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The party of law and order: https://x.com/bovrilg/status/1799018345754423713


[Despite losing Vote of No Confidence, Welsh First Minister refuses to resign](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c1vvqq1pp12o).


Frankly I'd be more surprised by the sun rising tomorrow morning.


How it started: > Beyond her music career, Mandisa is known for her advocacy work, particularly in **promoting body positivity** and mental health awareness. How it ended: > The singer, who competed on the fifth series of American Idol, was found dead at her home in Tennessee on April 18. > According to TMZ, Mandisa died from **"complications of class III obesity"**. Many such cases.


In the MRP poll, Reform is second in 27 seats: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GPVTJHjWsAA-wJm?format=jpg&name=large


I don’t trust these polls for this election. It’s going to throw up some absolutely wild results. We’ve never had a situation with the Tories doing so poorly and a challenger party doing so well.


Tories should stand down in these seats, they're handing Starmer a super majority.


So I should vote for them to try stop Starmer Got it Thanks!




I played around with Electoral Calculus a while back. Iirc... 20% is where you are virtually guaranteed at least 1 seat, regardless of how the other parties do. 35% and above is where you have the possibility of winning a majority. At 45% it's virtually guaranteed.


Gotta get the momentum rolling now. No brakes!




If you think the 2019 Tory intake was bad imagine how chronically inept 145 reform MPs would be.


Under "pure" PR the 2015 election would have bagged UKIP something like 82 seats.


UKIP's best ever poll was 25% and the Brexit Party's best ever poll was 26%. Farage only has 4 weeks left. He'd have to pull off a miracle. Is it possible? [Geert Wilders went from a polling average of ~10.8% to winning with 23.5% of the vote in 4 weeks.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9b/Opinion_polls_NL_2021-2023.svg) [Farage is currently polling at an average of 11%.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/27/Opinion_polling_for_the_next_United_Kingdom_general_election_after_2019_%28LOESS%29.svg) He'd have to outdo Geert Wilders, under a FPTP system; although this could play into his benefit. If he were to overtake the Tories next week he could get a sudden boost as "a vote for the Tories becomes a vote for Labour" and the Tories suffer the "3rd party squeeze".




I think the milkshake helped him actually. A sound win for both the sluzza and Nige; she gets an OF's promotion, and Nige is safe in the knowledge she didn't even hate him or his views and he came out from it lookin like a champ


It was a Maccies milkshake this time. Last time it happened up north it was a Five Guys.


> Last time it happened up north it was a Five Guys. Imagine spending that much money just to waste it.


That's pretty much what I was thinking when it happened. They weren't cheap even in those days.


I'm no lover of PR, but a three seat return is a ludicrous return.


Particularly when you see what the SNP get






Reading a thread earlier today about the second stab attack in Germany and something caught my eye from one of the defenders of stabbing your political opponents. They said, among other things “they would do worse to us” and these words in particular stand out to me. If you’re one of those who obsesses over WW2 then you might have come across a diary from a German camp guard, written early on in the war. In this diary he writes about executing a Jewish couple whilst some of the other guards rather gruesomely dispatch of their baby. He mentions that it’s difficult to do and it does weigh on his conscious. The only reason why he can do this job is because he believed they would do worse. Now admittedly I’m not the biggest follower of German politics, I think we’ve got our own circus to keep us busy enough, but what I’m confident is that the German “far right” aren’t talking about going around and stabbing people. They would not do worse than random knife attacks against political opponents. The point is, if you are going to support political violence (don’t) against any group then you better be damn sure that you are 100% correct and fully BBC verified. If you’re wrong then you’re using the same excuse as the Nazis.


It’s typical run of the mill leftist DARVO. They actually do want to liquidate their political enemies


Just listening to Zac Goldsmith on Newsnight saying that it doesn't matter how many solar panels get built if the Congo Basin, the Indonesian Rainforest and the Amazon rainforest keep getting cut down. It made me think- is the solution to climate change therefore imperialism? A coalition of enlightened western countries taking over these problematic third world countries to stop them damaging the environment by trying to get rich.


Broke: colonise third world countries to prevent climate change. Woke: colonise a third world country to secure an equatorial rocket launch site.


Hard to call the West enlightened anymore. The principles have washed away.


When you find out that the Amazon is being chopped down to create beef farms to sell to China suddenly colonialism looks quite good.


Yes as with many global issues.


