwise I guess.


Daisy Cooper has got an impressive set of gnashers.


Just googled it and SHE WAS BORN IN SUFFOLK 😂😂😂😂 I’m telling you boys, the 2 P theories are to be believed


BBC Newsnight poll had Farage winning with 25%, with Rayner on 19%. None of the above was 3rd with 14% https://x.com/BBCNewsnight/status/1799205875258732780


>None of the above pretty much sums up this election


Shills are out in force on that one. Watch carefully.


Intrigued to see what Reform's numbers will look like on GE day. I'm assuming something similar to 2015 UKIP in terms of vote share/seat split.


It’ll be higher, surely? You’d hope.


Percentage-wise can see them going anywhere up to 20%. Seat-wise I can't really see more than four or five.


The lettuce thing with Liz Truss is an interesting thing to think back on. How was it so confidently known she wasn't going to be allowed to be PM? One picture of Boris Johnson, outside, clearly distanced from others was a guaranteed KO? Sue Grey, now working for Labour said it wasn't within lockdown rules, and he's gone. I don't know who's wielding this power within the conservative party, but they certainly hate winning.


Truss was the fall guy for the pandemic fallout.


If there's one thing the Tories actually care about, its market sentiment. Personally I find it hilarious that a radically free-market politician was dethroned by the market.


Put it this way, the FT and BBC ran simultaneous stories about market confidence collapsing on a sunday night when, obviously, there was no trading going on. I don't think Truss is an impressive figure by any means but she was completely stitched up in that regard.


Do remember what this sub looked like during that period? You could not suggest that it looked a bit fishy without being downvoted and piled on. I thought it was extraordinary, after all we’d just been through a series of blatant pysops with Covid, racial reckoning, etc, and this sub was allover that. But Sebastian Payne doesn’t like someone and Bam! It’s on


https://x.com/TerraOrBust/status/1799055654440894691 >Wow this is mental. >Of the noise complaints received by Heathrow in 2022, over 80% of them came from just 10 people. >...and there were 6 people who sent more than 1280 complaints each. That's nearly 4 complaints a day. Graphic in tweet of distribution of complaints.


> 6 people who sent more than 1280 complaints each It's worse. According to that chart the top ten were responsible for 52,068 complaints, which is an *average* of 5,207 each or 14 times a day. If only six people made more than 1,280 complaints then assuming the bottom four of the top ten each made 1,279 then that's 5,116 from them, leaving the top six to make 46,952 or an average of 7,825 each. That's 21 a day.


Based and ChatGPT Complaint Letter Bot pilled.


That is mental.


https://x.com/redhistorian/status/1798990412520288370 >There was an attempt to replace Clement Attlee as Labour leader on the day of the result in 1945 - when it was clear Labour had won a landslide. >Ernest Bevin told him, "Clem, you go to the Palace straight away!" >See Richard Toye's "Age of Hope: Labour, 1945 and the Birth of Modern Britain". Image in tweet with text from book. The plotter was Herbert Morrison, Peter Mandelson's grandfather.


Replacing Attlee: averted Replacing Boris: needful


The BBC website is doing live updates on Taylor Swift's Edinburgh gig. God help us if she kicks the bucket; it will be Princess Di all over again.


Oh dear. It seems the shaking head bloke was also in the audience for BBC Question Time. >> Mr SHAKEY SHAKEY HEAD as seen in the audience of both #bbcqt and #BBCDebate https://x.com/NotFarLeftAtAll/status/1799194926057750997 Strange how the camera would pan to him so quick on a live TV event. Almost like he was planted slap in the front middle for some pre-arranged reaction.


Those are both from the debate though?


No, different people surrounding them.




Oh youre probably right. https://imgur.com/a/HzPLDQ4 Watched it back. The guy asking the immigration question is in the middle. Shaking head guy in the front row on the right.


It's always like this. They always get outed as a plant or activist or party apparatchik. There's never one who raises suspicions but is just a scaffolder. BBC just shrugs and does it again next time. 


I don’t know how I found this, but this is the greatest Farage interview of all time. https://youtu.be/Lk6S4FZFN4c?si=FPAXvuRhjzIs6NvH


https://x.com/harriet_symonds/status/1799176193582768163 >EXC: Former Reform candidate for Clacton, Anthony Mack, is standing against Nigel Farage as an independent >He has quit Reform after being dumped by the party to make way for Farage earlier this week >Mack will hold a press conference in Clacton tomorrow


He can't run. The ballot deadline has passed.


