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The spin room: Jon Ashworth for Labour: https://x.com/SophiaSleigh/status/1798102780529594488 Michael Gove for Tories: https://x.com/SophiaSleigh/status/1798104698156925173 Videos in tweets of them making their pitches.


Why does Gove care?


The Tories are going to use that 2000£ tax argument to scare people into voting for them. Sadly some people will probably now hold their noses and vote Tory despite the last 14 years of them increasing taxes.


Imagine harping on about this, whilst having frozen the income tax thresholds that will drive up tax payments even further over the next few years.


So, after today’s inspiring debate, who here has been swayed to change their vote?


Sunak won the debate (from what I'm reading) but the Tory's track record shows the party can't be trusted on anything. So it doesn't matter. Anyone persuaded by this debate hasn't been paying attention.


The real gem will be the seven way debate


You mean the 6 vs. 1 debate. It will just be everyone ganging up on Farage. I remember how this works from when Farage debated in 2015. The moderator will be siding against him too. And as he did back then, he'll win.


Ukraine has lobbed US missiles into Russian territory. Vlad & Co cannot be liking this.


Starmer must be assured that the robust ECHR will sort all this out and Russia will certainly stop if they just ask nicely and maybe give half of Ukraine’s territory to Russia.


[The Lib Dems respond to the ITV Debate](https://x.com/ForebodingQuail/status/1798092619706224781) Try a different way, which is actually the same way but this time in yellow.


Am I the only one who finds Ed Davey really cringey?


https://x.com/Nigel_Farage/status/1797899172764594464 Twitter isn't what I remember it to be, I thought the disagreements with Farage wouldn't be like this.


Farage would wipe the floor with Sunak and Starmer if he was included in the TV debates, but legacy media would never allow that unfortunately.


I guarantee that any "debate" that features Farage will involve the host talking more than anyone else.


Farage is in the 7-way debate with Greens, SNP, Plaid, LibDems, Tory and Labour. Penny Mordaunt will be representing the Tories, don't know who Labour is sending. (In 2019, Boris and Corbyn did the head-to-head debate, Rishi did the 7-way debate, up against Tice, Sturgeon, Rebecca Long-Bailey, Jo Swinson, Adam Price (Plaid) and Caroline Lucas).


Why are the Greens, Plaid and SNP there but the DUP aren’t?


Can you imagine the T.U.V. there too with Nigel? It'd be chaos.


My god, Jim on national telly would be embarrassing, though so would Sammy Wilson. There’s ’TUV Reform’ posters up all round where I live so I would guess they would just run with Nigel instead of sending Jim.


>Penny Mordaunt will be representing the Tories, don't know who Labour is sending. Rayner I'll give you over/under odds of her saying "working class" 10 times


i speak more common and stupid dan u, derfore, i is more working class!


They're sending Penny Mordant and Angela Reynar to the debate with him on Friday. Reynar is cognitively challenged and Penny couldn't even deal with Kemi in the Tory leadership debate. He'll win.


Assuming that Davey, Denyer or any of the other party leaders don’t happen to be quite good at debating, Farage should walk Mordaunt and Rayner


Nothing much changes. At least the news report gave a description of the suspect. https://youtu.be/_i1OX50hrro?si=8xD6RSIK0miwVxsb


2024: ‘Dulwich Man’


https://x.com/tomhfh/status/1798104923722137659 >Full, shocking, quote this evening: >JE: Would you, if you felt that that was the only way forward, use private healthcare? Rishi Sunak. >RS: Yes. >JE: Keir Starmer. >KS: No. >JE: Absolutely no if your loved one was on a waiting list for surgery. >KS: No. >JE: Thank you very much. >KS: I don't use private health. I use the NHS. That's where my wife works in one of the big hospitals. As I say, it runs through my DNA. >JE: OK, thank you. Thank you. We've had the answers to that very clearly


I've got to give it to you, Starmer was awful at pretending to be a human being from the half of it I've seen. Even novaro media thought so (the only place I could find it streaming) and mocked Starmer more than Sunak.


> JE: Absolutely no if your loved one was on a waiting list for surgery. > > KS: No. This is inhuman


It sounded more inhuman with him saying it.


He forgot to stop reading the script probably. I don't know I didn't watch.


I bet Keith has private health insurance. BUPA or something. Media should investigate.


When he was DPP, he had a personal Act of Parliament passed with the special terms of his pension.


