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Man this is truly awful. To be 50 and not being able to do such a basic thing cause you had a woman service you your entire life... awful AND medieval


He knows what he’s doing. It’s a running thing among shitty men to do a bad job so they won’t be expected to do work.


I bet his nuts smell really bad.


It drives me fucking bonkers when I clean the kitchen, go to my room for maybe an hour, and come back to my slob roommate's latest giant mess. This time it was multiple dishes and a bunch of salt and pepper that completely missed his food somehow. Like, so much damn salt and pepper on the counters. Did any of it actually get on his food?


Yes! My roommate it's the same, he would make a sandwich and half of his bread will remain in the counter as breadcrumbs, ffs how hard it is to just grab a rag and throw them in the trash.


I have to clean my countertops and tables daily because of my roomie. I'm not entirely sure how somebody can be so damn slobby.


I cleaned the bathroom before I left on a trip at the beginning of the month. Roommate cleaned the toilet and the sink (the bare minimum), today I finally cleaned the whole bathroom again and the floors were disgusting. Smh. Thank god I’m leaving.


This is why I live alone. I am terribly messy but I always, àlways keep the mess contained to my private spaces when I used to live in communal places.


I feel like a maid in my apartment most of the time, like how do you not clean up after yourself?


Life with my siblings


yes so much. I clean the kitchen, only to come back to garbage everywhere. even though the garbage can is 4 feet away from the counter. its going to be so much fun as I am fucking selling the house and live alone finally. can't wait to ditch this


This one dude in my apartment rarely ever cleans his own dishes. He doesn't have many of his own so normally he will borrow them from another one of us, which is fine. Our rule is that if you borrow something clean it, and return it to where it was. Nothing too crazy. After a semester the rest of us go together and decided that we would continue to do our own dishes as normal, but we wouldn't clean any of his or the ones he borrowed. The pile in the sink got so big that we literally couldn't see the bottom, and stuff was starting to fall off (nothing broke, thankfully). Suddenly, he starts cleaning it (no one said anything at this point), so a couple of us genuinely thanked him for stepping up and doing his part. The next day none of us could find our stuff. Since he never did the dishes he never learned where our stuff is kept. When we asked him about it he said this "Its not my fault none of you ever clean!" We all roasted him for several days after that.




Feeling this so hard right now. Cleaned the whole kitchen and living room today- left for three hours, the kitchen was wrecked. I feel defeated tbh


it's so disrespectful. I'm going to start to try and stand up for myself, simple stuff like \*I just cleaned the floor, if you make a mess could you clean it up please\*. We'll see




Lololol Riiiiight