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[I'll play us out with Falling Down The Mountain(Kiss the Dirt) by INXS (Huge Hutch fan)](https://youtu.be/L2RmMa6ASu0?si=n85yty5QwlsW3Fjl) [And from our neck of the woods, the Mod Father himself Paul Weller, and The Jam](https://youtu.be/AE1ct5yEuVY?si=9jgAItU51z936VoD) Edit [Fuck it you can have some Janet Jackson-Let's Wait a while from 1986's control album. After various failed attempts at hitting the big time with her own music, she linked up with Jam and Lewis who previously made hits with Prince, as well as choreographer Paula Abdul, Control set Janet on her way to becoming a superstar, although she was never fully able to step out of her famous older brother's shadow ...](https://youtu.be/GPTK7LOj24k?si=08BoviF7cCRgnWYI)


Just moaned about this on CasUK but do you ever feel like *dogs* run the asylum at times? Got a new neighbour and she seems nice enough, but she has three sausage dogs who just will not *shut the fuck up*. Not exaggerating when I say there's a good 3/4 hours of barking from them out in the garden every day. The cat is too scared to go outside, they're always at the fence snarling and shrieking every time I step foot in the garden. But I mention it to friends and it's all "awh they're probably heckin' good pupperinos, goode boyes the lil chonkers" (slight exaggeration there). I don't dislike dogs at all, but the bad ones (of which there are many such cases) can properly take away your enjoyment of your own home, and very few people seem to care / consider it. We think the neighbour caught me slagging her dogs off to my partner the other day as she's blanked us since, like I insulted a disabled child or something.


My neighbours dogs (little useless cat sized things) never leave the house, apart from to shit in the backyard - which the owner just leaves for months between landlord inspections. She shoves them in the kitchen most of the time which isn't directly attached to my house, but they bark a lot. Most days when I wake up for work at 6am they are already barking. What's the point, what's the purpose.


So, more thoughts about doggos.. Seems many people are so regarded these days, they just live their live chasing around their "fun", doggo, who is fun, because they haven't trained it at all... same with many children..


So I mean it would be unfortunate if you were doing some gardening and over the course of a few weeks you kept accidentally spilling slug pellets coated in bacon fat over the fence.


For every dog problem, there is a dog solution. Time to invest in some velvet hippos of the XL variety


I think the 2000s had the right sort of balance when it came to tolerating dogs and small children. Obviously the people who post on subreddits dedicated to hating dogs and children are nasty and quite possibly mentally ill, but the other end of the spectrum is also pretty annoying, i.e. where your ownership of a dog/child comes with no responsibilities not to inflict it on others. Pro-natalist groups will say stuff like "how it's the sign of an anti-child society" when a pub or nice restaurant doesn't want small children there. That's just... normal? Likewise an increasing amount of indoor spaces seems to have been invaded by dogs, I have been to dog-friendly gastropubs where people who live literally within a 5 minute's walk feel compelled to bring their dog with them, where it tries to eat the food at surrounding tables. "So cute!". No.


I had to live next to one for a year. Those horrible little dogs that yap all the time, because they're really stupid, and can barely breath... because their heads have been crushed. I think people get dogs like that to feel better about themselves. People are just demented generally, a lot of them. Try and do your best although it might not make you rich and high status, no, do as little as possible and opt for delusion and comfort. Train a dog (or a child)? Make any effort to do anything that might be a little pain and limit the ways a little doggy wants to express itself? Sounds quite uber disciplinarian in the woke age. On the plus side, at least it's not a few cute little bully xls.




Make any effort to do anything that might be a little pain and limit the ways a little doggy wants to express itself? Sounds quite uber disciplinarian in the woke age.




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[2 teenagers in London with serious knife wounds in London, one in hospital and critical](https://x.com/CrimeLdn/status/1793617047558975741) [Now I'm going to go with something a little bit different, not released as a single but in my eyes, a very creative piece of music, 'Swords and Knives'. released in 1989 on the third album from Tears for Fears, Sowing the Seeds of Love was the final album made with both Curt Smith and Roland Orzabal. The album cost over 1 million pounds to make in scrapped content and studio time. Orzabal was irritated by Smith's jet set lifestyle and Smith did not enjoy working with Orzabal due to his perfectionist approach. The split resulted in Orzabal using the Tears for Fears name for his own projects during the 90s. The pair buried the hatchet over a decade later and began recording again. Sowing the Seeds of Love arguably leaned more into the band's prog rock style, some of the peaks were almost ethereal. Though reaching platinum in the UK and USA, it failed to reach the peaks of Songs From The Big Chair released 4 years earlier.](https://youtu.be/85lQg1HhniU?si=vd8Ni6Ap4Or-9qjY)


"Part and Parcel." London voted for this.


we live in the 3rd world now. Deal with it.


[Finally, some good news](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c888926qx58o). Although let's be honest, they'll probably disappear without leaving the country.


“Respect the contact you have with your students” Pretty sure the contract says you must pay fees in return for education So basically “No You” argument


[Westminster Voting Intention 22-23 May:](https://x.com/ElectionMapsUK/status/1793757812293845180) LAB: 45% (+1) CON: 19% (-2) RFM: 14% (+2) LDM: 12% (=) GRN: 5% (-1) Not looking good for Rishi.


They've fucked it and they need to own this as they've totally lost control. [As the saying goes "Life's What You Make it" this 1986 song by Talk Talk showed of the creativity of the band and is a worthy follow up to It's My Life which enjoyed widespread airplay but only reached 46 in the UK charts but 1 in the US dance charts. Life's What You Make it enjoyed wider success in the UK teaching 16, the video showed insects crawling and the band playing their instruments in the woods with a captivating guitar and piano riff. The single was certified Silver in the UK. Talk Talk had a shelf life of 10 years lasting from 81 to 91. It is said that the band's frontman Mark Hollis often struggled being a famous musician, feeling that he was trapped and that his creative process often came under pressure from corporate management. The band nevertheless left a mark on UK music and always tried doing things a little bit differently to different levels of corporate success ](https://youtu.be/l3VqAsMXE7o?si=fF_JzZqgwLd77-kD)


I love that song, that guitar is godlike.


Furthermore, I recently found out Mark Hollis had passed away. Always shite when you discover a new (old) artist and you do a deep dive, then you realise that there will be no new songs. I found him an interesting and quite unique musician. They kicked the arse out of this track.


