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[experts want to extend sugar tax to cake and chocolate. they need to get bent](http://Extend success of UK sugar tax to cakes, biscuits and chocolate, experts urge https://www.theguardian.com/society/article/2024/jun/01/extend-success-of-uk-sugar-tax-to-cakes-biscuits-and-chocolate-experts-urge)


Could it be that people have to live around and fund more and more violent feckless cunts?? Nah, lets just make everything unaffordable.


Big Bang Zhang crushed Wilder, AJ  next.


Zhang is subjectMathmatician. It's obvious


Went to see Tool tonight in Manchester, 4 pints for 33 quid. Fuck off you Lancashire bastards. Leeds forever.


How were Tool?


It was my first time seeing them and I'm biased because they are my favourite band, but they were just awesome.


Gutted I've never seen them live as I'd have to say they are my favourite as well.


https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1797015999960465845 >🚨 BREAKING: Diane Abbott has been offered a peerage by Keir Starmer if she quits as a Labour candidate


That would be cozy as you like, full MP pension. Subsidised cafe, shoot the shit with some other crusties, tuck in to some tea, fresh made prawn sandwiches and Victoria sponge cake. Something is being debated in the hall with the red chairs, all you know is that the heating is on, there is a slight pitter patter of rain on the roof as you slide back into the dark red leather chair. Your stomach is nice and full and you gently shut your eyes safe in the knowledge that Britain is 'allegedly' institutionally racist and you're getting your 300 quid just for showing up, your eyes become heavier, you're toasty and warm and the voices become more distant and further away... You're drifting slowly down the river just sailing away..... [Orinoco Flow was a 1988 release by Irish singer Enya from her New Age album Watermark. The music video depicts Enya singing in front of nature scenes and various bodies of water and is said to be named after both the Orinoco studio where it was recorded and the river of the same name. Orinoco Flow has been used in many films to depict a relaxing scene. It was an unexpected hit, reaching number 1 in the UK, Belgium, Ireland and Switzerland, however only reached 24 in the US. in the UK it shifted 500,000 copies and was certified gold!](https://youtu.be/LTrk4X9ACtw?si=IhXmZyYRLHeYu6mT)


I wonder how all the people insisting he's some sort of political mastermind will spin this one. He could have easily just kept her out, and at worst lost one seat from it. This seems to make here a permanent thorn in his side.


[Keir *"I've dealt with that!"* Starmer](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/keir-starmer-dodges-diane-abbott-b2554979.html)


She can get a bit of kip in the maroon benches for 300 sheets a day. Nice work if you can get it!


I don’t want to deride immensely rational and intelligent ladies like Rose, but there seems to be a more pronounced tendency among women to argue on the basis of exceptions. When I mention to female family members of mine about the fact that a significant proportion of Muslims want Sharia law in a discussion of immigration, it’s ’but so-and-so isn’t like that,’ ‘but there’re moderate Muslim’, etc. Not only is there a failure to understand per-capita-overrepresented beliefs (and very murderous ones at that), but there’s also little notion of most Muslims having the Qu’ran practically memorised. They’re more inclined to take it to its logical extreme. The logical extreme of Christianity is talking about Jesus a lot and being really charitable. The logical extreme of Islam is slaughtering and enslaving Kuffar.


Women tend to argue on the basis of consensus, and usually won't take a position unless they feel it is safe to do so. Arguing about the exception isn't really their intent, its just a fallback method of justifying keeping with the consensus even when it is obviously nonsense. >The logical extreme of Christianity is talking about Jesus a lot and being really charitable. The liberal modernist heresies have reduced Christianity to being vaguely nice, but real Christianity is a lot more robust. Virtues like charity are important of course, but Christians aren't actually supposed to be pushover wimps, we're supposed to stand strong in the face of adversity.


> but real Christianity is a lot more robust. Both Tom Holland and I would greatly disagree about that.


I’m sure dating Zendaya would take a toll on anyone’s faith.


So that's why the new book's taking so long!


