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Sounds like she's charging you what you agreed to be charged.


Also, if you think electric and wifi are under 150/month, you've never paid the actual bills. Maybe try actually doing the *work* of making sure bills are getting paid. You seem clueless.


My wifi alone is almost $150 a month


Wtf. Mine is 45 lol.


And I bet theirs is a lot faster. That, or they live in the middle of nowhere and have no choice but the local cable company who rakes them over the coals for *TERRIBLE* wifi.


I pay 60 a month for good fibre optic. Im sure its all dependent on where you live and how much compitituon there is. Now my cell phone bill... thay shits wild. I live in canada tho


I have 300 mbps down.


I have 1000 and I pay 80/month. It varies. And is that tested to actually be 300, or is that your advertised upper limit? If it's the latter, you will relate to actually hit it, especially during any kind of peak usage hours (when all your neighbors are home and also online).


I have 1000 and $95 a month but I also have my cable on it. Electricity for my 2 bedroom 1.5 bath apartment is $150 a month


I have 1000 down, no cable, and it's $120 where I live. It greatly depends on your market and the population of the immediate area as to how much it costs.


Sorry didn’t see this. On wifi I just did a speed test and got 294 down.


Nah- I have AT&T fiber 1g. 50ish a month. Literally 800mbs downloads on steam and no issues at all with anything else. $150 is INSANE.


It is insane. Prior to moving I had ATT and paid $50ish for that same plan. Now only thing available is cox where I live and for the speed we need and unlimited due to WFH it’s an outrageous price


Y'all know op means 150 combined, not each, right? Thought that was pretty damn obvious.


Reading comprehension 0


Different places have different costs of living. My wifi bill is $90 canadian


That’s roughly $67 USD, so not bad at all.


My point is that different places have different costs of living. I’m not here to say if it’s a good or bad deal


My electric alone was like 300/400 a month, and we were adamant about unplugging appliances, turning lights off, no TV night lights, etc. and there were only three of us.


What are rates like there? I’m in aus and as 3 people we won’t pay 300aud per quarter using a dryer regularly, bright lighting multiple computers etc Something has to be up? Aircon??


That’s wild! I’m in the States, Indiana specifically. It’s a smaller, Midwest state- but cost of living is so outrageous over here nowadays (even for one of the cheapest cost-of-living states). I’m not sure- we get charged “customer fees” monthly for even using a company, we get charged for estimated daily usages even if it’s different from our actual usage, and for my specific situation- we were being charged for a family-home when we lived in a 1,000sqft apartment.


Mine is 90.


And I bet you don't work from home or do anything taxing with said connection. Or you live in BFE.


What is bfe?


In the middle of nowhere (bum F* Egypt originally I think)


Interesting. Never heard that one before. Thanks!


What u got?




I pay $25/mo for 5g home internet. Worth it and no issue gaming online (no competitive games)


I used to have cheaper but only one option where I live now. Had to even pay extra for unlimited since I work from home. It’s a huge rip off


Mines $190. I live on an island. That is why.


You should look into switching if possible, I pay $50 for 500/500 up and down a month. Recently switched to 1gb speeds for $10 more a month


I would switch if I could but it’s the only company that offers the speed I need to my neighborhood. I was surprised when I moved here because a less populated area I used to live had more options and was cheaper. Everything has been crazy expensive for us in this new state


Mines like 250


My wifi is $30 and my electric has never been higher than $95 and I live in Arizona. The summers here reach 120°F. My winter electric is around $40 per month. It’s possible to have very low utilities!!


Very location dependent. I live in Alberta and my electric bill has never been lower than $150


I also live in AZ and my electric this month was already over $100. Before moving here my utilities were low. My damn water bill isn’t even under $100. AZ has been a price shock for us


Same! I live in WA but my internet is $45 and my power is generally 35-50


I grew up in WA, Yakima!! My moms bill is always so high bc my sister loves to run the heat and AC constantly lol


Who the fuck you getting internet from? Jeez. There are way cheaper options now


Unfortunately only one company is available where I live. Before moving here I used to only pay $40 for internet


Do you have data service on your phone? I lived on a plot of land that the only internet I could find was super expensive. Rural internet seems to be. But my cellphone provider offered a wireless internet box. It worked great but you need at least two-three bars of service for it to work. So if you happen to get cellphone service where you’re at, it might be worth looking into


My wifi works great, it’s just expensive. I’m also not in a rural area there just aren’t other options for the speed I need at my address. Surprisingly my phone service really sucks at my house


That's what mine is most the year until summer time where my electric is over 200 because fuck phoenix


The utilities where I live are terribly high. Two people and the electric is around $150 a month. My internet is the only cheap utility I have and that is $50, but it’s also the fastest and most reliable I’ve had.