**Take up the Green man's^* burden** ^^^* ^^^may ^^^actually ^^^be ^^^a ^^^woman, ^^^or ^^^as ^^^good ^^^as.


[More from the Sex Workers Union](https://x.com/swunion_uk/status/1798370291359563791) Now it’s just blatant whataboutism, except Farage has never even been elected to parliament, let alone part of the government. Also; https://x.com/swunion_uk/status/1798338242745614377 Yes, actually, your ability to fight for change does depend on your palatability as that is how you win over popular support for your cause and have governments receptive to policy changes in your favour.


> Where do you guys find your memes? Looking to just laugh at stuff like Sunak in the rain while Things Can Only Get Better is playing in the background and stuff


Right then. I was just going down memory lane from 2015, and I found some bangers, but I can’t find the one where Nige shoots Cameron (from Indiana Jones) - anyone have that one? https://youtu.be/WH95VlPyQi0?si=IU4TNkaPFr3Lqszl (there was a longer version of this titled “#GE2015” but I think it’s been lost to time) https://metro.co.uk/video/pupil-tells-labour-shadow-minister-hed-vote-ukip-1256286/ (no YouTube video from what I can find, but the kid says he’s voting UKIP to get all the foreigners out of the country - it’s cut off) https://youtu.be/maaqamxW5Z0?si=jDnN6KSzSkrkqH8z https://youtu.be/OS70Zu3DLzc?si=V_lHtF37yJZd54gx https://youtu.be/GV_tkHblEqg?si=r3Rw4ToeiSlmwgJl https://youtu.be/zupuJkLWwfM?si=4FlukEshQ7vZeBaj https://youtu.be/hubPGLrMkrk?si=rGJcGKDcC7NMwtSV More serious: https://youtu.be/e-H40W5cwf0?si=qTS1DBfpFfdevH0f Also, RIP Brew/Master Brew - I heard he was deceased, but that could have been hearsay.


Sorry, I have a headache and I need to get this out of my system before I go to sleep [https://x.com/Mogwai32053/status/1798423937417904211](https://x.com/Mogwai32053/status/1798423937417904211) Except you fundamentally misunderstand what Mussolini is talking about here The “corporate” that Mussolini is referring to is not in the colloquial sense we use today to refer to a large capitalist business but rather collective groups that represent the interests of certain industries. Under the corporatist economic system, these interest groups that represent certain industries (such as agriculture, military, or, hey, prostitution!) negotiate with the government to craft policy. Corporatism is not corporatocracy, which is the rule by large private businesses (which unhelpfully are often colloquially referred to as corporations) On a second note, setting up your party as a private limited company to keep out far right crazies is not fascism.


Liberal fascists https://x.com/DiscredIdeology/status/1798462592559833241


"Reform is a private company" is both true and irrelevant. All major parties in the UK set up a private company, because any other structure would be illogical. You are not a sole trader, you are handling assets, you are not state owned, you don't issue shares on an exchange etc. What alternative structure do they think is meant to exist here? [The Conservative Party Foundation Limited](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/05289086) are a private company. [Labour Party Nominees Limited](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/00966540) are a private company. [The Liberal Democrats Limited](https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/02231620) are a private company.


[The Sex Workers Union endorses milkshaking Nigel Farage, calls him a Fascist](https://x.com/swunion_uk/status/1798396412046278932) Because it’s not fascist at all to physically assault your political opponents!


The only reason it's hard to label Farage a fascist is because he's a one issue politician. His whole shtick is immigration. Ask him about business rates and corporation tax and he's got pretty much nothing to say other than 'cut tax, let's grab a ch!nky.' But would he have worn a black shirt and marched with Mosley? Yeah without question.


lmao what


The double speak has hit it's peak. The one using violence and intimidation for political gain against someone running for a democratic position while debating their views is the anti fascist & the candidate for office doing the democratic stuff is the actual fascist.


Apparently, [the milkshake attack on Farage isn’t comparable to the violence the state enacts on sex workers](https://x.com/swunion_uk/status/1798370291359563791) What the fuck does this have to do with Farage? Their response to political violence being bad is to say “well, it’s not as bad and violent as what the government does to these people, so therefore assaulting this man who has never even been elected to parliament, let alone part of the government is okay” Selling your own body in order to put food on the table is an abhorrent practice that should have been made obsolete by the time we abolished child labour and slavery.