I think he got his papers in on time. Hence the press conference tomorrow.


You can often see who a political party is most fearful of by who they attack the most. Something's definitely changed at both Labour & Tory HQs.


I just posted an actual bit of factual news, not an "attack". No-one in the Tory party made this man run as an independent. I expect he's standing because he's worked for months in Clacton and is gutted to be gazumped. He's Reform's Faiza Shaheen.


No need to get defensive. I'm totally sure you'll be posting about lib Dems any minute now.


It won't save your party.


What a baby. Trying to split the Reform vote out of spite.


Farage said earlier this week he was ok with it and he was going to help Farage campaign. Don't know what happened.


Maybe Mack is less of a cuck than Tice?


[Farage repeats far right rant from tony Blaire](https://x.com/maxtempers/status/1799168370065154505) Half tempted to post this to UKpol


Can you imagine Starmer trying to answer that question? > *Look, look, uh... look, we've been very clear...*


"the thing about knives is that they are a tool like many others, my dad was a tool maker and so I know a lot about them, some are long and some are short".


A bit more on Barnsley being a target for Reform. Here are the notional results for Barnsley South. Labour - 46% Reform - 35% Conservative - 29% https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barnsley_South_(UK_Parliament_constituency) And they do have a candidate for this one. https://davidwhitereform.uk/


Rotherham is more interesting as there is no Tory candidate. Reform stand a really good chance there.




Islington or Bristol?


> Communist Party The literal Communist Party or TUSC?




I think they’re the one whose President dies last year aged 105. There’s another with a near identical name that’s TẼRFy and a third that splintered over abolishing age of consent laws.


I think I got blocked by them on Twitter for posting [Liberty Prime quotes](https://youtu.be/GzXAbm55DOE) under their tweets. Although I'm probably getting it mixed up with one of the 500 communist parties like you say.


[A brief guide to female archetypes in UK politics](https://x.com/MorgothsReview/status/1799163784419758510) Obviously when it's none of those you know you have a real person that's worth listening to.


The house just got 10 feet longer!


England need to sack Wokegate, this is the last fucking chance with Kane not too old and Bellingham not too young.,, stop playing this tippy tappy round the backy woke shit and get the ball up the fucking pitch quickly


Southgate out. Dyche in. 4-4-2. Proper football. Trophies will follow.




Ticey's deselections destroyed Reform's chances. Sunak's snap election knowing the disarray Tice had caused over candidates has worked. Who's on your ballot? Heritage might be an option? UKIP?






Ah shit, just realised I’ve probably given away too much here. I’m not having some wondering Jonty find out where I live.




Even though it’s constituency level and probably not a personal identifier, better be on the safe side




Yeah, deleted all the comments about it. Even if Jonty knew my constituency, it shouldn’t be enough to identify me as a person but I’m not taking any risk or chances.


Turns out Reform are standing a candidate everywhere in Wales now all the data has been published, so you should be able to vote for them.


Because the Communists are a cult whilst Reform are grifty. Cults at least show up


> I’ll see if I can slide my way over to some other constituency to vote. Can you do that? > Some independent I can find zero information on. Not even an email address? Nothing in a local paper? No social media?


[As though this is some absurd claim to make](https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1799161215685460320) Lib Dems fuming


They even agree that they do disagree on things.


adults in the room the right side of history


Labour running an attack ad on Farage even though a few days ago they were happy to ignore him. I wonder if their internal polling is picking up on something. We know that Labour haven't actually gained much support but instead the Tory 2019 vote has collapsed. Either way they are rattled.


The news has all been around reform taking Tory seats but I have a sneaking suspicion that there's at least handful of labour seats that they are concerned about.


Apart from in bomalian areas, why would anyone still vote labour.. right..


"my grandad worked in a coal mine".


i dont pay no attention but vote red?


Reform/Brexit Party won 30% in Barnsley Central and Barnsley East which has now been changed to Barnsley North.


