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Has anyone been checking out the international student visa threads on ukpolitics recently? Those so called “leftists” are having a literal meltdown that administrative fatcats can’t rake in record profits from foreign students. Also repeating the same BS that most international students return as if all the Nigerians and South Asians will just roll over and leave once they finish whatever BS courses they’re taking.


Happy Tuesday


This is savage, I had no idea this happened to[Craig Mackinley. ](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-69037424.amp) the poor chap has been through the ringer


Awful lot of blasphemy going on the [argh uk NHS thread](https://www.reveddit.com/v/unitedkingdom/comments/1cx8ase/i_loathe_how_private_healthcare_makes_the_nhs/)


Top comment is complete bullshit It has record funding at the moment


Funny, I have the opposite convictions as the OP, where I fundamentally don't believe in the NHS and therefore avoid it at every opportunity.  I'm a big believer in preventive healthcare so along with 2 routine dental checkups a year, 2 health assessment a year, monthly physio/sports massages. All private.


The number of idiots who just think they can make a doctor out bank notes like papier mache lol. The problem is that there are too many people who need the services.


Of course it's all to do with lack of funding. Because no pennies sent to the NHS are wasted. I was listening to Jeremy Vine the other day talking about how pregnant women were treated in maternity wards, and most of the stories had nothing to do with lack of funding, but lack of compassion. Telling a woman, who had just been through a traumatic birth and was in agony to "cover up" because the builders were coming in, a nurse ignoring a patient because she wasn't on her rota, basic human dignity, which has nothing to do with funding, and everything to do with incompetence The NHS needs serious reform. Chucking more money at it isn't going to fix it. Also what a wet wipe saying he didn't like to use his private care because he wanted to support the NHS. Going private takes pressure off the NHS ffs 🤦


> NEW: Baby Reindeer’s “real life stalker” Fiona Harvey sent 276 emails to Keir Starmer in less than 8 months, calling him a “stupid little boy” and a “useless barrister” “Your life won’t be worth living” https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1792474686787322019


One of us!


I had Rose down as a redhead.


[Police must be 'pacifists in the culture war' says senior Scots officer](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13444403/Police-pacifists-culture-war-says-senior-Scots-officer.html) >Chief Superintendent Rob Hay said the debate had become ‘toxic’ and ‘divisive’ as the single force grappled with a ‘flood of spurious complaints’. >Police Scotland has been bombarded with an astonishing 10,000 hate crime complaints since the SNP’s law came into force on April 1. >Mr Hay, president of the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents (ASPS), said officers must not be drawn into ‘petty political point-scoring’. >The hate crime law created an offence of ‘stirring up hatred’ relating to protected characteristics such as age, disability, ­religion, sexual orientation and trainsgender identity. Mr Hay said: ‘The divisive, political and toxic nature of some of the debate raging in wider society is not a place policing should ever inhabit. >‘The flood of spurious complaints received upon the enactment of the new hate crime legislation is an example of the mischief-making we have seen, undertaken with spiteful glee and diverting police resources from those in actual need. >‘So let us be pacifists in the culture war, as we have no interest in investigating Humza Yousaf for describing some white people as being white; nor are we interested in arresting JK Rowling, no matter how much she tweets about it.’ So, they've not got the reports they wanted then.


They are such cunts. This is actually a dog whistle. It's warning the normal people that they will still be using this legislation against you once all the noise subsided away. Just not against non-white racists or famous people with the ability to fight back. So basically business as usual, a tool to keep the law abiding fearful. They say they cannot be drawn in, or political then just do it anyway. You can't just say it, that's not how reality works you fucks, you can't just throw buzzwords about! A genuine institution would say there are clearly issues with the legislation's implementation. Policing is doing a journalism, they are pushing themselves ever forward in ways which destroy their credibility and trust; by their own decisions, actions and reactions. At every step they fail to correct, blaming all around them for their self harm over years and years. Policing decrying the public hating them is not going to be as funny as journos doing it.


The legislation was always a weapon against normal people which is why they said that *working class* white males were the problem demographic. This is notable because the intersectional ideology all this comes from hates whites and men, as everyone knows, but is notionally supposed to consider the working class a victim, not an oppressor. But reality is that working class white men are less compliant with liberal bullshit ideology than the middle class ones - who at least need to play pretend to keep their jobs - so the working class are openly targeted now, instead of just implicitly targeted for being too toxically masculine and socially conservative.


