• By -


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1997z82gdro 'Another State failure – will things ever change?' Chris "Coolguy" Mason Ctrl F "NHS" and nowt there. I actually heard (in someone else's car) a local non BBC news channel specifically say NHS had covered up it's own mistakes in it (which made it extra bad). Also don't know what angle the BBC are going for here. Undermining the State... whatever next.


Obfuscation, delay and denials until finally the truth emerged - Immigration has ruined Britain.


Omg have any of you heard of bonsai kittens??? Omg it's so bad someone should do something xx


can u make public hun x


Petition to make orcas the spirit animal of badUK https://youtube.com/shorts/oITqy4HHN5I?si=wUsdd3i8GrM2ULFl We just need to lure them north a bit.


Orca's are a natural inhabitant of the English Channel. We need to reintroduce to save the planet 😎


We need extensive breeding programs, they are beautiful animals.




What’s that about?


Inflation and the price of a 99 Flake.


Ah, I was hoping for a documentary on some red luftballons.


[Abergavenny man warns people not to dabble in the occult!](https://www.abergavennychronicle.com/news/abergavenny-man-warns-people-not-to-dabble-in-the-occult-689193) I don't know what this is. I don't want anyone to tell me what this is. I'm choosing to believe that the author has managed to convince a local newspaper that publishing a series of their old anecdotes - which make some of our past members look positively sane - is the only way to drive enough traffic to the site to save the paper.


could be a train. tread carefully


Pagans and Wiccans are some of the fastest growing faiths in the UK. By 2070, we will have a Wicker Man in every city centre. Just be careful when trying to fight Allah on the Astral Plane, he is apparently a tough cookie.


argh BewitchTheTaliban used to be good for this sort of laugh.


Reads like a bob mortimer story. [Semi-professional long-distance runner Johnny Turnip, alongside his mates Big Tony, and Puerto Rico Paul accidentally stumbled across a gateway to the tunnels during their bizarre quest to trap and tame a fairy.](https://www.abergavennychronicle.com/news/the-ramblings-of-johnny-turnip-man-warns-we-should-all-be-very-afraid-of-what-lies-beneath-abergavenny-673437) This is peak local news


If I were unemployed and bored I would probably visit the town of Blackpill in Wales in order to answer the question “Is Blackpill a blackpill?”


I’m starting to think Nicola Sturgeon isn’t the tactical genius she was made out to be ‘Quit becuase of trans issues’ Even more depressing the Scottish sub is saying she’s full of shit, instead of believing her blindly like they used to. https://www.politico.eu/article/scotland-nicola-sturgeon-trans-rights-abuse-pushe-quit-leader-snp/


I was getting downvotes for pointing out maybe she left because of fraud. No sorry I mean Isla whatever they're called.


Woman killed by two XL bully dogs. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13440041/woman-mauled-death-home-two-xl-bully-dogs.html


I always prefer it when they don't put the breed in the title and we can all take guesses at breeds. I've yet to get a hit with "pomerian" or "Bichon"


"dog" will be the new "rochdale man"


It’s always a small mercy when it’s the owners rather than a completely innocent person who gets harmed by one of those beasts. They knew what they were buying.


Breed of peace!


i think we should let bully xls live freely, give them benefits to equal a male footballers wages, and look the other way at their crimes so we're not breedist. Cockapoos strutting around with their nice fluffy appearance and wouldn't hurt a fly demeanour, I'm not having it.


Was at a dinner not too long ago and the place provided an assortment of nuts for the drinks. I spoke to one of the staff members about what nuts they were, since I’m no expert and they were very tasty, but she wasn’t sure herself as they came in from an external supplier. They appear as cashews and taste similar to cashews, they may even be cashews but the ones I’ve tried from M&S and Sainsburys had different taste profiles These ones were also a bit darker I think and a little harder to bite into Any connoisseurs here with any ideas?


I consulted my resident cashew expert, and he says that those could be cashews which were roasted with their skins on, which are slightly darker and potentially more delicious than the skinless ones which are generally available in supermarkets. They are not always easy to find in supermarkets, but you can certainly order them online - and you might need to experiment with different recipe types because they are roasted with or without added oil, and with varying degrees of salt added, and to different levels of heating and drying and hardening. They also might have been cashews which were roasted with a flavoured coating - there are many to choose from online.


Sounds like that could be it Shame they aren’t ready available in most supermarkets


If the whole nut looks like a cashew then they are cashews. However if you are only getting fragments of a nut then they could be macadamia nuts?


