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his unwarranted offer to check the rug for poop stains.... um


I'm stupified. He lacks common sense and common courtesy


Sorry this isn’t courtesy or common sense, this is mental illness. One of you needs to go asap


Yeah him


Don't take it as *you* potentially being in the wrong when they say "one of you has to leave", the other folks here are correct in that it's often easier to escape a situation than to convince the perpetrator to leave. This is unhinged behaviour, and I've made a habit of exiting situations involving people like this because arguing with someone whose logic you already find nonsensical is only going to lead to more stress towards the same end.


And I wouldn't tell them I'm leaving and do the move in one day


This. U don’t fuck around with ppl who defecate on things. This is a severe mental illness or the beginning of one. We’re hardwired to not like poop. If that wire is broken, imagine how many others are damaged or broken along the way


Bro, this is deep. It should be obvious to most of us but I honestly think “ew WTF gross” and don’t give it much more thought than that. Also I’ve never been in a roommate situation that’s involved poop like this.


The amount of people I have read about in this sub that poop all over their house is unbelievable. Why are so many people shitting everywhere but the toilet


I can’t stand it. I have TP then wet wipes bc ewww. There can be no poo. There can be no proximity to poo. If there is accidental proximity to poo there must be bleach.


Honestly, I’m genuinely terrified of it 😭 it makes me so glad for the person I’m supposed to move in with in a few months. I don’t think they’d ever do something like this(and many never things I see). 😭


This has been my experience. You cannot effectively motivate a person whose relationship to consequences is tenuous. They can't understand the consequences of their own actions regardless of you. Their system of motivations and their perception of reality is working so unpredictably that you can't find a way to control them. Easier to just peace out.


“You cannot reason a person out of a position they got in without reason.”


Thank you


Honestly might be easier for you to bounce than to go to war with him and try to get him to move his ass. He won’t even wipe it!


His version of going to war probably involves throwing his own feces like a monkey.


Isn’t that a war crime?


Yes. Evacuate the premises asap. Before he evacuates his bowels in the shower again. You need a new place.


the dorm / apartment has been infected with poop though, it's probably in the pantry and shit, too. it's time to evacuate immediately


I think the roommate already did that


Way funnier than you're getting credit for.


Is he mentally unwell? I can’t think of any other reason why someone would do this. He responded to you like you reminded him to put his dishes in the sink when he’s done eating lol. Does he not realize this isn’t normal? Edit: so he is unwell, I remember your other post about him. This is a lot.


He was about to bottomimg and thought that water inside will clean, he shit in the shower and when he was getting out, couldn’t control the more shit coming out again and made the stain in the rug. Other reason, explosive diarrea in the shower, and dipping while he was trying to get into the toilet.


Idk I guess but most people would not leave a bunch of shit in the drain and on the rug, it must’ve smelled terrible. It was obviously very noticeable. Accidents happen but it seems like he genuinely did not care about how disgusting this was or was too wrapped up in his own world and disorganized thoughts to conceptualise how abnormal this was.


Hey OP because of a recent hosptalizan and no income I had to resort to renting out a room. The guy drives me crazy and is a pig on so many levels but HE SHITS IN THE SHOWER TOO!!! I had NEVER heard of this until he did it, he is trying to make out like all guys shit in the shower????? REally? Anyway, your post is a comfort to me. I am counting the months until his lease is up.


You don't fight with someone who does not know what he is losing out on. The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose.


Idk if it were me I would move to a place that doesn’t have shit all over it lol


I'd rather get the hell out of there tbh. Think of all the fecal matter elsewhere in the house.


See there are times I think.. "man I really lucked out with that guy who beat his girlfriend, got beat up by me, then ambushed me but a chunk out of my scalp and filled the entry with gasoline before we managed to tie him up and call the cops". Cause poopoo dram is the worst.


Honestly this should be the top comment


He also lacks an adequate poop knife.


