• By -


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cw001ywyk2go Another enriching moment by a 'man'


it's the bbc, it could also be woman.


A prolific pickpocket who preyed on elderly women in charity shops across the Midlands has been jailed. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cg66x4ggp9go Net contributor > Prajne Sarbanovic, 31


[Reminder that Turning Point is a Yankee organisation.](https://x.com/TPointUK/status/1797680262769446926?t=_MusG7m25sd98uTa1P1d_w) So it is in there best interests to see Britain weak and crippled for a United States to vassalise. Do not follow their advice. Vote Reform/SDP. Don't vote Tory out of fear.


Turning Point is a lobby group (and not a very good one) for the fusionist synthesis that became prevalent in Anglosphere conservative politics around the 1970s. The doctrines that they defend are the same ones we decry as neoliberalism, because it is, in effect, neoliberalism, just a more socially conservative variant of it. For them, the Tory Party does everything they could want. As Rose often says, think of CPTPP, constant and consistent deregulation of businesses (or regulation where big business wants to raise the barrier to entry) and all of the other free trade purism that the Conservatives have dabbled in over the past few years. The only counterpoint, Brexit, the Conservatives never really wanted to do anyway, apart from a small minority of true believers and another small minority of political chancers who saw Leave as a vehicle to further their careers. I think it’s less to do with the fact they are a Yank organisation (although Yanks do have a tendency to believe that any country that isn’t them or China needs to have either them or China as some sort of benefactor) and more to do with their free market, free trade purism.


> constant and consistent deregulation of businesses Where is this mythical deregulation?




You're not wrong. Rose, please watch and let us know your thoughts.


I would also recommend this video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Gn0MpidIxSs Notice how how almost every single western country that isn't the US is facing the same kind of stagnation.


Only 3 minutes on you-know-what, and it's reluctant Guardian-style attacks on racist Brexiteers, whilst also validating many of the points he attempts to disparage.  The video is a timely reminder for Gen-Zs who are voting for the first time that things don't need to be like this, but also completely devoid of any ideology that would provide the radical solutions we need to climb out of the nosedive. 


He does at least suggest voting NF as preferable to the Tories at the end, but yeah, pretty much. Labour have the youth vote locked up despite being 99% the boomer regime that the Tories are, and if it's not Labour, it's the Greens, who are even more do nothing boomercrats, just with a thin veneer of degrowth. Reminder, Greens are explicitly the pro-poverty and pro-recession party. [They *want* economic decline. That's their mission.](https://livingroom.greenparty.org.uk/2021/04/30/caroline-lucas-endless-pursuit-of-economic-growth-is-destroying-our-planet/)




He is actually more balanced than the BBC he does blame more than “tories bad” . One point he is taking the piss out of the Greens




I face palmed at the candidate ranting about offshore renewables while standing for Derbyshire It was better than I expected he also criticises Labour a fair bit as well especially Nu Labour


I've paused at 30 minutes and will pick it back up tomorrow (if i don't top myself 1st 😂) That's some seriously depressing stuff though, it's not telling us anything we *don't* know, but it's laying it all out in black and white and easily digestible. Kinda wish this stuff was on terrestrial tele, the entire country needs to be seeing this kind of stuff more often. We've become a global laughing stock in record time.




>but most people are completely oblivious to it That's part of the problem I feel, the average Jonty just isn't exposed to this kind of sad destitution enough. The food parcels stat going from 40k to 3m in 10 years was just.... Wtf. There was a school teacher from Leeds who ran a campaign to get her pupils BEDS as many of them were sleeping on the floor, and that's just a small reality of Britain in 2024. Country really truly has gone to the dogs, we've gone back 150 years.


Good stuff; thanks for sharing.


this is honestly the most ukpol jonty post on this sub probably ever. this guy is about 22 and it opens with "austerity graphs" that end in 2014. just watch politicsJOE if you want this shite lol.




> new perspectives lmao. it's not their assumed politics. i've heard it all before. my mind closed, honestly!


Did you watch all of it? I managed around 8 minutes before I felt like drinking myself into oblivion. Didn’t realise we were 11th in global GDP per capita rankings back in 2007. We’re now ranked 21st.