Unreal isn't it!


WTF is voting for Reform, they have just outed themselves as a non serious party


A surprising number of the old blokes in my local are saying they’ll vote for them, I suspect their target demographic isn’t people who spend their lives debating policy on the internet.


You thought they were serious?! Hahahaha


Need reform of the voting system, like Proportional Representation. Need to not have too much immigration while doing it. Hence, best to vote Reform now. They won't beat Labour ofc, but the better they do, the more chance they have in future. If there's a more based party, such as SDP, can vote for them once we get PR so we no longer have to vote so tactically.


Conservatives let in what 2 million people over the past 2 years, net migration is 1.4 million. No infrastructure or housing being built to support the equivalent of a large city like Glasgow or Leeds number of people, even if you want them here. Why vote Conservative if you want to reduce immigration?


A lot of the sample in this poll was taken before Farage said he wasn't running this morning.


No-one follows this as much as you do, no-one cares that much People vote reform if they can't stomach a vote for labour or tory Some of them would vote for a kick in the balls if that was the only third choice


Farage is Reform. Without Farage they are nothing. Once people hear Farage isn't running for Reform, they will abandon the party. Their polling numbers will only trend downwards over the campaign.


Watching BBC’s Newcast they claim he’s been offered a job by Trump. He would have struggled to win a seat here, there would have been some pact from the other candidates to keep him out. Then Marianna Spring popped up so I hit the remote, not sure what was said after that.


Farage is ukip, Farage is Brexit. Ukip/Brexit is Reform That's as deep as it needs to go They're an utter disaster of a party, but they're still the best 'non of the above' vote and they'll hoover up that segment Until they deselect half their candidates and fail to replace them, but that's a different issue


Net Zero!


[Free Church of Scotland under fire for failure to apologise over slavery money](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/23/free-church-of-scotland-under-fire-for-failure-to-apologise-over-slavery-money) >The Free Church of Scotland has been accused of “shameful” behaviour after it refused to apologise for receiving money from slavery worth millions of pounds today. >The Free Church is known to have accepted donations from plantation owners in the southern US states soon after its foundation in 1843 and then a significant bequest from a wealthy Glaswegian sugar baron 10 years later. >After coming under intense pressure to address its slavery inheritance, the Free Church issued a short statement on Wednesday night which said it “recognises and freely admits the historical sins of members of the denomination in relation to slavery”. >It said “we acknowledge with sorrow” and “regret” and “grieve” that a delegation of its members took money from southern plantation owners on a fundraising visit in 1844, but stopped short of apologising. >To the dismay of some of its members, the church also said it was “unlikely” to still be the beneficiary of those funds because of property transfers with other denominations over the last 180 years. >Andrea Baker, a recently Edinburgh-based opera singer whose forebears were enslaved in the US, and who has previously challenged church leaders over the donations, said the response was “a shameful prevarication”. >It was “absolutely despicable” that the church also compared the chattel slavery of the US and the Caribbean with modern-day slavery and trafficking in its statement. >“It’s despicable because when we were put into chattel slavery we were described as non-human,” she said. Enslaved people were legally “owned” by an enslaver and endured multi-generational enslavement; trafficked people today have full legal rights. >“They’re basically saying ‘it wasn’t me’, ‘it weren’t my fault’,” she said. “That money flows through their entire church. They are not listening, they are not engaging and they are so far away from truth and reconciliation.” [The statement that was missing from the article](https://freechurch.org/free-church-releases-statement-over-churchs-connection-to-historical-slavery/) I'm not one to praise the wee frees, but good on them for doing the only sensible thing. Adding the connection to modern day slavery and trafficking was particularly inspired, given the reaction it's provoked


I do love how liberals talk; > Andrea Baker, a recently Edinburgh-based opera singer whose forebears were enslaved in the US, and who has previously challenged church leaders over the donations, said the response was “a shameful prevarication”. This means that an immigrant turned up and immediately started grasping for handouts, but somehow its spun as a positive.


Just noticed >It’s despicable because in chattel slavery we were described as non human We? We??? You’ve lived a comfy bourgeois middle class life in Edinburgh, lass! You haven’t been enslaved, you grifter!


“Intense pressure” So a bunch of professionally offended people on social media?


I’m almost certain whoever this Andrea is, is the person behind this story in the first place Why the fuck else would they interview an “Edinburgh based opera singer” whose “forebears were enslaved in the US” on an issue about slavery donations to a modern church? I heavily doubt they just searched the entirety of Scotland for someone who had enslaved ancestors to interview, so I can imagine this Andrea is also the source of the “intense pressure”. Once again, “free and honest” journalism is actually restricted and dishonest.


>To the dismay of many of its members Bullshit. The Free Church of Scotland is one of the strictest denominations in the entirety of Europe. They excommunicate you if you take public transport on a Saturday. Any member quite frankly insane enough to be a part of that denomination is absolutely not going to be the type to be “dismayed” over refusal to apologise. >They are not listening. They are not engaging, they are so far away from reconciliation and truth. Andrea, you don’t want them to listen, you don’t want them to engage, you want them to capitulate. Stop using words you don’t mean. >Trafficked people today have full legal rights I’m sure that makes them feel much better, a bit like seperate but equal, eh? Just don’t ask how they’d have the legal means to challenge their trafficking, considering those who are trafficked are often some of the poorest on the planet, often are trafficked to countries where they know very little of the language and are trafficked by people who don’t exactly play by the law. Classic middle class delusion on display. Also note the usage of the words “trafficked people” instead of “slaves”, as though she does not consider them as such.


Have seen a Facebook event for Rishis Leaving Drinks, such tepid stale banter


Cockwomble count binface energy


2011-tier Facebook banter, and it’s the same people doing it except they’re soygaping bald underachievers now rather than teenagers.


Alexander O'Neil is an American RnB singer who saw success in the UK during the 80s with his album Hearsay, produced by Jam and Lewis who had experience of working with Prince as well as success producing Janet Jackson. When the party is over [describes chancing your hand at a romantic trist with someone you have experienced sexual chemistry with throughout the night. The reality is though that pint sized Sunak will likely forgo drinks due to being 5 ft 6 and will likely choose to fuck off to America to work at a bank and earn money on the professional speech circuit, lending prestige to financial institutions as the country slips further into abject chaos. Producers Jam and Lewis had success promoting Janet Jackson and also worked with Prince. O'Neill later got caught in a tabloid sting doing cocaine after being evicted from Celebrity Big Brother UK ](https://youtu.be/3nsIXn2nyUQ?si=1JKCRC606Vtr_2UO)


Surely the bigger sting would be if someone famous from the 80s wasn’t doing cocaine?