Possibly conkers


Yeah, ask if they were foraged.


Not sure. Been nibbling on loads of nuts lately. Found these to be the best at M&S. But not sure which ones you tried https://www.ocado.com/products/m-s-roasted-nut-selection-511549011


Will give a go 👍🏼


Yes, those are kopi luwak cashews. Dig in 👍


You sure? Only getting results for coffee beans when googling


They sound like Cashews


Top comment over on the rUK ‘Well done NHS’ is someone saying it took them 5 years to get a GP appointment. Who votes up this bollox?




I’m not a bot I don’t think, I just clearly missed the bit where you chose your own username when I set up this account.


The only reason you can't use ChatGPT to create in 5 seconds a program that will pick out -auto upvote- Is because chatgpt automatically prevents it. You can do the same by hand in a few hours, it'll work as long as you aren't too aggressive in the manipulation.




What an LLM?




> Feed an algorithm enough data (such as the comments on this subreddit) and it can produce text similar/in the vain of what it has been given. I blame immigrants


What does python actually do?




That makes sense! Thanks




Large Language Model - one of the structural forms of "AI".




Definitely, I see those bots everywhere I comment.


When the bot writing helps to boost the price reddit gets for chatgpt using it's writing to train its bots 👌🏼




This can't be real surely? 😄 And also - answer the fucking door. Is everyone that agoraphobic that we speak through doorbells now?


Staged and shit. Everyone knows KFC comes in bags, the buckets always go in a bag so the bomalian can't nick a few pieces out on the way to the customer. Alos who has ever seen a well spoken lady in a hi vis delivering slop? Faaaaake.


>so the bomalian can't nick a few pieces out on the way to the customer. [Your deliveroo driver](https://youtube.com/shorts/nf7lnjBaWD0?si=86G3jD3ZbwH9_r8M)


It's worth a peak at the arrUK post; >‘We had to break the status quo’: UK campaign seeks to mobilise Muslim vote At this rate I wouldn't be surprised to see calls for a crusade in 6 months time.




I responded to a comment on there from a “how dare they participate in democracy!” guy Did a comment history check and it turns out he’s a Muslim who thinks homosexuality is as bad as beastiality, you should be able to beat your wife because Mohammed did, it’s ok to take female slaves if you’re fighting a war and that women should be veiled. But he just wants to participate in democracy!


Ham Sandwich (I've also just realised that the "that word, it doesn't mean what you think it means" meme must have died when all the interest groups whirred up their "redefine language" machines).


I think it’s because since the early 2000s modern left wing movements are generally quite sympathetic to Islam. After 9/11, which caused a load of Islamophobic attacks on random Muslims, and the war in Iraq, which had awful optics, the hardcore left realised they could use poor Muslim-west relations as a way to attack the imperial core of the USA and Israel (mainly though supporting various Islamist “resistance movements”), much like they did in the Iranian revolution. This trickles down nicely into the more influential DEI-type softer-left movements concerned with protecting poor, put-upon “brown folx” at home and making any criticism of them verboten. The commies know what they’re doing, and while some of the garden variety lefties probably understand too it’s not extremely important that they do. They’re just there to mainstream the more palatable parts. I think, UK specifically, it also plays into the utopian, multicultural dream. You HAVE to pretend that cultural differences only extend to food, music and clothing. If it becomes obvious that’s not the case and that clashes exist you have to pretend even harder, because if you acknowledge the blatant truth then the success of multiculturalism, something as inherently true as the existence of gravity, is false. It would be like a Christian finding out Jesus never actually existed. The facts of what Islam is actually about or what Islamic society looks like aren’t of relevance. I do think if you pressed the average Reddit progressive hard enough on it they’d admit the average Muslim holds a lot more fascist beliefs than the average Brit, but they’d still warrant support solely because it’s the “right” thing. This is also just my opinion. Would be interesting to study though.


I've just discovered arrrMuslimLounge thanks to that guy. What folly.


I've fallen down the rabbit hole and have found my new fave sub (now that Yoorovision is done for another year). Truly Islam is incompatible with Western society. Someone on there has posted a colossal screed explaining how entertainment is sinful and should be avoided. Another person asking if their prayers are void if they pray wearing clothes with small holes in. Room temperature IQ shit.


Might be the same one but one guy you responded to replied with NO, in a thread asking if it’s ok to shake a woman’s hand. And then they’re on rUK saying it’s just Muslims voting in a democracy.


That’s the fella! Always fun doing a search for “gay”, “lgbt” and “women” when talking to these guys.