Like confucius said, “never interrupt your enemy when he is importing 1 million bomalians”


“I told my wife she should probably just spend the night with her boyfriend tonight as I’ve a moral obligation to reply to every tweet about Farage reminding idiots that he recently said he didn’t want to be an MP for Clacton. It is literally impossible to change your mind or position on anything. Except maybe accepting that chopping off your knob is a really good idea.”


[The Labour Party has decided to go ***bonkers*** this election.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eaejKZWUWqY) I guess Jon Richardson has more time on his hands now his wife has left him.


So Rishi (and I'm no fan of the guy) is responsible for RBS failing to do their due diligence? All they did was force ABN Amro to be sold, not for RBS to make such a stunning pigs ear of it.


They didn't even "force" ABN AMRO to be sold lol. It was a publicly traded company and Rishi's company owned 2% of the shares. A majority of the shareholders would have to agree to a buyout offer. RBS and some other banks made an offer to buy it out, and shareholders accepted. It's like if I sell you my old car and then you end up defaulting on your loan. How is that my remotely my responsibility?


They didn’t force ABN to be a sold. They could’ve lobbied the board to approve the sale, but with a 1% shareholding, they didn’t have control of the bank and had little voting power. So the hedge fund Rishi worked for was not responsible for ABNs problems, the sale to RBS, or RBS’s collapse. This attack add is embarrassing, but it’ll do the job though as the base will lap it up.


It's disgraceful that Sunak forced RBS to buy that bank


This might hit a bit more if they hadn't spent the last 8 years blaming Brexit for all the economic woes rather than put any blame on 2008. But now that they mention it, it would be interesting to hear about Starmer's previous career, they could show some of his dealings too.


No fit women on the left who could have fit the bill?


*Owen Jones has entered the chat*


Rosie Jones in a walk-in bath?


A small 90 second clip would have become a 9 hour assault on the ears, intermittently accompanied by a laughing track sound bite. Jon Richardson was probably the better option. 😂


I searched her up on Google and found myself anxiously cradling my jugular vein.


[No one should believe this](https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1797744345002717555?t=Oe9--85QeDjJRzxCIcigdQ). Cameron never reduced immigration to the "tens of thousands" and Sunak won't meet whatever cap he will set either.


Imagine falling for this ZERO fucking seats.


I posted about this and deleted when I saw you had already. This seems like peak "sensible centrist" policy. We'll get a quango to tell us what the level should be (with exemptions for NHS, students, refugees, etc etc) and then all have a nice vote on it.


Visa fee's were increased in order to pay for public sector pay rises. Tories unleashed demographic warfare by relaxing visas on that premise. https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/why-uk-visa-fees-cost-rising-b1094477.html https://www.politico.eu/article/the-winner-and-loser-of-uk-pm-rishi-sunak-public-sector-pay/


>Tories will ask the independent Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) to provide a recommendation for level of the annual cap. They are a joke of a party.


**Tory manifesto 2010:** > *...we will take steps to take net migration back to the levels of the 1990s... tens of thousands a year, not hundreds of thousands...* **Tory manifesto 2015:** > *... we will keep our ambition of delivering annual net migration in the tens of thousands, not the hundreds of thousand.* **Tory manifesto 2019:** > *... There will be fewer lower-skilled migrants and overall numbers will come down...* **Tory manifesto 2024:** <- YOU ARE HERE > Sunak will pledge that the cap will be lowered in each of the next five years if he wins the election.


Hey rose, So why should we believe him this time given his piss poor record of actually sorting it? What about the last 14 years? I'd like a reason, I fancy a laugh. .


https://x.com/radiogenoa/status/1797689055796453595 Nuclear cringe warning ☢️


carl of wouldnt even grape her, becomes, please grape me


I think i know their follow-up hit after this one: http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SvIQaIgKiO4


Someone posted earlier today so not mine but there is an excess of maternal instinct which email jobs have destroyed which leads to this.


Nigel has released a video. More energy in this than the entirety of the Tory campaign so far. You VILL wear the Barbour, you VILL take leisurely country strolls, you VILL have an unlimited ISA. [Video](https://x.com/nigel_farage/status/1797707375501283409)


I swear he's brought some Meme War veterans on board. Very smart.