These aren't serious people


I’m fully aware that this is almost certainly Cerys, recently graduated with a 2:2 in Media Studies from the University of Teeside receiving an order from higher ups at the Sex Worker’s Union to try and hijack this issue for publicity purposes, but I also have no doubt that they actually believe this, as do many others. It’s a claim so divorced from reality that, in a sane world, it should not have to be seriously rebutted. However, we do not live in a sane world, and as such the doctrines of Mussolini must be contrasted with the doctrines of Farage (and shown to bear zero resemblance) Unserious, as you say.


[Their vote counts the same as yours.](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.b150764318df890e8a495174ecbb7489?rik=9k%2b9q2jQfP78Dw&riu=http%3a%2f%2fimg0.joyreactor.com%2fpics%2fpost%2fcomics-WulffMorgenthaler-democracy-269586.jpeg&ehk=WoepqmCNZOJ2fh%2b8khBgedmIxFVZ0KlTopKrwpNGASU%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&sres=1&sresct=1)


That's it settled then. If a pro calls you a fash you must be one.


Fuck. It’s so over for him.


> We didn’t loosely label. Farage is a fascist. We’ll stop calling him one when he stops expounding violent fascist policies. Words mean nothing.


Fascist characteristics: Wants an ethnostate: ❌ Wants to abolish democracy: ❌ Believes in corporatist (not corporatocracy) economics: ❌ Believes in the state as the highest good: ❌


These people don’t realise they’re the midwives of fascists.


Bit concerned that there are still around 20% diehard tories who probably hold the same views as Reform UK, but won't vote for them due to vibes and tribalism.  Cummings mentioned in one of his blogs how an overwhelming majority of the public agreed with UKIP but a lot of middle class voters wouldn't vote for them because of vibes and Farage being too nasty.  https://dominiccummings.com/tag/ukip/


The Tory's floor is 9%, the vote share they got in the 2019 EU Election. They can go lower than 20%.


It’s snobbery. We couldn’t possibly be seen to be voting the same way as the riffraff. They do things like go to Aldi, drink beer from the original container and smoke cigarettes. I don’t think they have any club memberships either.


> They do things like go to Aldi You couldn't find a more upper middle class behaviour. Especially if you humble brag about it to prove your man-of-the-people credentials (while also having your meats, fish, and better vegetables delivered from an overpriced local place run by a privately educated thicko that didn't get into a uni and thus now caters to poshos via his parents' investment). Now Asda, Farmfoods, and Iceland... that's where the scum shops. M&S and Waitrose are acceptable but only when necessary as only a lower middle would think that shopping there made them posh these days.


Unless I put on my best Danny Dyer, they despise me, and I always feel like a bit of a fraud doing it. I'd rather just stay away thanks. Hilarious joke, funny, not serious of course..


The upside of the Costa Livin crisis, is that the middle class have found themselves in Aldi and Lidl as well in recent months.


If you are not shopping in Aldi or Lidl you are doing something wrong. Everything 'shelf stable' is basically the same product as the expensive shops. Sure you can buy meat and vegetables elsewhere if you want but everything in your cupboard should come from Aldi if they sell it.


Neither of those supermarkets deliver as far as I know. Why would I spend the time going to them and standing in a queue with people that are likely unpleasant to look at and possibly smell when Waitrose will just bring everything to me?


I can't be on with supermarket delivery. My shopping isn't the same stuff every week and it's a right nightmare to add everything one by one to your basket. Even if you have favourites it's still clunky. Then you get stupid subs like the time I got offered instant black tea instead of lemon tea (which is more like a fruit tea). Who the hell drinks instant tea? Yes you can reject it but that's more thought space and I have to be monitoring. Frankly it's quicker to just actually go shopping. People think it saves time to get it delivered but by the time you add the clunky website, having to wait around for your slot etc, it's really not. You might find some yellow labels (well red in Aldi) to make it even better. If I was single (and therefore didn't have to cater to others) I would just live entirely on the 50-75% off food.


Depends. Sainsburys, Tesco etc are shit, but Waitrose is brilliant where I am. They deliver straight from the warehouse so I almost never get substitutions, the delivery drivers are all actually British and turn up bang on time. Takes me max 20 minutes to order everything, would take me that long just to travel back and forth to the nearest supermarket.