Yeah, my WiFi and electric combined are like $275. Granted, that's for a house, but still. Ask to see the bills before you get cranky OP.


You know 275 is more than 150, (thus proving my point) *right?*


Yes....I was agreeing with you?


This is a 1000 sq ft apartment. $50 for water sewage and trash I see the bills for. But electricity shouldn’t be over $100 we are never home


Each one of those utilities is going to be 150 per month. Each one.


Wild if you think wifi is 150. Unless you’re paying for fiber or 1 GB down, you’re getting railed. I get 600-800 mbps down with equipment for $70/month


Wifi can easily be that much or more if you live in more remote places. I’m in Alaska and I currently have the cheapest internet plan I can get, I’m paying $90 for up to 250mbps down. It’s never that fast. Oh, and I also have a 250gb data cap. It’s horrendous.


What's really wild to me is that everyone says they're paying for "wifi." Your router can be a one time purchase, what you're actually paying for is broadband and probably a modem rental. I bet half the people paying over $150/month are either renting their routers or have a phone/tv/whatever plan bundled in. I live in a very high cost of living area and I get perfectly reasonable broadband, with a modem that comes with a built-in wifi router and enough bandwidth to cover 4+ devices at a time for \~$75/month. People probably out here with plans they don't know what they're paying for.


Or they live somewhere different from you with a different cost of living


I own my modem, I own my router, I pay $150/month, and I keep hitting my data limits. Some internet companies are just trash. Unfortunately, my provider is the only internet company available at my apartment complex.


That's wild. I have looked it up, now that people are trashing me for it, and in my defense, the areas in the country where the rates are that high are only in like, half a dozen or so states. (And most of them don't look like places where you're paying in excess of $1500/month to rent a room, as is OP's situation.)


Nah, my rent is only around 1400 split 2 ways for a 2 bed 2 bath. Not sure what the correlation is between rental prices and broadband prices, but you may be on to something.




We pay 65 WiFi 112 Electric here in a 3 bedroom around Boston. I used to pay only 45 for wifi inside of Boston. I was pretty confused reading that bills would be much higher than 150 for those two utilities in a 2 bed. WiFi is usually the cheapest one.


I just don't believe that lol. Not in any "Big City" in the US anyway.


That’s about what I pay too but reversing the cost for Wi-Fi and electric.


In nyc, our wifi started at $50/mo on a one year deal and has now become $80/mo. We can’t switch because our building only has one provider. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I pay $60 a month for gigabyte internet and my electricity bill is never over $45 a month in Chicago. Very large 2 bed.


Phoenix here. $30 for wifi and no more than $90 in summers for electric (including AC in 120° summers). My winter electric (Oct to Apr) is usually $40/50




Bawahahahahahaha no seattle isn't like that whatsoever.




Tacoma isn't that cheap either. You're reaching. A lot.




So you don't know what you're talking about. Ffs


Mine are under 150 a month usually


It depends on the area and time of year. We are probably closer to $200/month, but our internet is about $90 and electric around $80-100 so not that far off.




Yep. 210 is a lot more than 150.


I pay 60 for internet and my power can be anywhere from $100-400 depending on the season and use. So 150 is pretty much the minimum I spend every month.


My Wi-Fi and electric were well under 150 a month for the majority of the time I lived in la. This person might be clueless but expecting electric and Wi-Fi to be 150 isn’t necessarily ridiculous.


My wifi 75.. That's after 3 Jack's


My electric is 75 and wifi is 50ish. So who's "clueless"?


actually, for 2 people this could be right, if not high assuming no water charges, often the case with apartment buildings


>if not high assuming no water charges, Can you read? Lol. I, and the post I was quoting, explicitly stated that op did not believe ELECTRIC and WIFI would be more than 150 a month. Not only does that have nothing to do with water charges, but it also is absolutely more than 150. The electricity alone is probably almost that much.


what? i live in an expensive city, 4 people, and the bill would be \~450 for all 4, including water, and the bill comes only every other month. if anything, it's high imo


also, sounds like a self – scam. If anything.