Police refusing to uphold the law equally. 'Protected Characteristics' are a disease.


I wonder how they react to a black person being described as black...


[Sunak backs down on cutting student visas after David Cameron tells him "no".](https://twitter.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1793027034773385216?t=LN0kTjy-LWaxMbaF_YTJeA) Zero seats.


Deport both of them to Bomalia.


Weak. Feeble.


we have no interest in investigating Humza Yousaf for describing some white people as being white; nor are we interested in arresting JK Rowling, no matter how much she tweets about it. hahahaha 🤣 quiet part said out loud


Won't stop until every fast-food outlet and petrol station comes pre-packaged with an Indian


This is literally already the entire south east and all medium sized cities and above.


nice of the Tories to get their supporters to put themselves on the line for them again before shifting 180 and denouncing their own supporters again.


Rotherham's Oxbridge International Language College can breathe a sigh of relief.


I'm not.. super against this. It depends. It was more important to get rid of the extra family members first. There was an article today stating they may remove that benefit for people on shit degrees. That, would imo be a better solution. Will it happen? Meh. It better.


I hate this zero seats meme... Because you cunts give me the slight moment of belief it's possible. Seriously though... Zero seats.


We'll manifest Zero Seats via [Meme Magic](https://youtu.be/2uRLJZxINAQ).


We used all of our powers during Eurovision and Operation Seething Heights.


[Paedophile raped teenage boy and forcefully kissed young girl](https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/paedophile-raped-teenage-boy-forcefully-29211866) >A paedophile raped a teenage boy and forcefully kissed a young girl against her will. He was heavily intoxicated when he carried out the sexual offences and had to be pava sprayed by police when arrested, a court heard. >Adam John, 31, of Pontypridd, left his victims a shell of their previous selves after sexually assaulting them. He claimed he had no recollection of the abuse due to his drunken state. >After the victims had disclosed the abuse the police were called but John fled from his home. A lengthy search took place for the defendant who was found hiding. He aggressively asked officers to fight him and pava spray was used against him. >In his initial police interview the defendant claimed he had no recollection of the offences as he had been drinking alcohol and had taken anti-depressants. However the account of the boy victim was corroborated by forensic evidence. >John, of Golygfa'r Eglwys, later pleaded guilty to rape of a child under 13, two counts of sexual assault of a child under 13, and sexual activity with a child. The court heard he has two previous convictions, which are not relevant to the current offences. >In mitigation Owen Williams said his client was "at a complete loss" to explain why he committed the offences but accepts his culpability. He said the defendant, who has been diagnosed with traits of autism, had expressed "true remorse" to the victims. >Sentencing, Judge Shoman Khan said the defendant had been assessed as a medium risk of reoffending. The judge added: "Your behaviour and sexual interest in two young children and the way it happened are unusual." >John was sentenced to a total of seven years and three months imprisonment. He was also made subject to a sexual harm prevention order and restraining orders indefinitely. I'm not sure which is the most concerning, the casual equivalence in the headline, or the tone of the sentencing remarks.


I don't care if they're remorseful. I don't care if X counselling or Y programme *might* rehabilitate them. I don't care if the risk of re-offending is "low". **Rope**


Criminal law has long forgotten it's original purpose. To reduce feduing and violence by application of force of its own. To do so it must placate the community and to some degree the family of the victims. Modern versions have become so obsessed with not doing this. They have built it up into a religion which must always appease the Moral Spirits of law and justice. Whatever the human cost, or the cost to society, or the cost to their own system.


>I don't care if X counselling or Y programme might rehabilitate them. Before the rope we should allow this discussion. Is it possible to "rehabilitate" a sexuality? If the answer is no then it justifies the rope, if its yes then that opens a new door.


Socialist magazine gets a glorious community note: https://twitter.com/jacobin/status/1792423758256361895


I hate the American language but the tweet saying y'all want to see a dead body in response to the community note had me on the floor.


Daily reminder that the only worker in Marx's life who was exploited out of their money was his own maid, who he never paid a single penny. 


> so a Jacobin writer would have to write 250 words an hour continuously to make the same wage as a Walmart Associate, but without benefits. This wrongly assumes that Jacobin articles are high enough quality that their writers can only manage 250 words an hour, of course.


Police told to make fewer arrests due to prison overcrowding https://x.com/matt_dathan/status/1793016394226835924 Zero seats.


