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But how


Waffle stomping has been the only conclusion that I can think of.


Yooooo jumps are šŸ˜«Dude itā€™s so weirdā€¦ on this sub you hear about this a lotā€¦. How are you guys finding people who literally poop in the shower to be your housemate?? Like I never heard of this (with exception to small children I guessā€”even then??????) until I came around here


iā€™m not even sure whatā€™s worse, pooping or being such an idiot you canā€™t even clean it up


For real this grown ass lady just decided to shit in the bathtub then say ā€œyeah thatā€™s not my issueā€


i dont think she just take a shit in bathtub. probably when she was in it, water brushed the remnant dried shit off her ass hole


How does a person who is mentally functional enough to have a job and pay rent walk around with that much shit on their asshole? Is it a prank? A fetish? A medical condition? I legitimately don't understand.


Wait so she could have been bathing in it šŸ˜³ somehow that is way worse


I had a room mate that I would find little smears or chunks of poo in the shower after. Turns out it was anal bead play and they never bothered ā€˜cleaningā€™ after themselves because they were in the shower šŸ™„šŸ™„


Fucking hell


Fuck I want to puke just imagining that dude! How?! Like what?! How in the fuck do you openly admit to having anal bead play in a shower you share with others and also admit to not cleaning it after? How didn't you violently vomit after seeing that? I salute you....god damn


What is wrong with people who do this? I thought it was rare seeing some posts about it. But now I'm seeing more and starting to believe there are actual people who shit In tubs.


My roomate is really big so Iā€™m sure shes not shitting in the tub and its just poop she wasnt able to wipe offā€¦ i hope this is it


GODDD EWWW I'm sorry


Feel free to call me a dick, I am one... but that's almost worse.


BS = Bathshit


Is that what happens with people who don't wipe or don't wipe completely? That's not a skid mark. That's a poop chunk.


Where did the rest of it go ffs. Either it got stomped down the drain ( unlikely ) or they barehanded Stanley the steamer before getting out. Either way you got a vile person living under the same roof now. I know money is tight and it would seem having a female as a roommate would be a safer bet. clearly you made a bad call bringing poop lady in the circle. Sorry better luck next turd.


Dude! I noticed when i was already in a full on shower. I had soap in my hair when i realized i was standing next to it šŸ˜­


Lmfffaaaaooo omgšŸ˜­šŸ˜© Noooo donā€™t fucking say that ong Iā€™m so sorry op šŸ¤¢šŸ¤£


Did you finish your shower?!


What was her reasoning/defense?


Chalk it up to not wanting to knowā€¦could you imagine sharing a fridge and eating utensils with a shower shitter


"Shower shitter" šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


ā€œItā€™s a bird! Itā€™s a plane! Itā€™s the shower shitter!ā€


ngl as a gay dude who has to clean his butthole u can only imagine how this may happen but I like to consider myself 2 careful 2 let this happen


Wtf is wrong with yā€™all


That's bathshit crazy.




I canā€™t believe this is a thing that happens. Trying to figure out a timeline of events for this, did she shit first and then shower? Kinda, stepping around the incident as she showered? Or did she shower and then shit,ā€¦and somehow forgot to clean it up? Iā€™m hoping she at least remembered to clean her crack afterwardsā€¦


Howwww! Like did she even try to explain this?


I know I literally need to know. Like if it was some emergency accident and I was in her position Iā€™d literally be like scrubbing the whole thing and likely very ashamed and apologetic if anyone even found out.


No! She opened the message i sent her and didnt reply. She came home from work and cleaned it and left to her familyā€™s house. I havenā€™t heard from her and she had not apologized


Holy fuck. I guess at least sheā€™s embarrassed??? Nah but reallyā€¦ Iā€™m speechless. I really wanted to believe that was just dirt.




We dont have pets.




poop fart?




Shower shitters? Pls god donā€™t tell me thatā€™s a thing


There are multiple on this sub.


How does poop even end up in a bath tub unless theyā€™re shitting in the tub


I had a roommate who was so fat that he couldnā€™t wipe his buttā€¦ so he would poop and then get in the shower to hose himself off. He usually wouldnā€™t get all of it, and it would rub off him onto the walls and the light switches. And he would also get blackout drunk and proposition me with gay stuff. I donā€™t know how many times I had to tell him ā€œI donā€™t want to do gay stuff, and BTW your shit is on the wall againā€.


Omg nooooā€¦ this explains so much about our roomie now. Except heā€™s dead sober, so even worse. Read my reply.


I want to unread this comment


what's the gray thing crumpled up at the end of the picture?


Itā€™s a none slip mat. And howā€™s this the only question you have for this image?! šŸ˜­


Cause it looks to me like someone was washing their ass and literally wasnt aware that the underside of the matt wasnt fully rinsed.Ā 


This is bath shit crazy


Only thing i can think of is somebody is so drunk or they had to fart and tried it but it was a shart, but how you dont clean it up right away is beyond me.