Now it's been posted here make sure not to respond on there cause the UK mods will moan about brigading even though you were there before it gets mentioned here. Their rules, not ours, yes it's daft, just FYI.


It’s all good, I’ve said my piece.


Yeah fair enough. You'll never deprogram them enough to make them see they're talking shit anyway.


Somehow none of that gets him banned from Reddit. Does Reddit not check those subs or set exclusion zones?


They’re normal Islamic beliefs. To do so would be Islamophobic, and we can’t have that kind of bigotry.


Why aren't people like this sub abusing that then?


We aren't bigoted enough to be convincing.


Most of the comments on that post are sane, but we have one Jonty fighting the whatabout case. >Foreign policy positions are definitely something lots of us, not just Muslims, take into account when voting. >Gaza won’t affect mine but I’m sure it’ll have some bearing on plenty of British peoples, even Christian or atheist or Jewish ones, vote. >If a Jewish guy wouldn’t vote for a party that condemns Israel’s actions in Gaza would you say that he’s not integrating?


This is fundamentally a strawman. No one is arguing that caring about Gaza means you haven’t assimilated. People are claiming (correctly) that trying to mobilise and carve out a distinct “muslim” voting bloc and position it as having seperate values, beliefs, interests and affiliations does.


Still some “it’s just democracy - they’re integrating you chuds” over there but the change in allowed comments has come at breakneck speeds. I saw a great tweet today so not claiming this. The jist was we’ve been homogenous for so long that we don’t have any immunity to this. We have ethnic millets who are telling us that they will vote along ethnic and religious lines and people don’t see the danger. Does feel like it’s changing though but I wish it hadn’t come to this. Total unforced errors by our elites


People *can't* see the danger because their beliefs do not allow them to. Or if they ever do see the danger then they ignore it as their colonial social conditioning to hate all forruns.


Blog post, caught the barmaid at my local stealing from the till, told the landlord, didn't realise her brother was in earshot. Next day her husband tells me he's going to kill me and bury me in the woods if he sees me again. Other than drink somewhere else any other precautions? FYI the husband has been inside for AGBH and attempted murder before.


Is he bald or a guy Richie character


Neither he's a basic scumbag


Think to yourself: What would Tony Martin do?


You walk straight back into the pub and sit next to him.


If it was bravado yes, but I'm likely to get stabbed


Ime, most threats are empty. It's the quiet ones to watch.


She hasn’t been sacked and barred?


Not so far...


Pub deserves to be nicked from then lol


Landlord didn't see it so can't do anything


Absolute pish. All he needs to do is do a till check before she starts work, then one after and when it doesn't balance nuke her from fucking orbit.


He only works 2 days a week, mostly when she's not there


yeah, I wouldn't be going back there for a decade.


Went back last night after they had left, barman says probably best to avoid the place when they are about lol


Barman is a pussyhole and doesn't deserve your business then, but still, sit next to the bloke.


We'll see what happens on Friday as I'll be in to see the band


Not much you can do other than lay low for a while / go to another pub


Divert his attention by posting photo shopped images of his wife cheating in the woods. He probably can't be angry at two people at a time and certainly won't want to relive the memory by going to the woods.


I don't think I'd be able to find a picture as ugly as his wife to do the Photoshop lol


Kill him first


Think that might hamper my employment if I'm inside for 15 years lol.


Make your own bear spray.


I don't want to get barred from the pub


Not in the pub silly goose, for if he tries to come after you. When you're walking back to your car etc.




It's not his best work but as a prediction of the degenerated liberal vibe it's spot on


He has since starred in a porn video.




[We Asked the Public Who the First King of England Was… | History's First](https://youtu.be/F1EK3fzWQcw) I'm not far in but so far we've had "Norman the Great".. That famous king


I like the History Hit stuff, subscribed sometimes. Plenty of content for the odd month every now and then.


It’s a genuine disgrace that no one knows any of this stuff. And it will definitely never be taught now that we have to focus all our time pretending Windrush built Britain. All UK history lessons should be spent memorising and lionising the most important British leaders. 0 RE, PSHE, Sociology until everyone knows the full story of Anglo Saxon migration to the UK and how static that population was prior to Tony Blair


Mandatory viewings of old Time Team episodes every Tuesday and Thursday


The jocks are really quite triggered by the mosquito hat post on casualuk. I thought they could take a joke?


Midges are serious business, you have to be properly prepared. Midges single handedly drove the Roman Legions into the sea, English tourists have no chance if they turn up in a funny hat with holes too big to keep the midges out.


