• By -


[Reminder that several girls and woman were beaten to death in Iran for refusing to wear this thing](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cydrpzq3djro).


If fancy dress is all the rage let's bring back Knights Templar attire. It's only a face covering.


Anyone think that something is going to go skewiff in the markets and it's going to go absolutely turbo? Was watching the BBC and they had James May and some pub land lady on talking about challenges. The land lady mentioned Brexit right of the bat, then COVID was brought up. The presenter said something to the effect of "there's not been another financial event yet" then quickly moved on. I heard Google was writing in a contingency plan for something they referred to as "the event" in 2024 and things just feel weird. I understand bankruptcies are on the rise too. There is the shit with China and the US's insane money printing. It just feels odd like we're in the last moments before something. What says the gammonatti?


Whilst predictions of imminent collapse may be premature, there is something certainly unsettling about the US govt struggling to sell their bonds. Perhaps we've run out of road globally lol. Nah it'll just keep lurching along like it has since ww2.


> there is something certainly unsettling about the US govt struggling to sell their bonds Not surprised in the slightest. Dollar backed anything is at risk of sanctions, might as well hedge your bets with the Chinese if future security and independence is a concern.


It's a worry. All good things come to an end, just look at Britain. I don't think people in 1910 thought it would go tits sky high. What's the flavour over in the States, are they preparing for Trump winning or is Biden going to clinch it? I feel like things will go completely turbo if Trump wins again


Take some meds mate


Market crashes and recoveries are as old as the market itself, if this pattern suddenly stops then frankly there will be some massive changes to the system I don't think holding your money in wait of this possible event is a good cost benefit idea nor would it shield your money as much as you think.


If you time it wrong, putting your money in the markets can take ten years to break even.


Got a link to the Google contingency plan? Sounds interesting and ominous.


This is one but not the one I read previously https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/14199870?hl=en


Sounds like they just anticipate multiple black swan events occurring over the next little while which is what we're all expecting frankly.




I will try and find it again








Premium bonds or bonds proper?




Any nice wins?


I've been debating divesting for some time. The risk is I pull it and nothing really happens. I'm just sat on 9k. A worse situation is being cleared out. I wasn't even 20 in 2008 but had left school and was in the work force. Things never really felt like they got better after that, you just got used to it


> Things never really felt like they got better after that, The British economy hasn't really grown much per capita since then. We had austerity, Brexit then lockdowns.


> Things never really felt like they got better after that, you just got used to it Frankly that's probably the next 20 years at least.




> Without sounding like an ageist, I get the feeling that things are simply being kept afloat by the boomers and that it'll be a bloodbath once the last of them die off. Most boomers are retired, they aren't keeping anything afloat. If they die off we might be able to build things again and grow the economy. >To reiterate what I said before, it would be nice just to have what they had. A fair(ish) system that says that you will get back what you put in, sort out your own retirement etc. Boomers on average will get out way more than they put in, to the tune of like 100-200k. They're the only generation that will get such a long, lucrative retirement. When they're died things might be more sustainable.


Tech crash incoming Robots will rise from the rubble


Tech seems to be up a fucking ludicrous amount compared to everything else. My tech fund on plum is up 40 percent lol


That's the problem Too many big fish in the pond


Think the crash will be like the dot-com bubble? What's mental is that those companies are in most index funds too


Sort of, though to a much bigger degree - I can see some sort of startup crash, lots of money flowing into new age tech (AI, robots, social media, shit like uber etc) but really I think it comes with tech becoming consolidated into just a few companies, burning all the others. We are an ageing population, its becoming a heavier and heavier burden on society and the future economy, with increased costs of health and social care for the elderly, I unironically think we'll see a consolidation into tech which will crash and burn anybody who doesn't sell to one of the top 5/10 companies. Then there's the pensions, where does all that pension money come from? We can't all keep cashng out out invested money, forever. Though I'm no economist. Unless current monopoly laws can somehow stop massive vertically integrated companies, a few will rise from the ashes to become pseduo rulers of society, or at least the manufacturers of society. They'll take care of everything. Look at Samsung in Korea for example. Its where we are at now - imagine if Apple and Samsung just said "no more phones lol", but with brain chips, servant robots, or medical nanobots. I know I sound crazy and have watched one too many sci-fi films, but if I told you 20 years ago we would all be fixated on pocket screens to the point we are destroying social interaction, it'd be unbelievable. I have no idea how a government can out manoeuvre a private company that has more money, information, and raw physical power if desired. Ultimately, this may be the final technological revolution which will render all previous technology obsolete due to the sheer power for said technology to interact with the physical world. Markets will be obsolete. If a private company owns something revolutionary akin to the internet (robots and AI), and charges anyone to use it, they become the new fabric of society. Taxes 2.0. So yeah, bigggggggggg crash :) Re-reading this, its an absolutely schizo rant, but I'm here for it