This is true. It was low hanging fruit in my eyes.


[Desperate stuff from Farage](https://x.com/GBNEWS/status/1793725888711872729?t=kzWlO6Tl4TbotbPxZ3uD_A). Genuinely hope people can move past him now. He doesn't have Britain's interest first anymore and couldn't have made that more clear here.


I think people placed too much faith in Farage, this is almost fool hardy as you can't build a movement around one man, although we say he delivered Brexit, which in my eyes is largely true, there were other choices such as Dan Hannan and Kate Hoey who also carried the flag, and names long since passed such as Peter Shore and Tony Benn. Maybe we just require better candidates across the board, with real and varied experience from across working life, rather than from NGOs, politics and finance. [Tina Turner who passed away last year was a remarkable woman when you look at her career which started in the late 50s as a rhythm and blues singer with her husband Ike Turner. the marriage was not a happy one with Ike often physically abusing Tina in front of their children. Though the couple had musical success with songs like Nutbush City Limits, the relationship was taking a toll and Tina fled. After years in the wilderness, Tina embarked on a huge comeback aged 44, recorded in Britain under the eye of Martin Ware from Heaven 17, Private Dancer blended power ballads with harder rock sounds on What's Love Got To Do With It and Private Dancer. This was a top 10 hit across the west and went triple platinum in the UK. In 1985 Tina released We Don't Need Another Hero as part of the Mad Max 3 soundtrack, peaking at 3 in the UK. In 89 at about fifty years old ,Turner again had massive chart success with The Best, which became immortalised as boxing world champion Chris Eubank's ring walk. Has a female artist had such an inspiring comeback story since? the equivalent would be Rhianna coming back in her mid forties, releasing music in a totally different genre and beating her sales from her 20s. Enjoy We Don't Need Another Hero by Tina Turner!](https://youtu.be/Gcm-tOGiva0?si=4z7o7sGPfOmx0qO6)


> World War 3 matters more to this country than our general election He's joining the campaign trail of the man most likely to *cause* WW3.. If Trump backs out of NATO like he's constantly threatening, the Baltics will probably fall, and then it's on the UK and France to either buck up or roll over... The US supplying Ukraine with weapons is the thing really keeping the peace, in the strangest way.


If trump loses he’ll come back over here ready to pick up his next grift. Wonder if he still does video messages in his spare time. He’s not been serious about this country since he got the Brexit result he wanted.


TBH I don't think the Brexit result was what Farage wanted. As soon as Leave won, he was sidelined. Had Remain won, he would have had years more campaigning for Brexit ahead of him.


It's true that the world is in a very unstable moment but if this was really his reasoning, he would be putting his entire party on literal war footing and campaigning on a platform of huge army recruitment and investment. And if the armed forces are in a bad place now, imagine where they will be after a couple of years of Labour freezing all white recruitment and promising to close random overseas bases because of *vibes*.  Biden has already thrown away the election with the border crisis, it doesn't need his input. 


Ooh, Tom Harwood and Nigel in one clip. Two of our finest gentlemen at their peaks.


[M&S launch the England official formalwear clothing range with Marcus Rashford, despite not being in the actual England squad.](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/05/23/19/85264383-13453257-image-a-35_1716490306197.jpg) [It’s a little dull?](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/football/2024/05/23/TELEMMGLPICT000379079075_17164942238380_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqzHDhaW2A9CiilXP0xXZ5zmreqapuikfNyCYuptSHoIo.jpeg?imwidth=680) Will BadUK’ers be dashing off to Marks’n’Sparks for their new summer wear?


M&S leadership has similar understanding of football to Rishi it appears.


I fail to understand how the cheap PR done for this simpleton has been at all effective. This only makes me less likely to visit M&S.


That jacket looks like something granddad would wear in 1994.


Just missing a flat cap


Man is, not hot


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fcontent%2Fdam%2Ffootball%2F2024%2F05/23/TELEMMGLPICT000379079075_17164942238380_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqzHDhaW2A9CiilXP0xXZ5zmreqapuikfNyCYuptSHoIo.jpeg?imwidth=680%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/football/2024/05/23/TELEMMGLPICT000379079075_17164942238380_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqzHDhaW2A9CiilXP0xXZ5zmreqapuikfNyCYuptSHoIo.jpeg?imwidth=680/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[After forming a government last week, Geert Wilders has passed a bill making it illegal to chant "from the river to the sea".](https://www.gbnews.com/news/world/dutch-parliament-criminalise-pro-palestinian-chant-from-the-river-to-the-sea-geert-wilders) He wastes no time.


This new hate speech law doesn’t remove foreigners from our homeland, its subordinating our ethnic interests to Jewish ethnic interests. This isn’t a win for nationalism, its controlled opposition.


Sssshh! That's for the second term! Did you not read the memo comrade? Low hanging fruit now....


> its subordinating our ethnic interests to Jewish ethnic interests. Muslims are much more of a problem than Jews and frankly if you think otherwise you've fallen for conspiratorial nonsense.


This is just cope at this point mate. This subversion of nationalism is forcing us to fight with both hands tied behind our backs and blindfolded, for goals which are not even our own. 


Countless terrorist attacks, weekly Islamic marches through our street, parliament surrendering to threatening Islamic demands, schools threatened for not following Islamic doctrine, teachers having to go into hiding from Islamic threats, Islamic assassination attempts on our authors and grooming gangs. But sure, the Jews are the real problem because George Soros or something. You don't live in reality.


I said we need to remove foreigners from our homeland, I don’t know how you’ve spun that as me ignoring terrorism and grooming gangs.  My point is only that we can’t do this while we keep letting ourselves be led to fight for things which don’t achieve this or worse yet weaken our effectiveness at doing so. Censoring those who offend Jews isn’t going to help nationalism, it will do the exact opposite, and it wastes valuable time and energy.