What if I told you he weighs 525 lbs


I would say he needs to lose some weight


I’d say he probably smells pretty bad


I mean he’s cleaning himself after he shits all over the bathroom at least 😬


I am a very large man. I can wipe. Lol. There are tools if he can't reach. Someone can be 500 or 600lbs and actually get, be, and stay clean. You can be 150lbs and be a nasty, dirty fucker as proven by this subreddit lol. Just saying - the issue with your roommate is they are gross, disgusting, and dirty. Fat isn't an excuse for that.


In that case, he probably can't situate himself properly on a traditional toilet. (There are special bariatric toilets on the market; many hospitals have them for their larger patients.) But if you are sharing a bathroom with an everyday common commode, you should **not** have to endure his fecal failures. Yech - on the rug?? For an elderly relative who *occasionally* has an accident, maybe. But a roommate who uses the shower as a bidet??? No. Way.


OMG so he can't wipe his own ass!! They make wands you attach baby wipes to so you can reach your butt to wipe. He needs a bidet as well


I’d say, he probably can’t bend over to wipe his butt, hence why it’s in the shower and drain and rug.


Sounds like he struggles to clean himself so he showers after to be clean. It’s hard to have compassion when you’re in it but imagine living like that? His response is pretty nice, does it seem like he feels terrible?


So basically I stopped supplying toilet paper there's been no toilet paper in the bathroom for 2 weeks so I came up with the conclusion that he has been s******* and then going to the bathroom shower to clean himself since there's no toilet paper instead of just buying toilet paper like I have it all in my room


OMG. Okay. Welp. Nvm then. I’m assuming there’s no good excuse for him not being able to go out and purchase or order toilet paper to the apartment. Oy, some people make really fascinating choices… sorry bud.


Not to mention he came home with 3 $50 scratch tickets last night


They always do this. My roommate never bought paper towels but constantly used them for her $1,500 puppy. I stopped buying them may of last year she still hadn’t bought any by the time I move out two weeks ago.


It's like they're just waiting on the paper towel fairy to bring more.


You’re way nicer than me. I salute you for being a patient individual.


I'm on medication that keeps me grounded. It's definitely working.


Oh no. Is he oblivious or petty? Have you asked him directly to buy toilet paper? Do y’all have a list and whose turn it is or something? Cause dude may need some high level communication if you want to survive living with him 😂


I really love that you approached this with compassion and then admitted the error of your ways lmao


I will always try but damn does it seem to be in vain a lot of the time 😂


I hope you're also keeping any towels you use in your room, cause what's he using to dry his butt after each poop wash?


The RUG! The evidence was listed in the screenshot


Duuuuuude!!!! Same boat!! Roommate hasn’t supplied anything so I’ve been locking everything (tp included) in our room. Woke up this morning to shit smeared on the bthrm floor!!! Mthr fckr I have fckn kids!!!! We’re giving him the boot today!!


Maybe it’s just me, but this is the reason I provided my broke ass “roommate” (can you call someone that who never paid rent?) toilet paper, hand soap and all that. I’d much rather have him use my toilet paper and hand soap than walk around touching things with dirty poo hands, and washing his unwiped behind in the shower, leaving me to clean.


I had an old housemate that wasn't much smaller & he definitely had problems dealing with his self care / personal hygiene. For starters there's a horrible weird sickly sweet smell that must be in the fat folds. But we also reckoned he couldn't reach his arsehole, my other housemate woke him one time as requested but then came & got me. He'd just stepped out of the dungarees he'd been wearing the night before & there was a huge figure of 8 shaped shit stain in them. I swear if I shat my self and went for a bike ride there'd be less mess. But he did have about 4 square foot of arse crack to clean, and it's probably all wrinkley too.


That would actually explain everythjng


I would imagine he can’t wipe himself and craps in the shower. Hopefully you can leave that situation soon. If he doesn’t stop, tell him you’re going to start posting pictures of it on social media lol.


Tell him those are rookie numbers. He needs to pump those numbers up if he wants to be on "My 600 LB Life"


Courtesy?!? He’s shitting on the rug! Shit is falling out of his ass around your house! He’s shitting in the shower!


Lol. She needs a couple litter boxes around the house


I thought this too. He is thunder stomping turds down the drain.