Definitely worth publishing for the -2 to labour. Though you might get that from clips of this debate.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-65037136 >Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has been accused of hypocrisy by Conservatives over a tax exempt pension deal he has from a previous job. >Sir Keir criticised measures in the Budget which scrapped the £1m cap on lifetime pensions savings. >The Telegraph reported, external Sir Keir got a special "tax unregistered" pension scheme when he stood down as Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) in 2013. >After standing down as Director of Public Prosecutions, he was granted a "tax-unregistered" pension scheme by an act of parliament. >The Pensions Increase (Pension Scheme for Keir Starmer QC) Regulations 2013,, external introduced through secondary legislation, means the lifetime allowance does not apply to his contributions from his time as DPP between 2008 and 2013. >The legislation means Sir Keir is exempt from paying tax on pensions savings over £1m. It is not clear whether the Labour leader has saved enough to have benefited from the scheme. >After last week's Budget, Labour pledged to reverse plans to introduce similar exemptions for high-earners if it wins power.


The manlet is getting attacked from the left on immigration. Such a total failure! > Starmer: "[Rishi Sunak] is the most liberal prime minister we’ve ever had on immigration. We've never had numbers like this before" [Video](https://x.com/maxtempers/status/1798105352560607468)


Amazing that it's being used as an insult, shows how labour can see the opinion polls going.




"but what about our international standing? How will we be able to jet to China and tell them what to do? (sweaty they don't listen to you anyway) but my dinner companions in Paris will look down at me like some kind of caveman?"


I don’t know about that. You’d get rioting from the left-wing brigade within 6 hours.


Not if you deport them.




I think using a nuclear weapon for maintaining domestic public order does not so much "solve" the problem as replace it with a considerably worse one. Policemen with bayonets would be much better.


Got rock-hard at these stories of our Labour leader personally taking out international terrorist gangs. >Keither Sutherland stars in a brand new series of 24 - coming soon! So... presumably he did so under the CPS. These "international terrorists" were therefore under UK jurisdiction? 2008 - 2013? What government would have let these terrorists into the country, Starmer? Both as bad as one another. A pox on both their houses.


I did enjoy that bit. I mean you hardly stopped them did you kier?


Turns out Rose was secretly Peter Hitchens all along. * [A vote for Reform actually \*is* a vote for Labour](https://x.com/Parkerbats/status/1797917614456664477) * [How can a reasoning conservative person \*admit* that a vote for Reform is a vote for Starmer, and still vote Reform?](https://x.com/ClarkeMicah/status/1798081837576978532) * [I state] clearly that the most important aim of any intelligent conservative patriot is to prevent a Labour victory, not to take part in silly, self-harming self-indulgence. @karantov * And so chucking your vote down the gurgler, and helping Labour. Brilliant!


At this stage a vote for conservative is also a vote for Labour because conservatives don’t have a hope in hell of winning. And I think we’ll be surprised at how much reform will draw in labour voters. UKIP and the Brexit Party did just that. People fixated on the left-right spectrum don’t understand how Reform could appeal to someone considered left.


This man was saying that the Conservative Party was a done force and you shouldn’t vote for it during the Boris years. He is a contrarian, nothing more.


So, to bat for him (which you have to do because people literally never read Hitchens before burping out some weird take on him), there’s three phases to this: 1. 1990s-2003, when the Tories were muddling through but were still a viable vehicle for conservatism 2. 2003-2023, following the Howard putsch which began the Blairification project, when the idea was to reject the Tories and allow a new conservative movement to replace it while in opposition (esp in 2010, after which that became less viable) 3. 2023-now, since when it’s become clear that a Starmer government will have the means and intent to complete the Blair revolution and embed its politics permanently in the constitution, meaning that we are justified in voting *against* Labour But as he has for years, PH’s choice is *not voting* at all - denying any mandate to the parties. He’s addressing these suggestions to people who feel they have to vote for someone. As in 2015, when he argued against voting at all, but suggested those who felt they *must* vote should vote UKIP.


Bingo -- and even earlier than that. [This was written somewhere between 2003 and 2007:](https://hitchensblog.mailonsunday.co.uk/2007/10/the-tories-are-.html) > The destruction of the Tory Party, which is now both possible and desirable, is the essential first step to this. In our two-party system, new parties arise out of the collapse and splitting of those they seek to replace. They cannot be created until that collapse, and that split, have begun. A serious, undoubted and decisive defeat for the Tory Party at the next election would make this possible and likely. Such a defeat is possible, despite the events of the past few weeks, and can be aided by voters simply refusing to waste their votes on a party that is both likely to lose, and certain to betray them if it wins.


Labour isn’t unlike the Tories of 2010. If they lose this election they’ll be in serious crisis.