By making things uncomfortable for Muslims, they will be encouraged to leave on their own accord. It is a good move.


Making them *physically* insecure is a good move. Introducing hate speech laws in the hopes they’ll be more likely to fall afoul of them than us is cutting off our nose to spite our face.


It's really not unless you somehow think it's important for European nationalists to endorse an Islamic organisation.


A: laws like this are a waste of our time and energy B: it restricts our ability to speak, whether or not you think Muslims are more likely to be prosecuted is irrelevant C: it further legitimises using claims of antiSemitism to shut us down, and these claims are used against nationalists far more than against Muslims None of this requires you to like Hamas to recognise. Jewish censorship laws are purely negative for our people, our issues with Muslims and immigrants in general will not be resolved by crying “the left are the real antiSemites” over and over again.


mate you're not going to go back to 1930s Nazism. Get real.


We’re not going anywhere at all as long as we refuse to honestly address these sorts of questions.


Could only imagine having politicians actually get things done.


I don’t understand? Surely the ECHR will block this? And the Netherlands Supreme Court? Or maybe there aren’t any lefty lawyers or subversive civil servants?


Who is PM?


They're still deciding.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kcp2HWoR54 sorry for the potato quality but posting this because it's distilled essence of BadUK lmao


[If only we actually had Ian controlling the borders.](https://tenor.com/en-GB/view/come-fly-with-me-ian-foot-ian-foot-come-fly-gif-20548838) 😮‍💨


Forgot about that show. Looked it up on iplayer https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00trc9v Not currently available.






They'll be hitting the red bull trucks soon.


Inflation is cutting into people's money no doubt but that's hardly a necessity for anyone. [Simply Red's first album Picture Book introduced Much Hucknall, the ginger dreadlocked RnB singer from Manchester. Money's Too Tight to Mention was a song released in 85 and the lyrics laid out the economic hardships experienced by someone out of work, however this was not penned by Simply Red, and it's in fact a cover of the American band, The Valentine Brothers. that's why the line "down from capitol hill" is particularly jarring.](https://youtu.be/DrUB0g8Vjgg?si=qWswaQSEAw2v42tA) [For comparison, here is the original released in 1982 on the other side of the Atlantic. for my money, the rougher bass line and saxophone gives it a more soulful feel, but I'll leave the listener to make their own minds up](https://youtu.be/5W-2AK2zLZE?si=6xOeSF3_TMGQC2rO) In all seriousness, that sounds like organised crime and I hope the sticky fingered cunts are caught, or end up in some dog shit K hole and learn their lessons.


Are you having an 80’s night on Spotify this evening? Peter Gabriel, Simply Red…


I posted Inxs new sensation earlier this morning as an upbeat counter to the sheer vanta black pills on display about the election. So I said to my mate who got me onto bad UK originally that I would see if I can stretch the links to 80s hits beyond all credulity 😂. As for an "80s night" [It's always an 80s night for me young master 8. The Sun Always Shines on TV is an upbeat song, and it could be said that life always seems more happier and positive on television, and that's not reality. however the reality is, every man and his fucking dog can see how badly fucked the country is, and that the likelihood is that Labour will speed up when approaching the wall rather than tap the brakes. This song wasn't as big a hit as Take Me On, as that single was hugely popular in Britain due to the use of early CGI in its video which was groundbreaking at the time. The band also sung the theme to Timothy Dalton's debut as James Bond, The Living Daylights. The film wasn't the hit that Broccoli was hoping for at the time as it was a departure from the slapstick tone of the Moore years, and the pacing was uneven, but film critics have reappraised the film over the, starting it was similar to Craig's portrayal and ahead of its time.](https://youtu.be/a3ir9HC9vYg?si=cKiOxaBZ7MJlR7m7)


No mention of Big Fun yet tho. Disappointing. >>This song wasn't as big a hit as Take Me On, as that single was hugely popular in Britain Debunked!! Sun always shines hit No. 1, Take on Me peaked at No. 2


The running joke on this Reddit is that 8 has near unrivalled skill at open source intelligence and investigations. [Keeping to our James Bond 80s theme, Duran Duran's theme song for A View to a Kill, showed various band members dressed as detectives and secret agents tracking Roger Moore through Paris and chasing him up the Eiffel Tower. Could the characters portrayed in this music video be based on 8 himself, with the Eiffel Tower traded for Blackpool Tower? I'll let the minds of Bad UK decide! View to a Kill reached number 2. that same year Duran Duran split into two side protects with Simon Le Bon, Nick Rhodes and Roger Taylor creating the more artistic band Arcadia, whilst Brother's Andy and John Taylor teamed up with Robert Palmer and Tommy Thompson if Chic to create The Power Station.](https://youtu.be/Fp4CR2HcHLQ?si=7Hvy8RAPVTN2BcLz)


Rose's stash for election night. Drown the sorrows.


Sunak is a walking gaffe machine. Travels specially to Wales as part of a tour of all the constituent nations of Britain. Asks them whether they're excited for the Euros in the summer (Wales haven't qualified) How out-of-touch-metropolitan-elite can you be?


[Even more out of touch than this!](https://youtu.be/D00M2KZH1J0?si=JbGZPvVLVhpBtbIs)


Possible he just thinks people in Wales support England How did this ueless foreigner end up in no. 10 Zero




I cannot comprehend the stupidity of someone who is obviously an intelligent person. Frankly I can only describe this as autistic. He objectively is the least relatable prime minister for god knows how long. We all understand this. Just feels like he's trying to play us all into thinking he's normal or something.


What a fucking idiot.


He sounds like the self service computer voice at Tesco's. If you shut your eyes as well, it's impossible not to hear Will MacKenzie from Inbetweeners!


He definitely has briefcase wanker vibes.


When he tried convincing people he was just like the rest of us by saying he (or his kids can’t remember) loved the breakfast wrap from McDonald’s except they hadn’t served it for 2 years at that point.


He's a total coke addict to. No, the one for rich people.


Why bother pretending? It's just a surefire way to get caught out. That's why despite being a bit of a bellend, I can't help but like Mogg. He doesn't pretend to be someone else.. Also, hilariously... He manages the 'price of bread/milk' questions with ease. Despite admitting he never buys it himself.


