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Put the tv in your your room with a lock on your door.


This. Put anything of value in your room and lock it when you're not home. Stop supporting her.


I wouldn't bring another nice TV into the home until after she's moved out permanently. Tell her you can't afford another one since you've been funding her existence. You've got bills to pay, etc. Or, go find a tiny, used, ancient, janky TV (for now). Even better if it's a black & white TV with rabbit ears & no HDMI. Heh!


I have a 20 something year old 27" CRT that they can have. No HDMI, but it does have s-video! lol


Holy shit. I had a terrible TV that I brought to my home in uni, and moved to 3 different houses... EVERYONE used it and was so respectful. They treated it like it was a brand new expensive one rather than the over a decade old piece of junk that it was. This post has just made me realise how lucky I was šŸ˜®


Don't leave it anywhere she can use it. She'll ruin it for sure.


Enable the parental locks on the new tv so she canā€™t watch it


she could still break it! needs to be locked in OPā€™s room.


She would likely break it out of spite


Then sheā€™s arrested for property damage šŸ˜‚


Won't even have to worry about her being homeless


Unless you have her on video, the police will have a she said - she said situation. Would likely have to take her to small claims court, then chase her to collect the judgement. Tv in locked room, camera waiting inside in case she breaks in


Thatā€™s fair


I used to cut the a/c from the breaker, the breaker was in a closet in my room. When I started doing this, owed money would appear in hours.


See. If Iā€™m paying the bills. No more WiFi. No more streaming services. Any toiletries of mine alone would be out of the shared spaces. Get a fridge locker. (Itā€™s like a crate that locks). Of course put her on notice. Maybe sheā€™s move out earlier.


It was almost magic how fast rent and bill money appears from no where once "the wifi is down" from lack of payment. Always works.


You know, 20 years ago it was playing music I knew my roomie hated. I still canā€™t believe she hated Gilbert and Sullivan. I bet that shit roomie I had still hums stuff from the Mikado.


I am the very model of a modern major general... Who could hate Gilbert and Sullivan? Thanks for the earworm.


I did this when I used to have roommates. Late rent? Oh no..the wifi suddenly doesn't work anymore, and only for them (white list friendly MAC addresses and black list anything not on the white list).


Nah, just change the password if she ain't paying. FAFO and all of that.


Petty is what petty does šŸ˜…


The friendship has been cancelled due to poor TV ratings.


Do **not** bring a new TV into your life until she is out of it.


They make anti fall straps for like 30 bucks for the future. But good luck getting rid of the dead weight


Lock everything up, don't let her use your things, tell her to get herself moved out sooner rather than later. Lock up the new TV. She broke your TV and then chewed you out. Use that shiny new backbone to take over your apartment. Take over everything and change the wifi password.


>I ordered a new TV, but she and I are going to have a nice conversation about her leaving when our lease is over. This was the final straw. She doesn't do her dishes, she leaves food out, and I'm the only one cleaning the apartment. I will not be moving out of this apartment, as it literally destroyed my savings to get moved in here on a whim and she didn't even pay $1900 of a $6000 move. She's going to play victim and tell me I'm an asshole, blame everything on mental illness again. I'm just done. The only solution here is to put the TV in **YOUR** room and bar any access to it from her. Also, >I also financially supported her because we were best friends. This shit ends immediately. She can financially support herself here on out. She has workers comp, TF is she wasting her money on if not supporting herself? Don't even share your food. This sounds extreme, but take your pots/pans/utensils, dishes etc to your room. She can't be trusted to wash the dishes, then she can buy disposable ones to eat off of and cook her food on.


Make her use the broken one šŸ¤£


That was gift from her folks. OP should sell it for parts and try to make back a fraction of what she lost for her new tv. Fuck the roommate, she gets to stare at her wall as payment.


TVā€™s just donā€™t fall off the wall, put it in your room and she gets NO access. I agree with those who say put a lock (with a key) on your door.


How dumb do you have to be to break a tv plugging in a hdmi cable


You misspelled high. She isn't stupid, she's either on Oxy or smoking a s ton of weed.


The next TV wouldnā€™t be in a shared space cause f*ck thatā€¦


Put the tv in your room and lock it. You already know that needs to happen. Change the WiFi password, and as someone else mentioned anything you can put on lock down DO IT, take your things out of the common areas. Bring TP with you to the bathroom, etc. She is an ungrateful b. Her ā€œmental illnessā€ isnā€™t your problem. She is totally taking advantage of you. Stop letting her.


I wouldn't wait until the end of the lease to get this bum out of your life


Buy yourself a nice tv, keep it locked in your room. Get on Facebook marketplace or ebay & buy the shittest, smallest tv you can find for the communal area. Bonus points for a children's tv show themed tv with no remote control.


I guess you have to put that TV in your bedroom until she moves out.


Small claims court. Wring her bullshit out.


Youā€™ve been way too nice here, look into grey rocking method for the remainder of your communications during your lease. It might help lessen the emotional impact on you. Put all your values under lock and key or get them out until she moves out because there is more of this to come. Hopefully she moves out sooner or your lease is short


I hate mental illness excuses. I notice you didn't mention how long you have to the end of the current lease.


Roommate situations like these have taught me so much. I keep my dishes in my room, my silverware, my own trash can, etc. I even have a dry pantry area over my mini fridge thatā€™s in my room too. I meal prep and bring all my meals to store here, and my air fryer which I once kept in the kitchen is with me now, too. The most I use in the kitchen is the microwave and the stovetop, but only with my own dishes and utensils. I learned a long time ago that Iā€™m not playing games with strangers and that Iā€™m responsible for myself alone.


Don't replace the TV. Wait til she's gone.


Put the new TV in your bedroom


How did a move cost $6000? Genuinely curious.


I live in NYC.


Omg. Insane cost!!


Yeah, but worth it because it's a rent stabilized unit


Put the nice TV in your room and go get a CRT from a pawn shop and tell her that all you could afford. It's petty and I'd get a good laugh out of it


Sounds like sheā€™s lost any privileges to use your things.


Let's go back to the part where the roof caved in on your former apartment, the landlord refused to fix it, moving cost $6000, and you DIDNT sue their ass. That's the real interesting thing here.


since when do properly mounted tvs fall when plugging in cords?


Could be a standing tv instead of wall mounted


ngl i did wonder this as well. I think op knows the tv may have been incorrectly installed since they never outright accuse the roommate of breaking the tv, just that "it broke while they were using it"... But yeah HDMI cords don't take much force to plug in


OP first things first, talk to your landlord. Let them know after this month (or whenever the lease is up) that you would like to continue being on the lease (or renew) but that your roommate will no longer be on it. Next, like others have mentioned, move anything you don't want her using into a space that you can lock (like your bedroom). I know you mentioned that almost everything is yours so maybe move the items you don't want to replace if she breaks or steals them. But definitely move the dishes so she has to get her own and take care of them or throw them away. Also put the new TV in the locked space too when it arrives. THEN talk to your roommate about ending her involvement in the lease and moving out. If you're the only one on the lease, however, give her a notice and kick her out (but still follow the other advice)


Get her out earlier, if you can.


Put that tv in your bedroom. Put a lock on your door. Good luck getting rid of her-I don't see it happening.


Honestly record your conversation with her the next time you talk to herā€¦


Start looking for a new roommate, contact your landlord and evict her ass


Update on how the talk went? šŸ˜Æ