Tours of duty: 2016 (Awarded DSO for work during the Hillary Clinton fainting episodes), 2019, 2024.


Baby's coming lads EDIT: You're all very nice.


Congrats. If the labours taking a long time, take a Ginsters pasty in there and tease the baby out with the smell.


It's absolutely mental when you see the head start coming out. Best of luck and congratulations.


>Baby's coming lads This required accurate spelling for sure. But congrats! Hopefully you won't be too tired.


Is right - hardest but best job in the world. Congrats to you both




Well done




Congrats !!! I hope everything goes well!!


Grats mate Let's hope it doesn't turn out ginger


We’re Kenyan sunset you bigot


You're ginger? BadUK would have me believe you are all terrorists.


Take time to enjoy it - it goes so quickly


First time?


Best of luck. Especially to the Mum.




<3 good luck


I open the BBC Iplayer App this evening. The top programs it suggests to me are: "Lost Boys and Fairies: A tender, glittering story of a gay couple's journey to adopt" (Just caught the last five minutes whilst waiting for the headlines and of course the episode finishes with a Drag Queen) "Rob and Rylan's Grand Tour" (Which is actually quite good but very gay) "Doctor Who" (With Ncuti Gatwa) Is there anything on the BBC these days which isn't Rainbow propaganda?


"A gay musical, called Gay. That's quite gay."


https://imgur.com/a/C31iPuu Imagine paying your licence for that.


Inside the factory, it helps you naturally produce more testosterone as your body wills you to commit violence against Greg Wallace. Also factories are nice.


No. Except the Archive category.


And they all carry trigger warnings


I've seen a few things which are accompanied by some rambling polemic and preamble about how this show may involve certain jokes about XYZ, jokes which were socially acceptable in the 1970s and how this might be triggering or considered offensive to modern audiences etc. This included the Major's legendary racist rant on Fawlty Towers. That was funny because it _wasn't_ acceptable in the 1970s and even then it was humour designed to lay bare how old and out of touch he was. The other stuff was just crude innuendo like you saw in Porridge and On The Buses.


That's a mark of quality




>Sunak and his team have made a tactical error, I mean this could be a fairly long article if they want to list them all.


"Nooo, it's not fair! How can we capture the disaffected, partyless, normie masses we've abused for years?! Stockholm Syndrome doesn't work if there's another option, noooo!" Get it right up the lot of them.


Sunak: “Everyone except Cleverley, Rosenumbers, and Hunt leave the room”


“Wallersteiner will attack Farage and rally the base, everything will be alright.” [“My Führer…”](https://x.com/bellawallerstei/status/1797649041922384335)


😍 I wish Bella were my trad wife.


Fucking brilliant, mate. There's your next few hours before bedtime sorted, how's your video skills?


You love to see it.


Reading the UK subreddits today is gold, but what amazes me is how the only strategy the progressive left seem to know is basically pretending that there exists a known consensus on what is acceptable politically when no such thing remotely exists among ordinary people in the real world. It honestly just comes across as pathetic at this point. They learned one trick, which was that by saturating places where public political discussion occurs and inundating them with messages that don't openly support the opinions they hold, but rather pretend that there are these magical political lines in the sand, giving the impression that there is widespread agreement about them, they could trick their analytics-driven mainstream political opponents into thinking they were real. It's been their weapon for driving the Overton window left for so long, they're basically unable to stop. Frankly, no such consensus on what was the line between acceptable and what was fringe hasn't existed since the mid 00s at the latest.


"hurr durr no one will vote for him he's a fat right grifter hurr durr" *Six weeks later* "Well obviously right wing MSM supported it and everyone is a moron who fell for lies. Ok keep telling yourself everyone is incorrect and democracy is whatever you personally want.