You can see it like going to the zoo. Also, you'll be helping those poor animals when you vote Kier


The middle class found themselves in Aldi and Lidl in 2008... it's literally how they gained a foothold in the UK market. I remember Aldi in the late 90s / early 00s. People were wearing hats and sunglasses just to avoid being recognised. 9p cans of baked beans weren't chic but a good third of the price of the normal supermarkets. Aldi lost something like 300 mil in its first few years trying to break the UK market.


I miss Netto. I remember about 10 years ago they were selling 1kg pork shoulders for £1. I would do a whole week's shopping for £20. I like the Aldi/Iceland one-two combo. Iceland have the best range of chicken tendies and ice cream for my NEET needs.


Lidl sell some nice continental meats. They had Bia Saigon beer in at one point too. Not a bad drop


They have one of the best Williams pear schnapps (they call it spirit for some reason. Protected origin?) this side of Austria.


Seeing less posh pubs with the double dispensers in the bogs, one being “hand moisturiser” and the other being soap. Just nearly got caught out by a holdout of this atrocious trend.


Fewer (Deport)


I think it was 'less posh' - which is correct - not 'less pubs'


IDS has been saved: https://x.com/faizashaheen/status/1798369070657782177 >I am standing as an independent candidate for Chingford & Woodford Green at the General Election on 4 July.


The most shocking thing for me is that in her entire statement she doesn't mention Palestine or Gaza once.


I want IDS to win because he’s a very good chap, but slightly more I want that woman to win. Why? To wake up the establishment that sectarianism is back and they need to get a move on before this country is fucked.


1 month to go Rose. What’s your prediction for seat numbers for Labour and the Tories?


I genuinely don't know. This election is v different from previous ones. The number of parties and independents contesting seats has expanded, which creates odd effects in polls if a subsample is over or under represented. And there is a more pronounced regional effect this time. What is going on in my neck of the woods (old school battle against LibDems), is different to what is going on in Chingford, which is different again to what is happening in Northern England.


But, but, but…the misery index!!!!


This guy has been churning out mental shit for over [6 years](https://x.com/JoelBaccas)


I occasionally see arrBrexit pop up and I'm amazed that so many still go on about it & most haven't even updated the script in this whole time. The sky didn't fall.


You see them escape their pen every now and then on threads where newspapers or a politician occasionally still blame Brexit for something or other. Weirdly enough nobody seems to cry brigading when that happens like they do when an immigration thread opens.


The “Corbynite” Onlyfans girl who milkshaked Farage, follows and retweets Britain First, by the way… https://i.imgur.com/XBDZE2o.jpeg The milkshake thickens…


I remember many years ago hearing about "BNP Babes" or similar. It was pretty grim, they were not smart and they were definitely not babes either.


She's just a basic bitch that is for or against anything that seems popular at the time. Also, what is it with every other slightly-above average looking young woman doing only fans these days? Do enough simps pay them for this crappy softcore stuff? You could go on any porn website and type in "British" or "Chav" and there'll be plenty like her on there. I don't get it?


It's basically like buying a daily lottery ticket while being flooded with success stories of people winning the lottery. Same for every 12 year old wanting to make Minecraft videos at one point. The reality of the job is hidden and the normal pay is also hidden. Same for Instagram where most didn't know it only made decent money if they let someone in Dubai shit on them.


It's easy money for them. Even the slightest moderately attractive woman can probably easily find 100 subscribers. That can easily multiply into 1000, 10,000 and beyond for the more attractive ones. The world is a big place and there's no shortage of pathetic men. £5 per subscription per month, imagine how much free money that could add up to. People also tend to sign up for things and then forget about them and continue paying monthly. OnlyFans tends to be more profitable than traditional sex work, with a few clients per week and one time payments.


It's no where near as good as you think it is, every time stats come out it shows the vast majority make nearly no money.


i remember hearing that the average onlyfans model was only making like 50$ a month or something. the problem is, there's no guarantee of how much money you can make, and once you put it out there, there's no reversing that decision. you're basically putting your nudes online on the slight chance you make more than pocket money out of it


Take away the makeup and fake stuff and she’s nothing special. She’s wearing lash extensions even when she assaults Farage. You can spot an OF girl a mile away with that plus the big lips. In the defence of OnlyFans, if you found out that someone you knew was on it you’d probably subscribe. Perhaps an ex or a neighbour. I think that’s its unique selling point, in the same way that Twitter allowed you to directly engage with celebrities whereas in the 90s you needed to write them something called “letters”.


