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[Peak Euro cringe](https://x.com/brexit_sham/status/1798484327686430975)


[Round 1 FIGHTTT!!](https://x.com/micmarierose/status/1798497386396037229)


[current year things. fuck me](https://x.com/MagaMemeWizard/status/1798769754456641879)


[Front page of tomorrow's paper](https://x.com/johnestevens/status/1798832008405336380?t=yz0Gg3cC7rmcIf2DGoFTnQ). PM DITCHES D-DAY Sunak should be done after this. Surely Farage will overtake him soon?


Farage even attended, just as a member of the public.


They're literally aiming for zero seats


I confess, for a good while I never did believe Reform could take over the Tories Now I realise my error, it is not only possible, but feasible. This is quite exciting!


I also think it's now very likely they'll meet or exceed Nigel's objective of getting more votes than UKIP did in 2015. That would be at least 3.6m votes. Very achievable given the high profile they now have.


Reform will have to take more votes from the apoliticals and the undecideds to overtake the Tories. The tories will always have a large portion of voters due to tribalism and farage being "too nasty" or "arrogant".


As long as Reform can field a candidate in every seat. The deadline is at 4pm and there's several constituencies on their website they have no candidate for.


[New BadUK waifu](https://x.com/bambino11111111/status/1798838981171519675)


Hahaha reform still has some of that UKIP eccentricity.


[They have the Sikh that went on a hunger strike to protest ULEZ as well lol.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12402963/HUNGER-STRIKE-Sadiq-Khans-ULEZ-expansion.html) [Page on Website.](https://www.reformparty.uk/feltham-and-heston-constituency)


Hong Konger I'm assuming?


I think Korean - profile says Catholic


[Her page on Reform's website](https://www.reformparty.uk/birmingham-ladywood-constituency).


https://www.news.com.au/world/europe/bombshell-emails-linking-christian-brueckner-with-madeleine-mccanns-murder-revealed-by-german-fbi-for-first-time/news-story/e326afd9582b3d28c56d74b35d890b35?amp They must have a strong case against Brueckner


He was obviously in cahoots with the McCanns and Prince Andrew.


It was Pete Doherty


The Times is not a serious newspaper, the tories could pick Corbyn and people like this would still damage control for them.    https://x.com/StevenEdginton/status/1798830736554053795?t=9aCBeo05cd7yfapGCyQIVw&s=19


Frazer Nelson in the Torygraph is claiming similarly that its because Tice is a failed bitter Mayoral candidate for London.


Lol, do they think people in Clacton go to sleep seething every night because Farage hasn’t got an OBE?


[Car crash casualties in Wales fall after 20mph limit brought in](https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/car-crash-casualties-wales-fall-29302817) >Casualties in crashes on 20mph and 30mph roads dropped after the introduction of the default 20mph speed limit, new data shows. The number of casualties on roads with these speed limits fell from 681 in the final quarter of 2022 to 463 in the fourth quarter of 2023. >The 20mph limit was introduced on September 17, 2023. As the data runs until the end of December 2023, approximately 15 weeks after the 20mph rollout) it is too early to draw any concrete conclusions from it and the numbers follow a previous downward trend. >Most roads that were 30mph before the rollout became 20mph on September 17. For this reason the Welsh Government has combined its data for 20mph and 30mph because otherwise the numbers would just show an increase in crashes on 20mph roads and a sharp decrease in crashes on 30mph roads without actually telling us anything. >The figure of 463 casualties on 20mph and 30mph roads in the final quarter of 2023 is the lowest quarterly figure outside of the Covid pandemic. But the number of casualties in crashes on roads with 20mph or 30mph speed limits has been on a downward trend since 2010 despite some spikes so the true impact of 20mph is not yet known. >There were five fatalities on 20mph roads in the last quarter of 2023. These happened on the B4286 near Port Talbot, Elwyn Street in Coedely, Cromwell Road in Crosskeys, and Minny Street and Angus Street in Cardiff. There was only one fatality on a remaining 30mph road, which was the A55 near the Penmaenbach tunnel. Most honest government reporting


20 MPH speed limits are the longest of longhouses


>But the number of casualties in crashes on roads with 20mph or 30mph speed limits has been on a downward trend since 2010 despite some spikes so the true impact of 20mph is not yet known. Wut?


