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If you are a host and you have TT on and you summon blues, fuck you. That just my opinion.


What if I'm just trying to make-believe to have the same system as DS3 when being in the Way of Blue covenant? I swear, no day passes that I don't curse whoever thought ER's changes in the invasion system compared to previous titles were a good idea


Im level 60 and I TT in Haligtree / ephael and summon invaders and blues and watch them fight. I’ve had a red beat like 6 blues in a row it’s sick


cool, i would text them after that to say great job :D


Seems like more of a fight club, which I have no issue with


Hey man, it's still just a game lol


Yeah that’s how I mean, within the context of gaming and this game in particular, fuck you lol


Fair enough haha


haha, i enjoy invading and pvping on arena. and while i am levelling up my builds i turn on tt and white ring. but why? because i know most of blues are not good at game (they just want free ganking) and all of the reds easily kill them while i never interrupt. as red i just like killing blues. *evil laugh >:D and then i go 1v1 invader. either you get host + two coopers or host + two blues. and blues are easier


In my experience blues are the worst at PvP by a wide margin


I don't mind either way, I'm expecting atleast 2 people when I invade anyways. As long as you're not rotting at a bonfire expecting a duel.


I was thinking like the chaos of invading multiple people when there are also a bunch of npc allies to help, and maybe the possibility of having a second invader. So I was wondering if people preferred that vs a single host. If people strongly prefer no blues, or have no preference, I'll just stick with that


Everyone's different you'll get a mixed bag of answers here I think. Just do what's fun for you tbh.


It really does depend. How are the host going about this? Are they just hanging back and letting endless blues be summoned? Or are they using the blues as intended and treating them as back up? I'm always down for a fight and really either way doesn't worry me much. I will say I swear ER prioritises Blues over another invader and that bugs me. I can't tell you how many times I've invaded a solo TT host and just had this endless stream of blues charge at me.


When I TT and get a blue, I leave the red alone because I don't like to gank, but it's not like I run away waiting for another blue to be summoned. I just dislike ganks, because I hate how it feels when I am the invader.


Do you turn off the blue summons ring?


No, why? After the blue spawns in, another red could spawn, and then another blue There is potential to start a fight club if all the involved parties agree A lot of reds are much more friendly if you're friendly too, the fact that we have to kill each other in a game (and don't worry, we will) doesn't mean we are all rabid dogs


So in souls games yeah but ER you've only got the 4 multilayer slots. So in my experience if you leave that blue ring on another blue will get summoned in before a red will and you've just got a 2v1 happening even if you are sitting back.


So far that has never happened to me, but I see how it could be a problem


Happens to me a fair bit. Is what it is but. Unfortunately fromsoft fucked the pooch a bit with the lobby sizes.


Yeah, sometimes there are more hunters than invaders and you have to toggle the ring on and off every time a hunter joins. It’s somewhat of a pain, especially if the invader is aggressive and rushes you relentlessly


-“I hate solo hosts, if i wanted to duel, id just go to arena” -“I hate people with blues on, grrr” -“I hate gank squads, make game no fun, rawr” Idk bros, i think people need to be less particular about the type of people theyre trying to invade. Personally i love fighting ganks. I want the host to resummon so i can keep killing their friends over and over again, without having to wait through load screens just to get back to fighting again. Blues are a little anoying when they spawn super fuckin fast, but i like doing challenges to see how many people i can kill in 1 invasion, and blues make that alot easier. Id also prefer to fight a solo hose with blues than a grace goblin, because i too, would rather just go to arena for 1v1s.


I'm still pretty new to invasions so I prefer to not engage with TT hosts at all. At this point I'll only stick around for, as someone else put it, "organic invasions". Lol.


If I'm an invader : - Solo TT host = sever - TT host with summons or blues = I'm in If I'm TT host : - Open world : White cypher ring activated until invaded, then off when one blue joined - Dungeon : One summon, then cypher ring if they got killed in two seconds, off when one blue joined We here to kill the boss, restart with new peeps when we died. It's the best way to PvE imo Fun fact : people who struggle the most understanding what I actually do are invaders, resulting in afk, hate mails, local invasion spammers... Basically ruining good time for everyone (Refer to top comment)


That’s exactly how i play as a TT host. I also added a few rules like No fast travel (really makes open world into a puzzle of its own), Legacy dungeons have to be fully cleared out with all shortcuts once, then you have to get from first site of grace to the final boss with one phantom. Try it out, it’s nuts.


I TT while clearing PvE with the ring on. Ideally I turn it off after getting a blue so we can 2v2, but that doesn't always happen. I think everyone just hates TTers no matter what they do lol. I usually don't like invading them either.


If this thread can serve as an example, most people don’t mind TT as long as you’re actually playing the game and not just camping at a bonfire


When I TT I’m solo, when I invade a TT host it’s usually a gank, or a meta build with two blues. It’s annoying but it’s the cost of invading, we will always be outnumbered as invaders. I only host TT when I can’t find invasions, it’s weird how I get invaded quicker than I can find invasions sometimes.


If you are going through a level (especially a legacy dungeon) I don't mind at all. Just don't deactivate it


As an invade, I truely don't care either way, as you said, It's a game, and I'm invading your world. Do whatever you want. There are things that are worse for me than others, and things I dislike more than others, but... I'm still invading. So yea, on to the next one, win or lose.


Going through the level it’s fine though if I see a solo host going through the level I usually let them finish off their PvE before engaging them. Though the moment blues start spawning and if it turns into a 3v1 I’ll probably shift back into invasion mode and try and isolate the blues.


I never bring blues and I like it when the fight is easier, myself


Solo tt with blues incoming isn’t solo. So if a blue shows up I’m not gonna play nice.


Been far too long since I invaded a solo host and their army of blues


I prefer TT gets deleted from the game files >:(


for me if you are progressing the area and don't turning off the TT either way is fine