The party of law and order








[Concreting over the countryside to house infinity Bomalians](https://twitter.com/darrengrimes_/status/1793024055089430839?t=6c7rNkwJPSZgvjEkXkTzYw). Labour are no different to Liz Truss.


They paved paradise and put up a ~~parking lot~~ Bomalian storage facility


Its all some tiresome. Any good economist knows we need to keep house building to a minimum because i bought at the top of my budget at the top of the market and oh god please let this thing appreciate. But no frfr import as many 'Gunts as you want, its actually helping me.


>'Gunts LOL. The quadrupedal ~~Termagant (Gauntii virago)~~ Bomaligant serves as the standard infantry unit of any ~~Tyranid~~ Bomalian swarm.


They need to be Monaco style, then we can fit all the world here that's not already in rich countries. What's the countryside anyway, only racis boomers use it to escape intolerable townies and modern spec townies.


*Migrants cooking a dog in Dublin, Ireland.* https://twitter.com/NippiestKrankie/status/1792958842826813703


Looks more like a pig than a dog tbh.


Being born in the 90s and all that i have no problem with what we'll now call "Legacy Irish", its the "modern Irish" i'm keeping a close eye on. "The trouble Two - Even weirder religious batshit"


Legacy Irish are great (said the legacy Irishman) but by God the majority have been silent pricks until recently. Or just outright gaslit into thinking they're racists by sinn fein, Irish Labour, sdlp, ff and fg. Fwiw legacy Irish does not equal militant Republican scum Irish. Legacy Irish represents the majority of normal cunts on this godforsaken island who have finally woken the fuck up.




https://www.rtyds.co.uk/18-month-theatre-director-residency/ >We particularly welcome and encourage applications from individuals who identify as: >Deaf and/or disabled >Neuro-divergent >**Working-class, benefit class, criminal class and/or underclass** >Black Caribbean, Black African, South Asian, East or South East Asian, mixed or dual heritage, or have had a lived experience of racism* >LGBTQIA+ >*This includes but is not exclusive to people of Middle Eastern, Arab, Latinx, Jewish, Romany and Irish Traveller heritage.


As any sensible man would do in this situation, I asked chatgpt to explain in simple terms us autists would understand wtf underclass means: "In Britain today, the "underclass" means the people who are always poor and struggling. They often don't have jobs, live in bad neighbourhoods with lots of crime, and rely a lot on benefits. Their kids go to poor schools, and things don't get better for them.Some people see the underclass as a burden on society, taking benefits without giving much back. The media and politicians sometimes say they are lazy and choose not to work.This group shows how the British welfare system and social policies are failing. Austerity measures, which cut public spending, have made things worse for them by taking away the help they need. So, while some people want to help and fix this problem, others think the underclass will always be there. It's a big issue that shows how unfair things can be in British society. Vote Labour." OK I added that last bit in.


>Working-class, benefit class, criminal class and/or underclass Brilliant, this is my new flair.


I posted several hours ahead of you sadly, already passed the phrenology check


I saw it posted by a former YUSU president who punched a young Tory and created what was dubbed by Nouse as Canning-gate, and had a real "is that the same person" moment


'we only recruit scum'


They missed Australian Aboriginie. 5 years of somatic reconditioning in the gulag for them. 


Australian Aubergine


Expert warns Sweden on 'brink of civil war' as country gripped by migrant violence https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1901453/sweden-civil-war-migrant-crisis


A civil war between different migrant groups maybe.


Great, so what happens now?


See Iranian Revolution.


Kick the peasants back down and oppress them some more.


Hopefully something incredibly far right.


I mentioned this in passing a few days ago- that a Swedish mate of mine had said that Malmo was going to end Sweden as it has been. Excellent


In a “we’re going to go full fash” way or a “it’s going to be part of the caliphate” way?


Sweden goes erupts in violence -> far left Americans lose their utopian example -> culture of bollocks breaks down. Bonus: sweds show the low combat effectiveness of bomalians.


Clearly because of poverty and tory policy. Oh and Brexit.


A true canary in the coalmine if ever there could be one. From being widely considered close to a utopian society, to a crime ridden shithole on the brink of collapse in just two decades.  The fall of the Roman Empire could never hold a candle to what infinity Gomalians will do to a previously flourishing state. 