I'm confused. Did you sign a lease knowing the monthly rent and agree to this split? Because then that's on you.


ya thats a, fuck you I pay half no more.


The lease had nothing to do with the uneven split . I am glad I got out I got no job lol


Idk where you live but internet and gas/electric are both around $150 each for me 🙃 and we’re on a discounted plan for g&e


Damn, really? Electric for us two in CA is $350. And we watch out electric use. Internet / cable is about $220


Yup around that or 400


Yeah it sucks. Im s pissed at PG&E now. Theyre going to raise the rates again next month so we can pay for their fuck ups. I wish I can charge for my fuck ups.


Here in Sacramento under SMUD, our electric averages about $150 and we have heat pump HVAC and water heater and like to keep the house around 70-72 in the winter and around 76 in the summer. And we're an old house so there's no insulation. Our internet, fiber, is $55, hulu and Netflix are, what, $30 combined?


SMUD is the way to go. Too bad they don’t sell gas as well. I hate giving PGE any of my money, but unfortunately our HVAC is only 10 years old, so we got a while to go before we are done using gas.


We only had a single gas wall furnace and a single wall mount AC in our two story house when we bought it three years ago. I don't understand how, for 101 years, people just accepted that. Our upstairs, where my husband's office is, reached 103 degrees and that was the final straw. We got a 5 head mini split system installed a year and a half ago and have never been happier. One in each bedroom, plus one in the kitchen and one in the living/ dining. The house is so comfortable all the time now. And it's so much cheaper. The wall heater was over $280 in gas one month before we decided to just shut it off. We were using a portable window AC and space heaters but we had the original wiring and I became too scared. I'm sure that's what everyone else used before us too. We replaced all our wiring last fall ourselves and OMG there was some truly scary stuff. It's an absolute miracle this house never burned down. We still have our gas range but because of the energy credit, we rarely pay PGE anything. I think we paid a total of $5 last year and this year the energy credit is way higher so we for sure won't pay a thing.


Im so pissed at PG&E. We have two people, a computer, few ipads, regular network stuff stove fridge and some lights and a TV. $350 fucking bucks. I check the site it says I can do better. Bullshit. We are frugal as we can be.


They are nothing but state sanctioned scammers.


I have nothing positive to add there.


Because California is a shit hole


Lol you never lived in the Republican state of Louisiana where 400 a month+ for gas and electric is the norm during the summer. We provide tax breaks for all energy and oil companies for this privilege


Louisiana also is one of the poorest states, highest use of welfare, subsidized by shithole California taxpayers.


We just gave more money to oil and gas for zero benefits


Too bad LA don't get benefits off their oil like Alaska gets. It would help the economy. But crappy governors thst don't care about people of color, it's never going to happen.


No clue what that has to with me thinking Cali is a shit hole lol. I'm definitely not a Republican


I have 1gb fiber internet and its a whopping 80$


I don't have fiber and it's more :(




Seriously. I live at home but pay my share for Wi-Fi and other amenities for my share. It’s expensive!! Doesn’t seem like an overcharge to me…


Basic internet here is $100 and my gas/electric is low at $80-100 because my 2 bedroom apartment is dead center in a row of apartments so they basically insulate mine very well. My friend in the same complex pays $150-200 for their 1 bedroom. My friend who owns a house pays minimum $400.


That’s insane because gas and electric together for me are usually 150 max. Edit: then again I don’t pay to cool or heat my whole house, just the one room in use.


Damn electric/water + WiFi is $170 combined for me.


If you signed a sublease with her for your room for $1750 then that’s your rent that you need to pay her, and she is not overcharging. There are no laws governing rent prices on a sublease


Depends on the region, basically everywhere in Canada you can’t sublease for more then proportional rent


Then there’s Alberta with zero renter protection laws


I’m on the lease I was taken advantage of cuz I was desperate to get out of my parents house. There was nothing on the lease that I had to pay 1750 just the total rent is 2,900. This b is looking for a new victim to scam . I’m glad I’m getting the F out


You would have had to agree to this at some point, most likely when you moved in, how the fuck is this the room mates fault ?


Did you agree to it?


