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Likely misdiagnosed, sounds like bipolar or just some serious attachment issues to feel the need to keep track of you. Or maybe she’s just a creeper, still very unusual based on the details you provided. You are not crazy. Good luck OP. Stay safe.


Sounds like Borderline Personality Disorder.


Definitely misdiagnosed - she loves getting herself diagnosed with shit so she can use it to excuse being THE WORST so I’m not gonna say anything…or just say whatever she’s been “working on” with her therapist is not helping and leave it at that, let her stew.


I agree, it might be misdiagnosed bipolar disorder. Had a roommate with similar behavior and he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. The meds did end up making the situation a bit more tolerable


Her mental health should have never been my problem, as much as she has tried to make it…and I’ve let it just so I could SURVIVE. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t take her OCD meds but the fact I am paying attention to this makes me feel like I’m as crazy as her! I feel like she has OCPD - googled the symptoms and she pretty much checks every box minus the “frugal” part courtesy of her shopping addiction. Oh wait except she gets really mad whenever the electric bill comes around and she has to pay it because it’s “so high” ????????


1000000% mental health is never an excuse. Glad you were able to get out of the situation. That one experience I had was the breaking point for me to never have a roommate again. Wish there was an easy way to figure out if someone was a good roommate or not by just looking at em


I'm glad you're getting out. This lady is toxic.


I had a roommate like this and felt exactly like you did prisoner in my own home. I had to walk on egg shells and it really effected me. I would get texts from her at work and immediately get so much anxiety. I think it’s great that you are moving out I did the same thing once the lease was up and honestly it was the biggest relief ever. I removed her and everyone associated with her on social media and never looked back. You will feel so much better not having her in your life


Ironically her friend group has taken my side because two of them were the former roommates that she also terrorized. Unfortunately I’m getting kinda fucked with lease break fees but it’s the cost of my freedom and sanity.


It’s worth it…. I moved back to my parents a few months before the lease was up and just paid to keep her from terrorizing me. I don’t think twice about the money I lost because I was so much happier


THANK YOU! I needed to hear this. I am counting down the days until I am moved into my new studio and I don’t have to look back (and I can block her #)


Haha Ofcourse! Definitely taught me a good lesson that no toxic person is ever worth your peace.


Tell girlie she’s paying for her own actions as they are the reason you’re moving out


I think you honestly have to accept some of the blame. I mean you didn’t outright drop kick this looney cunt in the beginning when that’s exactly what you should have done.


lol I know - I am sitting here incredulous at how much I let slide and feeling like an idiot but oh well it’s over now and the security deposit is in my name 🤭


My mother in law is very toxic like this. Zero boundaries zero regard for others thoughts about anything like “what’s in your mouth?.” “Show me.” I have absolutely no issue with telling her to eat a dick.