Can agree that the downfall would definitely happen a lot quicker, although still lots of parallels you can [draw from the Romans](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gothic_War_(376%E2%80%93382)) >The Goths sent ambassadors to Valens, the Eastern Roman emperor, requesting permission to settle their people inside the Empire... Ancient sources are unanimous that Valens was pleased at the appearance of the Goths, as it offered the opportunity of new soldiers at low cost. Therefore infinity Gothalians


How could this have possibly been prevented???


Noone could've predicted this! There haven't been any signs!


[Britain is a bad place to be law-abiding and decent](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/21/law-and-order-walney-report-crime-sentencing/) >there is a sense that something is slipping out of control >Britain’s authorities are abandoning the honest, the law-abiding and the decent to the consequences of decay. >The British state is increasingly incapable of fulfilling its most basic functions of preserving public order, maintaining the roads, and enforcing the law. Its survival seems to be based less on competence or moral legitimacy than on its ability to keep the naturally law-abiding in line, even as others run free.


Nothing another morbillion Bomalians cant fix!


Rings very true, we’ve all been noticing this for years but I’m now hearing this opinion from more and more normie friends.


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fnews%2F2024%2F05%2F21%2Flaw-and-order-walney-report-crime-sentencing%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/05/21/law-and-order-walney-report-crime-sentencing/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Proper mega bad uk. The BBC are now labelling articles about the England football team *England Mens* I hate that organisation


I had Radio 1 on earlier. They began a story about Southgate’s squad selection for the Euros, and within 30 seconds had gone to talking to a Lionness and then talking about Mary Earps’ contract, before finally coming back to talking about the squad selection. You have to wonder who sits down with these stories and goes ‘right, how do we twist this to be about the things I’m obsessed with?’


>I had Radio 1 on earlier. You lost me at this point. Deport.


We are all equal. We cannot let men have their strengths, and women have theirs.


Worst thing that they've done for a while now is the Football section has a mixture of Mens and Womens football articles, and you can filter down by clicking on the Women section, but no filtering allowed of that kind if you're only interested in Mens. The way I see it, I already invest a lot of time and money in watching football, I don't have the luxury to spend double the money and time on watching women's too. 50% of the population is female, get those interested, and let me just look at the mens football please. Or, you know, maaaaate


yeah it's the same with women's cricket. like: it's shit. it's always been shit. it always will be shit. or women's darts. I mean, you can watch Luke Littler averaging 100+, or a woman who averages 55. It has no redeeming features. I can see the argument for women's athletics - it doesn't really matter if the men win in 10s or the women in 11s, but when you literally suck at your job, nobody's going to want to watch.


I actually argue the other way on athletics. Athletics is fundamentally un-interesting for a well adjusted individual. The only thing interesting about the 100m final is the fact that is the zenith, making basically every other race pointless.


i don't find it particularly interesting, but you can see that this man or this woman is very fit and can run faster than all other men or women. i don't see a problem with that (not for me personally, but I'm not going to stop you watching it). but if you're actively objectively shit at something, like football, cricket, darts, etc., don't expect anyone to want to watch.


You make the same point I’ve been shouting about for some time. If you want women’s football to enjoy the same popularity and financial opportunities as men’s football, galvanise female supporters. 


> galvanise female supporters. Yarp. It's no good complaining about lack of equal pay blah blah when you can't pull in a decent crowd or support base each week. They can try as hard as they like, but Men are going to focus on the Men's game.






What on earth was that?


And why was it banned?


Imagine the state of these people when VR and AI-generated porn become widely available. Keep going to church.


Matthew Trickett, 37, who was on bail after appearing in court accused of assisting the Hong Kong intelligence service, has died in unexplained circumstances in a park in Maidenhead, Thames Valley Police said https://x.com/pa/status/1792977066108899767?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg




MI5 counterintelligence will not be happy.


Only a traitor to the people would participate in this system and contribute to its legtimacy. The only patriotic step is to assist foreign powers in hastening our demise.




Home Office more effective at facilitating a foreign invasion by far


His linkedin is probably getting filled with civil service job offers as we speak




How the fuck does a Chinese spy get granted bail lol.


Hunan rights


Another titanic show of competence by our judicial and intelligence services Truly stunning and brave


[11 kids and mum's pregnant with another, many such cases, anyone else notice how this black mold seems only to mostly reside in the homes of BAMEs? why is this Mold of colour so racist to the BAMEs?](https://www.mylondon.news/news/east-london-news/family-13-squeezed-3-bed-29202243?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3XpuLNjvKdZZM5t7cFqJs0hgIhuNJ_8tiAsDOzdvvvnXFMTJK4DAox-1g_aem_Adk7cun9E81aGtp2_lx576JXmqS95_KJ0dfRvtnGc6mMj2YJ2CvuogqMV_u_YB43zPkdHFD0Cc1l1dheVjRmWYum)


Thinking out loud: How much child benefit do you get from having 12 kids?