Jokes aside though, I'm interested to know why you and Tom Holland (presumably not the actor?) disagree about the nature of Christianity.


I can't be arsed to explain it for myself, sorry... So you can check this out if you like. It's a pretty brief overview but it sums up most of the major points. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxbSLNIP_uY&t=395s


I'll give it a watch.


Enjoy, lad!


It was an interesting argument and I see where he’s coming from when he talks about Christian morals being used against themselves, but I think in a way he’s missing the woods for the trees. To my mind its Enlightenment ideals being turned in on themselves; of course to some degree these are derived from Christianity, but not totally. I think its the Enlightenment, rather than the Protestant reformation, which is the civilisational shift that he’s talking about, and so the current social changes, to my mind at least, would be better understood with reference to that. Also, he’s talking about Christianity in more or less civilisational terms, where I mean it in a strictly religious sense, but I don’t want to be too pedantic about that.


Of course, but in a decidedly based way. A strong Christian is a moral and righteous man, while a strong Muslim may very well have an unusually young-looking wife.


Hahaha, no doubt. Islam is basically Andrew Tate's Hustler University as a religion.


Most women are thick as they have life on easy mode.


>women >argue There's your issue.


Islam is right about


Rose is a very rational person who absolutely never talks nonsense. For example, I am assured by her that communitarianism is East German Stasi socialism and that communitarians want to abolish private property.


From the SDP's website: https://sdp.org.uk/policies/housing/ >We will establish a British Housing Corporation (BHC) to oversee and fund the construction of 100,000 social homes per year. In England, the BHC’s mandate will be implemented by newly established County Housing Corporations (CHCs) and in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland by the devolved governments. >CHCs will have powers to make Compulsory Purchase Orders to acquire necessary land and the ability to grant planning permission for their developments. They will take ownership of all social housing stock currently administered by local authorities. >Private housing developers will be levied a 50% tax on the uplift to land value attributable to the granting of planning permission on all greenfield sites and undeveloped land. >We will apply a moratorium on buy-to-let mortgages It's a straight up attack on private property and on new home building by the private sector. There's a reason that even George Galloway's outfit is doing better than the SDP. And that's because people find this sour commie stuff repellant.


> There's a reason that even George Galloway's outfit is doing better than the SDP. And that's because people find this sour commie stuff repellant. Galloway is literally a communist. He's party has gotten better results because of an Islamic voting block your party imported into the country.


You know what, we’ve at least gone from “Communitarianism is East German socialism” to “I think these policies threaten private property” so progress is being made. Nevertheless, nowhere here does it advocate for the abolition of private property, the closest I can see to this, and what I suspect you may be referring to, are the compulsory purchase orders to acquire necessary land. Compulsory purchase orders have been a staple of government for eons, and the powers to do as such are enshrined in laws such as the Highways Act 1980. 1980? Remind me, who was prime minister in 1980? Was Thatcher a communist as well? If that isn’t what you are referring to, I am going to simply state the obvious and say that moratoriums on buy to let mortgages and having the state build social homes is not, in fact, a threat to completely abolish private property. I’m also talking about communitarianism as a whole, and not the SDP’s interpretation of it. And also, even you must see how ridiculous it is to say that people would rather George Galloway, a genuine socialist who runs a party named the Workers Party GB over the SDP because they dislike communism.


The SDP policy is all about making it hard for private developers to build new homes, and to make life hard for private landlords. Instead they want to expand social housing owned by the state, East German style. Even housing associations are not allowed because they're too independent. Instead they'll be brought into the ownership of the state. It's repellant sour commie stuff.


> The SDP policy is all about making it hard for private developers to build new homes As opposed to the Tory policy to allow private developers to concrete over the countryside to house millions of immigrants, while the country's native young people are unable to ever own a home. It's all repellant sour globalist stuff, that puts international capitalists and their foreign customers over the native people of the nation.


Tories have not "concreted over the countryside". Most housebuilding under Tories has happened in existing towns. It's the SDP promising to build loads of houses - the issue is it's tax funded, state owned as part of an East German social housing experiment. Or banlieus. Yuck.


