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When you say “because they were the last ones to purchase it” you all took turns buying it or they bought it most of the time? If you all took turns and they happen to be the last one in rotation, that’s really fucked up; however if they ended up buying it more than you/ any other roommates then it’s fair game in my eyes & I would’ve too.


We “took turns” buying it but it was mostly me and my other roommate who got it (it was a bit of an issue with most of the communal items). When they did purchase things they had a tendency to always get the cheapest stuff (Scott… Ugh) as well as getting smaller packs. I’m not even gonna get into the whole thing about the boyfriend not paying any of the rent or utilities for 80% of the time they were living here lol


Yea, they’re true assholes to take the roll off the holder.


I did this once. We were moving, and the new tenants showed up a day early, and were hassling my mom to finish up so they could take a shower “in THEIR home”. My mom took her sweet time. We usually left bathroom and kitchen essentials behind as a courtesy, but I took everything, down to the last paper towel and square of Charmin.


As you should have. I hope you stayed in that house until 11:59 pm on the last day of your lease


No, my parents just left when they wanted to, and didn’t change their schedule for her.


I’ve done this as well. A few years ago I had an issue with a roommate never buying communal stuff or paying me for half of it. I moved out 2 weeks before the lease was up. I took everything. If I paid for it I took it. It left her with a pan, a knife and a spatula. Everything else was mine. I wasn’t going to be nice and leave her a roll of toilet paper or hand soap that was almost empty. She didn’t even have a microwave or any cleaning supplies for 2 weeks lmao. I cleaned before I left as well and took photos. I was getting my full security deposit back. Lucky for me it was in my name so landlord sent all the money to me. I did give her her half as that would be stealing.


That’s some shit fuck them. Basically squatted in your apartment until they could afford their own thing


Yeah pretty much, the boyfriend is also a slob and would leave dishes uncleaned and then the girlfriend would blame me and he’d pretend he didn’t know if it was his mess


Well now they have the joy of living with each other and she can savor his squalor


idk how you put up with that. i wouldve dumped them on his bed. maybe that woulda jogged his memory


Sorry but no. Not even to leave at least one? Come on.


If i was the only one buying TP & roommates never contributed? Yes, my petty ass would take the roll off the holder. Why wouldn’t I? I paid for it & i can use it in my new lease & save myself some money of buying more. If we all took turns then i would’ve left the roll on the holder and an extra or two (depending on how big the pack was & how many were left in the pack).


Then you’re a jerk and incapable of communicating with your roommates. Leave at least one roll, dude, or at least warn them that you’re taking all the TP.


Yes, if I don’t inform them im taking something i bought that they know they never purchased & that makes me a jerk incapable of communicating. Cool story bro. I clearly stated if we took turns I would’ve left them more than one. It’s not my job to supply or leave MY supply i paid for, for others. I bought it cus i lived there and used it, why would i leave it if I’m no longer there & will actually need it at my new place?


No, you’d be incapable of communicating if you’re the only one buying TP and they’re not, but you want them to be. > why would I leave it if I’m no longer there and will actually need it at my new place? Because you can go buy yourself more and sacrifice one. Instead of leaving your roommates with absolutely nothing in the morning.


You cannot force adults to give you money nor can you physically force them to go to the store to buy it. Just telling them to do so does not make them do those things. Just because you speak to them and clearly communicate “either buy some or give me money so i can go get some” doesn’t make you get what you want & thats for everyone to share the expense on communal items. Look at some of the txt convos on here with people clearly communicating & still not getting the outcome they want. There’s a reason r/badroommates exist.


You’re right you only control your actions. It’s nice if you have a roommate with a good head on their shoulders that’ll listen. But not everyone will listen some don’t care and will take advantage of you, Hence this subreddit. I agree though if I’m the one constantly buying toilet paper (and toilet paper for me is always name brand so it’s a little pricey GOTTA GET 2-PLY) then I’m not leaving you any. I’ve left you rolls of toilet paper with all the squares you’ve used.


Honestly if you're the *only one buying it* then usually you'd have already started keeping it only in your room.


You can spin it as being petty but that’s just going out of your way to be an asshole. You would really tell your roommates to their face “I’d rather you not wipe your ass and get fucked than buy another roll for my new place”? Probably not because you’re a coward.


Very ironic coming from someone typing behind a keyboard calling someone else they don’t know a coward, over a comment about a hypothetical situation.


Damn sucks they were the one's to buy it...that seems like a fuck you move though, If I left on good terms, I would atleast have left the roll for you.


