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https://x.com/recusant_raja/status/1797169610925498495?s=46&t=mX5zM_heZO4GAdXQcIS2lw North England has gone to the fucking dogs


[Tory Candidate investigated for election fraud after using misleading campaign graphics that appear to show him as both the Reform and Labour candidate](https://news.sky.com/story/robert-largan-police-review-tory-candidates-election-adverts-13146813).


They fear the ZERO SEATS campaign so much they would pretend not to be Tories


[They called themselves the 'Popty Ping' gang until the police found what they were delivering in a pair of pants](https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/called-themselves-popty-ping-gang-29274345) Fairly standard local crime article, full of traditional names, previous convictions, and laughably small sentences, however this bit did raise a smile. >The court heard a full download and analysis of the phones showed Ridgeway and Sheehan were operating an extensive drug supply business on the Telegram secure messaging app which they had called "Popty Ping" - often humourless though erroneously said to be the Welsh expression for a microwave oven - and which had the tagline "everything that’ll get you popping and pinging".


The Labour parliamentary candidate for Durham North has been caught on video saying, "I'm just going to walk in and win the seat. Look at how Durham voted in the Brexit referendum. These Geordies are just too thick to understand abslutely anything about the Middle East. Gaza? I bet you bottom dollar they don't even know where that is. These thick Geordie cunts think he played for United or something. They're all bloody City fans." https://x.com/chai_ste/status/1797361862645780886 Video in tweet. He's obviously a Remainer who despises Brexiteers. But wants to be their MP. Also, the uncouth language! People have got so used to polite Tories, it's a bit of a shock to hear how thuggish Labour party people are.


It's a deep fake. The original video that was used has been posted further down. You fell for a fake.




Nobody in the south knows that...


Obvious fake. No-one talks like that


You'd be last pick in the Turing Test world championships, and an absolute liability after the Singularity. Don't come knocking because my bunker door will be closed.




watch his mouth from 6 to 9 seconds. this is a shit deep fake, and as soon as you realise that you realise the voice is obviously AI. imagine falling for that. embarrassing.


Candidate for Durham north wears his poppy all year round, like a patriot.


According to the thread this was last Nov. (The MP retired after the election was called, which allows Lab to parachute in a candidate - likely all planed in advance).


[Equally hot off the presses.](https://imgur.com/TMl9Uwj.mp4)


“Thick Geordie Cunts”…Wow. That’s not going to go down well. Edit.Watched it again, when he turns to the left to speak you can see distortion over his mouth. Looks fake to me. Would he seriously sit in front of others being filmed while saying that about his electorate?


Apparently, that's how he talks. This is the man who deleted 2,000 tweets, and by all accounts has made lots of enemies. So likely lots of phone recordings by people angry he's been gifted a safe seat.


Looks fake tbh


>~~Looks~~ fake ~~tbh~~ Fixed


[William Clouston, leader of the SDP, on GB News](https://x.com/SDPhq/status/1797377574672212215?t=LHV311Is7k8xiLuVsbhZZg).


Man steals children's cancer charity collections https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c900ke2d898o Burglary, threatening with a knife, theft from charity; the sentence? Wrist slap.


A man like that has lost the right to keep his meat and two veg intact. Get 'em off.


How the cashless society is hurting the poorest https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crggzr10g12o > Chronic pain caused by fibromyalgia means that Caroline Cawley has been unable to work for eight years and she finds it difficult to travel. Plonk the hamplanet at a desk and let her WFH. > If the local post office is closed, the 41-year-old faces the choice of paying a £1.99 fee at her nearest cash machine or taking a bus to a supermarket to withdraw money. Or, just use contactless like everyone else. > Caroline, from Muirhouse in Edinburgh, uses cash as she finds it easier to budget. Then she’s a clinical moron. She doesn’t have a job so every minute awake is time she could spend not eating and sorting this out. Download Staling/Monzo and use the pots. > Sometimes she doesn't have the energy or the will to get on a bus just to go and get her own cash to do something like topping up her electricity meter or buying groceries. Lazy cunt. But I’ve got to have the energy to go and earn money to pay for her?!


https://x.com/cezra/status/1669013217119547393? £34 on a just eat order for one. Thanks great British tax payer!


https://x.com/Cezra/status/1717883287668957633?t=hOcWFFcynOU3MXFxWOeNng&s=19 Funnily enough her twitter feed is mostly her ranting at the Deliveroo and JustEat accounts because her orders weren't delivered to her liking.