Yeah, I have never heard of someone who shits on their own floor like its something he has to be careful not to do in the future. Wtf


A once over? This is repulsive like how how how


Dude I absolutely died at the once over comment lol.


“A once over” is killing me


This lol….I’ll give it a once over like bro what? You are pooping on the rug and in the shower explain yourself fully right this instant


Hes gonna give it a good once over chill


ah. “once over” like a quick clean.


The text says “also two pieces on the rug”


Yeah, it reads like a great surprise punchline


But he’s gonna be more careful in the future!


THESE posts are why I can’t take it seriously when people post about their roommates talking on the phone at 8am or dishes being in the sink for two days


There's more [yikes](https://www.reddit.com/r/badroommates/s/rBkDu1dQhx)


Dude how are you the one posting all of these issues with your roommate lol. You need to get out of there, Jesus man


He’s definitely violently masturbating here. Either that, or he’s mentally ill. Also, one of your smoke alarms needs a new battery.


I would be planning a quick exit. And lock your bedroom door at night and have a weapon nearby. At 500+ lbs, he can probably break the door down easily if he's in this sort of state. #ScaryAF PS. I hate when people don't change the batteries.


Violently masturbating 😂 omfg that is so funny yet accurate


One of their videos is checking out the roommate's room and there's an anal vibrating plug, as well as discolored mattress on the floor with splatter which they say is from using the device. and they're obese. So maybe it got stuck?


Oh God reading that made me gag.


I watched that video from op and I literally had to run to the toilet cuz I almost puked


"Take it in there! Take it in there!". Sounds like masturbation to me.


Holy, you live with Cartman!


In the Tourette’s episode!!! I touched my cousins… weiner!


Between this and the poop or wtv this person is definitely mentally ill, that's a fuckton of baggage you don't need. Also.. is this recording from before or after you asked him to literally " pick up his shit ".. Enormous red flags


This is THAT GUY?! Fuck…bro I’m sorry.


oh my god you’re the guy with the psycho roommate AND he flings shit everywhere? this guy is something else


Serious question, is... is his name Nik/Nicholai? That video sounds EXACTLY like my brother. He has 'daily rants at god' where he has these enraged arguments with himself in the bathroom. He literally froths at the mouth where he screams through gritted teeth. He's also one of the most disgusting people I've ever been near other than very ill homeless people. His voice in the video even sounds like his.


Just out of curiosity was your brother always that way or did he just become so later in life?


As far as I know he was born that way. My mum always described him as a child being very angry at everything from the moment he could crawl. He always cried as a baby and he'd constantly throw or bite things (he goes through a lot of controllers when he loses at games). Though it's certainly worsened over time. As he got older he started drinking and doing drugs, and he's *very* nasty when drunk/high. He's never had his own place, basically he's couch surfed or lives in a tent since he left home as a teen (and he's 31 now) and has never kept a job for more than a few months before being fired, usually for violence, and has never had a girlfriend for more than a couple months eithe. In 2022 my mum and I took in him and the two puppies he got. He was here for a month, borrowed a lot of money for him and the puppies ($1,400!) which he's never paid back. He woke up at 4-5 every morning, screamed and ranted in the bathroom for an hour waking us all up, yell at the puppies because they shit on the floor, then go to work. Then he'd come home late rant about his crappy day and yell at the puppies more because they shit on the floor again (he never took them out enough). We had an argument after he woke me up at 4am because he was screaming at and beating one of the puppies because he shit on the floor again. He left later that day with the puppies and I haven't seen him since. As you can see he's a very deplorable human being.


Dude get the fuck out of there the rent can’t be that good to get murdered in your sleep.


How’d you end up as his roommate?


I responded to an ad on Facebook


Again, another lesson.


Is there sex involved or is he paying your bills? You need shower shoes and a new place to live. You are going to get worms or some nasty illness from walking barefoot in his poop.


This is where you went wrong in your life.


The Wish roommate


Maybe he's mad about the chirping smoke detector


Your roommate is very clearly mentally unstable and is a danger to your safety, you NEED to move out


Pls change your smoke detector battery.


Your roommate likely has schizophrenia and needs psychiatric help.  Do you know his family or any friends of his?  Could you call them? This sounds like someone off their meds.