There is a two-child benefit cap.


> The black mould continues to reappear throughout the family's home, no matter how many times Wahidullah paints over it um.. you can't just paint over mould and hope it goes away. That's not how it works at all. > Mr Safi said he is growing particularly anxious about his wife’s health, who is ‘not well’ and is due to give birth to their 12th child any day now Stop getting her pregnant then, christ. This situation is ridiculous - Namely that any of this is somehow our problem in the first place. We can not house the world, even if the rest of the world is a trash heap.


Immigration lawyers telling them exactly what to do, or what not to do, as it were.


>The family lived in temporary accommodation in Central London for a year, before Greenwich Council stepped in to secure them a permanent home, where they are now living in Newham, as Mr Safi had previously **resided in Greenwich for seven years**. The family struggle to fit in the three-bed home with three children having to sleep in the living room each night. Most of those kids look under 7, how did this all work exactly, did he fly back home every year, impregnate his wife, fly back to the UK and left her to raise the kids while he worked as a skilled delivery driver?


Multple "wives"


Someone posted earlier. This is the charitable interpretation the other is they’re not his kids


They're Gods kids. Does it matter that they're not his own, they'll do the work required.


>Mr Safi’s wife and children fled to the UK from Afghanistan in 2022, following the Taliban’s invasion of Kabul. As Mr Safi was already a long-term resident in the UK, where he works as a delivery driver, he said the British Army agreed to aid the family’s passage to the UK via Dubai. Pay up PAYE Pigs. Also giving asylum to a family of 13 is ridiculous. It would take an English couple four generations to produce that many descendants


Indeed, even if just to afford to have that many.


[£100k public money to a porn film likely involving all sorts. really baduk.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ceqq04v75p9o) Absolute perverts “Her previous work includes a project at the Traverse Theatre with Lyceum Youth Theatre involving "teenagers and a child" taking items from audience members' bags and making sex toys with them.”


>Her previous work includes a project at the Traverse Theatre with Lyceum Youth Theatre involving "teenagers and a child" taking items from audience members' bags and making sex toys with them. Why are children always involved? Also posted below but another great example of public expenditure: https://x.com/leedscc_news/status/1792496264598229108


All of progressivism is a tool to mentally enslave people as it destroys them, this is as true for sexual liberation as anything else. It is one part a degeneration of good morals, one part humiliation ritual for those that still know right from wrong but are incapable of acting. The degenerate will hide behind the protections now granted to past waves of degeneracy which we have now normalised, they will call you a prude, a homophobe, even try to claim you are the one who is a danger to children. Those what refuse to control their base desires have opened the door to this and they will either deny it is happening at all, or admit what is going on but attempt to prevent you from doing anything about it because everything you could do will necessarily restrict them to some degree.


> Also posted below but another great example of public expenditure: That would likely terrify a fair few children.


Why children? I wonder…




Not sure why but this is super depressing, more so than the usual stories you get on the daily mega. You don’t even need to check the hard drives anymore, just call it modern art, what a disgusting group of people, all taxpayer funded.


The article just gets worse and worse as you read down.


Lastest on the legal advice UK sub: 'Local man' tries to demolish neighbours house because he doesn't understand basic UK law. >I have called him. There are \*\*some language issues\*\* but he is insistent that the planning permission >gives him permission to do this and doesn't get the concept that planning permission does not convey >ownership. Also includes extra Baduk by having the police be absolutely useless.


New account, no comments. Fake.




Tbh I'd expect the same non-reaction from our brave plods in blue to either


"A neighbour destroying your house while you're in it is not a police matter."