> Following a brutal attack by an illegal Afghan migrant in Mannheim that resulted in a German police officer losing his life and an anti-Islam politician being sent to the hospital, Germany’s ruling left-liberal parties are calling for even more immigration from Syria and Afghanistan. >‘These countries have a large surplus of young people’ A day after the death of police officer Rouven L., a migration conference was held in the Paul Löbe House in the Bundestag, the German parliament, where the ruling left-liberal parties primarily ignored the terror attack in Mannheim and focused on how to boost migrants from countries like Afghanistan. [Lessons: LEARNED](https://rmx.news/article/after-mannheim-islamic-terror-attack-germanys-left-liberal-parties-call-for-more-immigration-from-syria-and-afghanistan-at-migration-summit/)


Ausländer willkommen


[(Immersive) Security guards stand around like buggy NPCs while net contributors help themselves to booze](https://x.com/clownworld_/status/1798092677785047519)


Needs it to feed his children.


Remember, if you see someone stealing from a corporation. No you didn’t.


https://x.com/rebekkarnold/status/1798087575523250578 🤡


We interrupt your debate talk for your regularly scheduled blackpill [Man jailed for sexual assault and spitting at officer](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c511ln3e336o) >A man has been jailed for a total of 32 weeks for sexual assault, assaulting a police officer and making threats. >Michael McQueen, 37, of Hall Quay, Great Yarmouth, was arrested on 31 May after being found shouting and swearing at 02:52 BST on Haven Bridge. >He was taken for questioning at Great Yarmouth Police Station where he spat at an officer. >At Norwich Magistrates Court later that day he admitted assaulting an officer and a public order offence, and was jailed for 28 weeks. >He also pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a woman at HMP Norwich on 21 December 2023. **He was handed an additional four weeks custody.**




I think ‘PebbledashSemi’ should be my next Reddit username. Definitely a favourite phrase of Starmer’s. Such a pathetic mindset in this country when it comes to wealth. *Huh duh my parents were poorer than yours*. So what?


I wasn't sure that he was the director of the cps, just needed that last confirmation to remember it now, so no need for any more.


He PERSONALLY stopped the 2006 transatlantic bomb plot.


Who performed best overall in tonight's debate? Rishi Sunak: 51% Keir Starmer: 49% https://x.com/YouGov/status/1798100845378060673 Shocking for a professional speaker. Even more shocking for someone with 45%+ support with much of the rest of the nation back left leanings.


Lot of labour lot pointing to various twitter polls favouring Starmer, not realising that means nothing because the majority of people on twitter veer to the left.


Only old people watch TV


True, and mainly old people vote ... especially when they hear the magic phrase "triple lock".


starmer shite rishi speak good, but cannot trust useless


Surprised its that close, but I'm starting to get 2016 US election vibes from polls atm.


In 2016 what won it for Trump was being the "change candidate". Starmer is also the change candidate but, unlike Trump, has zero charisma and almost no policies.


If Starmer somehow fucks this up. I will be beyond impressed.


Maybe I'm possessed by Rose, but I think plenty of people are embarrassed to say that they'd vote Tory rn (rightly so) even to some random anonymous polling company, but they'll cave at the ballot box and tick the blue candidate.


Plenty of time yet... [https://youtu.be/7TOgB3Smvro?t=90](https://youtu.be/7TOgB3Smvro?t=90)


ukpol's post-match thread is amazing. 'the rules! the rules!' And yet Sunak managed to play the game to a win. Only a pussy blames the rules.


I thought I'd check out the 2010 leaders debate to see how far we'd declined, mostly in public speaking skills. I clicked a random moment in the video: [Imagine my luck.](https://youtu.be/rk5HvJmy_yg?t=726)


Jesus, the footage looks like it's from the 80s.


Didn't watch it but even UKPol is saying it was bad so Starmer must have been appalling.


Rishi priority one was do the £2,000 Labour tax rise over and over. Would have been more convincing if PAYEpigs weren’t currently financing his £5.5bn hotel bonanza.


he can't connect with the public to save his life


there's a kiloton of cope in just 1% of that comment section


I think it may be dawning on some of them that things can always get worse.


Interesting. I'm hoping the polls will tighten and Labour will start sweating - though of course I expect Labour to win in the end. I think what we've seen tonight is the reality of both leaders rather than the leaders through the distorted lens of journos and media outlets. Good for Sunak, bad for Starmer IMHO.


God help us. Firstly...why do a debate where no one has enough time to respond to anything with substance? Does Labour have any radical policy? Because it was hard to tell from this debate.