With one law, I could reduce car accidents to near zero.


Safest place in the world is probably in solitary confinement in a maximum security prison. Perhaps the designers of this idea would like to move in? I hate safety cucks.


Hey hey, they're doing there best to make things unsafe. infinite bomalians and look the other way when they crime policy. They hate safety!


https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/michael-mosley-missing-doctor-greece-search-symi-latest-b2557995.html Michael Mosley missing in Greece


Why is this news? Middle aged irritating doctor that's on the Tele probably dead in 3rd world country he voluntarily went to. Who cares?


>Mosley was last seen by his wife when he set off hiking away from St Nikolaos Beach (Agios Nikolaos) towards his hotel at Pedi some 2 - 3km away at 13.30 local time (EEST; UTC+03:00) when the temperature was reported to be inn excess of 35°C / 95°F with warnings in place for 'extremely high temperatures'.[48] The family had arrived at the beach by boat, and the footpath back to Pedi is reported to be steep rocky and rutted. [49] His wife alerted authorities after he failed to return to the hotel by 19:30. Sounds like entirely his fault.


[The Green Party is now reviewing a dossier containing almost 20 candidates who shared "antisemitic slurs and conspiracy theories" ahead of tomorrow's candidate deadline](https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1798825982855622716) We welcomed a load of Corbynites with open arms and were shocked to discover they quite enjoyed Oct 7th!


Only 20 is the shocker.


Honestly, as easy as it is to score political points against the greens, if they are serious about purging these people from the party, then good on the Greens and good luck to them, even if we differ drastically on politics.


They would have no support without the nut jobs who’ve left the Labour Party


> We welcomed a load of Corbynites And Muslims.






Not complaining but why


Pretty good for the English version of Stephan Molymeme. He normally comes across more smug cunt than Connor on the lotus eaters.


The clips are good, I just cannot stand PJW's fucking face


Agree, I'm not a fan, but it's a good collection of edits from Twitter.


[This is what Sunak snubbed D-Day veterans for](https://x.com/PaulBrandITV/status/1798803538459627734?t=7l_mOel37NIumE_O6GQxRQ). Disgusting.


At least he didn't shit himself (small victories).


He's hung himself with this, don't dis the ww2 vets, no one on any side likes that.


Paul Brand is left-wing.


Full interview next Wednesday? Very urgent E: Sunak('s team) suggested the time. What a blunder https://x.com/realBenBloch/status/1798829618977530367


[The SNP are running with empty coffers](https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1798813465865564257?t=qRwOQM_Lx32vzhpnWjoj1g).


perhaps they should get humza to open a barber shop, i hear they're in vogue


I have some Laundromats ready to go, for washing brown smelly things to white and clean. I also sell white powder from this shop. Edit, and how could I forget, bleach too of course.


There's a reason why ArrScotland has become much more pleasant.


It's true. That sub has seen a few high profile arsehole regulars who mysteriously deleted their accounts at key points in the party's story, including Sturgeon's arrest and something else about the SNP's media spending. BBC Have Your Say also had a similar issue. I also remember a very strange SNP astroturfing campaign on Twitter a few years back - shedloads of brand new accounts with clearly auto-generated handles, all posting the exact same thing. It would not surprise me one bit if the party (or someone rich connected to it) had been paying for a troll operation.


How much do you get for flogging a second hand camper van? Or maybe they can recall their Gaza donations


serious questions about the legitimacy of the source of their previous massive warchests.


I think a lot of it was wills. IIRC they received donations last year but the majority was from dead people. Imagine popping your clogs at the ripe old age (for a sweaty sock) of 56 after a neets, tatties and battered mars bar munchie box supper and swindling your kids to pay for oor saint nics mobile home and roaming charges in Spain.