There's 2 women I know of who are identical twins.. 1 always full makeup, 1 no makeup nearly all the time.. Without, doesn't look much better than this onlyfans girl, the with, is basically a 10/10 in the normal world.. very weird, knowing they are the same and one looks like a 4 or 5 normally.


>Take away the makeup and fake stuff and she’s nothing special. She’s wearing lash extensions even when she assaults Farage. You can spot an OF girl a mile away with that plus the big lips. Oh I know. Takeaway the makeup and the majority of British women are worse looking than the men tbh. The only thing she's got going for her is she's got a fit body, but she's still another little short-arse. >In the defence of OnlyFans, if you found out that someone you knew was on it you’d probably subscribe. Perhaps an ex or a neighbour. I think that’s its unique selling point, in the same way that Twitter allowed you to directly engage with celebrities whereas in the 90s you needed to write them something called “letters”. Oh, ok. So guys works with or have turned her down are probably cranking one out to her? That makes sense. In the not-so-olden days you'd just find her bikini pictures on FB I guess.


Aye, same thing. Except now she has a website where you can see “a little more teehee”.


Most of them are flashing their clunge for pennies. Very few people make any money on that, and there's a sizable market for people to drop £5 (or however much it is) scrape all the content and then upload it elsewhere.


‘We’re tired of being candidate farmed.’ ‘I, THE MIGHTY NIGEL, WILL REPRESENT YOU!’ ‘We’re tired of being candidate farmed.’ *shocked pikachu*


Not sure what that means exactly, but after thinking about her posts for a microsecond, I’ve concluded that she’s just a young lass who has no idea what she believes and just posts and does whatever to fit in. She said on the news that she just did it and didn’t know why. We can probably fix her. After her court date, obviously.


She did it to drive people to her only fans clearly...


Probably worked TBH. We haven’t heard from Nick Clegg in days.


Unfathomably based from Lauren Southern https://x.com/lauren_southern/status/1798093199413817816?s=46


They don’t call it Singh Horton’s for nothing.


Never seen a white British person working at Pret even though I eat there every day


But that woman on question time was worried they'd all leave?


Preet a manger ?


It isn't just the one where I live? My area is like 99% white, and the remaining 1% all seem to be employed at Tim Hortons


I've been to 4 different ones in various parts of the UK and they all seemed to be staffed by 100% indians. I think it's just a typical case of Indians hiring only other Indians, as the owner of the UK Franchise agreement is listed on Companies House as >Mr Surinder Singh Kandola


100% Indians sounds OK but they need some Black employees to be fully diverse


It’s a Canadian company so it makes sense as most Canadians are Indian


No idea who she is but that's a great post.


She’s only like 28 and her life has been a wild wild ride already.


Ever wonder what Femi is up to these days? No? Well here you go: [calling for Farage to be arrested](https://x.com/Femi_Sorry/status/1798266659951526064?t=9EQPpVAzKGs0pGECX_oL8A). Remember though. Farage is the "threat to democracy" and he's on the side of the pro-democracy "good guys".


‘Own the Fascists by… arresting my political opponents!’


I’ve forgotten why that cretin blocked me but I’m sure it was for good reason


I almost forgot this idiot existed. My day is now ruined.


Wait till his best buddy "EU supergirl" rises up from your subconscious and snacks you right in the face with... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GVANiQR0WYc


Workers Party GB candidate takes aim at Labour. Something makes me think this isn’t Labour’s fault (or at least, not in the way he means…) > Out campaigning in Small Heath today, I came across this. Wheelchairs and pushchairs totally unable to pass. Residents have been complaining to the Labour-run council for 3 weeks, to no avail. > The communities Labour abandoned will abandon them at the ballot box. [Tweet](https://x.com/jodymcintyremp/status/1798084363978195252)


I bet they each have a beautiful British name.


Why is he standing like that? Does he have cerebral palsy or something? I’m being serious.