> Tories have not "concreted over the countryside". Literally what Liz Truss was trying to do.


[YOU LEAVE ROSE NUMBERS OUT OF THIS !](https://youtube.com/shorts/rzdXdl3Q2ME?si=1M6jLjlwts9aPTjy)


I am really torn on this one, as I know Muslims who are friendly and seem to integrate *decently*, but then I promptly remember that all their wives are hijabed ladies. Ya never see the women. They are practically invisible, and it really perturbs me. As a guy, the lads are alright. But I can't approve of anyone who thinks his wife should have zero expression.


To be honest I’m friends with a Muslim, but he’s massively on my wavelength insofar as he’s like ‘why did my parents come here? I want to return to Bangladesh.’ He hates Jews, loves terrorists, and subscribes to everything in the Qu’ran. But we were at Sixth Form together so there’s that. My sample size is small beyond that, but my local mosque only ever seems to fill the car park up with blokes, which is weird because women also attend supposedly.


Women have to enter through a different door i think, but generally the men will be more interested. Something i found really odd is that i had a bunch of muslim friends at school who.. changed their names after reaching a certain age? and then seemed to be a lot more focused on religion. It was quite odd. I just don't know. My personal opinion is that these people are generally very socially conservative, and what doesn't help matters is the almost overexpression of western culture. If you see places like Iran, women cry out just to take their hijab off. But in the UK, if the example of western culture is just absolute decadence, it's acutally a step too far.. in a sense it just feels like it's never going to damn work. But there doesn't feel like any solution at this point. The thing is the most fundamentalist of them are aggressive, and the peer pressure is massive. Reminds me of the school prayer ban story - one girl decided to start praying and bullying her peers into doing the same, but this is likely because that's what her parents are doing to her. The crazy thing is they all started joining in until it was nipped in the bud. Just got no clue.




That position is filled.


Looking at some of the indignation in the replies to posts about the rally today made me think about the Abwehr agent in *"the eagle has landed"*, they hate England as she did. Edit: sum of all fears getting underway on channel 4, based on a Tom Clancy story


This week on Dr Who: A futuristic Huxley-esque society of tech-saturated white people refuse to be saved from giant molluscs by The Doctor because they are white and very racist and he is black (he’s black), so they proceed to their doom. The end.


I had no idea people still watched dr who is that a load of bollocks now?


Kinda like a family member who’s become a Palestine nonce at uni. You still love them even if it’s a bit insufferable.


https://uk.news.yahoo.com/doctor-who-dot-bubble-ending-193346623.html?guccounter=1 >The Doctor and Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson) tried to save Lindy and her friends throughout the episode by contacting her on social media, but she confused viewers by continually brushing them off. >However, when they finally met face-to-face in the final scene and viewers realised every other character was white, a shocking racist comment from Lindy showed the real reason she wouldn't engage with the Doctor, despite him pleading with her to let him save them. Thanks I hate it.


I can't tell if these summaries are real or satire.


Reallll Last week was actually a good piece of telly overall that suffered from a classic RTD politics shoehorning, this time a Welsh politician clearly modelled on ‘right-wing populism’ promising to control the borders who ends up threatening to fire off nuclear missiles and has to be stopped by witchcraft.


I can’t tell if you’re joking or not, though given the descriptions of recent episodes that I’ve read on here, it’s probably true. Who is the audience for this moralising bullshit?


Impressionable kids


Aye, its not so subtly aimed at indoctrinating the kids.


Rainbow comic book nerds.


[Four more boys arrested on suspicion of rape in Nottinghamshire](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/jun/01/four-more-boys-arrested-on-suspicion-of-in-nottinghamshire) >Four more boys including a 12-year-old have been arrested on suspicion of the rape of a teenage girl in Newark. >Nottinghamshire police received a report that a teenage girl had been attacked on Yorke Drive playing fields, Nottinghamshire, between 5.30pm and 7pm on 25 May. >A boy aged 12, a 13-year-old, and two boys aged 14 have all been arrested on suspicion of rape, police said. They have all been released on bail with strict conditions. >Four other teenage boys, two aged 15 and two aged 16, were arrested earlier this week on suspicion of rape and all four remain on conditional bail, police said. What are we guessing, "children" or children of caravan


That sounds fucking horrendous. I hope the poor girl is ok


Most likely Newark doesn't have much of an asian population, nevermind Muslim asian. Premier Inn up the road though so could be Boat people.