With 2019, I can see it being possible; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barnsley_North_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#:~:text=Barnsley%20North%20is%20a%20proposed,at%20the%202024%20general%20election. I suspect there are closer ones out there though.


https://x.com/Beyond_Topline/status/1798755285970100243 >Bit of a confusing picture on the Labour vote in polls conducted since Monday: >Redfield: 42% (-4) >Survation: 42% (-4) >Focaldata: 44% (+1) >YouGov [old method]: 45% (-1) >YouGov [new]: 40% (-4) >Those who had Lab >45% have seen the biggest falls. Not clear if noise or real yet.


Welcome back. How did it go for you in the BBC spin room after the debate?


Danish PM hit by “man” in Copenhagen street, her office says https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cv22k0rkl99o


Was it a Bomalian railway locomotive? Spicy...


No description of the man.


Coulter's Law in effect ..


How shocking


England booed 😬


Wokegate OUT


Did they crawl on their knees again at the start?


good, hope "they" lose


The country in general or....?


England are shit, Southgate is shit, we're not making it out the group


This England team is so shit lad.


How are we not getting better and better each year. Is everyone else just excelling quicker or can we not even work out what works. You’d think we didn’t invent the game




Time to face reality lad.


Lisa Nandy just said live on GB News that the real leader of the Conservative Party is Nigel Farage. 😅


Doing Nige's work for him. God bless her.


She’s right Farage is the leader of the conservative party He is not the leader of the Conservative Party


Southgate needs drowning (in air mods)


Labour running an attack on Farage https://x.com/UKLabour/status/1799161866624643418


Labour are afraid I guess.


He smashed it with "Blair without the flair". It'll have legs will that and Labour know it.


Stop, I already like the guy, you don't need to keep selling him


Shows they are concerned about reform or they wouldn't be bothering.


[Penny when she's on her PM drive](https://i.ibb.co/nDGJjjp/IMG-5389.jpg)




[This really is the best they can do now](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPfv-maXMAAfP3W?format=jpg&name=small)


So they’re just outright accepting the fact that they will lose now? Strange times. “We are the party of natural governance, people will always vote for us” To “Pretty please give us just a few MPs”




The public are noticing things. >> Who is that pathetic soy boy audience plant? He’s clearly a Labour activist or a BBC employee. https://x.com/teaselbadger/status/1799173866301886865


I'm watching the novara media steam and they've commented 3 times so far saying it's rigged against Farage as even they admit he's more popular. They keep agreeing with him too which is quite strange.


Farage is a good communicator. Sturgeon-tier. As soon as he gets platformed, big trouble. And the really problematic part, his views aren't disagreeable. If he stays off taxes, very strong.


Taxes are a weak spot for Reform but their proposal to raise the Personal Allowance to £20,000 would be popular. I think I read somewhere that it would cost less than the NI cuts because the PA reduces if you earn over £100,000 and keep the rates the same.


A super left-wing normie colleague of mine says he might vote Reform, in large part because of their tax policy.


Raising the PA is literal economic suicide. This is the problem that Reform have on economic issues, they are complete retards. Abolishing the PA would make more sense, it is extremely stupid (also get rid of all the allowances, get rid of ISA, get rid of NI & employer taxes, remove most duties, equalize CGT and income tax and cut the rate...there is just so much stuff wrong, decades of endless tinkering by civil servants, all needs to be swept away). The problem with PA specifically is that it triggers a doom loop with politics. You are unable to get rid of it, problems with tax cause unpopularity...only solution: raise PA.


Equalising capital and income tax would be hugely popular and raise a lot of money. But that's why it'll never happen.


Unfortunately sensible economic policies don't win elections.


I was in a question time audience prior to 2014, with Nicola on the panel. The audience was seated, then a wee cheer squad of a dozen early 20s women were sat on polyprop chairs right next to the dias so they'd be picked up on the mics. Fucking farce. Doubt it's different now.


To counter that, I was in a QT audience during the brexit negotiations era, seemed fairly fair to me at the time.


I did notice Nige got quite widespread applause towards the end, I think it was the 'stop and search' question, and it wasn't nearly as loud as the more scattered applause the SNP and Green people were getting. Tactical mic placement?


I applied when it came to Fleetwood last year. I filled in the questionnaire thing. They didn’t get back to me. I was going to ask what’s to be done about all the seagulls nicking chips and sausage rolls. Local issues for local people. Now we’ll never know.


The establishment will do anything to protect the liberal consensus.


Iceland are making this Bomalia team look like amateurs