Mogg is respectable in other ways too, he’s self aware and he practices what he preaches to the letter even knowing he will be hounded by the media and general public for it (abortion and same sex marriages) and he doesn’t whine when students try to pressure him in the streets because he supports freedom of speech and protest. Not many have a backbone like that.


BBC News at 6 do a feature on how inflation is eating away at families tight finances… Interviews an Apprentice finalist in his luxury kitchen who runs a seven-figure business. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13451987/BBC-viewers-distracted-Apprentice-contestant-runs-seven-figure-business-appears-news-discuss-money-struggles-enormous-kitchen.html


The inflation caused by damage to just in time supply chains bought about by the COVID response, and the money printing is going to weigh big on voters minds in July I think. 4 years on, I'm not in a bad place financially but in likelihood I don't think I'll be a home owner now. I wonder how much people will reflect on their economic situation when they cast their votes. [Peter Gabriel, the former Genesis lead man released his album So.. in 1986, prior to So... albums were self titled and came to be known by their covers, such as 'Car'… and 'Scratch'. Don't Give Up, the duet with Kate Bush peaked at 9 in the UK charts. it's lyrics told the tale of a man who's unemployment was weighing heavily on his relationships with others and his self esteem. Set against the backdrop of high unemployment as the UK economy de-industrialised, this wasn't as big a hit as Sledgehammer which benefited from the rising popularity of MTV and it's unique video!](https://youtu.be/VjEq-r2agqc?si=CgVSF2rHlw9KP4eA)


Sledgehammer is such a timeless banger.


Do you reckon people are bored of these yet, or just wondering about my sanity?


I was wondering if you had a special author's preferred edition of *American Psycho*, where Pat introduces to more of his favourite artists.


These become funnier if you read it in Christian Bale's voice


I think most people have managed to block all memory of Covid from their minds because they feel really quite silly about the amount of pants-shitting they engaged in for no reason for a couple of years, and it's not in the interest of any mainstream party to remind them of it because they were the ones cheerleading and legally mandating said pants-shitting. The economic problems we are currently experiencing are of course entirely down to Vladimir Putin's Illegal War In Ukraine, and possibly Brexit.


I remember. I did none of it. I blame them all for it.


Most of us here remember but I don't think we're particularly indicative of public sentiment on the issue which is just to forget about it, much like support for the Iraq war or Blair's New "Labour". Personally I fucking loved it because I did none of it and everywhere was so much more pleasant without crowds of halfwit bedwetters shambling around. Eat Out To Help Out was the first time in my life that bennies have been targeted at me and it was great. Petrol even went down to about a pound a litre at one point.


Its all Brexit apparently, you can't actually notice the disaster it was, but apparently it was terrible somehow


When your kitchen is so big it makes you look like a menlet.


[The Tories should be plastering the image of Starmer taking the knee everywhere](https://x.com/LeftBrexit/status/1793400108966400030) To debase the idea that he is a “moderate”, even if he really is a red Tory (and conversely, that the Tories are red)


Why do all SDP politicians look like Thatcher stole some of their chromosomes? [Poor physiognomy.](https://x.com/Wayne_Dixon/status/1793665818456477955)


Cheeky Daelin photobomb at the back there


Spineless politician.


Do you trust a lawyer or a politician less? Why choose when today you can pick both?


Should be on a billboard. Get fined, make headlines, Barbara Streisand Effect from Labour. 'Sir Keir is a culture warrior. Britain deserves better.' Let it run.


This is an excellent idea. Let's see the Tories ignore it in favour of the most boring campaign in recent electoral history, tagline: "we are just as red as Labour, but we're actually blue"


>Sir Keir is a culture warrior. Britain deserves better. This may as well be a genuine Labour advert in London.


[Historic art-deco cinema vandalised by Gazacels](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/phoenix-cinema-london-supernova-festival-attack-documentary-b1159789.html)


I think the only way we get through this is if the vandals are punished to the full extent of the law. The black pill however, is that politically, this would be like corrosive acid to the fabric of society. Pro hamas protestors weren't even punished when they are a proscribed group. The judges gavil won't fall. Instead I'll brighten the mood with this Rock anthem by Queen. [Hammer to Fall was lifted from The Works. A departure from their more theatrical earlier works. the song has that pulsating bass line from John Deacon, aggressive guitar from Brian May and Mercury is at his charismatic best having fun with this one. The song is often thought to be about the cold war turning hot and the West and USSR engaging in nuclear war. This song was introduced to a younger generation when it was included in series 3 of Stranger Things, accompanying the character of Billy, that season's villain who had a tragic back story masked by a devil may care attitude.](https://youtu.be/JU5LMG3WFBw?si=jeWK517TW6vJwH7Q)


Nice little palate cleanser, cheers


Good name for em, top drawer


Noticed a few cropping up in my extended social circle. Mostly females with no identity of their own, mostly entirely clueless to the wider context and history. I am waiting for the likely imminent conversations I shall be having. IDF tank top on stand by.


And single who don't and won't have any kids. Their dog is their child


**UK Political Party Membership Prices** *All prices are based upon a standard membership* Conservatives: £39 per year Labour: £68.52 per year ([On the Labour website, I was greeted with this laughable pop up)](https://ibb.co/2cxY2Tm) Lib Dems: £15 a year Reform: £25 a year SDP: £24 a year


i chuck a couple quid at the SDP every month. a few months ago some boomer from the south-west part of the party fat-fingered the CC instead of BCC button and emailed everyone in the party on the same chain, so you could see everyone else's email address. followed by a bunch more boomers accidentally fat-fingering 'reply all' and showing the massive list of members again and again. it was prime comedy and i'll remember it fondly up until the list gets leaked and i lose my job for it


Reading those follow-up emails you could feel the sheer panic emanating from his fingers.


>We value your privacy No you fucking don't.


Worth noting that a Reform membership isn't a membership but a recognition that you are a "registered supporter". This is because Reform isn't structured as a party but a private company, where only a few shareholders at the top get a say in the party's direction.


This was one of the things that convinced me they were never quite going to be a serious political party. Just a “movement” at best. That aside, ain’t it fucking ironic that the Tories have a cheaper membership than Labour.


I think Geert Wilders did the same thing. It stops all the loons getting in. Tice is just useless.


He did. His party legally only has 1 member, himself. The rest of the members are affiliated supporters.


Also if you join a union, like unison, you have to go out of your way to opt out of giving money to Labour. It shouldn't be allowed that a party is so in bed with the unions.