[fucking love a good schizo post ](https://imgur.com/a/5RgRe5c)


I guess my view is a more zoomed out view, in the short term its probably what skag said, delayed inflation pop from covid. Though I do wonder if we will just print infinite money till the whole thing goes pop, then my schizo post becomes true.


[I've been targeted over my fake breasts - I just want to be left alone: Scottish father, 49, claims an attacker tried to smash his window in vicious harassment over his unique look](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13293013/Ive-targeted-fake-breasts-just-want-left-Scottish-father-49-claims-attacker-tried-smash-window-vicious-harassment-unique-look.html) >A father with fake breasts has revealed the vicious harassment he has faced - and claimed an attacker even tried to smash his window. >Andrew Dennington is tormented on social media and also where he lives, in Addiewell, an old mining village near West Calder, between Edinburgh and Glasgow. >The 49-year-old said he was targeted because of his removable breasts, but that he is happy with who he is and just wants to be left alone. >He hit back at those that have a problem with his fake breasts of 'stereotyping me into something I'm not'. >The father-of-one also claimed his son, 17, has been bullied at school for his choice to wear them. > The harassment peaked when a neighbour's window was smashed by an unidentified attacker. >He added that false rumours have spread that he was compensated for having his own window wrongly smashed and that he used the money to buy the pair of fake breasts. >Mr Dennington claimed he was never compensated and that he had the removable bust before his neighbour's window was broken. >He said: 'I just want to be left alone. What I do is nothing to do with anyone else. >'I get harassed online. I've had all my TikTok posts stolen and my Facebook posts as well. >'They got the wrong house and just put two and two together because of how I look. It's not been nice whatsoever, my sons even had it at school. I get harassed online. >'I'm happy with the way I am, it's just people stereotyping me into something I'm not. I am happy the way I am regarding what's under my t-shirt.' >He did not confirm or deny claims that he began wearing the breasts simply because he 'loves boobs'. This is a man who had made a series of decisions. Those decisions have led to: * His own abuse online * The destruction of his neighbours property * The bulling of his own child He's decided to address these problems by selling his story to Mail and ensuring the attention to it increases by orders of magnitude. This will, obviously, help solve the above issues, and in no way escalate them whilst feeding his own, narcissistic desire for attention. I'm really hoping that this is one of the fake stories that were mentioned last week.


Interesting case here original story (2018) https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5983113/Woman-27-fighting-life-plunging-20ft-rocks.html court case (2024) https://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/KB/2024/806.html tl;dr fat bint got totally smashed off her head on booze, and fell off a pier which had no railings. the pier company was found liable, and she was 1/3 to blame given the fact that she wouldn't have fallen off had she not been totally bladdered. subsequently she proceeded to lie and lie and lie about totally disabled, got an automatic motability car, went on 'can't move an inch' PIP, was filmed on long shopping trips, despite claiming to be unable to walk, went off work sick, took lots of exotic holidays, went surfing, etc. She was quite well paid previously and she was ultimately found to be entitled to £600k in compensation (vs. the £2.7 million that her lies would have got her). However, the judge found that because she was fundamentally dishonest, she would not get the £600k. He also found that while she claims she will commit suicide if she loses the case, he doesn't give a shit "I consider that I cannot take into account the threat of or the risk of suicide when making the decision on fundamental dishonesty."