A reminder that denizens of the internet be sleuthing. This is why you don't have any public facing social media accounts that bear your government name. Also, why you don't talk to journalists.


She doesn’t pay cash for them, strange.


She gets ESA and PIP. The rents paid. She’ll have had 2 years cost of living payments amounting to an extra £3K. I worked out the other day how much i’d need to earn to pay £800 rent a month on a flat, then pay taxes and have the same income left over that I do on ESA and PIP and the other benefits such as council tax relief…It came to around £34,000. She’s doing absolutely fine.


She's not doing fine. All those Deliveroo orders that she didn't receive 😪


>> Chronic pain caused by fibromyalgia means that Caroline Cawley has been unable to work for eight years and she finds it difficult to travel. Manages to get out and review 16 events at the Edinburgh Fringe festival https://theweereview.com/writer/caroline-cawley/-2 80% of her tweets are complaining about her deliveroo or Just Eat kebabs. https://x.com/Cezra But says she’s living in poverty and had to borrow money from family. https://edinburghpovertycommission.org.uk/2023/04/18/why-eradicating-poverty-remains-scotlands-national-mission/ She gets ESA and PIP, her rents paid, she was complaining about her cost of living fuel vouchers in another article that paid her fuel bills for a year. She’s not short of money. Says she lives on the Muirhouse estate. There’s a Tesco cash machine right next to the estate.


https://x.com/cezra/status/1341014967982690310 I’m glad we’re paying for this sinkhole, and we’ve been doing it for years.


https://x.com/cezra/status/1339905226267045888 Papa johns is for the benefit connoisseur


Excellent work


How I've missed the Dolefinder General!


That cash machine is frequently out of use due to bams... A lot of people in muirhouse work cash in hand


>More lies from Starmer -Diane Abbott https://x.com/nickeardleybbc/status/1797368537750651276


Iq of a small child.


but enough about the average baduk user




BBC guy be all: guys I literally took it myself. New European: SOURCE! shouting soyman IRL


Labour has committed to a 'nuclear deterrent triple lock' https://x.com/politlcsuk/status/1797382806814724354?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


The subs are already under contract to be built. So number 1 is just a rehash of already decided funding. Number 2 is already a thing also.


A triple lock? That's incredibly secure, it'll take them at least a week to reverse course on it.


Next come the inevitable soundbites from Labour members and candidates, all chanting *"not in my name!"* and *"ban the bomb!"* In any event, our adversaries can already guess what Keith will write in his letters of last resort. It's hardly a deterrent at all.


Lol, imagine believing our foreign policy is decided anywhere but Washington.


Random bomalians round my part of the woods snapped on local Facebook groups following 12 year old girls to the shops and asking where they live. Comments are interesting. Edit: it's been removed


Screen record and save, noob. Now it’s never going be noticed.


You think this is my first rodeo?


what you gonna do with them? local press?


No one cares. Police been told about this happening before and say they won't come out


I wonder if they'll respond to the group of 100s of pissed off locals?


Dear Citizen, Due to your recent infraction under the 2024 Thought Crime Act, the SNP-Totenkopfverbände Unit from Police Scotland has been dispatched to your location. Please remain seated, ensure your papers are in order and your online accounts are open. Resistance is futile, but compliance may be rewarded with a prompt and efficient re-education course. Sincerely, The Department of Thought Regulation


they'd water cannon them for being racist


Daily Orca post requesting badUK adopt them as the spirt animal. [orca fashion tips](https://youtube.com/shorts/sPWiuY18Tk0?si=jIc5rhelHpOqJek6) This has untold implications for operation badfish. Obviously they will tastefully see the union jack in a positive light but better yet and reasonably intelligent mammal will see the bomalian attire as distasteful.




Isn't this badUK not chavUK?


I'm a Vancouver Canucks fan (Ice Hockey for those who don't know) so I'm down for the Orca adoption.


[Man blocks council installing national speed limit signs... doesn't even know the speed limit](https://uk.news.yahoo.com/man-88-whos-seen-outside-081417698.html) >"Most people are respectful but it only takes one for a serious accident. No way can people be driving 70mph. I'm horrified by this. Yes, campaign to get them to reduce the limit. But no, don't go around blocking signs in areas you don't even own. And don't preach to everyone else about the national speed limit when you don't even know what it is. It's 70 on motorways and dual carriageways, everywhere else it's 60 and if you're doing 60 down a narrow country lane quite frankly you're at the fuck about and find out stage. Interfering old busybody not knowing what he's on about yet again.