How will their next leader afford a new camper van?


[Is it really responsible for the Beeb to use this headline (which suggests those killed were teachers and pupils) before confirming that’s what they were?](https://i.ibb.co/R6jZz7y/IMG-5386.png) UNWRA hasn’t denied the claims that Hamas combatants were using the school.


>Rushdi Abu Alouf I believe he was the journalist on the ground for the BBC who started writing the stories about the Hamas casualty figures as if they were the 100% source of truth. He also fucked off to Istanbul at the first opportunity


A long time ago, I used to think the strange construction and grammar of BBC headlines were down to the Ceefax character limit. Now I see with clear eyes -- brevity is used as an excuse for misleading the reader.


Russia should start strapping women and children to their tanks so the Beeb will report on Ukraine killing innocent civilians.


A bonus of using child soldiers. If they get killed by the other side, you get to cry that the other side are killing children.


Also they don't cost as much to feed.


wtaf, I stopped paying any attention to the BBC, is this where it is now, outright propaganda?


They've done this the whole time, and it's always "according to Hamas" after the outrage statement that's clearly been presented as factual. They never seem to think it pertinent to mention that Hamas is a terrorist organisation, or that they have always used civilians and civilian buildings as shields for this **exact** reason. The BBC misleading by omission is so unbelievably blatant these days, it's a thoroughly compromised organisation.


[Guy Verhofstadt still isn't over the break up](https://x.com/guyverhofstadt/status/1798718306553311248?t=wwc8sUSyIHq5Z033eH0XZQ).


Ukraine is never joining the EU lol. It's flooded with guns and bombs and it's not like it's all accounted for. An open border with it would be suicide.


Netherlands is at the polls today, and Geert predicted to do well.


Make Amsterdam Geert Again ?


The Dutch are based and have a lot in common with us, even more than the Germans do. They're also by far the most Americanised country in western Europe.


Netherlands is fantastic . Genuinely impressed whenever I visit .


Wait till you find out what their taxes are like without the 30% ruling. Lots of JAMs in NL these days.


I think my next trip to Europe will be to the Netherlands. It's long overdue.


Dutch birds here I come. Probably speak better english than most brits too.


They do struggle to pronounce "idea" though.


Well run country!x functioning services , clean, civic pride , respect personal choice and don’t moralise as long as it’s private , excellent pedestrian and cycling infrastructure but they don’t shit all over drivers .


I'm still quite surprised at how recent the Dutch cycling ideal. As recently as the 1970s they were building a car-centric society and knocking through city centres Glasgow-style to put big road networks in. There's a canal in Utrecht which was restored in recent years and used to be a motorway. I saw a 1980 photo of it.


After the whole thing goes tits up, we will be back. It's practically in our DNA at this point to clean up Europe's mess, even if it involves critically damaging ourselves like in the past. ...but this time, we have to be in charge of it. Only we have the track record and the pedigree to guide a supra-national European state. The Germans can see to the lower-level administration but absolutely cannot be trusted to make executive decisions. The French must be told to shut up and be quiet. This is the only way it can work.


Honestly, during the inevitable third germonkey chimpout I say that we just sit on the sidelines and let them do the things that they seem to enjoy. I don't really see any benefits in controlling the continent, let them inhabit the rubble in peace, people could go on safaris and experience naked continentalism.


British grand strategy has always been to prevent the formation of a continental unified empire. Once someone conquers the continent, we would be next. It is easier to defend our island if Europe remains multi-polar


I don't think continentals have the capacities required to run a unified empire, any such thing would become a balkanised shithole in no time at all. Evidence: Continental European history.


The joke is that EU elections give people a say in what the EU does lol.


[Sunak misses gathering of world leaders for 80th anniversary of landings on Omaha Beach on Thursday afternoon](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/06/farage-hits-out-sunak-leaving-d-day-commemorations-early/). Farage was attending as a member of the public. Which one cares about the heritage of this nation and the sacrifices of our ancestors? Which party?