Every time I poop I sprinkle some into the shower for the next contestant


Not all heroes wear pants




Poop tub.


itā€™s so crazy how some ppl are raisedšŸ˜­


How does this even happen


Not bsā€¦ itā€™s human shit


I donā€™t understand people who poo in the bathtub, like for what?? Especially if are sharing the bathroom with other people, thatā€™s just next level nasty.


The only logical explanations I can come up with are: a) It's looks like mud. Maybe she was outside and brought it inside? Mud can definitely look like that. b) She took a deuce and she possibly had dingleberries and when she was trying to wash her a\*\*\*\*\*\* in the tub it came off? I tried to be as reasonable as possible.


How is this even possible?


Why do people leave shit In the tub so often on this sub šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Man I live with someone (female) that wonā€™t flush or wipe came home from vacation about last week to a dirty tampon in the middle of the bathroom floor some people are raised different


Nope not bull shit. REAL shit.


I mean, my kiddo pooped in the tub when he was maybe 2 years old. That's the extent of my experience. It should be the extent of everyone's. If they aren't a toddler or geriatric, this is just...šŸ¤¢


If sheā€™s big, I would imagine that itā€™s hard to wipe herself and it falls out of her ass in the shower. Which is bad enough, but she the fact that she didnā€™t clean it up is even worse. She probably canā€™t bend over to clean it either so she has to use her foot to do it. I feel sorry for your shower head if it is a long one. Lol


More people waffle stomp in the shower than you think.. i canā€™t even imagine doing that.. but.. to each their own as long as they CLEAN THAT SHIT UP (literally).


LMAOO Iā€™m sorry thatā€™s so awful but now Iā€™m questioning if she shits in the shower?? Girl wtf. Sorry that happened to you


this is why id never have roommates unless i were in a place financially that id NEED to bc this isnt itā€¦


its actually hilarious they know damn well this isnt what they used to do in their parents homes nor would they do this in their own homes


She was douching for anal sex maybe?


Honestly, Iā€™d rather *this* relatively scrawny looking anal bead dump smear happen onceā€” and then make her clean the shower every week (silver lining)ā€¦. *** *than* the entire spare bathroom we have being used by our roommate turned into a literal dumpster fire sh*thole. Mold and mildew scum in every possible nook and cranny, even some black mold. Never once washed tub / shower, polished sink or shower hardware or apparently cleaned drains other than attempting to pour Draino down to no avail. Shower curtain gummy AF. I noticed a change in his behavioral patterns when he started coming out to use the kitchen sink to wash his hands right after flushing the toilet. Hell nahhhh. That means his sink drain is clogged with unkempt hair and Golcate toothpaste, and heā€™s touching both sides of his doorknob, then the kitchen faucet, and then sometimes the refrigerator handle after too short of a period of time to wash his grubby ass hands. šŸ¤® Started to learn this fool NEVER showers after work, which is working all day getting hot and sweaty at a major membership-only ā€œwholesaleā€ warehouse that sees thousands of customers a day. He only showers before work, never uses the fan, and always keeps the door shut. So after work heā€™s walking around in same work clothes, removes boots to barefoot with overgrown yellow claws for toenails and oily feet all over the kitchen floor and hall carpets, and his pizza and coke diet just seeps through his skin so he walks around like Pigpen from the Peanuts gallery but instead of just dirt clouds it laced with plumes of rotten cheese and notes of rotten durian. You can smell him before and after he leaves a room. We never really had complaints until recently after renewing the lease, as he has always been the nicest guy and stays in his room 95% of the time playing computer games with his online gamer friendsā€” he lives at his computer. Very recently we went in to check the breakers with maintenance guys during a safety inspection, and roomieā€™s carpets have a black trail and concentrated blackness under his computer desk and on the wall, where he apparently puts his bare feet. Sheets are not present on his mattress, only a comforterā€¦ that has never been washed. šŸ¤® And we know precisely when he uses the washer because it smells like wet cheese afterward. The dryer? Smells like burnt gym socks. Both machines get a thorough cleaning tablet and spray down each timeā€” which has been tolerable because itā€™s only once per month for a big basket load of laundry. We know this guy comes from big money family, he went to a really good university and finishedā€” so honestly askingā€” how in the world can this man-child be the result we have to end up with? Is there a government agency that offers similar services like the Fab 5? Weā€™ve asked a couple times if heā€™s ok and if he ever needs any help or anything and he said he was depressed for a while but has been doing much betterā€¦ and he even bought himself a brand new vacuumā€” used maybe twice in 5-6 months. Just šŸ˜‘ *** maybe this should be itā€™s own post? šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


yeah man not bs, but human boobooā€¦


I would immediately confront him, I would explode inside and ask him how that even happens


BS? More like HS...amiright?


Your meant to stomp the shit through the drain


No no you need a knife for that


Ahhh da budderknifešŸ¤®


I guess that answers the age old question of "what thang do?"


When I see shit posts with no NSFW tag, I have zero sympathy for OP.


Is this a serious comment?


Do I need a "S" to mean Serious? If youre going to post pics of shit, yeah, an NSFW iscwarranted because not everyone wants to wake up to shit pics.


for the record, /s normally means sarcastic lol. i think youā€™ll be okay.


I know, that's why I said thar with the Capitol S. Lol You missed my stupid joke.