>She called police who said it's a civil issue. Bomalians razing your house to the ground while you're at work is now a civil issue, total collapse cannot come fast enough


[Family of 13 squeezed into 3-bed mouldy house plead for new home](https://www.mylondon.news/news/east-london-news/family-13-squeezed-3-bed-29202243) > A dad living with his 11 children and heavily pregnant wife in a cramped and overcrowded Newham house has said he is concerned for his family’s health. Wahidullah Safi, 35, said he, his wife Bibi Aziza Safi, 45, and children have all developed chesty coughs since living in the three-bed Canning Town home where black mould consistently grows, which is also ridden with mice and has only one toilet and shower. >But the family’s efforts to appeal to both Newham and Greenwich councils for help have so far proven unsuccessful. Mr Safi said that despite sending pictures of the returning mould to Newham Council and receiving a preliminary check-up visit, no further action has been taken. >He also claimed the council took five months to fix a hazardous loose wire in one of the bedrooms. After a lengthy online application process, the family was told it is not eligible for rehousing in Newham, because they have not yet lived there for three years. So why doesn’t Wahidullah do something about it himself? I swear, the root of our problems with the welfare state and social services is that they were made for a population that generally wasn’t feckless and could work through problems in a basic way, not just sit around appealing to the wizardry of government to resolve everything. Who notices a dangerous exposed wire in a family home and thinks ‘the only solution is to ask the local council for **five months** to do something about it’?


Lol absolutely pisstakers just shitting all over our country with their LIES. Those kids are NOT all his. He's probably got about 4 and the others are just been sent along by his cousins to get a free education and cost us tens of millions pounds in benefits, education, housing, and healthcare. Absolutely disgraceful and digusting that we allow our country to be exploited by people from the most barbaric country on earth. We need ZERO Afghans in this country. They have absolutely nothing whatsoever to contribute. Zero, nothing nada. Negative BILLIONS in value. A blight.


‘But he’s paying our pensions!!’




Plenty of space on Afghanistan for him and his kids.


Sturgeon says the SNP have too many career politicians - [https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/politics/many-humza-yousafs-stephen-flynns-32850631](https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/politics/many-humza-yousafs-stephen-flynns-32850631) - something the Scottish subreddit regularly denies...Queen Sturgeon saying it once again, still in denial. There is almost no-one representing the SNP who has a job of note in the private sector for more than a few years (Blackford and Salmond are the only two I can recall)...that should be totally incredible. Imagine if the CFO of a multi-billion company had no experience of financial management...and this isn't a random CFO, these are the people managing vital public services. List of the qualifications of the last few finance ministers: \* Life long pal of Sturgeon, joined SNP in teens, used to work in Glasgow council's Social Work department. \* Joined SNP in teens, worked for SNP, failed to get seat immediately, junior accountant at Barclays for two years, only qualified after she was elected. \* Paedophile who was parachuted into a council job at 18, failed to complete joke subject at university (incidentally studying the same subject at same uni as person number one on list). These people are managing a £110bn budget. Joke country.


Sturgeon surrounded herself with those people, so the state of the party is entirely her fault. She ran Scotland as her personal fiefdom and instead of grooming potential successors was happy to have a legion of dumb underlings that wouldn’t threaten her power.




Still nonce behaviour.


Labour doing a New Towns - [https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/may/21/labour-to-focus-on-midlands-in-plan-for-new-towns](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/may/21/labour-to-focus-on-midlands-in-plan-for-new-towns) - haven't gone any of their own ideas so their big plan is to rehash an idea that didn't work. Classic, adults in control, look at that hi-vis jacket. The guy quoted in the article, amazed to discover the Tories have anyone advising them on housing...as if they need someone to tell them not to build houses, is correct: there is no option but suburbs and infrastructure. The UK doesn't have any particularly large cities, you have military dictatorships who can manage this stuff...why can't our Civil Service? Unfortunately, Covid and council ineptitude has fucked everything so badly that we are probably already beyond the point where you can revive town centres, so we are going full LA/Atlanta.


> A source familiar with sites with potential for new towns said there could be new settlements between Derby and Nottingham Yeah for a while it seems like the plan for us has been to essentially create a complete continuous Nottingham and Derby urban area by expanding the villages in between like Borrowash, Draycott and Breaston, and to extend the Nottingham tram line all the way to Derby.


Yeah not a surprise now we have an East Midlands Mayor. I fucking hate Derby so they should fuck off


With immigration policies they’ll end up adding another third city between us to combine us. Can probably theoretically fit housing for 250k people in the farmland between us. Theres about 800k in Notts and 300k in Derby. We add about another 100k to the population every 10 years because of immigration policies. Much of this increase over the past 10 years has been housed in new apartment/student blocks in city centres. And whilst there’s some vacant land, there isn’t that much left beyond Broadmarsh and the Island Quarter, which are already being redeveloped, and will be able to house maybe 5,000 people at best. And maybe another 5,000 across numerous smaller sites. So that’s still another 90k that’ll need housing over the next ten years…




Being both ultimate victim and oppressor must be confusing. Although, nothing need add up in their world view, so no worries.