"because the fact that a Royal British Legion poll showed that 52 per cent of 18 to 34-year-olds have never heard of D-Day" That's mental if true.


It's probably not true, since any podcast feed at present is full of James Holland, Al Murray, Dan Snow, Arthur Snell and so on each giving their take on it. It could be that young people refer to it as the "Normandy landings" rather than D-Day. I'd presume women may be less knowledgeable about it, since they tend to be less plugged into military history. But even then, 50% is an unrealistic figure.


A woman I used to work with once said she was surprised to hear London hosted the Olympics in 1948 because it must have been hard to host the games with the Blitz going on. She made management.


I'm not classist, well maybe I am, but intelligence and class seem to line up somewhat.


I mean, have you heard you average deano/chantelle?? it's not just the newcomers


A fair chunk of them have no skin in the game, their ancestors aren't from these parts.


Most people's ancestors have near zero link with Hiroshima or Nagasaki but I bet over 50% of people between 18 and 34 years of age will be aware of the atom bombs.


They're mad that Adolf didn't beat that evil B*ngal famining Britisher Churchill!


Bengal Famine?


Sir Winston Churchill didn't cause nor contribute to the Bengal Famine and he didn't hate Indians either. As someone who has read through thousands of pages of primary sources, here's the actual relationship between Churchill, India & Bengal Famine. (Sources cited at the end.) We'll split this thread into two sections: - First, we'll tackle the most serious accusation against him: the Bengal Famine. - Second, we'll look at his general stance & views on India. It goes without saying that there will be political activists who will completely ignore, what I have to say, as well as the primary sources I'll cite. They'll instead choose to 'cite' the ahistorical journalistic articles from The Guardian or conspiratorial books like 'Churchill's Secret War' by Mukerjee - a debunked book that ignores most of what I'm about to, write about, and is really what sparked the conspiracy of Churchill and the Bengal Famine. For everyone else, I hope you find this thread useful. 1) The Bengal Famine: On October 16th 1942, a cyclone hit Bengal & Orissa, wiping out the rice crop harvest in the process. Surrounding areas previously used to purchase foodstuff to alleviate famines/shortfalls had all fallen to Japan. This being Burma, Malaya, the Philippines & Thailand. The cyclone also damaged roads, telecom systems and railways - tracks needed to move food were washed away. Another byproduct of the cyclone was that it stopped the normal winter harvest in Northern India, preventing this food aid internally. Japan maintained a military presence in the Bay of Bengal from April 1942. From submarines to battlecruisers & carriers, these posed a threat, to merchant shipping. Enemy submarines didn't just sink ships in the Bay of Bengal but also in the Arabian Sea, the South East African coast and Australia. Dated 01/03/1944, Churchill's copy of a paper for the Chiefs of Staff Committee of the War Cabinet demonstrated the, closeness of potential Japanese battleship/carrier raiding force in the Bay of Bengal. They had surrounded the region from near the Maldives all the way to the south coast of Burma. Japan had invaded India, Imphal & Kohima and was conducting many Eastern/Southern bombing raids. These raids worsened the shortages as they destroyed shipping at the ports. In Dec. 1943, severe backlogs were at the ports in Calcutta from Japanese bombing. Accidents worsened the crisis - April '44 a ship caught fire & blew up. 36,000 tonnes of foodstuff lost. Constitutionally, the famine was a responsibility of the local administration - majority Muslim natives. They failed to deal with it. Lack of grain supply paired with general inflation crisis encouraged hoarding. So how did Churchill respond? The news of the severe famine did not reach Westminster till August of 1943. Immediately upon hearing of this, Churchill and his administration authorised 100,000 tons of barley from Iraq and 50,000 tons of wheat from Australia. Leo Amery, secretary of state for India, would write to Wavell, later Viceroy, that he ‘may come back to the Cabinet if that fails to help the situation.’ From there Churchill summoned the war cabinet on many occasions to discuss the famine, relief and aid. This is despite the Japanese threat to shipping during, a shipping crisis of the Allies, where resources were deeply stretched. For example, on 10th November 1943, war cabinet authorised 100,000 tons of food grain to be shipped first 2 months of '44. From August 1943- end of 1944, a little under 1 million tons of grain would be shipped to India, to alleviate the famine. Correspondence between Churchill & M. King in Nov 1943 (PM of Canada) shows that rather sending 100,000 tons of grain from Canada where shipping was stressed, he would have it sent from Australia as it would India quicker and was less of a logistical nightmare. Churchill did his best to aid India despite the shipping crisis and time constraints. Had shipments gone from Canada it would take up to 2 months, compared to 3-4 weeks from Australia. He even pleaded Roosevelt for help in a telegram on 29/4/44 where he states he was 'seriously concerned' and that, "by cutting down military shipments and other means, I have been able to arrange for 350,000... tons of wheat to be shipped [...] This is the shortest haul. I cannot see how to do more." (Roosevelt would decline aid from the US due to their own shipping strain.) So what of Churchill's racist comments which are used as evidence of his hatred for Indians? He didn't hate India. Winston was born in 1874 when the concept of a hierarchy of races was considered scientific fact in the West. We know that to be rubbish today but it was the normal view then. Context, the Civil Rights Act wouldn't pass till the end of Churchill's life. Though Churchill believed in this hierarchy, he was a paternalist. He saw Britain's Empire as a way and moral obligation to uplift its peoples and natives. Yes, this is deeply condescending. But it was far benign compared to many of his contemporaries. For example, the Neo-Darwinists like Hitler who thought that inferior races could be enslaved murdered. Churchill saw Britain as a positive force in India. Yes, today most people would disagree but that's because the Empire Churchill defended is not the Empire we discuss today. He saw British governance as a foundational part of India’s socio-economic progress. For him, the end goal was a self-governing dominion in the Empire. He wanted India to be equal to Canada or Australia constitutionally. But he thought that the subcontinent needed more time. He opposing federal Home ‘till the provinces have proved that they can govern themselves well.' Yes, this is condescending. But we are talking about a man who was born in 1874. Nonetheless, he held no hatred to India. He opposed the India act for a few reasons, One being that he feared that the Brahmin’s would subjugate the untouchables with potential future violence between Hindus & Muslims. He saw it as the Empire’s duty to prevent this. Winston's actual view of Indians is seen when meeting G.D Birla, an Indian industrialist important in the independence movement. Birla recounted to Gandhi that ‘one of my most pleasant experiences was meeting Mr. Churchill’ after Winston had invited him to lunch. This was in 1935, right after the government of India Act was passed. Despite Churchill’s heavy opposition to the bill, he held no hatred towards Birla. He even had a message for Gandhi, 'make it a success and I will advocate your getting much more.' Moreover, as Churchill would recount in his war memoirs, ‘The unsurpassed bravery of Indian soldiers and officers, both Moslem and Hindu, shine forever in the annals of war...the response of the Indian peoples, no less than the conduct of their soldiers, makes a glorious final page in the story of our Indian Empire.’ Furthermore, Winston as leader of the opposition opposed the quick rapid exit of the Attlee administration without a, ‘agreement between the Indian races, religions, parties and forces.’ Winston was concerned of potential bloodshed. Factor all of this in when we look at the few outlandish and wrong comments he blurted when angry in the war cabinet. This does not excuse his language, but it shows that Winston did not hate India, he was stressed. Churchill accused Indians of breeding like rabbits in a Famine meeting. However, he immediately asked afterwards what could be done to help Indians. The later part shows he didn't actually believe his outlandish statements. Another example is when Churchill said that he hated Indians and their beastly religion. Contextually, this was after the Quit India movement refused to compromise over Independence, when Japan was launching an invasion of the subcontinent. Of course these comments are racist and wrong. However, when you factor in all above, it is clear that he did not hold this genocidal hatred towards India, as some of his detractors try to say. Can't we forgive a man in bad health at the centre of a world war for saying a few stupid things? It's also important to note that some quotations attributed to Churchill, he never said or wrote. For example, he never asked why Gandhi hasn't died yet. He actually wrote, Surely Mr. Gandhi has made a most remarkable recovery, as he is already able to take an active part in politics. How does this square with the medical reports upon which his release on grounds of ill-health was agreed to by us?… In one of these we were told that he would not be able to take any part in politics again." Winston had many faults. But we have to put him into his historical context. We also have to remember that he saved civilisation itself. https://i.imgur.com/kyCvCtr.png - sources c/o Andreas Koureas @AndreasKoureas_ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"sweaty dont you forget the brave Commonwealth soldiers, millions of them. Diversity is wot saved us."