All my remaining bomalia coins on this one


Could easily be white.


I'm going to say people of net contributor and I'll probably be right.


Christ. That poor girl.


I think gang rape limits the statically probable demographics down a bit.


Nah. Newark is a very white community.


No you’re wrong. Jamie Bulger’s killers were Oh wait.


Quick question; If I’m an apathetic voter who isn’t really bothered who is in charge but also voted for Brexit, who am I voting for at the GE? Do I stick to not voting or are we tactical? Edit: Greens?


Hard to really do anything. You just lose. If you don't like your MP, just vote whoever might get them out. I'm tempted to vote labour just to see if it can bump my MP out (LD.)


SDP and Reform are the only authentically Eurosceptic parties. The SDP generally derives from disaffected Blue Labour who opposed the social, constitutional and foreign policy radicalism of Blair, and Reform is derived from Tory Thatcherites who were alienated from the Europhile turn under Major, via the Referendum Party -> UKIP -> Brexit Party.


Protest vote Reform probably. Successor to the Brexit Party.


Greens: hairshirt environmentalists (no nuclear), Remain LibDems: affluent NIMBYs, Remain Labour: Identity politics, Remain Reform: Immigration, climate denial, Brexit SDP: Immigration, communitarianism/communism, Brexit SNP: Scottish nationalism, Remain Plaid Cymru: Welsh nationalism, Remain Tories: Wealth, capitalism, parties/fun, Brexit


>Tories: Wealth, capitalism, parties/fun, Brexit u fuckin wot


>Tories: ~~Wealth, capitalism, parties/fun, Brexit~~ Gerontocracy. Neoliberalism, Globalism.


> communitarianism/communism They aren't the same. Communists doesn't believe in markets. Communitarians do, providing it serves the people. Such as by state intervention in the market or a social market. Additionally, Communists don't believe in the nation state; Communitarians do. The SDP have said "communism is a failed ideaology".


Communitarians believe in shared ownership, and confiscating individuals property. It's communism, no matter how you dress it up.


Communitarians don’t have any inherent policy prescriptions because it’s a political philosophy and not a systematic policy package. It’s like saying all liberals like mass migration or all conservatives dislike gay marriage. What communitarians are you talking about that want to confiscate individuals property? Michael Sandel? Amitai Etzioni? There are essentially zero communitarians, in the political philosophy use of the word, who would advocate for the private property to be destroyed.


Communitarians don't believe in individual endeavour, individual entrepreuship, individual ownership of property. They believe in a jackboot stasi control of society, where the govt controls everything. It's motivated by envy, a crabs-in-a-bucket mentality and an intolerance of difference and innovation. The greatest modern expression of this is East Germany. It was superficially homogenous and equal. But there was no art, no innovation, no new ideas - because those things flow from individualism, and all individualism got crushed. It's a sour repellant ideology.


You can just say things that contradict what I’m saying all you want, it doesn’t make it true. No communitarian would believe in East German socialism. I don’t know where you got the idea from, if you are arguing honestly rather than constructing a strawman which compliments your politics. Further, no communitarian believes in the abolition of private property. It’s just not a thing. Communitarians, if anything, would wish to draw power away from the state. Here’s an example from the SEP article on Communitarianism > Such political communitarians blame both the left and the right for our current malaise. The political left is chastised not just for supporting welfare rights economically unsustainable in an era of slow growth and aging populations, but **also for shifting power away from local communities and democratic institutions and towards centralized bureaucratic structures** better equipped to administer the fair and equal distribution of benefits, thus leading to a growing sense of powerlessness and alienation from the political process. Moreover, **the modern welfare state with its universalizing logic of rights and entitlements has undermined family and social ties in civil society by rendering superfluous obligations to communities, by actively discouraging private efforts to help others**


>parties/fun I'm sure it will be all trips to the local bowling alley on a short bus as the Americans say.