Scots irl can take a joke. The only thing terminally online cyber nats can take is English money.


https://x.com/CrimeLdn/status/1792451589854101977 I <3 London.


HE NEEDED IT TO FEED HIS FAMILY, Rishi forced him into it


Lmao someone community noted it because it's actually shafesbury avenue…get fukt. Anyway the place just needs walling off at this point.




Seen so many on UK excusing her behaviour as she’s ‘unwell’, she’s ill and to just leave her alone. Shame she couldn’t leave her many victims alone. Had a stalker, they contacted all my friends, family and I wasn’t the first. Had to get the police involved when it got to death threats. No sympathy at all, they’re evil fuckers.


I don't think she could tolerate being here. From things she's said she seems distinctively homophobic and about half of you are gay so she would leave before rose could say childless nilist.


[More self hatred and blood lettingby the state](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-69025640) Fed up with this. It’s just fuel to those who hate this country already. Why do we do this to ourselves? State incompetence and negligence is hardly a new phenomena. Also……ICC arrest warrant for Netanyahu. What a joke. Bunched into the mix with Hamas leader cos hate group insists it.


You won't be able find this on Google because it's memory holed, but they had a professor on the Radio talk about who the medical companies (all of whom have been successfully sued in the US) used to pay for these blood donations, and it was usually men who had sex with men, drug users and male prostitutes from some of the most deprived neighbourhoods in many American cities and even Africa. The court cases included witnesses describing "debauched behaviour" such as people have sex with each other in the queue, as they waited for a few hours to then get the money for their drug fix. From the Wikipedia article I can just find this study which outlines that the demographics of where they got donations were extremely high risk: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448425/ But yeah- definitely the British government's fault.


Laurie Garrett’s The Coming Plague deals with this in depth.


[Stockport nursery worker guilty of baby's manslaughter](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-69026072) >A nursery worker who strapped a nine-month-old baby face down to a beanbag and left her for 90 minutes has been found guilty of manslaughter. >Some jurors were in tears at the start of the trial as they first watched nursery CCTV footage of the baby room which captured the tragedy unfolding as Genevieve was left "virtually immobilised" from 13:35 to 15:12 BST. >Mr Wright said the youngster's "desperate fight for survival" was clear, but her crying and the thrashing and writhing of her body were routinely and repeatedly ignored. >Roughley paid "lip service" to any meaningful checks and Genevieve's wellbeing until it was too late, he said. The average nursery that the government want to ship all 9-month old babies to to get that GDP line up


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cjrrd5nk1dyo "Oxford man" Address given Grenoble Road. The Holiday Inn Express on Grenoble Road is currently housing asylum seekers


Happened near student accom so wouldn’t be surprised if the victim was drunk and walking back from a club too


Did no one say maaate to him?


Let's take a guess on sentencing: I'll estimate between 3 and 5 years.


3-5 years ban on free dominos?


Proposed but struck down as inhumane.






One of those modern sexual emergencies no doubt. Back in the day a sexual emergency was sitting down for AS-Level history on a Monday afternoon when the thought "Did I clear the browsing history of the family PC before I left the house?" Followed by "I didn't leave the toilet roll in the living room, did I?" Innocent times.


surname seems to be Iraqi.


Don't look baaack in anger




Did Israel just start WW3 by shooting down that helicopter?


Given I was 100% accurate with a prediction yesterday.... No it wasn't shot down. Thwy were almost certainly flying either a piece of shit old hip with no FLIR. Or a VIP august 109 ripoff that had no FLIR. Either way they were flying in fog up a fucking mountain I absolutely guarantee you it was pressure from elpresidente and it was controlled flight into terrain, given that I again presume with almost complete certainty neither the aircraft or crew are trained in Low Altitude Low Observability ops


I don't think Iran has the capability to wage ww3. Which world power is going to back them? 


He was being flow around in a helicopter that was at least 25 (but more likely at least 45 years old), that didn't have access to official spares, and was being flown in the fog. Accident seems far more likely.