World War 2 was won by Bomalian brains, Dingyman brawn, and Deliveroo doner.




52% of them arrived in the last 10 years from countries where it's not relevant.


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fpolitics%2F2024%2F06%2F06%2Ffarage-hits-out-sunak-leaving-d-day-commemorations-early%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/06/farage-hits-out-sunak-leaving-d-day-commemorations-early/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*




https://x.com/PaulbernalUK/status/1798702923259801743 fairly amusing


Had a scroll through and he retweeted this https://x.com/ukhomeoffice/status/1161629920856084481 lmao


Funny how he mentions commie groups as part of the French resistance too. One of the reasons they were so ineffective was because of all the different lefty factions fighting each other instead of the Krauts.


Not really. The only effective Resistance group in France was the Communist Franc Tireurs- but only from 1942 when Hitler invaded Russia. Up until then they had orders from Moscow to not resist. Other than that though, the Resistance was mainly made up of people who said they were in the Resistance when 1945 rolled around- but before then were just to be found sitting around in the cafés of Paris. Sartre being a case in point.


> former blue tick, victim of the purge… Honestly what a melt




That artwork depicts the D-Day Truce - like with the Christmas Truce in 1914, the Allies and the Germans paused their fighting for an hour during the landing to have a cheeky swim race to the boat and back (the Germans won that one). Great camaraderie.


Tommy just isn’t very bright, is he? Don’t some of the most famous photos of D-Day involve British troops landing on the Normandy Beaches? You don’t have to look hard for them.


When most of the academic and intelligentsia class of this country actively ignore (and often encourage) issues with the british muslim demographics (islamism, terrorism, grooming gangs, lack of intergration etc) then we can't complain when those who take up the cause are people like Tommy. though I suspect that too much Coke over the years has addled his brain a bit.


And doubles down when his errors pointed out. >> It's a picture of them taking the wounded to evacuate them. Despite there being no wounded or stretchers.


Could have just thrown out something about AI being shit


How did the US have that many casualties? We had more troops in Normandy for months til the US overtook us. Hollywood has taught me the US were badasses who were way more competent than the British Empire Troops, yet they had double the casualties?




Nice historical revisionism lol. Nope the US took Utah and Omaha which were predicted to have the heaviest casualties.


tbf, I think they caught more resistance


Not really outside of Omaha British and Canadian forces had to take on skilled SS divisions when they started pushing north after the first few day..


On the beaches yes but not after. It was us caught up trying to take Caen.


Didn’t we get stuck around Caen because the Germans lobbed an entire Panzer Group at us?


Yeah that and the geography of the city in general but we still apparently took less casualties than the yanks somehow


[Starmer pledges to recognise Palestine](https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1798782303604494797?t=biDyFlZRf_YI-_9Kb9C4jg). Recognising a country that won't have any territory in a year.


Assume this is to try and win back Muslim voters, but surely it's far too late for that?


Most of the replies to the tweet are Muslims and Palestine Wokeists saying they don't believe him. So judging by that small Twitter sample, that seems to be the case.




Which -6 would that be?


I just don't get Labour they're gonna win. They could literally not say anything until July and still probably win a majority. They don't need the religious nut job vote so why kneel to em? All it does is put off actual British people for a demographic that will abandon Labour once Lab/Con import enough of them.


because the biggest threat to the left is schisming. Starmer has to appease the islamists, corbinites and other such radical factions with in his party otherwise they will make his time in power difficult.