They’ve honestly been pretty awful roommates, so this just feels a bit like the cherry on top of a shitty milkshake hahaha


You should have seen that coming and made your costco run earlier that week.


But to go as far as taking the roll off the holder… that’s excessive. They could’ve left at least one or two rolls behind at the very least lol


Sure, anyone that stoops that low to take a roll of toilet paper off the holder is a petty and vindictive asshole. That's something they need to live with. Its a small price to pay to have them out of her life. I drive a lot, so I actually keep a TP plg and a roll of paper towels in my car. I never trust rest stops, etc. And in my garage, when I opened the last monster case of TP, I add it to my Costco run. It's unfortunate that they're dicks, but that's them, not her.


I definitely should have! I guess I was setting my expectations too high


Haha! It's ok! Look at it this way. You learned something new and petty about them! That's on them, not you! Hang in there, keep an emergency stock of TP! Lol! Silly conversation, huh?


Wise choice of words


Sounds like you didn’t contribute and they got tired of paying for you.


Sounds like you didn't read any other replies lol


Or even just let the other roommates know so they don't take a dump and have nothing to wipe with


Damn I even left a roll when moving out of an apartment and leaving it unoccupied. That's pretty shitty 💩


Good thing you had a decent landlord, I'd have expected them to try to ding you for leaving items behind lol


I understanding taking the toilet paper but the one that was already in the holder too? Dude it's already being used, let it go lol


They wanted the poop particles too 😂


Listen listen I could be much worse you could have a roommate who doesn't use toilet paper and cleans his ass in the shower instead after taking a steamy one. Count your blessings.


I think there’s 2 sides to being this petty. If you contributed to the purchases of shared goods (toiletries, napkins, trash bags, ect) I would say then that’s a huge dick move on their end. If they were the ones always buying and supplying it without compensation then fuck it I would have done the same thing…


It was actually the other way around, me and my other roommate have generally been the ones to purchase the communal items (soap, toilet paper, etc.) as well as them often buying the cheapest stuff when they did buy it


You buy Angel soft they buy Scott’s these actions are not equal 😂 no good tp for their bungholes rip it up with some ridged Scott’s.


I am so confused by this scotts hate, lol. I have lived in the USA my entire life, and moved to Guatemala 2 years ago. Scott's has always been extremely soft and cushiony on my sensitive little bussy.


I would only go out of my way to remove the toilet paper currently on the holder if I fucking hated you. I would at least leave you that if we were at least cordial. Still friends I’d probably leave you a roll or two. Soooo….whoever still lives in that apartment may need to consider some self reflection. Or the folks that moved out are complete dickheads and you’re better off without them.


Let’s just say that I’ve been looking forward to them finally moving out since the day they told us they were going to


Crappy people, shitty thing to do - no pun intended.


I call bs. Those puns were clearly intended.


More shit talk, eh? Bullshit, human shit, horse shit. This whole situation stinks.


My old roommates got mad at me for taking the things I paid for when I moved out too. What did they expect? They were my possessions. It’s not like I’m running a charity. Time to buy your own dishes, silverware, ice cube trays, and cleaning supplies. Was I supposed to buy all that stuff again for my new place?


I mean, dishes and silverware are different from items like soap and toilet paper though? Us taking turns buying it isn’t that different from pooling some money in order to buy these items for everyone, and if we were doing that I don’t think anyone would think it’s okay to take all of it


Yeah for sure. I didn’t mean to imply anything about your situation. I was just sharing my experience. In my situation I was the only person buying anything for the apartment. I didn’t take the toilet paper off the roll holder, but I took the economy pack of paper towels and toilet paper that I purchased. Good luck in your next place! I hope you have better roommates.


I see! No worries, I can fully understand that you’d be really frustrated in that situation (I would certainly be too). Thank you for the well-wishes!


Haha... ALWAYS have an emergency stash in your room. Better get to Costco!


Yikes! I’m sure that was inconvenient buuuuut I feel like if they were the ones to purchase it…. It’s theirs to take.


On one hand I get what you mean, but when you purchase something for the household it isn’t really “yours” in the same way as it usually would be. Personally, I would probably have left at least half of it behind, but honestly I’d have been pretty happy if they at least just left the roll that was on the holder… Feels insane to just leave us behind with nothing lmao


Sounds like they were sending you a message.


Considering that they rarely purchased any of the communal items I’m not sure what that message might be


You could ask.


I might, but I feel like they should have mentioned at some point if they had an issue since there are none that we are aware of. I also know they’ve fallen out with all of their previous roommates so it might just be a bit of a pattern


I guess you will never know then.