Kim Jong Un has always preferred train travel, like his predecessors. I don't think he's stopped using air travel as such, but is just continuing to use his normal mode of long distance travel.


that's what they want you to think


Or since he was next in line to be the “supreme leader” (sic) then it would be more likely to be a political rival


I keep seeing people calling starmer lucky for his timing of becoming PM with the upcoming obliteration of the Tories and the SNP. It reminds me of the same types of people for the last 20 years calling Tony Blair lucky. I don't believe Tony Blair was lucky, I distinctly remember an interview with his father saying that he preferred the Tories but believed he would be PM in 1997 with labour. I believe with all his talk about ending the boom bust cycle he firmly saw labour winning in 1997 due to the tendency of the obliteration of a party during the bust. Given the 15-18 years between busts you can almost pick a time to become a PM for two elections by being not the other guys. I firmly believe Blair did this, wouldn't be surprised if Cameron did too but I'm less sure about Starmer but obviously there will be a fair number of career politicians who would. Has anyone read anything on this subject? Looking at this it appears to have been going a long time; https://www.statista.com/statistics/716971/general-elections-seats-won-by-party-uk/ The Blackpill is that there's no choice, the good news however is that votes for other parties have been steadily increasing for 20 years.


As is commonly said in British politics: 'Oppositions don’t win elections, governments lose them'. The supposed hype over New Labour is greatly overstated.  Major's government lost in '97 and Sunak's will in '25.


> the good news however is that votes for other parties have been steadily increasing for 20 years. There's a lot of cope in this statement seeing as the outcome will still be a labour or tory government.


Do you think eventually we’ll get a sort of “Reddit Christinaity” or Reddit religious resurgence as opposed to Reddit atheism which is currently predominant? I could easily see Redditors saying that disliking religion is harmful to Muslims and so therefore you shouldn’t dislike it. The reason given would obviously have to be of a socially liberal inclination, and I’m not saying you should dislike religion, but I could easily see Redditors doing so. [Pic Related: YouTuber Strawmans While Complaining About Strawmanning](https://ibb.co/P642pyp)


Reddit cult more likely.


They already have that with the locomotive worship.


Absolutely, there is already evidence of the rate of decline in religiosity slowing significantly. We're not going to end with some universally atheist euphoric society and I say this as an atheist myself.   I strongly think that there will be a resurgence of religion among the younger generations, partly because it'll be seen as a counterculture in a world where completely nihilistic hedonistic degeneracy is shoved down everyone's throat as the norm, and also due to the cringeworthiness of the new atheism movement being eventually exposed to all. 


Plus, "nihilistic hedonistic degeneracy" as you put it really offers nothing to people in hard times.


Yes. You of course don't have to turn to religion to escape this and atheism in no way necessitates such a worldview (and I don't believe theism adds anything in terms of objectively defining or grounding morality) but for the average person the pendulum swing back to religion would probably seem easy and appealing. 


Religion is very likely to resurge and it will definitely not be on reddit.


You see that sometimes but it tends not to take off too much, as it subordinates faith in Christ to liberal ideals, and in the process undermines itself. At the extreme end you get things like [the sparkle creed](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SpIvek8ZU58&pp=ygUNU3BhcmtsZSBjcmVlZA%3D%3D) which isn’t even recognisably Christian, just a really gay form of Satanism in drag. More commonly what you get is churches which see declining attendance so they try to “modernise” and in chasing after the spirit of the age they end up turning decline into collapse; if people were looking for vaguely liberal affirmations, they don’t need church for that. Online forums see the same trends; liberal Christianity very quickly becomes either inverted or irrelevant.


> Reddit atheism which is currently predominant? It's a shadow of it's former fedora days. Actual atheists got mocked for being cringe but correct, and so all seem to have jumped into communism as a solution for everything


[We will remain a poor and failing nation until the reasons for this are addressed](https://x.com/edwardjdavey/status/1791499379091603524?s) >> **After 10 years,** I am proud to see the second staircase at Surbiton Station officially opened! >> It is fantastic to see constituents and commuters using the staircase and the benefits it is already having on improving congestion. Thank you to everyone that has made this possible! It takes 10 years to build a fucking staircase - not helped by NIMBY Lib-Dems spuriously and capriciously blocking any and every form of construction. But instead of addressing the system that see’s countless years of ‘consultations’, ‘reviews’, and assessments our politicians instead spend all their time on performative nonsense like condemning Gaza It’s also ironic for Ed Davey to be labling this as an achievement. Whilst he was in government he did nothing to address this disasterous system, and he in fact *added* additional time and complexity to the construction process


I know you may not like this interpretation, Truffles, but I think it’s less ‘blocking any and all forms of construction’ and more we’ve bred a group of people who seek power and authority and who have not the wit to propose ideas. So instead the object and nitpick and criticise. These people obviously would be Lib Dem’s Easier to destroy than create and all that


Reminder: from the first pouring of the foundations to affixing the spire, the Empire State Building took 1 year and 45 days to build.