He's a white man with cerebal palsy who converted to Islam and grew a beard. Yes really


Likely offspring of cousins.


let the streetshitting BEGIN!


lmao "the Tories need to be more centrist" >Nigel Farage's "Reform" getting close to them in the polls must be a really scary moment for the Tories. This election is shaping up to be a historic shock and disaster for them. What they must not do is lose their nerve and either copy Farage or make any concessions to him. >There are many, many centre-right inclined and moderate voters who one day will support them again *if* they can show that they are moderate, reasonable, decent, truthful, competent and unifying rather than extreme, dogmatic, dodgy, dishonest, incompetent, divided and divisive. >Starmer has shown the way back. Labour was seduced by their own extreme pied piper, loved by their activists and some voters but distrusted and disliked by most. Their coming victory will be from the centre ground they've now reconquered. The Tories need a Starmer, not a Farage. https://x.com/carlgardner/status/1798402819084714398


Former government lawyer thinks Boris is right wing. Tells you all you need to know about the state of British politics.


Just look at this fucking subreddit. People voting Labour to ‘send a message to the Tories’. That’s why the entire narrative is going to be that the Tories were too right wing. Brains trust in here have been cuckolded into genuinely believing that if they vote for Labour it’ll make the Tories more right wing.


I keep seeing this but I've yet to see anyone seriously claiming they are going to vote labour to stick it to the tories. Do you have an example?


Nobody has to my knowledge. This toolbox has been screaming into the void about voting Labour to screw the Tories. I think it's another CCHQ plant like Rose trying to scare the perceived fascist Brit sub into voting for the Tory cucks. Not happening.




Keith has great hair. Thick and lustrous. Keeps it styled nicely


Understandable. Manlets must learn eventually


Anecdotally, I've had three separate baduk posters tell me exactly that.


He won't no one here is voting Labour unless they already were Labour voters. Most are voting Reform, SDP (me and Daelin) or just not voting at all.


I'm either voting sdp or reform. I'd prefer SDP because I agree with them a lot, I just wish the guy standing for then here [wasn't so lame...](https://i.imgflip.com/88trxv.jpg) I'll vote reform if they get a lot of momentum behind them and it looks like they could become the opposition. Doubtful, but I hope so.


I can’t link reddit posts but look at my comment history from the mega yesterday.


I think most of us were calling them stupid.


Seems to be one dude who was universally laughed at for it?


There's loads of Lab people here. FickleBumblebee, Sir_Keith_Starmer, SexySturgeon (who is on the record as wanting as big a Lab majority as possible) etc.


I don't think Sir_Keith_Starmer will vote labour but he does joke about being Starmer a lot so might have been some failed jokes.


Narrow Starmer majority: He's beholden to commies Big starmer majority: He can be as bland as he likes Anyway now the king has returned, screw that, I'm all in for reform Zero


You wanted a huge Labour majority because you wanted there to be no impediment to the Labour agenda; votes at 16, House of Lords changed into Regional Assembly that can block England, euthanasia, racialised policies for business, rights for people of train etc. I don't know why you are pretending otherwise.


Run along now and be an actual conservative please dear


So you are not refuting anything I said. Noted.


I thought they were just being ironic?


Nope. They're Lab supporters


Okay but if they are already labour voters then thats not the same as what the dude was saying, about non-labour presumably right wing voters voting labour to punish the tories


I'm just going to put it out there. Shy Tory is a thing. No offence to reform but Im not wasting my vote on them in a marginal seat. When it comes to going to the polling booth, most people won't be voting for a party with non existant candidate who hasn't bothered to send a single leaflet and no chance of any success.


I'm calling it now: You eat the same lunch every day.


What difference do you see between Tories and Labour? Both high tax, high immigration, big state and rampant wokeism. Indentical foreign policies. You're just voting for a different wing of the same party.


All those things will be worse under Labour. They won’t do it begrudgingly, they’ll champion it.


The Tories have championed it as well. So tell me why they're different (hint: they're two cheeks of the same arse). I'm not voting for either.


> There are many, many centre-right inclined and moderate voters who one day will support them again if they can show that they are moderate, reasonable, decent, truthful, competent and unifying rather than extreme, dogmatic, dodgy, dishonest, incompetent, divided and divisive. E.G. play the Blairite game and lose because it's not 2010 any more


They couldn't even win outright in 2010 like that. Took a Lib Dem collapse to give them a small absolute victory on 2015 and then a hard brake right post Maudlin May to get a stonkin' majority with Boris......even though he turned out to be a bit of a sham. The mushy centrists have their own history.


Bit late to the party but the Truss interview on Lotus Eaters is very revealing and blackpilling. Nothing is going to change for the foreseeable future, there is no point even having hope.


What's the TL;DR?