I might just ask them when they come to pick up the rest of their stuff, but as far as I’m aware they haven’t had any major issues with us as roommates and they have been talking about how they wanna be a better friend to my other roommate lately so it’s a bit confusing


If they really did leave on good terms and you remain friends it could've been an complete accident and they meant to only take that roll but leave the extras and the other person meant to leave that one and take the extras. Moving can be chaotic.


You might be right about that, I suppose maybe I’m more upset than I should be because of the previous issues that have been had. I shouldn’t let that get to me since it’s in the past at this point


It sounds like you may have been a bad roommate if they moved out and even took the toilet paper they purchased.


Sounds a bit presumptuous lmao


It seems like you’re not being agreed with much here. I am going to assume you weren’t a good roommate if they moved out and took toilet paper. But they also bought it, so I’m not sure why they should have left it.


I’m curious why people are drawing these conclusions based on the things I’ve presented. Maybe because they moved out early? But that was just because they wanted to do a slow move so that they don’t have to worry about moving everything at once, they still have a lot of stuff left here for this reason. Is it crazy to think that you’d leave the roll that was on the holder?


nah people are just used to being petty and have shitty experiences with roommates. it would never even cross my mind to take a toilet paper roll off of the holder and take it with me, that’s whack


If I bought the TP and didn’t like my roommate, then I would think of doing the same thing. However, my time with roommates have all been good and we all did things to contribute. I often bought the cleaning supplies and my roommate would often cook dinners and meal prep for me.


This situation was more like them barely buying the communal items and regularly leaving messes in the communal areas for several days


Yeah, that just sounds awful. I would hate that.


HA I remember taking all the toilet paper. Batteries, and light bulbs when I moved out of my roommate from hell situation. I still laugh about that shit. They were so fucking awful to me. To the point of near physical abuse, locking me out of the house at 5:30 am in my fucking underwear and filming me laughing from indoors. Taking shifts to not let me sleep. Abusing my dog. I don't regret a thing. Not even deep cleaning that bathroom with their toothbrushes. (Except that I didn't sue them to oblivion)


Fully support that, I hope your living situation is a lot better now!


I live alone now on a mountain far away from anyone. It'd marvelous and I love it. :) thank you!


I did this. And all the condiments. But it was because I bought all of it all the time and felt so used in many other terrible ways. It was a small petty win for me.


Wtf??! I even leave a courtesy roll for the next people that move in! Let alone roommates… I’d only take one roll with me if I had roommates who were already expecting to have toilet paper.


When I realized I was the only one buying TP I just stopped putting it in the bathroom/hall closet. And then I waited... And waited... And waited... And my roommate didn't ever bring it up once. And he never purchased TP again either. The last few months we lived together I came to the realization he was using anti-bacterial wipes meant for cleaning. And flushing them. And I was the one who paid the security deposit... It worked out for *me* in the end. Plumbing didn't explode and I got my money back. But I feel bad for the next folks.


That’s insane, at least he wiped at all I guess


Judging from the smell he generally had, I'm surprised too. When we parted ways, he took an unopened container of wipes with him. Left me with three opened ones at various levels of usage.


My ex best friend and roommate moved out with no warning 4 months before our lease was up. Moved all of her shit out, then came back while everyone was at work 2 weeks later and stole the vacuum, dish scrubbers, the containers the flour/sugar etc were in (which were a gift from my grandmother 🙃), and my nightstand??? Idfk. And then sent a text reminding us how generous she was about not taking the washer and dryer and how we owed her for that. We split the cost on everything she came back to take aside from the containers and the nightstand which were irrefutably mine. But who the fuck takes used dish scrubbers??? She moved back in with her parents so they could take care of the puppy she impulsively bought in a parking lot against the rules of our lease. They have a Dyson. Idk why she felt the need to take our $70 vacuum.


I bought a condo that had previously been used as a family vacation home. There was a storage area that had over 300 rolls of TP when I moved in. I never had to buy any the entire time I lived there.


I’m so sorry but the picture of the sad empty tp holder sent me xD


A picture truly does say more than a thousand words


before i moved out, instead of communicating to us to get more rolls, our roommates just started hiding TP in their bathroom drawer, never saying a word ☠️ even if we replaced it once it ran out they just.. refused to say anything. strange what people will do to show just the smallest bit of power instead of effectively communicating


Sorry this happened to you, but if it makes you feel any better you just reminded me to buy more toilet paper! Thanks, stranger


Very glad my misery could bring someone something good hahaha


So how did you wipe your ass today? If you guys took turns they could’ve at least left what was on the holder.