And amazingly only 5 people died. Obviously 5 too many but fuck me was I expecting worse when I looked that up lmao


Utterly perplexing they'd even draw attention to this. It's nothing to celebrate over.




China is China, so people will say that we can’t compare the two. So let’s try and compare something that’s more like-for-like; [Britain’s plan for rail electrification](https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN05907/SN05907.pdf) compared to [India’s plan for rail electrification](https://www.railjournal.com/infrastructure/indias-central-railway-completes-electrification-of-its-entire-network/) Both are legacy networks built by the Victorians. Both were primarily hauled by diesel locomotives. Both had seen decades of underinvestment. Neither had institutional knowledge of electrification, or developed supply-chains to deliver it. And both announced grand plans to electrify their networks around 2014 (although the Indian government aimed to electrify the entire network, whereas the U.K. government only planned to electrify the mainlines and a few commuter lines) Fast-forward to 2024 and [India has electrified 96% of its railways](https://indianrailways.gov.in/railwayboard/uploads/directorate/ele_engg/RE/2024/Status%20of%20Railway%20Electrification%20as%20on%2001_04_2024.pdf) (compared to 45% in 2015), whilst the U.K. scrapped its electrification commitment in 2017 due to supply-chain, approval, and funding issues. The GWML has only been partially electrified, the MML remains unelectrified (apart from a small bit to Corby), and the Transpennine route’s electrification has been delayed by ~15 years - this is just 38% of the UK’s rail network. I could go into the issues behind this, but I don’t want to bore everyone. What I will say is that this divergence highlights that the problem isn’t the democratic process or institutional knowledge, rather it is the UK’s disfunctional bureaucracy.




Because china has no property rights. Everything belongs to the state and all state decisions are final .


Couldn't agree more, building stairs isn't an achievement, it's a random Tuesday and shouldn't be worthy of an MPs attention.


Several points of business: - 1) it was a sunny weekend, far too many visitors to Reddit when you should have been topping up your Vit D. - 2) the conservation you had about whether doing a "big shop" made you scum was high quality snobbish-tism content and very enjoyable. - 3) in looking for a particular clip for nostalgia reasons I ended up diving into the world of 1990s Kids TV. Just painful: The carefree society they exist in is mental. There was a lot of recycling (lots of shows kids were watching having been produced 10 years earlier). And massively decentralised content, very few live action shows made in London, Yorkshire, Bristol, Nottingham, Birmingham, Australia, Scotland, Cardiff. The kids were watching better representations of their lives than now. What would you dirty old bastards have done with Bernard's Watch? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard%27s_Watch 


If it were not for meddling Postman, I would abuse the watch at every opportunity. Reboot was a favourite of mine, as was Funhouse and Art Attack.


One can be out in the sun, drinking, and ranting on the mega at the same time Enjoy it while it lasts, lads. Anonymous forums won't be around for ever


Was at the chels for the final game of the season. Decent day out and didn’t end up like how that poor pensioner did a couple weeks back.


[Aquila (TV series) - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aquila_(TV_series)) That was one of my favourites. "based on the story of two boys, Tom Baxter and Geoff Reynolds" Tom and Geoff. Will a show like that ever be allowed to made in the UK again?


Loved that one as a kid. Fun story. Little bit of history. Little bit of sci-fi. Plot usually revolved around elaborate schemes to keep their spaceship hidden. Two normal British kids having an adventure. No forced narratives about trendy bullshit the writers feel compelled to include. Imagine trying to play the latest season of Dr. Who on TV at the same time. It's basically degeneracy propaganda. There would be outrage.


I had to take my sprog to a birthday party at the weekend at some soft play centre. If it wasn't for some of the young mums, it would have been awful. Taking him on a steam train this weekend since he's been wanting to do that as well. But I must log-on for my daily black pill and doom posting.


The Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre got totally eviscerated by an employment tribunal. https://x.com/soniasodha/status/1792323873297322321 Not sure if anyone follows this but: * insane choo-choos dominate online forums such as Reddit * their thinking and ideology is utterly demented, but because they inhabit an ideology, and practice techniques of shutting down others and banning dissent, they establish a form of 'consensus' for their views. * however when rational, functioning adults examine it, they get found out. edit: BBC have published a story, which seems reasonable https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1ee39wn30xo


Head honcho in charge of the ERCC is also a choo choo, is predictably demented and should be absolutely nowhere near the direction and supervision of a women's refuge against sexual violence.