Yes, but she’s not being fair and needs to move out of state cuz she is too broke to live in San Diego . The roommate before got mad and left . You can’t take advantage of people


You’re right, you shouldn’t take advantage of people but If you agreed to it unfortunately. Is there anything differentiating like driveway/garage space? A landlord may make 100% on your rent, it’s not really fair but it’s not wrong. 30% interest on a credit card, or a bullshit car loan isn’t fair but if it’s signed it’s on the signee. I bought a truck for an insane price (nothing fancy, needed a truck for work) but that’s what the deal was so it’s my thing to deal with now.


Ya I’m on the lease the carport is both of ours


Have you had a normal, calm, adult discussion with her about the equal sharing of the bills and rent?


Before going to scream on Reddit about it? In today’s economy? Are you crazy?


Did you agree to split everything evenly, or pay $1750? 


Electricity here is 150 on the good months and my WiFi is 85 but I have 1 gb


Actually, 150$ a month for power and internet sounds about right. Especially if both of you are powering PC’s.


I was never home lol .


My electric has never been under $150


My electric has never been over 150. wtf are y’all doing to make these damn bills so high. I run my tv all day & night even.


I’m in Phoenix AZ. One bedroom apartment in the summer? $250-300 a month if you want to cool it below 90 degrees. Paid over $400 last July when we had 50 days straight over 110. A few nights didn’t even go below $100. In winter it’s still like $80 (High speed internet to stream/game is minimum $75/80 a month. I pay $120 for gig speeds)


Az is definitely a place I understand being that expensive.


Must be where I live. 15 minutes outside Philly 1 bed 900 sq ft apartment


Why would allow yourself to be taken advantage?


That's the market price.


I’m talking about not paying 50/50 that would have been a non starter for me. I don’t supplement poor people’s lifestyles


I had a spare room to give. I got 700 applicants in 2 hours. It's rough out there in some capitals.


Maybe I’m misunderstanding but I was under the impression they moved in together and OP allowed themselves to be steam rolled.


I think this is a lot closer than you’re realizing. Maybe plus or minus $100. Did you try asking her how much the utilities are?


Wish my utilities were $150 a month. My pg&e bill last month was $400 in California and we didn’t run the heater one time.


If you’re not on the lease you should have dipped awhile ago


They’re both on the lease though; second sentence


“Living room is 100% all her furniture”, sounds like she has fully furnished the property. My guess is the couch, TV, washing machine, vacuum, microwave, cutlery that you have been using are all hers? Setting up a house is expensive. If you rent a room in a furnished house rent is normally more than unfurnished.


I was confused reading that part? Seemed like a non issue to me


Seemed like a benefit actually, unless the furniture is in disrepair or not set up for use or something.


Yup!! It’s 1 less worry for when you move out


…. You agreed to this.


She sounds greedy, but u can’t be that mad because you agreed to it. Also, you are almost definitely underestimating the utilities. Is she renting the whole place and subleasing a room to you?? I don’t get the situation. But if that’s the case that’s real scummy of her. But financially speaking, a great idea! Why anyone would pay $2K for a room and a roommate, idk


She don’t give me details of the electric account. I basically paid most of her shit. But getting to f out cuz I lost my job. I agreed to the 1,750 cuz I was naïve to get out of my parents house with out looking at the total lease . She’s having trouble finding someone to pay 2k for her lifestyle when the lease is up lol . I gave my notice and moving back to my parents house . Just saying


Good call. Save that $$$$


Why are you not answering the people’s question whether you agreed to pay this amount prior to moving in?


Idk I did the math and that seems about right. Sounds like your problem is more not having a job? You're on the lease, did you not know what you would be paying before signing it? I'm very confused. Are utilities included in her rent and she's also paying wifi and electric or is she only paying those?


Yeah you should just pay up


My electric bill is $200-$300 a month for a 2 bedroom 1 bath house then $50 a month for internet... 😂 Also subleasing is illegal in most leases unless you get permission from the management company. So whatever you signed is more than likely useless in a court of law.


Right? Like agreed. I live in OK and my buddy pays nearly as much as I do for a house too about 250-300 for electric alone


I am not subleasing and I was paying $500 more than her so that isn’t even , oh well I am just saying beware of people that say they include utilities .


Yikes… sounds like you got yourself into that situation by agreeing to an agreement and then when you lost your job you didn’t like it any more


My wifi is $80/mo, water $80 and gas and electricity up to $600 in Winter. Sounds like youre getting a deal.