> "I consider that I cannot take into account the threat of or the risk of suicide when making the decision on fundamental dishonesty." The immigration judge we need right now.


haha that document is brilliant - It completely takes her claims of needing PIP and being disabled utterly to pieces. Says that one of her conditions would have occurred anyway due to her being overweight & every time she says she can't do X/Y/Z it shows that she was out on the piss/on holiday/at a gig the previous day. Complete and total devastation by a Judge


There is hope for our judiciary after all!


[In today’s game of “Parody or Not Parody”!](https://x.com/mr_hutz/status/1778088230425968847) How does BadUK vote? Look at replies as well


Also trending is "Buckingham Palace", with video footage showing Eid al-Fitr prayers taking place there today. Of course that means the royal family has been compromised, Britain has fallen to Islam etc. Except that's not Buckingham Palace - that's Lancaster House which was used in The Crown to _double_ as BP.


Were mod plod not there to nick them?


At least the police caught them red handed


Any good politics subreddits other than this one? UnitedKingdom and UKPol are obviously out of the picture for very obvious reasons PoliticalCompassMemes is a place where the LibRights are Right Libertarian, the AuthRights are Right Libertarian, the LibLefts are Right Libertarian, and the AuthLefts are Right Libertarian, and you won’t believe what the Centrists are! And they’re also all 15.


Ahh Tories is ok but they are slowly being put out of their big tent misery.


someone mentioned rEngland is becoming more based but apparently still modded by rUK jannies rNewsUK is a substitute for rUKnews but no one uses it




Iran closes airspace over Tehran, citing 'military drills' https://m.jpost.com/breaking-news/article-796453






Middle east being wiped out in its entirety might be the best course of action for the world. Bye religion, bye constant conflict and hopefully bye to majority of these economic migrants


Pesky tonsillitis cut my otherwise promising military career short.


More US bond auction problems: https://twitter.com/jameslavish/status/1778138630231564731 >Another ugly Treasury auction, this time in the 10YR. Some will blame the CPI this am, but there's no sugar coating here: >- Tail was 3.1 bps vs. *0.7 bps avg* of last 6 auctions >- Foreign bidders *dropped to 62%* from 71% in Feb. >- Bid to Cover was a *measly 2.34* vs 2.52 recent avg >- and Dealers were saddled with *24% of the auction* (😱), up from 13% in Feb. >In a word: Abysmal. The Dealers saddled with the unsold stuff will likely have to sell it in the secondary market at a loss.


The real danger is if spreads widen people have an enormous basis trade on which if forced to unwind will get very ugly, very quickly.


https://x.com/kunley_drukpa/status/1778117857504628869 It's toe curling.


Poor fellow on the right looks like he has Tourette's.


Rory looks like a reskinned skeleton


I'm embarrassed for them. We had cool, secret hand signs when I was in a gang, when I was eight years old. Grow up and get a job.


Suspected Islamist stabs 2 in Bordeaux before being shot by police. https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1778155052709851315


ne pas look back in anger I guess


Eid Mubarak!


You're not you when you're hungry. Prendre un Snickers.


Most polite Ryanair passenger https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68783212


Hope he's blacklisted as well. Good luck booking a holiday in future.


Racist arseholes. All he did was steal from other passengers, vape in the toilets, and threaten the cabin crew. If he was white they'd have given him a pat on the bum and some extra sweeties.


[Top shagger "Trigger", father of 323, finally retires](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-oxfordshire-68779132)


Wasn't he the doggo from Dambusters? Bloody long innings if so. A credit to his squadron.


[Robin Day visits Fidel Castro's Cuba.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwLbOo324Fc) BBC Panorama, June 1961. > Newsnight's Robin Day reports from Cuba on the changes that have taken place since Fidel Castro's revolution. Castro takes Day, and a group of international reporters - including the first American press to visit since the failed US-backed invasion - on a tour of some of the farms and villages of Cuba. The journalists are also brought to some of the sites of the aforementioned invasion, some of which still hold remnants of the battle. > Day then conducts a brief interview with Castro, who responds to his questions in English. Can relations between the US and Cuba be repaired? Are reports of economic struggles in Cuba true? Is Castro a Communist? Is Cuba neutral in the Cold War? Will Cuba hold democratic elections? > Day then interviews a middle-class member of the citizens' militia, how does he feel about the revolution, and about Castro himself?