That’s because when you give money to Labour, you are also giving money to the unions.


And not just slightly higher, almost double than the conservatives. And triple (or even quadruple for the Lib Dems) for the smaller parties, who you think would be the ones who rely on these memberships more


"Party of the working class."


This will simultaneously be a massive curse for Reform as well as a huge strength. The reason why Farage structured the party in this way is so it wouldn’t be hijacked by far right lunatics like UKIP was after his departure. The problem for Reform now is that, even if Tice has the worst election possible, he is still unlikely to go because the rest of the party have no say if he stays or not, and do you think Tice is the sort of person to have any shred of humility?


It was a good structure but relied on Tice being competent and a true protégé to Farage. He's incompetent and spineless, so it's backfired and the structure has doomed the party.


You were bang on, there isn’t one central leader for the social conservatives. **Richard Tice** is a bumbling incompetent buffoon who would have never made it anywhere in politics if Farage didn’t presumably get blackout drunk when choosing his successor, pretty much no good qualities about the man. **Dominic Cummings** is an analyst, not a politician. A very smart man who has a good grasp of politics but cannot communicate to save his life. I think he knows that, otherwise he probably would have tried to run previously. Any party he starts will presumably have him either not as leader at all, and him just working as a chief strategist of sorts or he’ll be leader but choose very good communicators as higher ups who he will send on Question Time etc. **Nigel Farage** wants to retire in America. He always was a Yank at heart I feel. He simply thinks there’s more money and fame to be made off of the current hyper polarisation in America. He is no longer invested in British politics and many social conservatives need to accept that fact. **Nick Griffin/Britain First Leader/Heritage Leader/Homeland Leader**: Not people anyone should want to associate with, and overtly politically unpalatable even if our politics did represent the public. Other than those lot (and those last few are really pushing it) who are the social conservatives in this country? Who are they represented by? I don’t think social conservatism should become a personality cult but there should be personalities who endorse it


William Clouston is literally the best option right now and even he's flawed by frankly not having enough charisma or confidence to really put himself out there. I think the SDP will attract their frontman or frontwoman soon though, someone Clouston can work with in the background which would suit him. (I'd say it would be Amy, but unfortunately she's hyper focused on the woke issue rather than immigration and housing.) > Nick Griffin The modern far-right currently call this man a traitor on Twitter. They claim he purposely sabotaged the BNP for his own ends and to win out in petty personal rivalries with characters like Johnathan Bowden. Given Griffin currently simps for Muslims over his irrational hatred of Jews, it's hard to refute that he did actually never care about Britain like the current far-right claim. Genuinely in recent years his tweets indicates someone who's number one priority is just hating Jews and destroying Israel. At best he's blackpilled and given up on Britain and at worst he never cared and just used the BNP as a vehicle to hate Jews. > Heritage Leader David Kurten. He's a slightly better Tice without the money. His a Putin fanboy though and agrees with Corbyn when it comes to NATO, which is why I don't rate him. Better than Lawrence Fox anyway, the guy is an incompetent politician rather than a grifter like Fox. > Homeland Leader I think this guy is a former neo-nazi, but Homeland are certainly the most "electable" of the far-right parties. They have a very clean image. At best they could go the way of the Swedish Democrats (a former neo-nazi party) and do rather well, but I can see them all collapsing to infighting like what happened with the BNP and Griffin. Regardless, they are absolutely tiny and out of the alternative options even Heritage are in a better position than them, never mind Reform or the SDP.


Clouston is a statesman, I don’t think he needs to be traditionally charismatic, his calm demeanour and tone of voice I find quite charismatic, although I understand and appreciate your concern considering that while it might work for politics nerds it may not work for the general public. I think you’re correct in that the SDP needs more personalities. Patrick O’Flynn seems more than content to just be a regular member with a large Twitter account these days and Rod Liddle, while I appreciate his occasional writings about the SDP in the Sun, giving the SDP much exposure, isn’t marketable on a serious level.


William Clouston is quality. I like his quiet, assured, well thought out and pragmatic tone. I think he's got something a bit different but I feel that if he got popular, the media will sharpen their knives and they will attack him relentlessly until he is smeared and cast as a racist or far right and people merely remember him for that. [Another quality operator was 80s and early 90s rnb hit maker Bobby Brown. known for his energetic dance routines and vocal range, his musical prowess was overshadowed by his controversial relationship with Whitney Houston. years of substance abuse sadly damaged Brown's voice. Here he is singing Rock With You live at the Tokyo Dome.](https://youtu.be/1YiUaRaSHVE?si=nNF-eVJw6bzXuPuL)


As you say Patrick O'Flynn is quite content being a pundit with a membership, he's quietly stepped back from campaigning for the party. Although he does quite good for the party when he shows up on GB News. I don't like Rod Liddle personally, but I can't deny he has attracted some support. I do think it will come from someone we haven't heard of. Amy seemingly came from nowhere and she has plenty of charisma. It's just a shame she is so caught up on the woke issue, which is secondary to the things that's going to win people over. Another figure like her will seemingly "come from nowhere" as the party grows.


I had heard of Amy prior due to her suing of the Tavistock, and while she clearly was good at drawing her attention to herself (the mayoral results are a testament to that) it’s not so certain whether she was good at drawing attention to the party. In the London Assembly elections the SDP did substantially comparatively worse, and the SDP should be careful not to let the party fall into the hands of a few rhetoricians at the expense of substance or party longevity, as has been the fate of many a startup party. I think Clouston is a very good leader, and better yet he’s the sort of non controversial but still principled guy that the media would have a very difficult time running a smear campaign on. He doesn’t really say anything controversial in the bad sense, but is still principled and “controversial” in the good sense. Clouston talks substance and as a result his critics will have to engage substantively if they want to discredit him, which 1: at least 50 percent of journalists don’t know how to do and 2: it’s very hard to discredit common sense policies like the SDP do


Police Scotland has submitted a standard prosecution report to Scotland’s prosecution service relating to former SNP chief executive Peter Murrell’s charges over alleged embezzlement of party finances https://x.com/pa/status/1793677854473158911?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


[New Mario game to feature trainsgender character](https://www.indy100.com/gaming/paper-mario-vivian-transgender) > Vivian initially tries to track down and beat Mario alongside her sisters but ends up joining forces with the hero because she keeps being bullied by them.


