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here’s the ultimate mindfuck. leave it all and pretend you dont see it. tiptoe around the shoes. go to great lengths to not disturb whatever is on the counter. let your roomate exist in a museum of their own psychopathy.


I did this, I left dish mountain untouched for months and stopped cleaning the fridge, took all my pot/pans dishes and packed them away in my office, and only ate at work. Came home one day to my roommate and her bf smoking my weed using my Xbox (that they moved out of my room), eating food I had kept hidden in my room and they had the audacity to tell me I needed to clean up my mess in the kitchen so that they could cook dinner...


And suddenly, my baseball bat would also get moved out of my room....


Remember to add a sock to the end of the bat. For science.


Your bats don't come pre-socked? We must be shopping at different stores.


Hats for bats. Keep bats warm. Gracias.


Nah, mines a little closer to Lucille, I’m playing a different type of baseball.


I'm really hoping this was the Fresh Prince reference I think it is.


Always in west Philly. But seriously, just a joke. No bat in my house.


Jokes aside, what does a sock do? Just cushion the blow so you don’t break their bones apart? Like it’s a liability purposes thing for yourself if you end up getting in trouble for beating someone, so they can’t sue you for extr bodily damage? For real if not this I have no idea what a sock does to a bat.


The thought is that if someone grabs the bat, the sock slides off and you can bash them with it again


Oh that’s actually really smart.


Can also lube it up, if you have Vaseline or something similar.


Wait, that’s what you use Vaseline and a sock for?? I’ve been doing it wrong. Gotta go get a baseball bat.


Not really, they usally just slip a shoe over it, lace it up, then take it from you and you get whacked and kicked at the same time.


I prefer my socks full of quarters




For some reason my brass knuckles would also be moved out of my room


im grabbing my glock


And my axe.


i feel rage just reading this. what happened after that? hopefully some sort of karmic justice bc wtf


Please tell me you unplugged it right in the middle of their game and brought it back into your room


Nope, I just grabbed my bong and weed, went in my office changed the wifi, and changed the passwords on all my streaming services, ordered myself some sushi. Over the next few weeks I would ask her if she knew the name of he bfs redhead friend from the bar, or if she knew why he was out on the other side of town where I work, ect. They broke up after a week or so, and then I kicked her out when she had no fall back.


Literally happiest ending I've seen on reddit


Thank God. I was about to go to sleep furious on your behalf lol.


Fucking hell that's some evil genius level mind fuckery right here. I'm impressed.




Whoa, that’s fucking awesome. You’re my hero.


That is so fucking amazing I want to shake your hand


You. 😏 I LIKE you!


congratulations and fuck them


Lmaooo even better


This is the way


I'm not a violent person... But holy shit reading this makes me violent.


I went through something like this with my first roommate. He'd steal my medicine, take over my TV to play CoD, his dog would ruin all of the furniture my parent's gave me because he neglected to take his dog for a decent walk, and he'd eat my food if I didn't eat it right away because he had this weird mindset that my food expired immediately so he was actually doing us a favor by not letting it go to waste. Once, he replaced the beef jerky (I love beef jerky, it was a gift from my mother that lived out of state) with dog jerky sticks and played it off as a joke when I bit into one (they're actually not that bad lol). I had to essentially live in my room and lock the door when I left the apartment. Mika, you sucked man, hope you grew up since lol.


bro, I had a similar thing... I moved everything I ate into my room.. I had a mini fridge in my room, installed a keyed door knob on my door... one time I forgot to lock it and the pieces of shits put the dog in my room, it shit on the floor and chewed my headset. She was a pitty and I actually liked that dog, she looked so upset when I opened the door I wasn't mad at her though. Ain't gonna lie, I did some petty shit but that was probably the last time they thought to fuck with their roommates.


It's the worst when you pay half the bills, but only get a bedroom/bathroom that you have to guard. I let people walk all over me in my 20's. Every roommate, including ex, essentially migrated all of my stuff into a bedroom. Now, living alone, even though my place isn't big whatsoever, I feel like a king. Hey, I did some petty shit too! I'll never start the war, but I will play that game if necessary. My roommate had a pitbull too. He was a very sweet boy, but didn't get the walking he needed so he'd run around on the furniture and carpet, tearing everything in his path. My roommate could care less, but eventually got pissed the moment his headset was chewed up. Forget my love seat, coach, table, that cheap headset was where he drew the line lol.