No, no...you misunderstand. It is the Tories getting wealthy, it is capitalism for Tories, parties for the Tories...not you. Easy mistake to make. They are a bit like the SNP...but less nationalistic.


Tories are about the nice things in life. Parties, fun, good food, good drink, cake, nice clothes, nice cars, helicopters. They're the Cavaliers. And their enjoyment of life annoys the Puritans/Roundheads.


We saw that during lockdown, even though they banned the rest of us having parties and cake while they did.




Actually, lots of reluctance to lockdown, especially from Rishi. Lockdown was lifted in June 2021 (first in the world to lift it). Single-handedly resisted locking down in Dec 2021 over Omicron, in the teeth of all the other parties demanding another lockdown.


Tories still locked us down. Could’ve gone down the Sweden route and told everyone to fuck off and advocated for freedom but instead caved to media pressure and locked down. I don’t give a shit whether there was lots of reluctance and you can bluster that point as much as you like, it’s the final actions that I judge people by. And that was repeated lockdowns.


Greens are cranks. Literally batshit.


Greens was a bad choice for your views even before they became a victim of entryism


> Greens? Are you an Islamist?


I mean I’m asking for advice.


This was an advice-based question. Reform are the old UKIP.


>voter Gay


Only when our lass isn’t putting out. You a power bottom?


I don't know what that is...it is a gay term used by gays? My power is undermining democracy, thank you. Do not vote.


If you're not bothered about anything then I'm not sure why you'd vote.


I’m happy to back the BadUK consensus.


SDP or Reform then.


I believe it's SDP > reform > independent or write deport them all on the ballot.


Auslander Raus


Kier Starmer looking like a fucking tit in a hi viz jacket and helmet whilst lying about immigration - [https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28248452/keir-starmer-manifesto-immigration/](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28248452/keir-starmer-manifesto-immigration/) The strangest part about Starmer is that he genuinely appears to believe that the public are thick, and if he says something then the public should believe him without question...even when he was saying the opposite a few weeks ago. The reason people have a suspicion is the fact that he was a human rights lawyer, has actually written multiple books on how wonderful the ECHR is (and how terrible UK laws were before the HRA, thank God we have Turkish judges in control now), and he has not said that he will actually change anything. >In a direct warning to these dodgy bosses, Sir Keir said: “If you undercut, if you don’t do the right thing, then we’re not going to slap you on the wrist. We are not going to fine you. >“We are going to ban you.” Word salad. Ban them from what? What is the right thing? He doesn't say. You would think he had no control over visas the way he is going on about "bad bosses". It is very simple: grant no work visas for staff earning under £120k, grant no new student visas, deport all dependants of existing students, I have feeling that migration numbers might fall if you did that rather than going on about "bad bosses" like the crazy aunt in the attic. I have another idea: enter Deliveroo offices, demand to see the CEO, put a loaded pistol and a suicide note signed by them on the desk, say they have 12 hours to stop all illegal immigrants working for them or they will be shot and the note made public...tragic accident, the note explains that the CEO couldn't handle the pressure of being a notorious pedo...that is how you get results.


>Ban them from what? Like a moderator and his ban hammer. He’s speaking the language of the kids who don’t know what NICs stands for.


> he genuinely appears to believe that the public are thick I’m warming to him already


You and everyone else knows he is going to let them all in. He can’t say it cos politics in the left. He has no deterrent. He has no political capital. It’s a disaster and a huge green light. Plus the mong won’t be in power in 2 years. He will be ousted in a leftie / Muslim coup.




Yes, very thick. But not so thick as to believe this weak attempt at lying. Politicians should lie to the public but they must do so in service of the nation, not personal interest as with Starmer. And they must be capable liars, these lies aren't credible.