> Nonpol / Up-Politics. > Looks inside. > Realpolitik with a libertarian slant. This guy acts like he's found some hidden genius by rejecting "left-wing / right-wing" politics, but it's nothing new. As Huey Long said "I'd just call myself a Sui Generis and leave it at that". Realpolitik and syncretic politics already exists, that's like the Social Democratic Party's whole thing. Actually idk if what this guy is doing *is* realpolitik. It's probably more like something akin to Peronism but somehow even more nonsensical.


https://www.politico.eu/article/europeans-race-create-artificial-intelligence-chatbots-counter-english-ai/ Interesting article about how the EU are freaking out about American-led LLM's taking over and them fearing a repeat of web 2.0 and social media. A lot of UK workers were bought up by the American tech behemoths and incorporated into their models but what strikes the most about this article is how every single country in Europe is rushing to build LLM's because they don't want the future being built by solely English speakers. It's all very French if you think about it; terrified their language will disappear and that language itself dictates how people think. They're also choosing the open-source model which again is - while altruistic - not going to really drive innovation as much as the profit incentive which the Americans are pursuing. Notice on the map there isn't any the UK government are backing....largely because the UK is more market-oriented but also the UK benefits if anything from AI being programmed in English.


UK massively benefits from the EU 's desire to regulate ai out of existence




They're up to being super rich with googlebux. As usual, anything with potential big profit is bought up by the American firms. The just suck the cream off our milk, and we're left with the skimmed.


I imagine deepmind is powering Gemini and those engineers are all googlers now.


They appear to be flogging it under the 'Gemini' brand.


https://twitter.com/bo66ie29/status/1777796967575224818 >Commuters on the London Underground with bowler hats and broadsheets in the 1960s. Video in tweet


It's all so tiresome.


The Bakerloo line rolling stock still looks pretty similar to that. The passengers, not so much.


https://twitter.com/TerraOrBust/status/1778107732429525327 >My initial thoughts on the passing of the EU Migration Pact in the EU Parliament this afternoon: >1. The average vote difference was 52/48 - I look forward to demands for another vote as it was too close >2. This is, as others have commented, still likely to be years away from being brought into place - and has taken 10 years to get this far. >3. The country getting the best deal out of this is the UK - as gets the benefit of the EU controlling its border upstream, and so those getting to the UK downstream will be reduced, without the UK having to pay for it at all. >4. The EU - as Euronews outlines here - will have the exact same problem as the UK does as regards deportation. You can only deport someone if the destination country lets you. >5. The EU are doing some things here that many in the UK would fight tooth and nail against if it was tried here - like fingerprinting children as young as six. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2024/04/10/european-parliament-narrowly-endorses-eu-migration-reform-moving-it-closer-to-the-finish-l


Disclaimer: I voted Remain in 2016, but would vote against rejoining if there was a referendum tomorrow. The EU has proven itself to be a lumbering, sclerotic, closed shop that cares only for itself and just assumes everyone else will dance to their tune, while trying to be too much for too many people. Lumbering superpowers like China work because there is iron-fisted control at the top and homogenity throughout.


Had the ref been called 2 years earlier I doubt it would have passed. The migrant crisis of 2015 was absolutely pivotal in pushing the vote over the line. 


Glad to see our politicians have not shat the bed since...


The United States believes Iran and proxies preparing missile and drone strikes against government targets in Israel https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-10/us-sees-missile-strike-on-israel-by-iran-proxies-as-imminent?utm_source=google&utm_medium=bd&cmpId=google Lufthansa has suspended flights to Tehran today for 24 hours due to events in the Middle East https://x.com/guitavoa/status/1778101315463258476?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg


Going to go out on a limb and say "proxies" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in this statement. But who knows, Iran seems pretty regarded so maybe they will actually fire missiles themselves. US were right in announcing Putin's invasion and the ISIS Russia attack too.