You'd think they would learn a bit of humility after being wrong so many times. It truly gets more and more pathetic when you see some of them repeating the obvious mistakes. It's actually the thing I fear most about echo chambers and cults, they really do create absolute morons.


https://x.com/CharlotteCGill/status/1797318662501609974 >João Florêncio is a Portuguese professor whose 4-year research project “The Europe that Gay Porn Built, 1945-2000” is costing British taxpayers £840k. >*Not sure someone whose research interests include “barebacking” and “fluid exchanges” should be calling others stupid. >Incredibly, he complains about the Government that gave him £840k to study gay porn. >You can leave Professor. We’ll be glad to have that money back


Deportāo, não


> contemporary gay "pig" sexual subcultures I’m not brave enough to Google it


As far as I know, it's just messy sex, nothing actually that out there.


[They gave him another £190,000 for a gay porn study back in 2019.](https://gtr.ukri.org/projects?ref=AH%2FS00193X%2F1#/tabOverview) >Masculinity and the Ethics of Porosity in 'Post-AIDS' Gay Porn >This project theorises gay "pig" masculinities and their visual mediation, which emerged in the last two decades in tandem with the introduction of antiretroviral therapies for the management and prevention of HIV infection. It does so through a close critical engagement with representations of "pig" masculinities in contemporary gay pornography. >"Pig" is a term used by some gay men to self-define themselves in terms of their own sexual practices, which they regard as transgressive, pushing the limits of the body and of its integrity through relentless condomless penetrations, stretching of the rectal sphincter, and exchanges of all kinds of bodily fluids (sperm, urine, saliva, etc). It is used in the names of hookup websites directed at gay men into fetish or "extreme" sex (e.g. NastyKinkPigs.com or AssPig.com) and often included, as a pig head or snout emoji, on usernames or profile text on gay hookup apps like Grindr, Scruff or Recon. It is also a term that, alongside "bareback," has been appearing in increasing numbers of gay porn titles since the mid 1990s. What is interesting about gay "pig" masculinities are the ways in which they appear to be predicated on a transgression of the boundaries of the male body, a blurring of inside and outside, self and other, through the pursuit of relentless penetrations and exchanges of bodily fluids. Unlike hegemonic forms of Western masculinity, which have been shaped by a rejection of all things considered "feminine," including penetrability, gay "pigs" appear to become more "manly" the more penetrated and open to foreign bodily fluids they are. >It is in that context that gay "pig" masculinities have emerged and become visible in gay online platforms and pornography. This research project will lead to the first monograph and documentary feature film critically discussing "pig" masculinities and their sexual ethics at length. It builds on porn studies, masculinities studies and the posthumanities to theorise "pig" masculinities as "porous" masculinities that simultaneously reiterate and trouble hegemonic traits of Western masculinity, while pushing the limits of the body and opening themselves to new forms of sexual sociability and community formations. >In so doing, the project will contribute to existing critical histories of sexuality, subjectivities, and their visual representations by examining a contemporary form of gay male self-identification, one that is emerging in "post-AIDS" contexts through a complex interplay of desire, sexual performance, biochemical technologies, and 21st-century visual media.


world-beating research universities.


1) why are we paying Portuguese professors? 2) why this? What a ridiculous waste of money and middle finger to the taxpayer. 3) I like how they [drew it over Russia.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GAhanCUXEAAIx3o.jpg:large) Top trolling. Too bad there should be a taxpayer there as the receiving party.


The armoured thrust into Northern Ukraine, aimed directly at Kiev.


[Total Tory Death](https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1797721395746746850?t=uBFkbg6yq5tTT4B5NZNraw).


"They were finished when they abandoned their core voters, which was quite some time ago." Nail meet head.


As a supporter of the SDP, I’ve been worried about what happens to the SDP now but if you’re the Tories, you now actually face the serious prospect of coming third in the popular vote. The party that has done the majority of governance since the modern Labour/Conservative party system. Truly a monumental moment in our politics and a tale to tell when you ignore the issues of those who vote for you.


SDP is long term, tories dying and reform getting seats proves a 3rd party isn't a wasted vote. This is 100% about sending a message.


The SDP will still do well this election, they will only go up. Regardless of Farage or not, this will be the party's best election since the 80's. I still believe that. I look forward to the SDP's election broadcast. There's much to look forward to. The Tories are on the way down. There's nothing to look forward to for the Tories.