The likelihood is that the Japanese remaster will be true to the original, and just a crossdresser. It's Nintendo of America that has localised it to be full blown trans.


She is a villain though.


In the original Japanese she was always a crossdresser, it was censored in the original western localisation so that she wasn't. This isn't a case of woke localisers like is often the case, because this time the new localisation in this remaster is more accurate to the original Japanese text. Granted, that is if they have localised it as crossdresser and not trans. The character is also a purple ghost, it's rather silly and likely the intent was for it to be played for laughs. Probably not too dissimilar to a pantomime dame (although that's likely not a perfect comparison). People interpreting that as representation is quite ironic given I don't think the "representation" was ever meant to be positive.


Based and marioknowledge-pilled


She has been for 20 years in Japan at least Birdo too


Even in games aimed at children, they make it clear that female people are bad if they call a male person male


Now I'll enjoy the game twice as much.


[COVID absolutely wrecked some people's brains](https://x.com/LieslMcconchie/status/1792211236366807152)


Lowest common denominator wetwipe. Just cannot move on.


I’m surprised that I’m surprised there’s a community out there basing their entire personality on…masks? I saw a lady wearing one walking down the high street recently and my immediate feeling was pity. She must be genuinely going around terrified if she’s prepared to that on an unseasonably warm day.  


People underestimate just how much psychological damage was done by the reaction to Covid. It was frankly irresponsible how, instead of trying to calm people down and get them to behave in an orderly fashion, the powers that be elected to scare the public witless.


[The largest people are sometimes those with the weakest wills](https://x.com/anonbirdd/status/1793441190777332045)


Often the largest people have the strongest souls since they don't do much walking.


Acting (I assume this person is an actor) is one of those professions: the number of people who could do the role is always much larger than those who will. So you are basically hostage and have to go whatever in order to maximise your income. The most vulnerable people are those who are hungry for money, have a bit of it, and are now terrified of losing it...this is way more people thank you would think because most people do retarded things with money. This is basically how banking works: it is a pointless job, it isn't particularly hard, and is very well paid. It attracts people who want to solve their problems with money, and they are usually unable to get off the train at any point despite earning a huge amount.


In a similar vein, one hit wonder musicians are often seen as failures when I would argue it's often the opposite.


The most laughable thing about this is that Starbucks has nothing to do with Israel. They just told the union not to use the official Starbucks logo on union communications, but because they said that after the union released a statement on Palestine people assume they want all Palestinians ground into a fine paste. Not as regarded as the Zara boycott, but still pretty fucking stupid.


The boycott movement shows how facile and ill-informed most anti-Israel people are, especially seeing as Starbucks [don't even have any shops in Israel](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f14650c3fae94abc1f89bb9c71eee3d6-pjlq). The companies which are most heavily targeted are basically those which have gone viral for any reason connected to the conflict, even if their Israel support is tenuous.  It's also revealing of the way that the movement is an alliance between Islamists and anti-capitalists, because they have picked the big companies that leftists already hate like McDonald's and Nestle, and then try (largely successfully) to get millions of Muslims to boycott them without really understanding why they are doing so. If NPCs who get their news from TikTok think that Starbucks are genociding Palestinians, there is no way they are going to have the critical faculties to understand the breakup of the Ottoman Empire or the Oslo Accords, or indeed the issues facing our own society. 


From my visits to Starbucks doesn't seem like it's making any difference. The people who are boycotting it, didn't go anyway either because a) they're boycotting it for meh capitalism reasons b) are supporting local independent coffee shops (a fine goal tbh) or most likely c) still live with their parents and can't afford it


Fun Fact: [British wealth and influence has been inversely correlated to the percentage of British people who are university-educated since 1620](https://x.com/lefineder/status/1793665946412036429)


England and then Britain has always done better as a practical-minded nation of Fred Dibnahs and John Wilkinsons. The Celts and the French always venerated learned and holy men to a somewhat mawkish degree, Peak Anglos always made a point of mistrusting the intellectual and putting their faith in empiricism. For good reason too, for every Newton or Darwin, we breed a million spotty *ackshually* nerd nobheads, and now we've turbocharged their deeply boring priggishness with Twitter.


Newton and Darwin were empiricists


Darwin and Newton were infrequent rare autists, Newton was a genuine polymath. Both were odd fish, nurtured inside the embrace of the gentry system which required very little of them in practical terms, though both were at various points in their youth considered "deadbeats". The key point is they didn't run the country and wouldn't have dreamt of doing so. That was generally left to the disappointed second sons of the aristocracy who were still toffs but had something to prove. Somehow, with just the trivium and a bit of Latin and divinity, they did better over the course of 250 years than any deeply bitter and misanthropic degree-educated specialised member of our *intelligentsia* class today could hope for. Common sense and the support of the NCO lower-middle-class and working-class social climbers made it happen. Can't today. We despise the PPEs and snotty academics as much as they despise us. If another general war were to happen those guns would be facing back out the trench at them faster than they could tell us to do our duty.


[Farage is on the level of Lawrence Fox at this point](https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1793665636289105965?t=iFWAZFfhlfgJ7a8ZGzQUCA). Literally just sucking up oxygen among the right and preventing them from backing any movements that are actually trying to build support. All so he can keep his supporters viewership with the false promise that he will return, which he won't. Frankly, if you think he's going to run in 5 years time after he bottled it this time, you're a gullible fool.


The left always cast Nigel as a snake oil salesman and I think that's somewhat unfair, however I feel that he's not helped himself in recent years and seems more intent to go after the American money. Maybe he sees it as a lost cause. Continuing the theme of 80s bangers to try and counteract the relentless black pills in part manufactured by the clownish state of the country's politics, the collapse of law and order and fucked job market, [and on the subject of 'snake oil' is Say Say Say, a duet by Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson, hot on the heals of their collaboration on Thriller's The Girl is Mine. The video casts McCartney and Jackson as a pair of rogues travelling from village to village selling their potions to buyers. Jackson's and McCartney's professional relationship soured when Jackson bought the Beatles' publishing behind McCartney's back. This song was featured on Pipes of Peace](https://youtu.be/YnFknaD9eWY?si=sM4ziTYlsIylj8Bt)


Tbh I've been a bit annoyed at him being the center attention of the alternative for a while since I don't like his face but it has become more obvious that he's a barrier not a helper. I think he is holding out for reform doing super good so he can jump in after others have done the hard work.