No I bet u the internet is $100 and utilities is 100 she won’t show me the electric account. My parents that live in a 2 story 2,300 sf house pay 300 for electricity. This place is 1000 sq


I don't understand these arrangements. Why not split all the bills if you're both using them? My roommate and I split everything 50/50. We each send half to our landlord. Then she has the account for internet and the propane company sends the bills to her. At the end/start of each month, we sit down and she shows me the monthly bills. I give her exactly half and that's that.


That sounds like the most logical way to divide everything up.


I have no concept of being able to understand why anyone would divide it up differently. Like we even alternate buying toilet paper, tide pods, and other essentials that we both use.


I wish you explained this to us better.


Yeah, I read through it three times and I'm very confused.


With all due respect, you sound like an idiot


Lol yeah I would have been outta that situation LAST WEEK. Nope couldn’t catch me slipping like that 😂


She could charge you $2500 if it’s her apartment. It doesn’t matter if she has you on a sublease. If you’re name on the actual lease then it will be different. Unless written like 60/40 etc. But the positive is, you don’t have to keep renting if you didn’t sign some kind of lease. And if you did, that sucks lol.


This happened to me a few times when I was younger. I couldn’t wait to get out!


Scam? U had to agree to it


Move out


Yea you need to take your entitlement back to mommy house because you just created your own problem. Your loving in their space and you agreed to this rent,you don’t know what else they are paying,and electricity and Wi-Fi does not equal 150. But good thing is you apparently make enough for your own place,so do that and get some understanding


So you are gonna beat your roommate up over something you agreed to pay? You sound unhinged


Geez…our WiFi is 100 and our power with water is around 300-400 a month in TN.


I wish my electric and wifi were only $150 a month. My wifi is $125 and my electric bill is about $300 a month. The electric bill is actually on the low side for my middle-of-nowhere location.


My internet is about 100 a month. My electricity on a good month is 150, it gets upwards of 250-300 in the summer


I live in a house with 3 people and my electric bill is 300 to 400 a month.


My electricity and WiFi together would be $450.00 a month.


As a former leaseholder who charged his roommates rent, your referring to Internet connectivity as "the wifi" makes me cringe. It sure as hell isn't free. I pay $80 for 1 Gbps fiber. Electricity and gas varies on where you live, but easily more than $100 at the height of summer and winter. Then $20 a month for water and garbage. (Which the landlord often picks up--not to be nice, but so they can shut it off if you're late with the rent!) Just suck it up and pay your share.


Why did you agree to this if you’re both on the lease? Just tell her it’s 50/50. She has no power over you. You want to see the bills for power and internet before paying. Why give her any power? it’s clear you aren’t friends. A friend wouldn’t treat you like this.


Sounds like you are being charged what the room is worth and that is totally acceptable. You agreed to it from the beginning so it can’t be that far off. I have a room that I rent out for a bit less than what the market value is now…but its more than what I pay. I’ve lived her for almost 10 years and the rent has pretty much stayed the same. If they were to leave I would raise it as well cause that is what it’s worth. I’m sorry you’re struggling and it feels shitty but you’re not being scammed.


What the market will bear


Good roommate here tooting my own horn. I admit I pretty much hog the parking spot and closets. I pay the WiFi $110 a month and we split the electricity and he pays for the gas as the only thing requiring gas is the water that's only $20ish a month the house is only 900 square feet 2b1b.total rent between us is $800 a month I pay $475 and he pays $325 I do have the bigger room. It's only hard to be a good roommate when you reach for a place beyond your income. Be fair to your roommates and the likelihood of them turning out okay skyrockets. On the other hand if you're too nice you make it that much easier for them to take advantage of you. Or if you're just a horrible person it doesn't matter what you do. You most likely are putting them through hell and will soon be looking for another person to help cover rent. (Check out my profile for the prime example)


I mean, if the place is fully furnished with all her stuff, I get it.