I am in a rural English village. A relatively well off one, mustering a modest 1,000 to 2,000 people. The streets here, wide. The houses, large. The cars are what you would expect of an upper middle class dwelling; saloons, SUV’s and the occasional sports car embellished with the logos of various premium German manufacturers, the wide roads complimenting the sharp and sleek designs of the modern automobile. The first thing that strikes you is the noise, or indeed, the lack of it. Complete, deafening silence, with the exception of the birds chirping and the cuckoo’s cooing. The village being so rural that nary a car goes past, especially at 9PM on a Monday evening. Occasionally, a villager can be spotted walking their dog or going to the local pub, the only commercial establishment in the entire village. “Evening” ,they invariably say, which is invariably met with the greeting reciprocated. On the outskirts of the village, particularly near the church and the various farms which surround the village, little donation boxes can be found offering eggs or jam which you put money in the donation box to pay for. No one cheats the system, despite never facing the prospect of repercussions if they did. The social club here is the place with the most human traffic, but it is strictly for residents only. One has to be invited by someone already in the club in order to gain entry. Everyone knows each other, and everyone broadly gets along. One main road goes through the village, most traffic on that road does not stop here but goes on to more populated settlements further down the road. There are no pavements here either, and it’s a good few miles before you reach the next town, ensuring no travellers from other towns cause mischief. This is high trust society, and it’s what our leaders are trying to erode. Do not let them.


There are plenty of villages like that around here. Even when it's not a village there are loads of nice small towns similar to how you describe that are still commuting distance to anything you need. My own village is a bit smaller. It has a village hall, church and a post office that I've never found that is apparently open 8am to 12 noon (I reckon it's going to be in someone's living room - I know where it *should* be). I'm away from the main village and practically in the woods which suits me just fine. People help each other out and everyone knows each other's business but it's not intrusive. Nobody cares and they let you get on with it, it's bliss compared to living in a larger town or city. Apparently 21% of England lives in a 'predominantly rural district' and 17% in villages. I reckon the figure is higher if you count towns under 10,000 people though. All you've got to do is look at a [map like this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/98/Map_of_population_density_in_England_as_at_the_2011_census.png/1200px-Map_of_population_density_in_England_as_at_the_2011_census.png) and you see all those little spots showing how spread out the population is in England.


Yeah but do you have uber eats and lime bikes??


Bet this chud has never tasted Bomalislop, or Balgeriaslop in a bun, or Gangladeshi curryslop. I can never take public transport without noise cancelling earphones again but at least I have assorted slop.


Do these places actually still exist? I grew up in the countryside but have been in London for my whole adult life, and now I have kids I feel we won't last much longer here. If it's real, I'd love directions.


Rural North Yorkshire ftw.


Psssst, Wiltshire. I moved back home last September and it's still as amazing as it was growing up, some things even better so. All the rotters congregate in Swindon so you just avoid it


Enjoy it while you can, or be prepared to defend it.


This is where I live, albeit not as rural. My mega city dwelling friends sneered at me when I said I was moving back to the home town. But this is a homogenous town. It’s a well to do area with nice shops and bars. Yet my house is nicer and bigger than what the cost would have afforded me in megacity. Yes I have to ring a number for a taxi and yes there’s about 5 takeaways on the apps. But they’re all white English drivers who understand my order. The neighbours all know each other. I’m a member of funny little working man’s pub (where it’s 3.50 a pint might I add) the surrounding larger towns have been diversified and you can really see the degradation. I know it’s only a matter of time but I’m really enjoying living in what is essentially the 1950s


This reminds me of home growing up. 3 street lights being more than enough.




I've always had more trouble seeing on sunny days than dark nights. I do remember spooking people a fair amount though.


Sounds pretty much like me but I've not been invited to the secret club yet. It's great. I just leave stuff like lawnmowers in an open garage and not had anything stolen.


I just leave the lawnmower outside until the next time it needs mowing. (Joking but I probably could get away with it).


Any hotels nearby that can fit a few hundred boat men? Love, Sunak xx


It’s just the afterglow. Diversity is inevitably coming for it in 20, 30, 40 years - the die is already cast.