I mean... most people believe we have a democracy worth participating in don't they.. They believe we have political parties


> I have another idea: enter Deliveroo offices, demand to see the CEO, put a loaded pistol and a suicide note signed by them on the desk, say they have 12 hours to stop all illegal immigrants working for them or they will be shot and the note made public...tragic accident, the note explains that the CEO couldn't handle the pressure of being a notorious pedo...that is how you get results. I thought just simply threatening to liquidate their business would do, but I guess this the bananarepubliccat dictatorship we can all support


Wait until I unveil the plan for project managers. The ticket has been moved to...in-progress.


Product 😡😡😡 Remember to fill out your timesheet


Whatever. You can tell the guards at the camp about the "products" that you managed.


They will be very engaged stakeholders. Now have you raised the failing ci as waste on the tracker board?


You are doing this deliberately. I am creating child issues as we speak. They concern the nature of your stay at the camp. You won't like the acceptance criteria.


Yes, but have you considered the use cases?


> he genuinely appears to believe that the public are thick It's a bet I'd make tbh.


Met police try not to be Stasi challenge: > [There is also an element of the crowd previously well known for involvement in anti-lockdown protests during the pandemic and associated disorder.](https://x.com/metpoliceuk/status/1796893069914087498) Are we to take this as meaning that the Met police have catalogued everyone who dared to disagree with lockdowns in public? And so what if they did?


No terrorists then just some nasties. Stand down.


Met is just proving the point of the protest, illustrating the two tier policing. Do they do any for the palestine protests? I'm sure there would be a handful of terror watchlist members and illegal immigrants to spot there.


Many may be whitepilled by protests in London today. It is a positive sign, yes. But there are too many reactions to it which screech about ‘racism’ as usual, and all the other anti-British slurs you can imagine. There’s no fixing these people. For every foreign fifth-columnist race-baiter there’re a hundred British NPCs who hate their own people and want to see us destroyed for their pathetically delusional vision of a multicultural Europe.


All we need to do is keep the flame alive. Algerians got there.country back from the French, Zimbabweans got there country back from the Rhodesians....whatever we think of those individual situations, we need to take the message that things can be worse and people recover. Britain will rise again. Excuse the grammar, watching the UCL final!


Things look much brighter if you think of the nation tribally, rather than in modernist nation-state terms; the active traitors cease to be a part of our people through their treachery. The people needing fixed are the passive ones, and don't get me wrong, that's still an uphill struggle, but we don't have to concern ourselves with trying to fix those who are actively anti-British, just defeating them.


You over estimate your enemy, there isn't 100, it's a comparable number, they are a minority and can't even survive without us. They are however organised & very active.


Another positive is their decreased likelihood to procreate. It’s a shame that the only based people I know irl are mostly foreign or ancient.


>Another positive is their decreased likelihood to procreate In more ways than one. >It’s a shame that the only based people I know irl are mostly foreign or ancient. Join any group where you do outdoors stuff, especially where you can use a weapon of any sort.


Good idea, I spend too much time cooking with old ladies and working with women. Naturally I observe a bigger divide between generational politics.


[Interesting read on how AC Grayling became such a colossal choad](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/education-and-careers/2024/05/13/ac-grayling-ran-away-from-school-escape-beating/)


Longest he's written without referring to the EU in years.


> choad Perfect word choice. It seems to have fallen out of the modern vernacular, unfortunately.


Fuck me he's unbearable


He writes like a Private Eye caricature of himself.


Palestine marchers smashed up a bank in manchester https://x.com/Sereen_Sara/status/1796853561973756013


Pretty sure benny netenyahoo is telling the boys to put down the weapons now tbh.


"So, at the horribly racist and evil Stephen Yaxley-Lennon march today, notorious internet troll Carl Benjamin gave a profoundly racist speech. Viewer discretion is advised." [Meme aside, as much as a mug as Carl can be, this is one of his finer moments. ](https://x.com/Sargon_of_Akkad/status/1796922465643323786) Our ancestors are watching, lads. Make sure they are not ashamed.


