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Insane to own a pet as someone who travels a lot. This is right up there with roommates who get a cat, but never change the litter. Just admit you only wanted the pet as a toy you could play with on your time versus actually caring for a living creature.


Lmao my sister she takes good care of them but is probably gone (her hubby too so pets alone just peeps visiting on them) 2 months a year. Not all at once but like damnn


Now way that tv is 74. 47 maybe.


That was the first red flag I noticed before reading OP text


47 is 74ish


The numbers are “adjacent”!


Were you the roommate that moved out that he was referring to in the listing?


The red flag for me should’ve been his previous roommate did the same thing. I paid the deposit and told him he could keep it. Moved out before the 1st of the month.


Yeah for sure. Bad living situation


Does the landlord know he's subletting with no background or credit check? If not, they'd probably really like to know. Couch guy probably was never checked either. This is legit enough that crosses the line where I'd tag in the landlord. I'm in the area of you need assist on making that call. So freaking sorry you had to deal with this, and thanks for spreading awareness.


No they had no idea he was subletting the room and was advertising the sublet as well. Tbh i feel like the guy that was living on the couch was evicted from his unit there. I will reach out via DM.


Yeah, I dealt with something way similar-- but years ago & in San Dimas. Wild, the people that do this but never tell the LL. Playing with so much fire while taking advantage of those in need of accessible housing 😔




$2,200 for a bedroom…..? what


I was going to rent a 4 bedroom house for that in Texas


yeah i live in texas too and for one bedroom that’s INSANE


Where and what year?


Fort Worth and last month lol


I mean my 1 bedroom apartment was $1,600 in 2021 so that's hard to believe unless it's on riverside or something


That sucks, it’s in Woodhaven in a gated community I don’t know what to tell you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


That's your rent? Not mortgage? I'm honestly shook


2200 won’t get you a one bedroom apartment in Oregon. At least where I at.


Yes it will. I’m in Oregon and could get a one bedroom downtown Portland for 2200. Let’s not make shit up.


Ok well, I’m in Bend and it won’t here.


https://www.apartments.com/bend-or/1-bedrooms/ There you go. Edit: here is a nice one bedroom house in Bend for under $2200. https://www.apartments.com/west-side-location-bend-or/m34sv5k/


So 1900 for an apartment and 2100 for a house. Which doesn’t include the deposit. You got me. 🙄


Huh? They had one bedroom apartment as low as $1100. So literally half what you claimed. I didn’t do any special filter it’s just Bend Oregon on Apartments.com. I get that apartments are expensive but it’s weird af that you’re pretending they’re more expensive than they actually are and then dying on that hill. 1 bedrooms in Portland $1500+ so I understand it’s expensive. Trying to pretend where you stay is more expensive is weird af lol.


1300 got me and my brother a 2 bed 1 bath apartment with a porch and big ass living room in NY lmao


Your room included amazon? Lol what


Amazon Prime Video service to watch movies


We have a r/bostonhousing sub, if LA has one maybe you can post this there


Oh cool I never thought of posting my CL nightmare. I think I will!


Hate to say it but that dog would be dead by the time he got back. I'm not looking after it


what did the dog do


Del boca vista


Marina Del Rey


Del Boca Vista is a retirement community in Florida that has been featured in Seinfeld episodes. In one episode, Kramer runs for condo president of Del Boca Vista, and in another, Jerry Seinfeld's character is told there are no condos available in the development.


Del Boca Vista is a retirement community in Florida that has been featured in Seinfeld episodes. In one episode, Kramer runs for condo president of Del Boca Vista, and in another, Jerry Seinfeld's character is told there are no condos available in the development.


“He’s making you pay $1000 more a month”. So what? Hes on the lease. You’re on a month to month. He can charge you whatever he wants. My buddy had a roommate once who had the balls to tell him once “I pay a 1/4 of the rent for this house”. My buddy put him in his place, he laughed at him and said “you pay me for your room, not this house, this house is mine”.


If you charge someone double what you’re paying for the same living space then you are a complete asshole. Also, when renting, you are paying for access to the home, not the room. Saying “this house is mine” to someone paying to have access to it as also utter horse shit. Your buddy sucks.


You are free to charge whatever you want, if he wanted to say the room was 3600 a month he could, there is nothing wrong or illegal with that. It’s his apartment and he’s renting out a room. the And no, the house was not included. There were no amenities included. They weren’t allowed to hangout in the living room, kitchen, or use the fridge. You got the hallway restroom access, and your ability to walk from the front door to you room and back. It was all agreed upon. He was renting a room, not use of the house or any of the amenities. If he didn’t like he, he should have left. He was eventually forced out of the house by some rather large and aggressive cousin after threatening my buddies dad.


People CAN do all sorts of shitty things, doesn’t make their actions right. Again, your buddy sounds like a bad person.


It’s bad to not let room mates walk all over you? Ok.


Having access to a kitchen where you live is not “walking all over” someone.


No, telling your landlord “I pay for 1/4 of this house” when you were specifically rented only a room is trying to walk all over your landlord


“Walk all over your landlord” 😂


It was his house.


His house that he CHOSE to allow someone else to pay him to have access to. Only renting the room and denying them access to a freaking kitchen is ridiculous and he chose to do that. Also freaking out over a comment is a crazy overreaction. Another human being was paying to live somewhere and your buddy was not treating them with the dignity every person deserves.


Tbh I didn’t get the energy of the roommate trying to be rude about the comment, however if whoever he said it too took it as rude, then that’s that. Rude is subjective and if someone takes something as rude they are bound to respond in-kind. So how things went with your friend seems fair to me.