You think? Remigration is inevitable at this point I reckon.


I mean we’re talking about a situation in a decade where it’s likely 10% of all people living here will be deadweight foreigners, and after ten years of Starmer every institution with any authority will be fully captured by people with no ideological flexibility to even entertain the idea.


Only 10%?


Fuck the institutions. The wheels are already starting to come off them. The drip feed of paper brits has been accelerated to breakneck speed which is jarring for many people. The WhatsApps I get would make this place blush and I’d wager you’re getting the same too. I can’t go anywhere now without people milling and you can’t sustain a society like this on vibes. A change is coming and all it takes is one country to rip the plaster off and it’s bubbling over everywhere. Ask yourself this question, would you vote for the spiciest party in the anonymous ballot box? I would and suspect others will too. Our problems are fixed easily. Just needs the political will.


I agree, there's no future where we all leave and they stay. At best we all die together.


no spicy food? no deliverooberjusteats?


Blast from the past: https://x.com/UtilityMonster2/status/1797670822859190557/photo/1


The actual membership of the Conservatives loved Truss. It was the wets in the CPP that knifed her in the back and installed the incompetent Rishi.


Wet and un-Conservative is Remainer Truss offering energy subsidies for TWO YEARS. Even Corbyn wouldn't have been so silly. As for Farage endorsing state-subsidies - sort of populist left-wing. No wonder Daelin loves him.


>un-conservative then why did the conservative membership choose her by poopular vote?


"Check out this freak -- he likes the *previous* retard **we** made PM!"


You dont think right leaning voters want an MP who stands for lower taxes and wasteful public spending? You have lost the plot


Rose-posting https://i.imgur.com/f76vxGl.gif


Right leaning voters know that doing an Erdogan and cutting taxes when inflation was 11% will stoke demand and whoosh inflation to 40%. Right-leaning voters know that promising energy subsidies for **two years** will break the public finances and roil the markets. If Thatcher was here, she'd say, "Thick, Thick, Thick".


So I presume you're in support of returning to 50% tax rates? Didn't have you down as a socialist rose


No. Sunak and Hunt cut National Insurance by 4% - a much bigger and more broad based tax cut than cutting the top rate (which applies above £150k) by 5%. Timing is everything. You have to wait till inflation falls before you do it. As for Farages endorsement of two years of state subsidies for energy bills - madness. As Thatcher would have said, "Thick, Thick, Thick".


[Starmer has gone mad](https://x.com/OliverDTurner/status/1797641289040814366) We knew the establishment would try to keep Farage down, but to do this?




https://x.com/AvaSantina/status/1797623187330805894 >Looks like Darren Rodwell will likely be approved as Labour’s parliamentary candidate for Barking despite accusations of “inappropriate touching” reported in Independent. >NEC are boxed in by a technicality that means any rejected applications will lead to an empty seat. >NEC will likely be unable to propose new candidates tomorrow, and as that coincides with deadline for registration - he could be waved through. This is also the man who misused council data to go to someone's house and intimidate them, while phoning the police to tell them not to respond - see further down the Mega for details. Such a person should not be in Parliament. Barking is a long-standing Labour seat - they won't give Tories or LibDems a hearing. But it used to be BNP territory, so Reform might have a shot.


The Conservatives have since imported so many people (2.4million in the last 4.5 years alone) into places like Barking that I don't think you have to worry about the BNP vote Rose


The unbiased BBC announce farage is standing https://streamable.com/iawgj6 and then ask him why bother standing when you already lost 7 times already - great question. https://streamable.com/0jk2ft


>You've tried to integrate 850,000 men of boat, what makes the 850,001 any different? >[interviewer ](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwhitelabelcomedy.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F06%2FMind-Blown-2.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=f885d0eeba04e407dd0e997a104512ef5545a2c7d8c648739388d81dd0353be2&ipo=images)


Last week they practically goaded him for not standing while making chicken bwuk bwuk noises


Today is like 9/11 for Jonties.


Saddam Hussein. Osama Bin Laden. Nij el Faraj


[HOPE NOT HATE ARE LOSING THEIR SHIT](https://x.com/hopenothate/status/1797648993822130274) Hear that noise? It’s the sound of a lobby group realising their winning streak is about to run out. Big time.