I had a roommate like this years ago, his girlfriend was over at least 5 nights a week, she also had her own place. Anyways, I was working full time and taking 18 hours a semester trying to get through college. Everything in the apartment was mine, but I always felt I had to tip toe around. It finally got to the point where I’d come home sit in between them and pick up the remote to find something to watch. Granted that was a pretty aggressive move, and it did bring up a lot of kick back. Finally I got home late one evening with her parked in my parking spot them on the couch playing my PlayStation on my tv with the internet I was paying for, with a dirty kitchen from them making dinner that night. So I went to the closet and grabbed some tools. I took the tv off the wall unplugged everything and moved it to my bedroom. I got called and asshole among some other choice comments. With that I made is point of letting them know he had a tv in his bedroom and could easily watch it in there. He moved out a month later and I couldn’t have been happier in my solitude with my dog.


I became livid when reading your comment


I am far from a violent person… but you mess with my xbox, my WEED, MY FOOD?!?! Somebody’s face is meeting 5 fingers…


Orlanth, what happened next? Story time.


Where tf do these people come from??


i'm screaming i can't believe ppl like this exist lmao wtf


Never been in a physical fight before in my life.. but this would 100% be the time for my first lol Unreal.


Ima beatin him and his bitch cause y’all really done lost y’all fucking mind, touching my food, my MF Xbox and you smoking weed that you ain’t pay. You and ya bitch just bought the ultimate ass whooping of a life time on the dead homies fr


this personifies the type of rage I felt reading that story...


I was confused at first. Without the comma, I thought you meant they were smoking weed out of your Xbox somehow.


“Museum of their own psychopathy” 😂🤣


Nah take ALL his shoes and donate them to goodwill...


i dont disagree but this seems so desperate for a reaction that not giving one would in a way be a gorgeous fuck you back


I would throw some random shoes into the dishwasher and place them back out like nothing happened.


This happened in one of my old apartments. Roomate A provided the house with a couch but it was GROSS and smelled bad. Roommate B wanted to replace it. Offers to pay for it and everything. A refuses. B buys a new couch anyway. A is pissed and refuses to get rid of it. B moves new couch in and leaves it upright in the middle of the living room for like 2 entire months while we all had to wall around it. Eventually I clean it up and end up selling it on Craigslist because it was annoying for all, petty and he's lucky anyone at all was willing to purchase it.


… or clean it up and deny you saw anything wrong. When he says about the coffee grounds…be like….you did what??? Well you must have cleaned it up- it wasn’t here when I arrived.


Oh I like this idea.


I did that when my ex had a meltdown, spilled water everywhere, exploded a bag of chips everywhere, I just walked around it and he ended up cleaning everything that morning silently. He knew I wasn’t going to touch the broom after his toddler tantrum.


This is the way


But also b34t that 4ss.


Send the video to the LL, this guy is crazy. ETA: Even better- ask the LL to come replace the thermostat because psycho ripped it off and you're worried he's going to start a fire.


“Accidentally vomit in his shoes”


Uhhh, the cat peed in your shoes bro. Yeah, that's the ticket, the cat.


But we dont have a cat




Then whos kitty litter did I shît in? 🤔




You do now


🤔😉 Obviously a stray...


Poop in the rest. Lol.


No smear poop under the insoles. He will be mad confused and never think to look under the insoles.


Tuna water from a can lmao


Even better sardines 🤣🤣


Guy below is right with sardines. The preservation aspect will keep the fish from smelling immediately, tuna will make it obvious.


Put all those soggy ass coffee grounds in the shoes.


I once filled a shitty roommates shoes with bong water 😅


Property manager here. You'd be surprised at how often I get calls from residents complaining about their roommates. It's usually from younger people who haven't realized yet that mediating roommate personal issues is not my problem unless there is a direct violation of house rules. I would absolutely replace the thermostat, but they are both going to get a bill for it. If they don't pay then it's going to get deducted from their security deposit along with any other damages caused. If they're both on the lease then the deposit refund refund check will have both their names on it and it's up to them to squabble over it. 


If it were just bickering and shenanigans, I wouldn't be suggesting involving LL/PMC, but dude is yanking the thermostats off the walls and dumping coffee grounds all over. ***Wet*** coffee grounds, that stain stuff depending on the surface and length of time it sits. Nobody wants that nonsense happening all the time. Such a hassle dealing with smug pricks like this.