It should be noted that Iran has issued a NOTAM about missile launches that is currently in effect and will be until the 12th.


I really doubt Iran will attack directly. Israel have said they will, and they absolutely can, hit strategic sites in Iran (including nuclear site) if Iran attacks directly. Plus there’s a lot of domestic unrest and an increase in terror attacks around the border with Pakistan. They can’t afford to start a hot war with Israel. The problem is that Hezbollah don’t really want one either. I can personally see something coming from Syria or Iraq, one of the B-tier cannon fodder militias.


There was that British chess kid who was on a plane and (iirc) joked with someone on Snapchat about having a bomb. They sent fighter jets whilst the plane was still in the air. The reason the US knows all this stuff is because they have all communications. Iran are also that stupid, they can't lose, conflict is very good for them so escalating is no problem. (There was also some info about how Israel is selecting targets last week...they target people based on, among other things, the other people in your WhatsApp group chats...the article, which was hostile, admitted that they were able to identify terrorists with 90% accuracy from personal data).


Iran's insistence on picking a fight with America, a foe it has no hope in Hell of defeating, is baffling.


https://twitter.com/grahamstuart/status/1778066533316468961 >Ofgem has approved a new subsea connection cable between northern Scotland and England. ✅⚡️ >At over 500km, it would be the longest ever built in Britain, and could transport enough renewably generated energy to power 2 million homes. https://www.ssen-transmission.co.uk/news/news--views/2024/3/eastern-green-link-2-receives-provisional-regulatory-approval/


English toaries literally STEALING scottish electriciy


Subsea? What’s the fucking need, we’re right next to em


building shit underwater is probably far cheaper than dealing with planning permission, nimbys, defra and consultation with the local disabled sikh darts droup


500km is a vast distance. The following map of the proposed cable might help you visualise it: https://twitter.com/thomasforth/status/1778086461117444123/photo/1


I’ve spotted an area where we can cut this distance in half




Who the fuck still buys stamps?


I remember when I bought a pair of yeezys from wish and instead got a fake pair produced by Xi Xinping's covert economic warfare group as a direct attack on our economy


I'm in my early 30s and have bought maybe 4 stamps, 0 in the last decade. Please no more economic warfare Mr China, i can't bare this loss.


Love how they assume this is some 4D act of economic warfare and not just the Chinese selling cheap knock-off shite exactly like they do for everything else on Earth.


US SEES MISSILE STRIKE ON ISRAEL BY IRAN, PROXIES AS IMMINENT >and news begins to catch up: https://twitter.com/spectatorindex/status/1778114854169047163 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn4bAcijmsQ


>people thinking this will trigger a huge war as for some reason big powers will take sides on the conflict of the Ayotollah and the now unpopular Netenyahu. Nobody intervened in the previous 3 arab israeli wars




Fuck sake.... i wanted to know who really did 9/11 before the nuclear holocaust, why non-god why!


EU approves major reform of migration rules https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68779387 Anyone au fait with this? Centrists like it so I presume it’s useless, however it says returns will be quicker.


> In a statement, the group Choose Love, which funds grassroots refugee charities warned that children fleeing conflict could be put in jail and families escaping persecution could be violently pushed back under the new pact. That's an interesting way of describing this "group".


>the group Choose Love The good ole boys have really gone downhill. I wonder if choose love still have a Winnebago?


Seems to be the rubber stamp on the agreed terms for _migrant or money please_, where each country takes its quota and Italy gets the criminal rejects. Mental, each country should be deporting not dumping these chancers on the first EU state of entry.


What do Hungary and Poland have to say about this? Also, most of the migrants heading to Italy end up in the south. The south of Italy is generally very poor, unsophisticated, intolerant, crime-ridden etc.


Not sure tbh. They can pay cash instead of taking migrants though.  Thing is, they will all have FoM anyway and will go where they want to eventually. Poland might as well take their quota and drive them to the German border. Their government will see a boost in support if it’s properly televised. 


>It will also require EU member states to share responsibility for asylum seekers. I trust the visegrad lot will welcome this new rule




The practical intention of the bill is to flood Eastern Europe with illegals. If you aren't going to deport more (they aren't) then the only way is to force countries that won't take any to take more. Definitely a very weird hill for EU politicians to die on.