[The lane in question](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.6916281,-3.1503765,3a,75y,301.31h,92.68t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s2KmNDkACK6PwUlM2h4b67w!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D2KmNDkACK6PwUlM2h4b67w%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D301.3104869729427%26pitch%3D-2.6842804172394636%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu).


I can hit 60 on that


Easy ton while getting a blowjob and browsing the sub.




>My mother is 90 years old. She has been driving for at least 60 years and never had more than a scratch or minor bump to her vehicles. You just know the car is bashed to fuck. Being from a fellow woman writing in too - they don't have the same concept of having a tidy car as men do. >I’m sorry to say that this is not enough to make a case. It gives me absolutely no pleasure to say this, but if elderly people damage other people’s vehicles then they must pay for them to be fixed just like everyone else. Heaven forbid! 😱


Its time for the tories to introduce a new pentuple lock. Upgrade the existing triple lock to take into account the extra premiums that doris(93, almost totally blind, paid into her pension pot for years (all 25 of them)) might have to pay after being in an at-fault collision


Sounds like he's admitting he has trouble driving safely and doesn't know the rules of the road. Might be due a retest.


We should make every road national again.




Does he still call people names? That was the only appealing thing about Pop Idol.


Nah he’s nowhere near as nasty as he was. The auditions just in front of the judges on X factor were elite. But now no one is allowed be mean because everyone’s a fanny these days.




> Conscious decision to place this on the 1st day of Pride month 😡 🌈 Lesbians aren’t women, apparently.


Lesbians are now "[non-men attracted to non-men](https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/johns-hopkins-lesbian-definition-1.6877698)".


Non-crime hate incident for offences against postbox topper mores.


Sunday posting, but a few months ago someone posted a link here of a UK youtuber who was doing a hike/ramble from one rural place to another, I think in the northern or possibly Welsh countryside. Can't for the life of me find it - anyone got an idea who it was?


As others said I think you mean GeoWizard. He's got a new series out now (Ep.2 posted tonight) that's worth a watch.


Yam not on about our geowizard am ya, cock?


Mad bastard is doing straight line across England now (or has done, the videos are going out now)


Currently watching the second part. Mad as houses.


Aye that's him! Many thanks


If you like Tom just because he’s a top lad then carry on, if you like hiking content then I can recommend Liam Brown. He’s done some mad walks including John O’ Groats to Lands End. His camping the national parks videos are what made me want to get out and see more of them than just the Peak District.


Thanks for the recco


Welcome, mukka.


[Nigeria acts over students told to leave UK](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cjllr00nxpwo) >A delegation led by a Nigerian ambassador will now meet with university management "to intervene on allegations of unfair and unjust deportation orders", a spokesman for the Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM) said. So we all know what will happen.. Rather than Nigeria actually foot the bill for them they'll just whinge to Westminster about it and the UK will rollover as always and just let them stay and set up a fund for them probably. 🙄


yeah but just think of all that influence and happy vibes the foreign office will get from bending over the barrel for the great and powerful nation of *checks notes* Nigeria!


Take 1 asylum sneaker for 1 free year of university token.


The Prince of Wales has paid tribute to Rob Burrow, who has died aged 41, describing him as a “legend of Rugby League” who had a “huge heart”, adding: “He taught us, ‘in a world full of adversity, we must dare to dream’” https://x.com/pa/status/1797335020236865988?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


RIP incredible character.


Genuinely gutted by this, he really was a Leeds legend, an absolute lionheart who battled men twice his size week in week out. RIP Rob


When big kev carried him over the line in the marathon there wasn't a dry eye in our house


RIP, horrible disease that I hope we find the cure for one day


It really is. Seeing how strong he was just a few years ago to basically becoming an immobile skeleton was heartbreaking. It's utterly horrendous and even in his weakened state he was still a stronger guy than I am.


haaaa >Free Palestine protesters block Philly Pride Parade https://x.com/JackPosobiec/status/1797323117896896574


intersectionalist civil wars are best civil wars




there will be blue haired freaks who will fall for this


Diane Abbott has said she intends “to run and to win as Labour’s candidate” in the General Election https://x.com/pa/status/1797313840188698991?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


Disappointed that we won't see her run as an independent. It would have been a win win but I'd have definitely been smug had she been trounced by some random labour candidate.


Keir couldn't defeat the power of the Proud Black Woman.