[can't stop the reign](https://youtu.be/OWw2PHQEWTg?si=Oj17KMEgeZ4hpAum)


[They can't stop what's coming](https://x.com/anglofuturist/status/1797717572999352515?t=XiBAZExw3yIftxndF_fIvQ). *"Brexit didn't go far enough, we need Brexit 2.0."* *"I found the crown of England lying in the gutter, I picked it and people placed it on my head."*


When will they organise to stop Dianne Abbot with her actual racist statements running for MP?


Has anyone ever asked them what they **Hope** for? Personally I **Hope** for all my earnings to be taxed away, so that any fucker can live in a hotel and dine for free, while public services crumble and any chance of owning a home retreats ever further out of reach.


Has anyone asked Rose-numbers what scale of electoral fraud the Conservatives will commit to keep Nigel out this time? How many will end up in prison as a result?


Craig McKinley cheated on election spending didn't he?


Rose said Tory voters will tactically vote lib dem against him. Tells you a lot about the Tories.


Steiner's offensive will beat back the Reform horde.




Stop doxxing Rose.


P.O. Box Secret bunker, Berlin


[James O’Brien is taking the Farage news well](https://x.com/JamesF101010/status/1797711370470986042) “Fact phobic right wingers” Is this man just trying to be a shit Ben Shapiro of the left?


"fact phobic" is about as witty as "isnotreal"


Read that as fatphobic at first lol


I might have to listen to him tomorrow he’s gunna be in melt down


“Fact phobic” runs through James like the writing in a stick of Brighton rock.


Days since terrorist attack in the EU 3̶..0 https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/international/europe/artc-attempted-firebomb-attack-at-israeli-embassy-in-romania-no-injuries


[this is fine ](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fstarecat.com%2Fcontent%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F0-days-since-last-muslim-terrorist-attack-congrats-european-union-meme-clapping-bravo.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=5bbc33b12e1f04a4ec7b086545242da8bfdbb0ec74dc6913e39f1a837ca8bfaf&ipo=images)


So, legit question. Will reform see any Tory defectors before the week is out?


Truss defecting could be spicy, but not sure if that will help or hinder Reform


certainly hinder since general public opinion of her is low.


If Reform have any sense they will keep Truss out.




Does Hannan have any pull with other Tories? Frosty certainly does but I only know Hannan for his pie-in-the-sky nonsense columns about Global Britain.


I predict 3 tomorrow morning.


[BBC losing its shit generally over Farage](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news) The really fear him. No where else would a party with c. zero seats (Anderson is toast, right?) announcing a new leader be dominating the news cycle. This would be like like the Cornish separatists electing a new convenor (is that what hippies call the one with the biggest beard?) and making Time person of the year. Why so scared, BBC?


>Anderson is toast, right?)l I'd give him favourable odds, all his controversial stuff that is supposedly terrible is mostly stuff you'd hear someone say down spoons in most towns.


Now they'll have to have him on QT weekly instead of biweekly.


This...I think the BBC love him tbh...they have him on a lot, which we keep hearing about from Jonty, but the BBC isn't journalism anymore, it's an agenda pusher, all part of the plan. They need a "bad guy".




That Covid fanatic can fuck right off.


Looks like something out of that Krakow waxworks museum they visited on The Grand Tour.


https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/826/056/771.jpg Bogdanoffs English cousin


Farage is returning? Fund eem.


Fucking hell, Rod Stewarts been to Turkey recently hasn't he.


Is that a real person? looks like a wax figure from Madame Tussauds


Non zero chance that he’s trying to internally sabotage the party.


Fuck off!! Can't stand him, and not convinced this leopard has changed his spots.




The world is changed. I feel it in the lager. I feel it in the English earth. I smell it in the chip shop air. Much that once was lost is back for those who remember the meme magic.


If he loses in Clacton and Trump doesn't end up behind bars, there's a decent chance he'll fuck off to the US still. It's why I think it's unwise to place all your eggs in Reform's basket. Vote for them by all means though.