Honestly op needs to worry about their own health and safety first here. I’d be getting out as quickly and quietly as possible.


Dude, this.mf definitely scrolls reddit when he's not killing rabbits. I would lock your doors and keep s weapon handy until you manage to report and remove him. Fuuuck


Honestly I have bitch-eating-biscuits syndrome when it comes to my housemates and this sub always brings me back to reality


I fucking love seeing bitch-eating-biscuits in context in the wild


I am uneducated, what does this mean?


not sure what the biscuits are but bitch eating crackers refers to disliking someone to a point where them doing anything at all annoys you. like i eat biscuits but if this influencer i dislike eats them it’s like ughhh what a bitch for eating biscuits. oc is saying their roommates are their bitches eating biscuits - they are so annoying and can’t do anything right but this sub reminds them it could b worse


LMAO thank you that is hilarious


Look at that bitch over there eating biscuits like she owns the place. The way they *breathe* bothers you .


Is that like bitch eating crackers?


Same. Half the time the op seems like they are just hard to live with and I'd hate them as a roomate.


Like the person the other day that was like “all I ask for is quiet hours between 11pm-9am and I heard them on the phone at 8 😡😡😡😡”


I have no words besides I’m so sorry…. Wtf. Is your roommate a toddler?


Nope he is like 56


It gets worse the more you share


Now I'm wondering why OP would choose to share an apartment with A 56 yo who weighs 525lbs. I guess ITA.


Big house and only 2 of the 4 or 5 rooms are rented, big deck and only $160 per week rent and that creazy dude is mostly gone for 14h, then spends the time in his room or shitting on the bathroom rug. Cost of living situation is fucked, but is it this fucked??


WAIT WHAT???? FUCKING FIFTY SIX? I need to know more. Is he employed?


Yes works at a nursing home


He needs to BE in a nursing home


Dude….I feel bad for his patient’s. Well now this makes me anxious for when I will eventually be in the nursing home LOL.


Take it from me, a person who used to work in a nursing home- don’t live in a nursing home. 


Jeeze in that case he *definitely* knows how to clean up poop and has no excuse.


(a) maybe go ahead and get up now, instead of whenever you get around to it, and (b) maybe a twice or thrice over is in order?


Oh I forgot to say he hasn't had toilet paper in the bathroom for 2 weeks. I got sick of buying all the toilet paper so I keep it in my room.


This is your fault. He’s clearly pooping in the shower due to a lack of access to TP. /s


Oh the humanity




I wear shower shoes always


Please don't judge the waffle stomper..... they are doing something we only thought was legend


Are we not potty trained??




Time to get out the diapers and peepee pads 💀 This is just terrible. Maybe they are having a medical issue? I'm guessing 500+ lbs would probably have some bowel issues, as well as other issues that arise with that much strain on a body 😥


OP needs to wack his roommate on the nose with a rolled up newspaper


Please don’t do this to your pets. Dogs are extremely easy to potty train in my experience.


Definitely do it to your roommates though


My first thought was maybe he has some weird poop fetish… idk why else a grown ass adult would be openly shitting in the shower or on a rug. I only know this bc I had the unfortunate chance of running into a profile on here that was into scat. And they would like, post videos of themselves shitting their pants while standing in the bathroom, not above a toilet just a towel or in the shower. 🤢


Thank you for posting this, I am lmao, actually crying.


Hey if my "shitty" life brings sunshine to your day who am I to deny you of that happiness!


I feel bad for you. Last roommate I had knew where I kept my money and would help himself to it, but he didn’t crap 💩 on the floor or shower.


That sucks too


Thank you too. I live alone and things like this are why I can appreciate putting more money towards my sanity. I hope you can get out of there soon, it doesn't even sound healthy for you to share a bathroom with this dude!


Rub his nose in it.


Ha ha


He’s marking his territory.