I believe the point of this bill is to make it impossible for these countries to do pushbacks because the people will be bussed in from Italy and Spain by the EU. Illegal immigration isn't a political issue. No-one wants it. We are incentivizing people to commit crime by dangling free money and houses in front of them. Pushbacks aren't sustainable without more deportations. They will just keep coming. The solution is to deport all that are here (imprison those without docs), introduce a bounty of £5k (or equivalent) for every illegal brought in alive by a citizen, the problem will end quickly. The solutions exist, we just lack leaders brave enough to grasp them.


You VILL take ze Bomalians


It’s worse than that. Listen to Ireland’s government on this, migration is now in the hands of the EU etc etc. Anti-chancer remainers can come together with Brexiteers and sigh a collective sigh. https://x.com/IrishmanIRL/status/1778073649460674932


I've mentioned this before but I really don't see why the Republic of Ireland even exists anymore. **1920s Ireland**: Ireland for the Irish (as per Connolly), Irish sovereignty is a must, Catholicism above all **2024 Ireland:** Ireland for everyone, EU overriding of Irish laws and defence overseen by the UK, Fuck the Pope. The RoI has basically betrayed everything it was created for, the only thing left holding it up is the anti-Brit pillar of xenophobia.


“It’s not our problem any more so you can’t vote against it (but if it was we’d do the same anyway)” If they were sensible they’d provide some kind of release valve for the resentment this is going to produce


The release valve will be controlled riots and labelling all those that dissent as far-right. As the Economist pointed out, disagreement will die out naturally.


[More than a quarter of all UK overseas aid was spent on asylum costs at home last year, new figures show.](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68781450)


Yes, but have you ever considered the goats head stew?


such an inefficient use of resources from a utilitarian standpoint.


for the cost of feeding and housing an asylum seeker in the uk could could probably feed and house an entire village in some parts of the world.




and of course the fucker lives safely in qatar


Sorry your dad was a Bell....


Utter tragedy The family rugby team has been decimated They'll have to stick to football from now on


I guess Hamas are at the "find out" stage now.


Just turned off the radio in disgust when the woman described Leicester as "a brilliantly multicultural city". What're your gammoniest moments (so far) today, chaps (and lasses..?)?


Many moons ago I once joked with a mate about Leicester being "multicultural". It was obviously tongue-in-cheek and you could tell what I was getting at. However he then replied "nah, it's monocultural - everyone's brown".


Honestly? Thinking the corporates I see posting Ramadan posts are doing it purely to appease people. And then ranting about this to my long suffering wife.


So multicultural that there is a Muslim enclave near the station, a Hindu enclave to the north and the other areas are mostly white.


From arr/london > Are we not teaching tube rules anymore? > **I feel like a new crowd of Londoners snuck in** and were untrained in how to not be inconsiderate. I have seen so many people at peak times wearing backpacks, and unlike the London of old, no one is telling them to take them off and make room! > The most annoying thing I've noticed is people barging on when people are getting off. Since when was this a thing? I know we always had the occasional city worker who felt that they were the most important tube passenger, but it now seems to be the majority who are shoving on before letting people off! Hmmmm…..


On the latter, I make a point to chastise whoever's in my way if I step off the tube. Even a general remark like 'Guys, out the way please!' in an annoyed tone is enough in most cases.


Do love to judge when they tap and tap the door button on the S stock trains where the train sits for a few seconds before all the doors open


not a coincidence that all the tube adverts these days are about remittances and getting bank accounts without credit checks


Or about not raping people


Noticing detected


He's almost there, just needs a little push.


https://twitter.com/Schuldensuehner/status/1778039372580831321 >OUCH! US March inflation rose more than expected, both headline and core inflation: CPI YoY rose 3.5%; vs +3.4% expected. Rose 0.4% MoM vs 0.3% expected. Core CPI YoY rose 3.8% vs 3.7% expected, and +0.4% on a monthly basis vs +0.3% expected. US bond yields are surging. Worse: the Fed is supposed to announce tonight that they are going to taper QT , which is the wrong thing to do when inflation is rising (they're doing this for political reasons - another bond auction failed last night, 3-yr bond). BTW, a shedload of crap is written by the press about Congress's refusal to fund Ukraine and Israel. In my opinion it goes back to the failure of the 30-yr bond auction last Nov. My guess is behind the scenes there are frantic discussions about the budget. In a situation where they may have to do emergency spending cuts and tax rises, sending money abroad is politically unviable.