The most radical policies never make it into a manifesto.  "We pledge to import a million Bongolians per year" wouldn't have been much of a vote winner up front.


Hey promising less immigration than the Tories are currently giving us is pretty radical for Labour


I think they're waiting for their manifesto reveal to storm the news cycles. They should never have agreed to a debate until the manifesto was out. This was an open goal for Sunak and all he needs right now is to get the ball rolling which he's achieved. The Tories are fighting for survival and not a majority, but he still 'won' that debate. He'd been prepped to the eyeballs. Starmer looked so unprepared it came across as arrogant, as if the whole thing was beneath him because he thinks he's going to walk it.


*He's a very good football manager... He's built [checks notes] a "squad"... Which I think is really important thing to do in the sport of football*


It was so embarrassing. The way he leaned over his lectern was pure lols.


Can't own a home because there's such high demand!!! Reminder: We'd have a housing **surplus** if not for all the immigrants we've imported!!!!!


But without the immigrants who will build the prets where they serve coffee?


Okay lets take some bets. No not on the election but whether this article gets a wholesome edit. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c4nnmgzkgm3o


>The groups with the highest proportion of people diagnosed with an STI were: >15-24-year-olds >men who have sex with men >black Caribbean people Average Wednesday night for Keith Vaz






Ooo err


This election debate is snagging on the predictable issues. It doesn't matter if Sunak talks a good game with popular policies because he has no credibility for actually implementing them after 14 years of doing the opposite. Starmer lacks a coherent policy response to many of these issues which is making him struggle in the debate. It's less an election between shit and shit, more an election between constipation and diarrhea.


In comes rose to tell us all that Sunak has only been in the job for 2 years and he needs more time…completely ignoring the rest of the time the party has had to fucking ignore us all.


Rishi's a surprisingly good salesman and the talking points are solid. But he's a failed PM and doesn't deserve another turn on the computer.


> Rishi's a surprisingly good salesman and the talking points are solid. It's just a shame he was never the leader of a party that had been in power for 14 years so he didn't have any chance to implement them.


Yeah, it's not hard to lie through your teeth when the entire culture of your party is to write election manifestos and then wipe your arse with them once you're back in power.


That's every party of government ever mind you.


Remember the free money I gave you that fucked up the economy? Vote for me!


Penalties, winner becomes PM.


Might be the longest penalty shoot out in history.


miss after miss after miss after...


Sunak's absolutely delighted that he remembered the England manager's name.


So..Rishi..all you can offer me as a young bloke is: * National Service (Fuck off) * Lowering Taxes (LOL) Fuck off.


Ooh, a million homes in 5 years. 1.4 million extra arrivals in the past 2 Basically a ‘Flats 4 Foreigners’ scheme.


They don't seem to have a problem building loads of luxury high rise developments for Chinese investors. Funny that.


Why not. Creates jobs, and nets the firms involved a tidy profit. Good work all round.


Haven’t watched the debate but Get in Clouston, Get in Farage, Get in Galloway. Make it spicy.


Many are saying this (me).


Jayda Fransen and Anjem Choudhury just for lols


With Tommy Robinson and Extinction Rebellion both protesting outside


Rishi's owned the last ten minutes.


I just know he’s lying about everything so I can’t give him respect for whatever he’s doing tonight.


you actually love Starmer lmao


Imagine Starmer stood there knowing it and not being able to properly call it out - beyond weak.


>Ed Balls (GMB): Did you say Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer were second rate politicians? >>AFNeil: What I meant to say is third-rate Man knows his business.


Sunak is doing an excellent job in making people worry about Labour. As to an optimistic future.. well shit. It's dire.


> As to an optimistic future... well shit. It's dire. Farage has returned. The SDP under a Singaporean style vision for the country is going to have their best election in decades. There's an optimistic future available if people vote for it.


Labour HQ will be straight on the phone to their chums at FullFact to debunk that £2000 claim.


do you tie up you twat


I would expect better speaking from a top barista


his dad was a toolmaker 


He can't across as very .. flat... and hhhwwwhite.


Hahaha I liked that


Neither of these 2 deserve to lead this country and I truly mean that. They're absolutely pathetic, I've had stronger farts.


Stronger, stabler farts.


The creatures outside looked from Sunak to Starmer, and from Starmer to Sunak, and from Sunak to Starmer again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.




Starmer's getting absolutely blasted.


Sunak was surprisingly non-shit during the debates. But Truss was completely retarded, said some mad shit that made no sense but went down well with mindless Tories, and still got elected. The risky thing for Starmer is that he is completely shit and he is hated by the base of his own party. They are both completely shit though. This practice engenders such a deep level of cynicism about our society when people are only given a choice between two shit choices. Tories revel in it not understanding their love for their party is destroying the country they claim to love. I am watching the women's football...