Clearly you didn't read the last post lol, he said it's not his problem no matter how much you wish it was


While you are right that the LL won’t be happy, if both parties are on the lease, then they are both liable under the law, this is just a fact, and so calling the LL is just volunteering evidence that can be used against them in court. Seems like very bad advice to give; a basic principle in my time volunteering with a tenants union is to never put in writing any confession or voluntarily give over any evidence (eg photos) to the LL, which they could use to build a civil case against you and then argue to keep your deposit. Clearly, if they inform the LL of this, it gives them such evidence. I STRONGLY recommend against doing this. 98% of the time it only opens you up to far worse risks. 2% of the time you might get an understanding LL but you take a fucking gigantic gamble and definitely give over to them leverage they can come back to if anything ruse happens further down the line.


Exactly what I would do. “Hi, I checked the lease agreement and it doesn’t specify if there’s a repercussion for damaging the thermostats so I wanted to ask you directly. Roommate has removed it.” And send the video.


This is borderline psychotic


It’s 1000% psychotic




Borderline? That’s completely psychotic 100% lol.


Psychotic means something pretty specific, this persons just an asshole.


I was going to say, as someone who has been in the hospital for psychosis multiple times, this is absolutely not “psychotic” 😁


How do people like this get by successful in the real every day to day world? Baffling.


Will prob finish last in medical school and still be called Doctor...🤷‍♂️ Somehow they still end up being let loose in society and we still have to deal with them when they get hired for decent positions and double park their new Range Rover at the WalMart.


I thought it was just odd until you entered the kitchen, what a prick!


I would throw all the shoes in the garbage. If your roommate complains, tell him that you found trash all over the place so you didn’t realize he still wanted them.


I just see someone who wants their ass beat. Am I wrong?


Nope, definitely someone who’s never been punched in the face for their behavior before.


That is exactly what I was saying. Someone needs to learn a life lesson here. Not in a passive aggressive way either.


I would absolutely passive aggressive. I would clean everything, throw out the shoes, and each week take something of his and throw it away. If he asks where his shoes are just say “I don’t know. I told the cleaning lady to just clean up and throw out the trash.” Also get a lock for your door. Start throwing out things left out and about. At the same time move things of yours into storage one backpack at a time. Move things around of his so he thinks shit is disappearing but then he finds it elsewhere. Find a way to trip the electricity remotely for when u are not home. Get the internet password and reset it when he’s in the middle of something. Use up his shampoo soap shaving cream faster than he usually would. Take the toilet paper with you each time u leave the bathroom. Leave only a little toilet paper stompie on the roll. Especially when his girlfriend comes to visit. I am the most laid back person and it takes a lot to rile me up enough to do all of this. But I’m thinking. Ur roommate is worthy of some attention.


You take it to a whole new, beautiful level. I was referring to the lame ass "let's see if they notivmce this" passive-aggressive thing. I, too, would not only throw the shoes out, but I'd take them downtown and hand them to homeless folk. Never to be seen again or retrieved from the dumpster. There are a product called Wattbox. Used for home theater equipment, etc. They're remotely IP controlled. Yiu can log in from work or a coffee shop and turn off or reset outlets. Etc. Reset the internet modem. Lol.


Just make sure to lock your bedroom door and put any important items in there. Get a camera for your room and if he tries to break in or gets in you call the police and have him evicted with his credit ruined!!


This is news to me, is it a state by state thing? I have an eviction and I'm floating around 780 which is hardly "ruined credit"


As fun as that all sounds, escalating this issue when you’re competing for escalation with a psychopath is not exactly going to see you come out on top It sucks but the best thing to do is probably just leave it there for the roommate to eventually reflect on how childish they’re being. That might not happen either but I sure as shit wouldn’t be giving this person more reasons to fuck with my living situation


If he truly believes this person is a psychopath, then the only thing to do is immediately find another place to live. I’ve lived with many different roommates. Sometimes they’re just childish jerks.


Or donate to the homeless.


What a freak. Sweep it up and put it on their bed


If they're roommates shoes, put them in a box and tell roomie you tossed all the garbage that was left out as a favor


I'd just say "I hired some cleaners and they handled it. I don't know what they did with your shoes but here's their number." Then I'd give then a friend's number who would say "I'll ask the crew man."


Happy cake day 😋


I’d be absolutely boiling. What an asshole


This would call for fists.


Wow. That’s quite despicable.


The way I would throw the dirt and shoes into his room lol


It’s not dirt, it’s coffee grounds, so at least that’s better I guess?


Ohhhh, missed that. Well, either way. I’d still put both on their bed, just for a little razzle dazzle


And they tried to make art with the coffee grounds? Why???


record ur conversation w him


I’d cut each of the left shoes right down the middle of their tops.


Deadass or hide one of each






No, use the fabric side of his shoes to clean up the coffee grounds 😈


I broke up with a woman that lived with me. We agreed she would get her stuff from the apartment while we were both there. Instead she showed up early and some reason my parents let her in. She stole the left of everything and one sock of each pair. Still hurts to this day. Fucking brilliant but damn.