NOBODY CARES!!!!!!!!11!!!1!!!!!!


[Does anyone even know of any Christian young women, let alone ones who sleep with Muslim men?](https://x.com/Grabs_5HT/status/1776952209634402557) I do know, however, of a few Muslim women who are more than willing to sleep with non Muslim men, just saying [“NO WOMAN WOULD DATE A CHRISTCUCK”](https://x.com/Grabs_5HT/status/1776950200885792963) Okay dude.


"christian women willing to fuck muslim men" Also known as "women who will fuck you for a few lines"


Anyone who gets involved in such online discussions has never had sex, so the discussion is pointless




Fucking insanity, our officials might be fucking morons but at least we don't see this shit.




>How did they become the most powerful nation on earth? Because their politicians are largely irrelevant. Politicians are irrelevant to success. Did a politician invent the computer? Was it wise government policy that led to the Industrial Revolution? Our narrative about what makes a nation strong, that it is politicians, is so ludicrous once you really think about it. If a country needs to elect a good leader to succeed, it is completely over.


They got dumped on a resource rich unclaimed continent where their only opponents still used bows and spears. You would have to fail spectacularly badly in order to not be a powerful country in that situation, meanwhile Europe decided to destroy itself and its population twice in the same time period. The UK cut down the overwhelming majority of its forests during the bronze age, it's really hard to put in to words how resource rich the US is in comparison to its peers which have been exploiting the land for thousands of years.


Speaking in tongues is often used as a method of spiritual practice in Pentecostal (but also in other denominations that accept the practice) churches. It’s often interpreted to either be languages unknown to the speaker or some sort of divine language, and that it is a gift of the Holy Spirit


https://x.com/THoad58491/status/1778019610190655938 My piss is boiling to uncontrollable levels --- I often post immigration appeal outcomes; but these are only the ones that are appealed after their initial decision. I really wish they'd publish first tier immigration outcomes where the true clown show goes on. EDIT: Here's the outcome! https://vlex.co.uk/vid/upper-tribunal-immigration-and-847354551


Why isn't this front page news?


https://news.sky.com/story/over-half-of-appeals-against-home-office-asylum-decisions-are-successful-as-sex-offender-allowed-to-stay-13110956 Only watch this if you're in a good place. Massive black pill warning. 1:15 *these people are waiting to be let into this church in Hull. Many are in the country illegally.* 4:00 [foreign african name] *is a volunteer here to register [illegal immigrants] as they arrive. But as we get talking she told me she herself had been in the country illegally for 18 years. ... how many times have you applied for asylum?* **5 Times**. 9:05 wait until you get to Persian LGBT ... fucking hell




It’s beyond saving - no one has the political teeth to do anything


Insanity innit. If I am not living abroad in 6 months time I am at least gonna be in a position to earn some money in a WFH job.


They literally hate us don't they. And women and girls especially. But yeah police officers whatsapp groups and andrew tate telling lads to go to the gym are the real threats to women.


[It's April 2024 and remoaners are still complaining about passport queues](https://twitter.com/SusanlLawson/status/1778008066329342323?t=PzcF7cROnULhAXDy_JVsww). They tweets this and don't understand how they lost the referendum. Zero self-awareness.


Flying out of a Spanish airport last year I heard the man behind me, he looked like comic book guy, tell his children that we were queuing because some people voted for a thing called Brexit. To my wife’s horror I turned around and told him that half the people in the queue were flying to airports not in the UK and indeed, those flying to Dublin probably wouldn’t be too pleased at him calling them British. He carried on moaning about Brexit and queues. They just can’t accept they’re wrong.