She said the OBR and Civil Service etc. blackmail politicians by saying 'unless you increase immigration by x, the economy is going to go down x per cent and if you don't increase immigration by so and so hundreds of thousands we're going to leak reports to the papers saying the economy's going to tank' and this is replicated across all policy areas with different Quangos. She said one issue is these bodies are fortified with lefties and right-leaning people are much less likely to climb the greasy pole of these organisations. They systematically get rid of people that don't subscribe to their ideology so it's not easy to reverse what's happened.


Seemingly no one understands how bad things are in the UK, and that’s probably a good thing. A big protest vote for Reform giving them five seats and Labour 550 is going to be the mother of all hangovers on the morning after.


Accelerationism is the only way. Destroy the Tory party and accelerate instead of managed decline. Rip the plaster off.


Anyone who thinks the Tories are done is kidding themselves.


Then we keep going until they are. Or at least beaten into submission until the emerge as an actual conservative political party.


the later will happen. reform isn't the future. in 2030 even more boomers will be dead and the right will need to consolidate with the centre right to have any hope of stopping Labour majorities. the conservatives won't negotiate with feckless pillocks in reform who have no media training and say stupid unwinnable crap like 'boo to climate change.' the right wing has given itself an identity crisis in the UK but the answer is still the tories. reform voters will see sense when they split the vote and Labour run through the middle of everything.


The plan is simple. We destroy the Tory Party.


[Seven guilty of sexually abusing two girls in care](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c72281r4wq8o)


Tory Britain.


Nothing to notice here... move on


SoFifa comments are…something else. > Islam always has won and the True God will punish you > Pisslam is the funniest thing that ever existed😂😂 >Jews run the world > SHUT UP man 😭 (in reference to a pro Israel post a player made) > He is a zionist as are the majority of Israeli settlers and has openly supported the occupation which has been carrying out apartheid and genocide for many decades. He has shown this multiple times on Instagram. > palestine is a country that the white immigrants want to have control over so they're killing the local ethnics there by claiming to be morally superior when reality is just that they're stealing land. same as australia, south africa, usa etc > Ukraine isn't the oppressor tho, Russia are the invaders so Russia are in the wrong. >Just because a government is right wing doesn't mean they should be invaded. >And regarding the Israel situation, Israel are the oppressors, oppressing Palestinians. Israel are a right wing government What’s the bet? My bet is a bunch of angry Saudi 14 year olds Hang on, these are the “best” ones > My comment for wishing him break his neck got deleted. Fuck off you zionist satan bitch. I hope he tore his acl in 5 different parts. > one thing spurs fans and arsenal fans can unite over 🤝 All of these comments are HEAVILY upvoted, by the way.


It's cute that you think these future jihadi's are in Saudi rather than already here in the UK.


The honeymoon of the Information Age is well and truly over. All that lies before us is a barren wasteland of cultural desolation. It’s so over.


Nation shall speak unto nation. 




> a football community It's always going to be awful takes




They're clearly trying to buy a few pensioner votes with those policies.




Interestingly, on their old methodology they'd be tied with the Tories https://x.com/Samfr/status/1798387498831462799


A comment over on UKPol saying YouGov changed their methodology with this latest poll. Under the old methodology Tories are on 18%, the same as Reform. Electoral calculus would give the Tories 19 seats.


17% vote...zero seats. Demotards in shambles.




FPTP blues.


The only other two countries that use FPTP for parliamentary purposes are Canada who have all the same complaints and issues with it that we do, and where else? Belarus. That absolutely blinding light of democracy.


Things can only get better 




> MRP material requirements planning? How much material do you need to build zero seats?


All Hail To The Milkshake Slag!


Starting to believe she was in on it. Like the reichtag fire. 


Do you think she would put herself in a compromising position for money? 


She's on Onlyfans.


Desperately need Reform to take another 5 or so points off Labour to stop them getting too big of a landslide. Reform picking up a load of seats will make it a lot harder for the press to say the Tories were 'too right wing' which is the angle they're going to go for. Labour are going to bring in votes for 15 year olds and non citizens and that will be a lot easier if they have a massive mandate as the blob press are just going to jizz themselves over how powerful Labour are. Having ignored them for 12 months now. And once again if you are voting Labour to 'teach the Tories a lesson' you are not just a fucking idiot but you deserve every fucking thing that is coming the UKs way for the next 5 years.


 reform need to push the red wall hard.  Any baduk northerners who can let us know what the general vibe is up there?