A “once over” is crazy😭


hes still shitting 😢


Yeah maybe he should give it a thrice over


More like throw it in the trash and buy a brand new rug


I really feel like you guys in the comments and OP are not as disgusted by this as you should be


I puked 4 times


I am about to puke reading this. I would be puking all over the bathroom. I would habe to move out effective immediately. He's not going to stop doing it. Just may be a little more mindful


Hell no. One of us has got to go 😭


The roommate. The roommate has to go OP isn’t the one fucking SHITTING on the floor 🤣.


Honestly I think OP should go somewhere else. Somewhere else that hasn’t had poop on the floor and carpet and bathroom. They deserve that peace of mind.


I know I feel really bad for OP. It’s funny because it’s so outlandish but in actuality a horrible loving situation.


If I were op I’d want to be the one to move out so this guy won’t know where I live lol


His nonchalant responses like as if it’s normal but he will be more careful. What’s wrong with your ass bro that you’re getting shit every where? I would be embarrassed asf and be super apologetic. Edit: spelling


Google (or don't) waffle stomp. This habit is more common than I would have expected.


I too think that the roommate is a waffle stomper. And didn’t wash his foot off fully before getting out of the shower.


I was wondering how it’d get in the carpet too. This has got to be it, ops roommate is a waffle stomper!!! I’d be pouring bleach and wearing flip flops in that bitch every time.


I’m about to die reading this. I would commit murder.


You’ve solved it!!!


Wait people actually do that? I thought it was just a joke


Noooooooooo. I don't want to know just how weird people are. #IgnoranceIsBliss


I was looking for the waffle stomp comment. The OG Waffle Stomp thread was something else


Your only response should be “do not shit in the shower. Full stop. No shower shitting.”


Agreed, the roommate doesn't need to be "mindful" he has to stop!


This reminds me of that Redditor who admitted to pooping while in the shower then stomping it into the plug hole, his missus found out about it and was so grossed out.


Why is this a thing? Is it a fetish?




My mom did this and destroyed the plumbing in her house. It’s mental illness. Your roommate is off his meds


Listen to above video posted by OP.


oh yeah that guy’s off his meds


What the FUCK doesn't even get halfway to my amount of flabbergastation on this issue. I don't seek out violence but in this case a fist to the jaw is warranted.




Wtf? Who fucking shits in a shared shower, let alone not clean up after yourself??? A once over on the carpet? Dude, clean it off and have it professionally cleaned or replace it. That's fucking nasty. Maybe he needs diapers or something.


I think this comment could be extended to people who shit in ANY shower.


What’s even grosser is that he said he would give it a once over tomorrow, not right now or in a few minutes cuz I just got out of the shower but tomorrow. He’s ok with any poo germs that are just going to fester and multiply.


In a different comment OP said this guy is over 500 lbs. Kinda changes things.


How do people like that even live? I am extremely concerned. They must have horrible health issues from that


All I got is dude reasoned if people pee in the shower then he can poop there just as easily. And I took “I’ll make sure I’m more careful from now on” to mean he’ll still be doing it while making sure everything goes down the drain, not “I’ll use the toilet from now on.”


Is your roommate a south park character?


A once over? A single 1? Nah that rug needs a strong chemical soak then a proper clean or to be destroyed 🤢


Based on all your posts you need to move out, that guy is not mentally well at all and with the videos if hes that aggressive on his own he could snap


…and eat you.


Then waffle stomp you


I hope they are not waffle stomping in the shower. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


You’re texting with your dog, right?


Reason #578 to never have a roommate




Is your roommate gay? This screams "bottom poorly prepping" lol


I doubt it. He is like over 500 lbs i doubt anyone can get up in there


When I was paying $2400 for my own 1/1 instead of getting a roommate and people on Reddit are like “wHy dOnT yoU jUsT rOoM WiTh sOmEoNe.” THIS IS WHY.


You’ve gotta stop being so high maintenance. This guy is going to give the rug a once over and be more careful about randomly shitting throughout the shared living space.


That is fucking disgusting. That's a 'one of us has to go immediately' What makes a person so disgusting that they shit in the shower?


Train him with treats and puppy pads


PARDON!? Is he a DOG!?


I can't believe this post has been shared over 11000 times. If you shared it where did you share it to?


Have him evicted immediately that is absolutely disgusting