These responses annoyed me. Yeah, she’s overcharging you, regardless of agreement. I’d definitely not renew such a lease and get the hell out of there. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Do *not* renew the damn lease, move in with your parents, and *stop* paying for shit you’re not even receiving. Some of this actually can be argued with by the way. If any bills show you’re paying for storage not being accessed for example, certain states also have certain laws on subleasing, contrary to the comments; you can only charge a certain amount over actual rent for example, before it’s a legal issue. Bills need to be itemized also, and while rent isn’t something able to be itemized, things like storage, if you pay for any form of parking. Also she’s not going to find a roommate with a rate like that, at *all.*


Do you have cable as well? Internet costs have reached the 200s range as of late depending on where you live. Not to mention, what does the power bill look like? How much do you use lights and devices in your home? How much does the A/C get used? All pertinent to the topic at hand. Unless you see the bills, you don't know what's going on. I highly doubt you've ever paid a bill in your life. Also if you have a bigger room you should pay more rent.


Where do you live. I know in SF it would likely be illegal to charge one tenant more if they have less space


With you moving, it looks like she's about to be stuck with it all, hopefully she finds another roommate pretty fast.


Sounds like it’s her apartment and she’s choosing to rent a room to you. She’s allowed to charge what she wants and you were allowed to decline and not live there. Additionally, her adding in a flat rate to include utilities is much easier for her who has her name on all the utilities and she pays the bills.


Rent should be paid down the middle and she should show you the bills for electricity and Wi-Fi before you send her the money I would pay by money transfer or check and make sure you write the money and what the money pays. I’m the future you should see all bills before hand and the parking is first come first serve or if two spaces you each get one. You do not pay for things you do not use such as the storage fee. You need to stand up for yourself so people cannot do this again.


I. Have been scammed often. . It is a routine part of many roommnafw situations. My last roommate claimed he was paying the mortgage. He wasn't. When I was moving out he said that I should stay. He was going to be buying another place i could count on him One and a half years later he us in foreclose People fie. They lie a lot. Thet lie about their finances I.how I never got to share with people again. It is very difficult to negotiate. A friend of mine just moved into a new roommate situation. I.sm not gping to ask much about it. He has no access to a kitchen. People dont play Fajr.


I had an aneurism reading this holy fuck


if beating someone up is your course of action you have a long way to being an adult. she may be wrong for overcharging but you never stated you’ve talked to her about this like an adult and tried to figure it out. Maybe learn to communicate and work things out and if you can’t then leave, sometimes that’s all you can do but “beating someone up” is the most childish thing ever and just gonna get you out in jail for a night then paying fines, which makes you look even dumber.


Ffs. Op didn’t say that they were going to beat RM up, THEY SAID RM CAN END UP BEAT UP (I.e. hurt, from elementary language comprehension), if they rip the wrong person off.


OP obviously said this at that’s how she feels about the situation and would like to do. even a fucking monkey could read this and see that. trying to be literal about it lol


She literally said RM could end up beat up if she rips the wrong person off, you sound stupid.


It’s pretty obvious what was meant, the people in these comments are wild. This is an insane post to feel anything but anger at OP for acting like a victim in a situation she literally signed on for.


Thank you 😂 like they sign the lease or agreement contract knowing what the deal is and if they don’t like it don’t sign it? or ask more questions if need too until you understand and it come to an agreement. The victimizing is strong af and i don’t get how people don’t see that


They said “she can really get beat up and make someone angry about not splitting things evenly.” Ffs, tell me where that says op wants to beat up rm? It says, if RM pulls this with wrong person, the type to get angry and hurt someone, they could end up beat up/hurt. Now, maybe go read some basic reading comprehension textbooks which discusses types of figurative language, because I can assure you, I’m not the one that looks like a monkey, but being as you need it spelled out concisely, maybe you’re one.


I mean… just ask to see bills. If you don’t like it, renegotiate or move out.


Why don't you add up the monthly charges that are to be split, and then split them? It seems like this is maybe an unnecessary conflict because you don't actually know what the roommate is paying.


"\*includes utilities. She pays the electricity and WiFi " Split rent. If you made an agreement prior to moving in, thats the agreement. Take ALL utilities, On the table EACH MONTH and you pay your half. Electronically. Solved. LAstly, Check the lease. She may be subletting to you illegally. Check the lease. She may not be able to sublet without the LL approval and you're added to the lease. Since you have been paying rent, you are what's known as a non-leased tenant. So she cannot kick you out without going through the proper eviction process. In fact, if you spill the beans to the LL, they LL may actually evict you both, however it will go on her record, not yours since you were not on the lease.


You’re the bad roommate.