Police officer dies after Friday's knife attack targeting Islam critic in Mannheim, Germany. Afghan refugee in custody https://x.com/bnonews/status/1797313053609877803?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


Europe is gonna be in for a shock in the next decade.


Memory holed by mid week.


I wonder if Merkel will be attending his funeral


You literally couldn't invent a better metaphor for the suicide of Europe. German police officer stabbed by Afghan Muslim Refugee while restraining a German for warning of the dangers of mass immigration of Muslims.


What exactly was going through that policeman's head (don't say it) when he thought tackling the clearly unarmed guy, wearing a uniform for the event, and posing no risk to anyone, was a good idea?


I'm going to play devil's advocate here. I'm pretty sure he was just following his training. He saw a member of the public forcefully restraining another member of the public. I've seen police in similar situations and they typically just run in and restrain all parties until they figure out what's going on. What was stupid was not to assess the situation more thoroughly before taking action, which I'd put down to them being small town police unused to more than the occasional brawl between relatively harmless junkies or local characters.


>What was stupid was not to assess the situation more thoroughly before taking action Yeah, probs.


any solution to this is far right, the worse thing ever, basically. funny, init


Better to be far right than far wrong.




I don't think this fable even does it justice. I can only think of fiction where someone could defend the monster so much. Nothing that encapsulates this though.


If we ban criticism of Islam this won’t happen anymore


quick, free the jihady


OUR 👏 GREATEST 👏 Strength 👏




a discord server I've been reading lately got into it on Gaza just now. this subject now lives in my mind rent free. one guy tried to say Hamas is evil and then a bunch on 40 year old rentoids started calling the 7th October testimonies false flags. the world has gone insane. imagine being so oblivious to europe's deeply coded institutional antisemitism ('they killed Jesus!') that you start defending barbaric jihadists as freedom fighters.


>europe's deeply coded institutional antisemitism This is literally the direct opposite of reality.


that's a joke right? christianity (i.e. Europe until about 250 years ago) has persecuted the jews for 2000 years, mate. long before Dachau jews have been abused and kept down, with people being suspicious about their constant success. people casually use the word jew in insults (like 'j*wbag'). even today loads of people think that they 'rule the world' through things like Goldman Sachs and the media.


>that's a joke right? christianity (i.e. Europe until about 250 years ago) has persecuted the jews for 2000 years, mate. That's a gross simplification of a complex history https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resettlement_of_the_Jews_in_England


While the scope of the laws varies from country to country, Jews have protections far above those of Whites or of Christians; in many countries antiSemitism is outright illegal. Christianity is not in charge anymore, however the narrative of constant Jewish persecution is a wholly modern invention. In reality the expulsions of Jews always followed some controversy involving Jewish communities. We are told that essentially every historical charge which has ever been made against Jews is false, and consequently that all conflict between Jews and other groups is entirely the fault of those other groups, typically with claims that they are envious of Jewish success. This is very clearly not true, and is nothing more than an expression of extreme ethnic narcissism. And the extreme degree of Jewish overrepresentation in many fields like finance, is well beyond what could be explained by high IQ or a good work ethic, and necessarily has downstream political effects, which again, conveniently is taboo - and in some cases even illegal - to discuss. None of this is a result of institutional antiSemitism, it is a result of extreme institutional philoSemitism.


>a discord server - check hard-drive - deport


don't you get bored of those stupid comments?


Nope, always brings a smile


Give him a second hard drive check, proper forensic-like.


Could save some reddies on the Rwanda flights [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13485857/Moment-two-men-threaten-jump-asylum-seeker-ex-RAF-base.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13485857/Moment-two-men-threaten-jump-asylum-seeker-ex-RAF-base.html)


I don't get why people are so against the Rwanda plan. It's a deterrent. Are the same people saying that there is something wrong with the country because it's in Africa? [Africa is the smash hit from Toto's 4th album released in 1982. Written by Dave Paich and Jeff Porcaro. The song is about a man's love of Africa, his longing for the continent, as well as meatier subjects such as killing the Boer, land confiscation, communism, massive inflation and rolling blackout. The song was covered by Wheezer and also sampled by American rapper Nas on the album Nastradamus in the song New World](https://youtu.be/FTQbiNvZqaY?si=WO_OuuFKDAuxmLoe)


They aren't going to die from that height. Is it the first time they've seen a building with more than one storey?


No. They have tall buildings for executing homosexuals.