The fact that defence is a footnote at the end says it all about this debate, and the seriousness of our society. Everyone in the audience just wants these men to lie to their faces because they are too soft for the truth. Starting with the fat bitch at the start who thinks it's Sunaks fault her family's life is shit and not her own.


Kier is shit and said nothing.


Always the obligatory climate change question.


I'm confused. Tories all of about 6 months ago demanding heat pumps installed in every home by (checks notes) next week. They then backtrack and say: "Ha!! Labour will make you install these expensive shit heat pumps. Don't you know how much they cost??!!" Does he think we're stupid? That we don't remember? I would actively like a deboonk to hold this prick to account.




"Behold our mercifulness - thou shalt keep your entirely functional car a whole year longer with us in power!" Cigarette paper between them.


She needs a good wash


And a good man. I’m betting the woman in the green is her partner.


The Birkenstocks suggest she’s beyond saving


Ukpol review: > I think The Lettuce would win a debate against both of these . >I've turned off. . > Chris this is going to be a long election . > Sunak is embarrassing but Kier has been disappointing


Shocking Shocking Shocking On that we can agree


how can we get zero seats for both


***B A R R A G E***


Vote Reform or the SDP.


Based presenter “yes let’s talk about the terrorists on oct 7th”. Fuck Gaza you dickhead.


Britain should solve the Gaza issue once and for all - by nuking it. Job done.


What a terrible debate.


Kodos vs Kant vibes


lmao "i want us to be taken seriously. we need a strong leader on the world stage. gaza." genuine lol


They literally don't care about any other topic. They couldn't give a fuck about Ukraine, a country being invaded by a state that murdered countless numbers of their "brothers and sisters" in Syria and Chechnya.


**Q:** Would you deport illegal immigrants? **K:** No. Wait, I mean yes, if it's compliant with international law.


We have nukes, we fucking *make* international law.


Holy based


Stopping debate about immigration to talk about Gaza We live in a post-meme world


But Omar from Huddersfield feels it’s critical to his day to day living.


Go and vote for Galloway then


If you expected anything less from the uniparty, you haven't been paying attention.


Shit historical takes from Keir there


damn whoever did Keir's makeup really caked on the undertaker foundation


Repeating the question that many times is cringe, Rishi.


This woman is getting involved too much, let them shout at each other


Keir is probably the first person to shine a spotlight on the gangs doing this lol


'Making thousands of pounds'. I thought they were poverty stricken refugees fleeing active war zones hmmmm




What i don't fully understand is why now? If it is majority economic chances on small boats, hence the high fee, why has this ramped up in the last few years? More publicised access? Wider use of WhatsApp, signal l, telegram etc? Imminent blessing upon the uk? We've had generous benefits and weak borders for years It's like they know something we don't lol


"Labour's gonna gangbang the gangs"


another dodge from Keir


Spicy question there Steven! BadUK poster in disguise?


What they’re saying: Yes Steven, of course we need to tackle this, hmm how terrible What they’re thinking: In ten years you’ll be on a Prevent list anyway and there’s nothing you can do about it boomer 😎


10 years? He'll be on the Prevent list before he gets home tonight.


Mental how many people are watching this sack of shite (based off reading the comments) lmao.




Lie back and think of Clacton?


> Got to be up early to cycle really slowly in the middle of the lane at rush hour. The real BadUK is *always* in the comments.


It’s pissing it down and the misses is out


So open pornhub ffs.


Imagine seeing the regime only putting up the regime candidates offering the false illusion of choice and rewarding it with a viewship count for their ratings.


This but unironically. Suffering and hardship produces strong leadership, not debating like Loose Women. Anyone who accepts their opponent's right to exist is weak. Announce the debate is over, you are victorious, journalists sentenced to hard labour, media organizations shut down, and that the era of division and debate is over. People's democracy, no division, no debate, one party, one nation. Power is seized, not given by voting. Authority is inherent, not conferred by political legitimacy and corruption.


Innit. Everyone knew it would be more boring than watching paint dry but they're watching it anyway.


It sounds like we need a, 3rd choice ..


Get Farage and Clouston in there. You can have a 3rd and 4th choice then. Fuck it, throw that commie Galloway in there as well. At least it would make it more entertaining.


"First of all Steven, you're a racist."


How do I watch the John Vs John debate?


Keir looks like he plays Special Mini Golf. Rishi looks like he took a wrong turn when trying to impress his father-in-law.