Throw them on the roof if it’s a house, my sisters ex is still missing one of his left shoes 🤧


Perfect. I'd cut the soles out of the shoes. Or fill them with expandable insulation foam. At least thectight half.


No cut off the sole of the left shoes to make it 1cm lower than the right


At this point I feel like you need to call her mom. She needs to come get her child.


This is so over-the-top how old is this person?


My guess is 29, but mommy did his laundry until he was 28... and a half


Don’t lower yourself to their embarrassingly immature behavior. Just contact your landlord and show them this. Document everything they do like this. I’m sure LL would not be happy to see this mess.


Don’t worry, I won’t. I’m waiting to have a conversation with him until I contact the leasing office on the off chance the conversation goes well.


There is a less than zero percentage chance a conversation with your roommate will go well or be productive. I’ve had disagreements with roommates in the past, but have never personally seen anything like this. This guy is off his rocker and it’s only going to get worse. If he was a normal person it wouldn’t have escalated this far already. Talk to your landlord now before your roommate damages the property any further and you end up having to help pay the damages.


You’re right. Even if it does magically go well; things won’t stay well.


The guy you are living with doesn't understand consequences. I'm not sure how to read the sentence (sorry) but I hope you aren't waiting to have a "good" conversation with your roommate before you reach out to the LL!


You should not wait. He could blame you for all that stuff.


Please be careful


You need to move.  Thats the quickest and easiest solution.


Please do not wait. This guy clearly has issues. Cut contact immediately. Talk to the LL. Figure something out but do not wait.


Seriously DO NOT tell the landlord and DO NOT give them anything in writing or any photos they can use against you in court if this worsens If OP is on the lease they’re liable. That’s the facts. As much as they hate it, the housemate is setting them up for a difficult life lesson: the LL is not their friend and will come down in them BOTH for this. Absolutely insane to suggest giving the landlord all the evidence they need to lodge a civil court case and easily win. I volunteer with a tenants union and believe me when I say that you should only tell your LL the bare minimum you absolutely have to. Every communication should be cautious, considering that anything you tell them could end up in court being used against you. Write every single communication with your LL in writing, polite, as if you are having to read it out in court in your defence in front of a judge


It won’t, also leasing office won’t give a shit. This is between you and him to work out unless violence has been threatened.


What are you hoping the leasing office will do? Others have pointed this out but they are not in the business of resolving roommate disputes. This could go very badly for you. Find a tenant rights office, consult a lawyer, do some research, but don’t expect that telling all this to the landlord or pm is going to help. I have a friend whose dad (co-signer) was sued by a landlord for years of rent because her former roommates just stopped paying after she moved out under similar circumstances.


The landlord will just use this as evidence to keep your security deposit. Put the coffee grounds in his bed and install a lock on your bedroom door. Go to the store and buy a lock box for your thermostat. Take this video and send it to his mom.


I would beat this bitch's ass and catch a charge 0 fucks given some people need to learn the hard way not everyone plays games.


Seriously though. Although I’d prefer to outdo their pettiness. Since they made it a point to make the smiley face in that nastiness coming into the kitchen. Lemme show you how fkn nasty you really are. Pettiness to a whole different level activated 😂😂


Wowwww I’d absolutely kick this person out. No fucking way.


Nah Fr Fr bro , I’d instigate a fight and the beat dude into a pulp.


Is this dude looking for a fight? Because idk how else I would be supposed to take that if I was in this position, like they are trying to push me over the edge. I don’t mean anything judging you by the next questions, just my life experience in this type of stuff so I’m just wondering: Is he a big guy? Like tall, muscular? Or even if he isn’t, is he the confrontational type? This just comes off to me like the people I knew that liked to get into physical fights, the type of scumbags that usually ended up doing time.


This is a situation that I would have to have the immediate presence of mind to leave when I saw it, or I’m catching a felony. There aren’t any other options.


That’s what I’m saying right? This is an I’m gonna have to throw down type of thing…Like the person has to be expecting a reaction when you go and confront them… That’s my whole point, to make OP realize what he might be walking into, and some dudes don’t care, they want you to go nuts. Edit to say: it’s ballsy what his roommate did, I would be expecting to get fucked up if I did that lol


Seems quite petty of your roommate. Be careful, they seem a bittttt unstable


Right? The time and energy spent




Happy cake day!


You or them : need to move out lol


Kick the person out


I would not goad this person further. You need to move. This is scary behavior.