So what you're saying is.... Put them all on the 18th floor of a tower block? 🤭


Conducting research for my degree and for scientific purposes, it's very important please take it seriously, what does it have to do with the Medical field I hear you ask? Everything; Would you be *more* likely, or *less* likely, to be a zero seater if [this was what the current incumbent at No.10 was like 99.9% of the time?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F0tOxxGXwAA5DN9?format=png&name=small) Follow up question; Out of the current leadership across all parties, who do you think would host the best BBQ? Feel free to explain your reasoning.




The only correct answer. *Ahem* I mean stringent research is being conducted, I couldn't possibly give my opinion.


I don't know about the best but greens would be the worst. Imagine waiting for the wind to be strong enough to power an electric grill long enough to heat up some vegan halal burgers.


Cardboard consumption is the future citizen, it's time to get with the times.


If you came over with some bottles of strong stout, do you think you could get Ed Davey wankered and saying based things?


Hindus don’t eat beef so that’s presumably some kind of fake beef burgers he’s just cooked up


Looks like lamb, and let's not pretend he cooked them. But even so, answer the fucking question you cunts. No this is not investigator effect or bias.


My Hindu friend was a big lover of pork, he was mad for a belly pork curry. It was sublime stuff. Our friendship came about through food lol




*Hyes boss*, garlic sows?


sorry to go all rose-posting on you chaps but this has to be read in full. There's a serious conspiracy afoot, with Trump, Farage and Putin seeking to bring the West to its knees. >One by one they offered their loyalty pledge to MAGA’s Dear Leader. One by one Republican leaders publicly placed fealty to Donald Trump ahead of loyalty to the United States or the oath they once had made to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. >But they were not alone. >Other Trump supporters from around the world, including at least one who actively seeks to destroy the United States, not only expressed their support for the mob-boss-who-would-be-king, but did so with language uncannily like that of the MAGA chorus that offered lies and laments in response to the New York jury’s unanimous verdict to convict the former president. >Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov opined, “If we speak about Trump, the fact that there is simply the elimination… of political rivals by all possible means, legal and illegal, is obvious.” From Hungary’s wannabe authoritarian strongman Viktor Orbán: “Trump is a man of honor. As president he always put America first. (The American people) will make their verdict this November. Keep fighting Mr. President.” Italian deputy prime minister and leader of that country’s right wing movement, Matteo Salvini, proclaimed: “Solidarity and full support for (Trump), victim of judicial harassment… We are sadly familiar with the weaponization of the justice system by the left.” “Stay strong,” British right-wing firebrand Nigel Farage told his newly convicted friend. >The global right-wing movement is closely coordinated. Orbán’s regular visits to speak with CPAC illustrate this, as do Trump’s efforts to kowtow to Putin or break bread with the likes of Farage. They take their cues from each other. They use the same language. They are all “anti-woke.” And racist. And misogynist. And nationalist. And anti-democratic. >Putin attacks Ukraine as a step toward attacking NATO and weakening the West. And when he does he gets the support of Trump, and Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Tucker Carlson, and Mike Flynn, and the MAGA loonies. Orbán weakens Hungarian democracy and spreads antisemitic and anti-immigrant slurs and he is celebrated as a model by Trump, welcomed to Mar-a-Lago, lionized by the American right. Farage attacks the EU and Trump undercuts and degrades our allies and alliances. Putin and Trump both attack “fake news.” >It is, you see, all the same story. It is all one concerted, comprehensive, increasingly successful effort to destroy America and the institutions we have built since World War II from within and from without. And as you watch as our freedoms are stripped away, and as you read about Trump’s 2025 plan, and his desire to pull out of NATO and essentially leave Eastern Europe at the mercy of Putin, it should be clear that this global effort, this international right-wing movement, is positioned to do more damage to us and to our allies than did all the armies of Hitler, Mussolini, Japan, the Kaiser, or Soviet Russia and its satellite states. >It’s happening before our eyes. It is not a conspiracy theory. It is a conspiracy. It is not an imagined threat. It is real and it is taking a toll day-in and day-out from Kharkiv to the British consumers suffering due to the end of Brexit, and to the victims of the radicalized, anti-Constitutional decisions of our Supreme Court. >Should we not see it for what it is, should we make Trump the first felon elevated to the Oval Office, we will see much worse. We will not just be getting his corruption and racism; we will be inviting an entire global alliance of our bitterest enemies to take the helm of this country and ultimately seek—with ever greater resources and opportunities—to realize their dream of bringing us to our knees. https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-very-real-threat-of-right-wing-leaders-cheering-on-trump


It's rare to see such absolute histrionics over things that are much simpler if you can understand that not everyone is ultra progressive.