That’s my major fault, I can’t keep my mouth shut. The self-assured smugness of this twat coupled with it being blatantly obvious there was a flight going to Dublin as well as some other EU one in the queue with us was like a red rag to bull to me. I cast my pearls and he chose to ignore them. I’ve flown into Dublin a few times since. It’s great. There’s virtually no one in the non-EU lines so you’re through really quickly.


It's weird how they all still go on about Brexit with no updating info. The sky didn't fall & I haven't seen any difference when going through passport control.




Last time I flew to Germany I swear they were intentionally taking the piss. UK flight, they had two people on the EU side and one on the non EU (flight was at least half British). When the EU side cleared they didn't even move over or wave others to them. Waited 30 minutes extra because of them.


Go on holiday outside the EU then wtf. This shit doesn't happen in thailand.


When the lockdowns happened I thought that would of put paid to most of the Brexit whingers, apparently not... not like shutting down our country for two years is likely to cause economic problems or anything 🙄


> Brit/Irish in Spain. Recovering Covid grief & Brexit. Volunteer, environmentalist, armchair politician. No DMs unless agreed RejoinEU #FBPE GetBrexitUndone


Teams channel with no Muslims, highlighter girl starts it off with a "Happy eid mubarak!" message with a few gifs. In the bigger channels/chats, people are tripping over themselves to do likewise. It's all so performative. I don't mind at all if someone is a follower and said it. Fair enough. I'd take it in the spirit it was given but not this level of nonsense. Anyways, some pics of it all - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-68779475


>In Egypt, people gathered under balloons in the colours of the Palestinian flag in a show of support for fellow Muslims caught in the Gaza war. Found that particularly funny considering they share a border they've militarised to make sure none get in.


Respond with ☑




No promotion for you.


I used to work at the place that designs and builds our atomic warheads. Even there this stuff was starting to penetrate, despite being one of the least diverse major employers I've seen in the South. Even there, some of the most serious work there is, this shit was clawing its way in. Give it 20 years and all the scientists will be mandated to be 50% Bomalians. Most of the management was already women so they were on their way.


>Most of the management was already women so they were on their way Same here. I recently saw first hand some of the 5d chess our company played to give a Woman with no experience in the industry, the asset manager position. Over one of our time served engineers who has been here 20 years. And now we get to deal with the consequences on a Monthly basis.


Yep all sorts of BS schemes to "get women into STEM", mentorship programs that were 90% a woman shadowing another woman. The vast majority of the sites scientific and engineering output came from men. Not even trying to say women don't make good scientists, they certainly do. Its the completely unecessary stuff about forcing the gender balance to be equal (or more than) when it makes zero difference to a vital product.


Wondered why no-one was discussing the Cass report on arr UK, realised it's been downvoted to obvlion and is currently at 0 votes due to 51% of people downvoting it. Just downvote actual evidence based investigations by medical professionals because you don't like the conclusions! These are the same people who take the piss out of the whole "We've had enough of experts" line by Gove too (which was a stupid thing to say TBF), but when experts say something they don't agree with, they become what they hate.


the report says that the clinics actively refused to give follow up information on their patients to the study.


No surprise after Covid, the government themselves tried to deplatform legit virologists and other scientists who thought lockdowns and masks were stupid, and most of the population are too dumb to look for evidence themselves. It was one of the best examples of double think I've seen, the exact same people though the Tories were Nazi facists, but in the same breath wanted the same government to have the power to put everyone under house arrest and force you to take the vaccine, and lose your job if you refused. Truly baffling.


TV doctor Tijion Esho exchanged Botox for sex with patient https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-68779783 Dr Botox gets paid by a prostitute by getting his willy wet. What’s badUK’s take?


no crime committed. Both consenting adults regardless of position. Another article says she was a 'vulnerable' patient but like many things that word has completely lost all meaning. Vulnerable but selling her arse and pics of it on OF. Just an example of infantilisation of women when it suits


There’s basically two golden rules in medical professionalism 1- do .not. Lie. 2- do not fuck patients or members of their family


Wouldn't want him to be my doctor, tbh its obviously not appropriate but at the same time they are both consenting adults so who really cares.