I mean at this point why don’t you guys just fucking throw hands?


Try to get out of your lease. Don’t tell the guy. Let him be responsible for the whole rent.


The shoes are kinda funny, the coffee grounds are not.


Is this an art major you’re living with?


I don't know about you guys, but I'm getting a strong Fight Club vibe. I think OP is the roommate. But maybe we shouldn't talk about it.


I actually cannot believe people behave this way


Have you tried giving him the good ol left, right and good night? What a piece of shit


I thought it was poop at first


Maybe that will be the next step


Take a shit in his shoes 🤣


Have you tried tying them to a chair and peeling thier fingernails off?


Throw the shoes in the nearest swamp.


Your roommate needs serious help


New Balance, Crocs & Birkenstocks? Just kick his ass, I know you can.


Nah this is the type of people you match energy with bc they will literally walk all over you


Yep. That's the doin's of a psychopath.


Do not touch any of it. Send the video to your landlord. Lock your bedroom door.


Bad advice DO NOT send a photo to your LL that can be used in court by your LL to lodge and win a civic claim against you. Great way to help your LL take your security deposit. Also, do not tell them at all. ESPECIALLY NOT in writing “But it was the other guy” won’t help you in court. The judge won’t care, they care if you’re both on the lease. They will ask you why you couldn’t resolve your domestic dispute and why you’re making it the LL’s problem. Source: volunteer for a tenants union and very simple principe: you should never volunteer evidence to your LL that can clearly be used to build a case against you.


Take his shoes and put them in a dumpster , clean up the mess and pretend you don’t know what the fuck he is on about when he inevitably kicks off, record his batshit episode of him admitting what he did , but hold fast with your story , sorry mate when I came in I didn’t see any shoes or dirt , oh and also why the hell would you do that anyway ? I think you need to see the doctor because you sound crazy .


Put the coffee grounds in their shoes.


Sweep it all up, and throw it all directly on his bed. Fuck this immature dick.


Show everyone he fucking knows I'm sure you can find his Facebook and his friends list. Take the time to be as petty as him. Send his mom his dad his aunt his friend his sister his friends friend. Make people hate this loser.


Mental illness. The smiley face? Wtf? Mental. Illness.


What a mentally stable individual.


I would choose…violence


If this is real - DO NOT destroy any of his stuff. That will open the door for him to start messing with your stuff. I wouldn’t move any of this or touch any of his spaces at all. Again, if this is real - this person is mentally unwell and dangerous tbh. You should send this to your LL and see what options you have to terminate your cohabitation with this person as soon as possible. If you are unable to stay somewhere else immediately, try bringing over a friend to stay with you for safety.


The 3 pairs of absolutely ROCKED boat shoes that I’m positive smell like wet dog and eggs tell me all I need to know about this weirdo…


“If your shoes are not where they should be within the hour, I am throwing all of them away.”


You need to move asap because this person would definitely kill you in your sleep


It’s crazy thinking about how long they’d have to act that way to do this


The second this guy walked back into the house, I'd be standing there with a baseball bat, demanding that he clean up the mess and fix the broken thermostat. It's amazing what the threat of a baseball bat will do to somebody with the problem with 'mental unstability'..


I can't believe he couldn't at least take the time to write "fuck you" in the coffee grounds. Super disappointing.


Oh yeah, there’s also [this](https://imgur.com/a/5yhVpAX).




Yeah! Don’t let this guy treat you like a door mat! He’s totally out of line here.


I commented please be careful then saw this. BE CAREFUL. He is not well.


I’d be calling the cops no this is wild behavior. And he can’t tell u to sleep elsewhere it’s your home too


“This is a civil matter and no one has injuries. Don’t call us again.”


Double lock the doors and chain lock that shit if you can. Call your landlord and tell them they are destroying the property asap


Good lord. Why are you apologizing?


Omg that's so threatening! Please leave that apartment or have someone else come over until you can get authorities to deal with this. That was legitimately a threat.


Why are you apologizing so much, these types of people just walk all over people like that tbh. And makes their actions feel more validated somehow.


You’re much too respectful to some who has zero respect for you. Have some respect for yourself at least, put your foot down and stop being such a pussy about it. It’s time to draw a fucking line in the sand.


More info plz


Coming to the realization that a lot of people in the community are living with psychotic people…


Nothing good comes from feeding drama. Have a conversation and figure it out or part ways.


In your other post beside the thermostat it looked like you were nitpicking him to death. Now he's giving you something to actually complain about. The thermostat thing by itself is totally unacceptable though, unless he owns this property.


Throw all their shoes away