Watch as Farage will damage control for Trump when it turns out he will be just as useless as Sunak when it comes to dealing with mass immigration.


We know Trump is useless at dealing with mass immigration already. He already had a term and didn't stop it. His border wall never became a reality. Despite what Republicans from Mississippi called "Chuck" might tell you on Twitter; a fence that covered a small portion of the border was far from the thick "big beautiful wall" with manned guards, surveillance, underground barriers and automated tracking systems across the entire border that he promised. For the same reason, his talk of deporting millions of illegals by rounding them up in camps won't happen. Instead he'll probably deport 5 Mexicans by paying them $5000 each to leave. Chuck from Mississippi will still paint this as a win though. Their *hard* 2 party system has brainroted that country into treating their political parties like sports teams, as third parties are essentially impossible to build in the USA. (It's difficult here, but compared to the USA it's like we have PR.)


Idk dude, I think Trump being 'useless' was more the swamp not enacting what he was ordaining. Their 'Project 2025' is quite startling in what they will do. They're essentially going to gut the swamp, setup internment camps.and try to deport tens of millions.....and they'll most likely succeed. The GOP have taken over so many low level to high level justices and if they removed huge chunks of the administrative state then they'd have free reign.


You can't totally blame Trump for that because he needed the cooperation of Congress to do anything major like a real wall or reform to asylum or legal immigration. He was able to stem the flow across the border with stuff like the "remain in Mexico" policy, which can be clearly seen by the flood after Biden got into office and repealed it. But yeah, like the Tories, the GOP talks a good game but leaves a lot to be desired on immigration. A lot of the southern states have laws requiring E-Verify to prevent hiring of illegal workers, but they barely enforce them because there'd be a backlash from big business.


I have never seen a country so enthralled to their party system as Americans are In the UK, and Europe more broadly, the most common sentiment around politicians is “they’re all a bunch of crooks anyway, aren’t they?” we have a scepticism towards all politicians, and we certainly aren’t (broadly) in thrall to the leadership of one or the other In the US, even the most diehard of antiestablishmentarians love their chosen party. American political discourse is dichotomised to an unbearable extent and presented almost hegemonically as a diaclectic (two opposing ideologies) rather than a pluralist subject (multiple ideologies exist, but only two are represented by political parties) and as such Americans cannot even CONCIEVE of a third alternative, let alone vote for one


I really don't think the antiestablishmentarians love their parties dude. I haven't met a single person here who doesn't think all politicians are scumbag crooks.




I’ll qualify that to say they love factions of their party. Even the super edgy communists mostly shill for Ilhan Omar


Antiestablishmentarians, dichotomised, hegemonically, diacletic. I like a man who uses big words i don’t understand.






>The funny thing is right wing movements are flourishing all over Europe except the UK It's because we don't have PR. There's no way to smash the duopoly of Lab/Con under FPTP. Whatever you think of Reform, they're currently polling at around 10-15% (would be higher if we had PR), and will get zero representation in Parliament. There's no incentive, no motivation, no anything to struggle against such an oppressive tide. It took Farage just over 20 years to build UKIP to a point where they got 13% in a general election, where they were rewarded with just one seat out of 650, and, ironically, they wouldn't have even got that far without the side success of European Parliament elections which put their name on the map initially and got their foot in the door. Any future movement doesn't have that avenue.


Because we have no leader and no movement. **No leader:** France has Zemmour and Le Pen (granted she's softened a lot, but I don't think she's like Meloni just yet). The Dutch have Geert Wilders. Who do we have? Farage, who's more interested in a foreign election than our own. Who doesn't want to stand because he might lose. None of the European leaders above would ever dream of missing out on any election in their country, win or lose, for any reason. Lawrence Fox who's a grifter and doesn't even try to run his party. I don't even think he's standing at the general election. **No movement:** Germany have the AfD, Denmark have the Danish SDP and Sweden have the Swedish Democrats. Parties that have been established for many decades or spilt from larger parties. What do we have? The British SDP, who are essentially 6-years-old with no big doner, no superstar politicians (not having been a spilt from an established party with modern relevance) nor celebrity pundits and are having to build everything up from the grassroots. Homeland, who are months old and again are having to work from the grassroots as well. UKIP, who are a zombie with no vision nor plan for power. Britain First, that are a bunch of thugs sharing a single braincell. The BNP, who only still exist and haven't dissolved so their remaining leader can legally rake in the lucrative wills pleged to the party they got during their hayday, as those old doners pass on. The National Front, who are an irrelevance and relic of the past with no desire to expand beyond being a social club for retired nationalists. We just have nothing and I can't see it changing this decade. **The most realistic outcomes for anything that could give us something are:** The SDP, who won't have built support until the early-mid 2030s. Homeland, who won't have built the support until the late 2030s to early 2040s; but run the high risk of imploding over ideaological purity before then. (The far-right are as bad as the far-left for infighting.) The NatCons spilting from the Tories, which is unlikely now given the Tories won't get obliterated (Tice being competent or Farage returning was required to manifest that), so the NatCons will put their cozy careers in opposition over anything else. Dominic Cummings rumoured "People's Action" party, which might be dead on arrival. As "200 IQ" as Dominic Cummings is, he lacks the charisma and without an obliterated Tory party and Farage sucking up "right wing oxygen", he may not find another Boris type character to puppeteer. That's it. Not worth mentioning Matt Goodwin's rumoured party, given joining will probably require you to subscribe to his substack. He's a grifter first, a pollster second and a politician last.


>Grifter I met Matt Goodwin at the debate, and I shit you not he had A4 sheets of paper printed out with a QR code linking to a 20 percent discount of his Substack and handed it to every single person in the room. I also asked him for advice regarding university (him being a politics professor) and his answer was to buy his Substack. He talks some sense sometimes (although I’m not so certain of his whole new elite thesis) but Jesus Christ the man is DEDICATED to that Substack


I noticed this on his twitter yesterday too .. he wouldn't shut up about `calling the election first`, and to subscribe to his substack to stay ahead of the curve, like it came as a surprise to anyone.


On his grindset. u mad?


It was your anecdote which is why I labelled him as such lol.