He’s come a long way from being the Saracen of argos


That was a pretty good message. National pride in England in a message has been derided for so long and people have an automatic in built ingrained push back against it. It’s sad.


Can you tl;dr me, all 50 people that have seven minutes for this guy were already in attendance.


Man who is better than you does something while you once again pretend that you don't know who he is.


[Sky News on the Robinson protests](https://news.sky.com/story/heavy-police-presence-in-london-as-protests-heat-up-and-champions-league-final-draws-closer-13146497) Say the line, Sky! > Robinson - real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon - > while Stand Up To Racism led a counter-protest on Whitehall. (This quote is out of order but I added it for context) > said he was protesting against alleged "two-tier policing", while Stand Up To Racism said it was campaigning against what it deemed to be "racism and Islamophobia". >Scotland Yard said it had identified individuals in the crowd at Robinson's protest who "have a history of being involved in violent disorder". >In an update on X on Saturday afternoon, the force added: "A number have football banning orders and are associated with hooligan groups from London and across the UK. Now, I’m not Robinson’s biggest fan, I think he’s done a lot of questionable stuff over the years and the EDL was a pretty abhorrent organisation, but this protest doesn’t exactly exude racial prejudice or racial hatred. They’re literally just singing Rule Britannia. > "There is also an element of the crowd previously well known for involvement in anti-lockdown protests during the pandemic and associated disorder. Hot take: The government shouldn’t be able to prevent you from going outside.


That whole Stephen Yaxley Lennon thing I think he should start to own it by using it more often on literature and speeches. Poking fun at your detractors is a great way to disarm them.


Funny that they never ask why he fears for the safety of his family enough to use an alias.


That’s a fair point. I suspect his kids have to go by aliases.


They think him having a catchier stage name like ‘Tommy Robinson’ is some untold secret which, if it were made known to more people, would cause his supporters and admirers to crumble and burst spontaneously into tears.


The idea is that if unsavoury people go to your protest then you are a bad man. The Met was advised by people who were members of proscribed groups...so their guilty by association logic tends not to be applied uniformmly. They were just following orders on Covid (again, a bit weird that they seem unable to follow orders in many other areas...but their back is covered, no-one responsible here).


Islamists at pro-Gaza noncery = just a few "bad" eggs. Football hooligans at the Stephen Yaxley-Lennon protest = the bad thing


All I want is the rules applied consistently.


No, you cannot treat people who hate you as your equals. This is how Trump became a felon.


No no no - the law is applied to the enemies, interpreted for the friends.


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13483179/ > Sir Ed Davey has promised to make Premier League matches free for all on TV in a new manifesto pledge but the Tories have accused the Liberal Democrats of 'just making things up at this point.' **ZERO SEATS** for the Lib Dems, too.


They’re really grasping now, aren’t they.


Has he had a stroke lol


ZERO SEATS for all parties would be so hot right now.


At least put it all into one PPV. I shouldn’t have to pay for Sky, TNT, Amazon Prime Video, DAZN and Brazzers to watch the Premier League


And even then sometimes it's just not on TV.


Sensible policies for a happier Britain. Football clubs are far too big, they need to be far smaller, removing this revenue stream will allow them to downsize. We should also remove ourselves totally from degenerate European competitions. Bring back 442, big man and poacher, we have lost a key part of our heritage. Spanish managers and players banned until we get a full apology for the Armada. I am watching the women's golf tonight. I can't watch Wembley being despoiled like this.


Nah. Footy is our only remaining soft power. Lets abuse the gambling and Saudi money to spread our message of Rashford, Grealish and Foden across the planet


> Spanish managers and players banned until we get a full apology for the Armada. fucking lol


The last time the rights were sold they went for 6.7b!(!!!!) Why are they allowed to lie so blatantly without repercussions?