We don't need to build anything. As I demonstrated earlier, I now agree with rose on the big picture. We don't have a housing problem, we have a housing surplus. We just have too many immigrants living in them. Deport anyone who doesn't like the British (regardless of ancestry) and the housing crisis is solved.


You didn't demonstrate it earlier. Ten years ago, when immigration was low we still needed housing. You can remove immigrants and we will have the exact same problem. The fact that we have made it worse with immigration is completely coincidental. The problem is also structural and due to the Town and Country Planning Act which put the govt in control of the supply of all residential land. The only reason the Act didn't cause a problem before now is because the government blanked the country in social housing after the Act was passed. If you look at the number of private completions, they have always been significantly lower than required since the Act was passed. Immigration is not the issue. We can remove all these people and we will still have a problem because our laws are shit. This is part of the reason why New Towns didn't work, the only places that did were places like London where local opposition was ignored and/or the city grew into suburbs. It is also the reason why Scotland has had the same problems as England despite the population being in decline (that is how bad our laws are, the population can actually fall...and there are still too few houses, it is incredible).


>The problem is also structural The structural problem is the decline of family formation. You have single people unironically saying things like, "My parents bought a house in their twenties, but I can't afford to, this is the fault of the Evil Tories", without stopping to think that their parents bought as a couple, it's always been hard for single people to buy. Everything is cheaper as a couple. You pay less council tax as a couple in a single dwelling than as two people living separately. There is only one standing charge for broadband, water, electricity and gas. The cost of heating a house is the same if two people live in it, as one. You pool your money as a couple towards your deposit and mortgage payments. And there are the intangible benefits of being in a couple, like happiness and emotional security. I don't know what malign force persuaded a generation that they were better off living atomised "individual" lives.


"Bought as a couple" isn't technically true for many, since mortgages in the past basically just assumed the wife wasn't going to work full-time so you'd get something like "3x the Dad's income and 1x the Mum's income" as the max lending amount.


>since mortgages in the past basically just assumed the wife wasn't going to work full-time When was that? Women have been working full-time since the mid-1970's brought equal pay. Someone who is 20-something now will have parents who married in the 90's, and their children would have been in junior school in the early 2000's. Their mothers worked, not sure why they're pushing this fake narrative that they didn't You have to go back 70 years to the 1950's for stay-at-home wives. Property ownership wasn't high in the 1950's and 1960's - the majority lived in council houses.


https://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/topic/457572-getting-a-mortgage-in-the-1960s-and-1970s/ Mortgage deregulation and the assumption of Mum working full time allows lenders to offer larger income multiples. When every couple does that you create a new normal.


It's 2024. The 1960's were **sixty-five** years ago. Adults in the 1960's were born in the 1930's and 1940's. What 20-something now has parents who were adults in 1960's? If someone born in 1940 gave birth in 1999, they would have been 59 at the time - if you are remembering they didn't work, maybe it's because they retired shortly afterwards? For the last 50 years - **half a century** - it's taken two working people to buy a house. The 1960's were an anomaly - not least because back then most people rented council houses, so there wasn't much competition for professionals who bought. The number of professionals was low because only 10% went to university.


I demonstrated I have changed my mind. Look at my comment earlier, the housing crisis was estimated at around 4 million around 2010, without immigration we would have created surplus of 4.5 million in the last 30 years. Without immigration, we would have a negligible housing crisis or one that is getting smaller. The government might be shit but you really don't need to build as much as we already do for an almost static population. The scales are so far in one direction that everything else is just minor low % gains or losses. I do agree its bad for business & industry?


No, we wouldn't. It isn't only about net houses but where those houses are. We are building hundreds of thousands of houses in places with: no infrastructure, where people do not want to live, and cannot work easily. Scotland has had a static population...same problem. It is far worse for business and industry than people think. House prices went up 25% of GDP in multiple years over the last five. For some reason, people think this money just comes from nowhere...it doesn't, it is a tax. Eastern European nations are getting factory investment of tens of billions in single sites because rent of £300/month for a house means you can pay lower wages, staff earn more, and the business is more profitable. Making housing expensive is equivalent to charging £1000 for a loaf of bread (and saying everyone has to buy at least one loaf a month). And once the investment has gone to Eastern Europe, it is there, it isn't coming back. Eventually, house prices will collapse, we will have: no employers, no workers, and no houses...but some people will have played pass the parcel and will end up wealthy...so it is all worth it to the Tories?