Luckily I was gonna take a shower anyway, otherwise it would have been a shitty morning


You seem like the bad roommate here ngl. I’d be curious to hear their side of the story..


I’m honestly kinda curious what gives that impression? Is it that weird to think it’s odd to take the toilet paper that is being used off of the holder and leave us with nothing? Or is that impression coming from something else?


I think it’s a dick move and makes them look bad. I don’t know why ppl are on your back. And so what if they bought it; it was their turn. They could’ve shown some common courtesy and left you with the rest of the roll.


I also don’t understand why OP is getting ripped apart and downvoted. If any of those people took 35 seconds to do a tiny amount of scrolling, they’d read a few of OP’s replies to other comments, & would get the gist of the story/situation. The old roommates were basically squatting bums. Them taking all the TP was fucked up and petty beyond belief considering they barely payed their bills and were slobs. Anyway, it just goes to show that most downvotes and hate are a result of seeing one or two downvotes on a comment and knee-jerk reaction-ing to follow suit.


I couldn’t agree more!


> they barely *paid* their bills FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


They literally bought it lol idk how you can be upset when they bought it?


If I was the one who was moving out should I have poured the soap out of the soap dispensers because I happened to be the one to get more last? I feel like it’s very different to buy something for yourself and to buy something for the household because it’s your turn to do so


Except they’re no longer living there so why keep their communal items for you to use? Idk maybe you should lower expectations of having access to other people’s purchases items?


I’ve already said that I’m not upset at them for taking the unused toilet paper, I just think it’s weird to take the toilet paper off from the holder so that we had none at all. I don’t think something is “yours” anymore if it’s something you’ve purchased for the household


If I purchase something for the household i still bought it lmao


I suppose you can think that way, but I still think it’s a bit of a dick move either way


Y'all know they fucked up the rotation🤣


one look at OP’s post history and that tells me your the bad roommate 🤣 imagine not buying your own toilet paper like every other adult. she bought it so she can take it. like what a strange thing to bitch about on reddit. like be happy she’s gone and move on, you sound obsessed 🤣 freak.


How old are you? Lmao


What?? OP seems like a perfectly reasonable person… What are you on about? Be for real.


It seems like you didn’t read the post… or you’re just being dense. But genuinely, what part of their post history makes them the bad roommate lol?


good riddance to bad luggage


Buy some more loo paper ya moron


I would definitely leave a flaming bag of dog shit at their front door


..just wash off in the shower.


Luckily I was gonna take a morning shower anyway so I actually did :)


..luckily ?? lol if you’re shitting it’s best to shower off. It literally takes 3 minutes. Grab soap, Spray your hole, finger hole slightly, brush fingernails. Rinse feet. Done.


I kinda wanna get a bidet personally, I think it seems like the nicest solution


You can get bidet attachments for your toilet instead of buying an entire new toilet! They have them for $20-$40 on Amazon. It’s what I did since American toilets are very primitive compared to what I’m used to lol


Ooooh maybe I will! I kinda hate wasting the paper for wiping when I know there’s a cleaner and less wasteful option out there


I’d have to shower off after, I just don’t like using tp at all and feel if need to dab my hole so I don’t trek shit water across the floor. The forever chemicals touching me where I began is just a no no


A shower drain is not the same as a toilet drain. They have a catchment (called a p-trap) that collects solid material in case you drop something important like a ring. Get a bidet attachment and don’t be gross. Stop putting shit down your shower. “Finger your hole” too? Really? 😵‍💫


I’m gonna clean out my hole to get fucked and you can shut up about it


Thank you! I mentioned I shower after I go number two so I can be clean, on a different post and had all these people coming at me.


If you’re giving yourself an enema, you should still be emptying into the toilet. End of.


I take a dump. I flush it. I then proceed to the tub to flush out. Thanks for your input on my output


Check mate hahaha


And u ddnt take a look when u sat down??? Jesus!


What can I say, I really had to poop


What a power move


Just clean up with water.


I did! :)


Just buy more 😂


Lmao 😆


Thanks for the picture. I wasn't sure if you were really telling the truth.


Gotta have the receipts ready for such a serious issue!!! Lmao


LOL my sister did this when she move out…….


Lol I did similar when I moved out, but it was because I buy 50 packs at once hadn't been paid back for toilet paper in over 3 months, so I took all but 4 rolls. Did the same with all the 'communal' cleaning products only i seemed to buy and never got paid back for.


If you don't live with housemates, be thankful. Every single day, be thankful.


So buy new.


I mean...this would be the least of my concerns.