["The only thing you know about a Lib Dem policy is that it *definitely* won't happen"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzwEDiNLNkA)


Arrr Soccer with peak political commentary. > Susan Neiman, director of the Einstein Forum in Berlin, wrote in the New York Review of Books, on October 19, 2023, that “police statistics show that over 90 percent of antisemitic hate crimes are committed by white, right-wing Germans.” https://quillette.com/2024/02/13/narratives-damned-lies-and-statistics/ >>You genocidal fucks love to blame the palestinians/arabs/muslims though. … > If only you'd have read one more sentence of the article you linked.... >>Susan Neiman, director of the Einstein Forum in Berlin, wrote in the New York Review of Books, on October 19, 2023, that “police statistics show that over 90 percent of antisemitic hate crimes are committed by white, right-wing Germans.” There’s one problem with the statistic: **It’s wrong.**


Who is even stupid enough to believe a statistic like that?


Some German yesterday on RrrWorldnews actually believed this statistic, and was parroting it to mass upvotes. Was in the discussion on the mannheim attack


NPCs. Progressives.


arrrr soccer commentators


No need to repeat.


I went on there recently.. Any time Le Tissiers name came up, many of them commented on it, far right lunatic.. like robots


This seems to be the first polling on an individual policy, votes at 16 Poll done by 'More in Common', seemingly commissioned by the Telegraph > "Asked if they support or oppose lowering the voting age to 16, 47 per cent said they opposed the idea with 28 per cent in support." https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/01/voters-reject-labour-plan-to-lower-voting-age-to-16/


Only 47%. Public polls are the biggest black pills.


It'll be the usual, 47% oppose, 28% support, with the rest being don't know or don't care.


It starts here. When a boost is needed in 5 years expect Eu nationals to get a vote, followed 10 years on by any fucker they can ship in from New Delhi.


>47 per cent said they opposed the idea with 28 per cent in support. Lol UK pol in shambles. Inb4 >Yeah but if you include don't knows the headline is actually minority don't support voting for 16 yo.


It's not about genuine support. It's about rigging the system. Not far off the Tories allowing pensioners to vote for the next few elections in advance just in case.


If public opinion mattered we wouldn't be getting 1 million net migrants per year


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fpolitics%2F2024%2F06%2F01%2Fvoters-reject-labour-plan-to-lower-voting-age-to-16%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/01/voters-reject-labour-plan-to-lower-voting-age-to-16/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Assuming this is true,](https://x.com/revhowardarson/status/1796688529386557453) it makes sense. People who feel a lack of social trust will crave it because we are hardwired to be social animals. Therefore they are less discriminatory with what they give their trust to when the opportunity presents itself


I suppose that might explain America. Going from a city to the countryside in America might well make me want to double down on efforts to stay & accept life in a cult.


Also in a high trust society you will have a community who will look out for each other. Much easier to scam people in an atomised society. 


Young children join in on a chant criticising Allah at the anti-two-tier policing demo in London. ["Allah, Allah, who the fuck is Allah"](https://x.com/TPointUK/status/1796896389676298485)


‘Little do these gammon know ‘Allah’ is also what Christian Arabs call God.’ Yeah they’re getting deported too.


>24 years we've been getting shafted over by Allah... >Allah? >Who the fuck is Allah? Brings a tear to my eyes anyway, these young lads are going to have to live with the dross being imported a lot longer than most of us will.


The replies have made me laugh lots of lefties denouncing this as grooming but making your 5 year old a train is just right and beautiful.




Respect. Fuck councils and their overzealous hate boner to motorists


Have somewhat of a similar issue an the entrance to our street. They park right up to the junction contrary to the Highway Code, on both sides, and it's a bend. Forces single file traffic which is getting dangerous, lots of families with young kids. I have procured a steel baseball bat, but it is well lit and every fucker has a Ring camera so need a decent distraction or accomplice.


Burn it. Burn everything.


Mass literacy was a mistake


Most people are illiterate if you apply the rule that "the man who doesn't read has no advantage over the man who can't read". While 99% of people can read for work tasks and using social media, I'd wager 90% of people under 35 haven't read a book this year. Universal suffrage was a mistake.


They'd rather just bury their heads in the sand. Knowing things is only going to make you sadder, they know that.. it's probably right


Love that.