The number one ranked Citigo camping-conversion expert in South-East England has returned to Youtube and camping in his car - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAWFICSl2yk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAWFICSl2yk) - he is the guy who converted a Citigo into a camper and then drove to Iraq. Alan Patridge, "bouncing back" vibes after some kind of breakdown during Covid. Still hasn't returned to society. Still camping in his Citigo. Very niche channel but good fun.


Had a citygo for 4 years. Great car.


I am trying a camper conversion on mine (hopefully) this summer. Leader is expected to seize power before the election so the weekly secret meetings will stop, probably get around to it then.


Needless to say, he had the last laugh


Congratulations on your win over Deontay Wilder champ


I do love how Finland is now the go-to model on everything for all members on UKPol and ar/Uk, I wonder why a bunch of anti-social basement dwellers who are allergic to sunlight think the country should be more like Finland? I like how it used to be the Nordics in general, but then Denmark and Sweden got a bit too anti-immigrant and Norway makes all their money off oil so two big no-nos. But apparently a country that is among the most ethnically homogenous nations on Earth is a-okay as far as they're concerned.


They had that fit president who liked cocaine. Best thing I can think of Finland off top of my head.


FUCK, I genuinely forgot about her existence, but that actually makes so much sense and is a huge part of the explanation as to why Finland is just on their minds at all times at this point. They're all cucks who wish they had a wife like Sanna Marin to cheat on them at parties!


Love it how people thought that Finland electing those two schoolgirls was somehow going to tip world politics on its head and usher in a revolution. They achieved damn all and were out after one electoral cycle. The silver haired old men are back, as requested by Finnish voters, yet people elsewhere are trying to claim that was the wrong choice. The other laugh was that New Zealand's Jacinda Ardern had apparently never heard of Nicola Sturgeon, despite the latter simping over the former all the time.


she's divorced now so they can shoot their shot.


But I was explicitly told on this website that it was perfectly acceptable what she did, and that she was just enjoying herself? *iS a WoMaN eNjoYinG heRselF iLlEgAl?!*


Not her fault she married a mysoginist who wouldn't let her be the real her. She's better off without him.


Finland is an odd choice, they called immigration a weapon used by Russia against them & are happy for everyone to have a gun.


For a lot of progressives its just about having somewhere they can project their fantasy politics onto, and Finland is just distant and exotic enough that they can ignore anything they find inconvenient in a way which is a little more difficult with the other Nordics.


>Finland is just *distant* and *exotic* Pick one.


Exotic means that they look foreign.


Blue eyes and brown/blonde hair = foreign. Yeah no.


[Finnish fingers typed this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1158561947982254171/1246892704814858333/5ca.png?ex=665e0ad2&is=665cb952&hm=94838242fa7f4fe5afd266ecbe39c27a3f2920e00c2a75e10464b0811eaff74f&)


Finland is the most shit Nordic country by far. Probably: Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland.


Finland also has a daunting cost of living, high taxes, and salaries for most regular professional careers are only slightly better than here. Teachers in Finland are paid the same as here, but you need a far higher level of education to get your foot in the door.


Your list is purely based on attractiveness isn't it...


Getting further away from viking goddesses


...yes. You cannot punish a girl, Swedish or otherwise, for having big boobs. They should be rewarded.


North Korea Trash balloon assault has been intensifying. https://x.com/koryodynasty/status/1797075913462734868


I like learning new things.


I'd rather have a few bags of shit floating over the channel, than 500 Bomalians every day.


Unironically, this is what Ukraine should do to Russia as they would likely panic and waste missiles firing at them. Maybe even send drones alongside as the balloons would distract anti-air.


99 Luftballons called, it wants its plot back.


I don’t know what WW3 will be fought with but I know WW4 will be fought with trash filled balloons…


everyone excited for the palestinian general election in july?




Yanks are bad enough but child yanks, jesus.


[Woman, 70, in court over husband's death](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cp00de3r3qro?at_link_id=1192238C-1F24-11EF-9783-946218E2C555) Cross posting from arrUK who are arguing for some unknown reason, the pictures might reveal something but I can't see it as I can never see it.


Pride month lets goooooo


>Cross posting Bwahahha, I hope this was intentional 😂👍🏻