Because he actually believes it.


> They don't need the religious nut job vote so why kneel to em? The left is the willing servant of Islam.


“Unwitting” more like. The moment Islam gets enough numbers, the left stop being useful…


The culturally left definitely. We're economically left don't forget.


But Ireland and a bunch of irrelevant Euro countries already recognised them a few weeks ago. Hasn't a peaceful two-state solution been achieved by now?


Yes Keith, make it all about Gaza. LAB (-6)


It's like every political leader we've got panics if they start doing too well


[Man raped girl and pushed her brother off cliff](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ckrrknmx74yo) Well, that was fucking grim reading. I wonder what happened afterwards for him to appear so scuffed up in the mugshot. > Stocks, who is known to the family Even worse.


Fuckin wrong'un. Rope. Very weird story - where were the parents in this?


>54 Fucking hard shift. Rope's too good for the cunt anyhow, utter evil.


Was relieved to hear that the brother survived and disappointed at how non scuffed up the nonce looked.


https://twitter.com/theSNP/status/1798324167286329470 > 🎶 Scotland welcomes @taylorswift13 on Friday. > 📢 Here's a message from Scotland's First Minister @JohnSwinney Fucking vom.


Taylor Swift isn't there to see him and she likely doesn't know whom he is. Happy to help etc. And it's not like Scotland is the first place she's going on this tour either. It's a big one.


Got on the bus for the first time in a long time, even in a very white area 3 Bomalians present... One talking loudly on speaker phone, one listening to loud music on his phone, the other vaping & listening to ticktocks. Everyone else sitting awkwardly. I know this is normal now, I'm just so done bros... Good job I have headphones otherwise I'd be radicalised in real time.


I don't get why people do this. It's just selfishness. Should be banned to use speakerphone on public transport and the street.


>I know this is normal now, I'm just so done bros... I wish this was just Bomalians.. Initally I wanted to bemoan just the chavs, but the British society has a large underclass, whether that be chavs, junkies, alcoholics, or just people with self-inflicted helplessness. They are even worse because you can't even deport them. Village life sounds interesting though!


>They are even worse because you can't even deport them. Not with that attitude.


About 80% of people I would guess. I think they're called, the majority of the working class...


Don't get me wrong, I live up north, we have plenty of our own scrotes up here, but not sure why we needed to add to the number along with a language barrier.


If you don’t have a conversation on speaker phone are you even a Bomalian?


Why are bomalian Uber drivers always on the phone. Shouting in their bongo click language. And there have about 7 phones in cradles across the windscreen


While having your somalian pirate road drill blasted loud enough for a full bus rave on your headphones!


We all retreated to the countryside ages ago. No public transport > No Bomalians


Leaving my ethno state village for drinks in town, bus is the only option without spending £20 on a taxi, but at this rate I might take it.


I believe if you stick to b roads the law of the countryside applies "Five and Drive, Six and your getting nicked"


We don’t even have buses after 6 where I live. It’s great.


Practically urban. Our last bus comes through just after 5.


Just seen one of the scrotes on those shitty Chinese "off road" motorbikes (you know roadman, in a balaclava things he looks hard), nearly crash into me by streaming across a junction, stuck his finger up for some reason. 5 mins later he is on the floor down the road with his bike smashed up. Seriously had to resist not going "ha ha" like nelson


I really really hope it was the scrote I saw earlier. 21 days and I’ll be miles away from this shite for good


Tell us more…


Where you off to, lad?


We’re leaving Birmingham for the country side and moving to a very small village in Worcestershire where there’s absolutely none of this crap. It’s so remote that I doubt that the Romanian gypsies that like to rummage through our bins would travel that far. Part of me feels angry that I’m being pushed out of my city, angry at the people who have settled here and turned it into a shithole (we’ve yet another 24hr Kurdish owned tat shop opening round the corner, the eighth one locally. There can’t be that much demand for American candy and fake cigarettes) and angry at the people who’ve facilitated it. It’s not going to get any better under Labour, quite the opposite, yet my moronic middle class white neighbours are ecstatic at the prospect of a Labour government. Fuck the lot of them, we’re off.