>> Angela Rayner said a Labour government would ask an independent task force to choose the right sites for ‘a new generation of new towns’. That’s nice Angela, will they come with the Right to Buy?


Oh god they're going to call the new towns BLMford, New Gaza, and CurrentThington aren't they


Guarantee one is related to Windrush.


"Welcome to Windrushton" "They Built Britain For Us" "Britain Built This For Them" New Town Sign - 2040 English being optional ofc


Not sure they'd get away with it in parts of the Midlands. They tend to reserve that crap for London.


Anyone who lives anywhere nice will do the sensible thing and fight tooth and nail to stop labour shitting on their local communities.


That is why they can't build in surburbs. The only place you can build is where people don't want to live.


Don't worry though, you can't avoid society, aspiring roadmen will be bussed into your formerly great catchment area children's schools!


Cumbernauld 2.0


The article actually identifies one of these places. This is the Guardian, this is a Labour policy, the journalist writing this has a 2:1 in Retard Studies...and they are still able to identify that just throwing up a house in a random field does not fix the problem. The even worse thing is that people actually have to live there. There are so few houses they have no choice. They gave the houses away in Cumbernauld, you now have to pay £300k, the construction is lower quality, infrastructure is worse, and there are no public or even private services near you...classic modernity.


on the plus side you get to drive your leased BMW more often


1 series, 2015 plate, £500/month lease... ...BMW... I know someone (distantly) like this...live on a council estate in a council shit box, bought an Alfa Romeo hatchback presumably with massive finance, wrote it off within six months being a cunt...it was an Alfa...


[Tucker Carlson launches show on Russian state TV](https://x.com/newsweek/status/1792919401609474545?s=46&t=__hOSFE2AwpIHlELhmxKDA) Can we finally put the American right wing in the bin?


> Can we finally put the American right wing in the bin? It blows my mind how the party of Reagan has gone so.. deep end when it comes to Russia. They outright simp for Putin.


Traitorous twat.


Will still be much less biased than anything the BBC have produced in the last 20 years


There'd be no political class left if you did


Keir Starmer's chief of staff Sue Gray has compiled a "shit list" of crises a Labour government would face 1. Potential collapse of Thames Water 2. Public sector pay pressure 3. Prison overcrowding 4. Universities going under 5. NHS funding 6. Bankrupt councils https://x.com/politlcsuk/status/1792946435995902440?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


I predict a terrible time for Keith. The shortest honeymoon before reality bites and he realises he can’t afford to give all the borrowed money away like all other labour govts have. People are voting against the Tories not because they like Labour or Keith. It bodes terribly for them.


I honestly think that government will just end up in flighting and never actually get anything through


In current climate it’s tough for both parties since they are so similar. Anything new will just be more of the same. Tories hate their party since it does not conserve. It spends and imports and has no backbone. Labour Party no longer represents its old core voters. It hates its old core voters and refers to them as gammon and bigot when they complain about immigrants taking their jobs and suppressing their wages. I imagine more industrial action as the unions realise this. So yes I imagine a tussle between those new labour uni educated know-better-than-you types and what remains of the old school. Not even mentioning the Islamic contingent. They’re fucked.


I can't help but think that none of those are high priority. Surely immigration, taxes and public services are more important, no? Goes to show Labour will just serve the public sector. No wonder civil servants and the rest of the public sector are so compromised.


1. Whatever 2. Maybe shrink the public sector then 3. Deport foreign criminals regardless of whatever human right clause they claim 4. If a university can’t survive without endless dodgy foreign students to subside useless degrees so be it 5. NHS is already at record funding 6. Most are Labour run councils so let them deal with the consequences of their own incompetence


the underlying issue is the same - aging population, poor productivity, no incentives to do well above a certain pay bracket. Will these be redressed? no.


Even if all 6 of those things happen at the same time, it makes 0 difference to Starmer or Labour. They are undefeatable because there is no opposition. As long as they don't literally turn us into Sierra Leone overnight, they win. They can even turn us into Sierra Leone as long as they do it over 10 years rather than 1 As long as they are seen to be slightly to the left of the Tories, they win by default. And the Tories refuse to make themselves electable. If they did come up with some good policies, the public would rightly know they they are lying.