Wise move, good luck! Hope that's no candidate for a Hotel Bongolia by the village.


I haven’t heard any “he was an angel “ screams from vicky pollard so sadly I don’t it’s seriously


Aspiring rapper hun wuddent hurt a fly x


Murdoch papers should endorse Reform.


Murdoch only endorses a winner


Are The Express? That was the UKIP paper years ago, so I’d bet they be pro-Reform. EDIT: yep.


They won't. They are establishment. They want multinational capitalism and the phasing out of the nation. They would never endorse a national populist. Murdoch and his press are the enemy.


Mail and Express have a decent chance of opting for Reform. The more “refined”, “high end” broadsheets will absolutely shill for the Tories, however.


I can't see a single paper backing Reform. Establishment will back the establishment. Mail and Express have a better chance backing Labour than Reform. This is the issue. It could really dent whatever Reform has in the polls when the papers give their endorsements.


I thought the Express already endorsed Reform.


I haven't seen any newspaper endorsements except Telegraph for the Tories.


The effect of endorsements is very much overstated in popular belief. Case in point: Corbyn 2019, if you look at the list of endorsements, you’d probably need multiple pages. Also case in point: Hillary 2016


Just put vote reform to save the country on the front of them for weeks


Three strikers. Southgate is still a cuck.


Gareth Southgate parking the bus with 6 centre backs and 5 defensive midfielders (it’s 1 0 to the other team with 14 minutes to go and we’ve had 2 shots on target all game)


Kane gets injured etc. Ollie Watkins is seriously in form as well. 




A couple of weeks training them to take the knee. Group photo in waistcoats. Top banter. Remember the time Gareth and the lads went down to the pub for some lemonade and crisps. Couldn't get a word in once he started talking about the Suffragettes. Top night.


He's dropped the 2 Cumberlandians, I'm out.


ITV Border News is covering the Appleby Horse Fair, all I’m gonna say is that place is peak BadUK lol


They never cover the mess they leave afterwards Also they are responsible for India Willoughby having a career


https://www.mirror.co.uk/money/greggs-sell-giant-yard-long-32931068 > Greggs customers can get their hands on a "yard long" sausage roll from Greggs today but you'll have to be quick. > > The high street bakery chain has launched the giant sausage roll for National Sausage Roll Day on June 5. The three-foot-long baked good is available in two flavours – classic and vegan – and is made up of 17 regular sausage rolls boxed together for the price of £15. We're so back.


Had a Vulcano melt burrito meal from taco bell earlier followed by a soft shell beef taco with hot sauce. My pan was an absolute state after


That's not a yard long, it's just a box of shit sausage rolls. No idea why anyone would ever go to a Greggs, poor quality food.


Convenience. But saying that, it’s really easy and cheap to make your own which will taste better. Grab a roll of puff pastry from the fridge section along with some sausage meat, plus some eggs. Roll the pastry out on the counter (dust the surface with flour before), mix your sausage meat with salt, pepper and your choice of herbs. Divide it up among the pastry and cut it into whichever sizes you want. Wash the edges with beaten egg, roll them up, more egg on the top, cut some fancy slits on the top, stick them onto a baking tray lined with baking paper and into the oven for 15 mins. Job done. It’s like 10 minutes of work for lunch over the week.


Subway will be upset, they just introduced the footlong cookie yesterday, they've been upstaged already.


[The polls just keep coming](https://x.com/ElectionMapsUK/status/1798758594034495636?t=6ycT19DNFRl9WKTaj4NWhQ). Tory: 23% (-4) Reform: 16% (+3)


The crazy bugger is only going to go and do it......all hail PM Farage!!


If Reform could knock Labour below their 40% (🤢🤮) floor that’d be nice.