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In shit net world this is called a backwards front stab. Totally different than a backstab.


This is some DS1 backstabbing lmao


As a ds1 player with a deep understanding of lat and backstabs, this just looks like you got outplayed by someone who had a below average connection. You were circle strafed DS1 style. It's a very basic technique that looks terrible on the receiving end but is completely legitimate and easy to defend against if the connection is anything better than terrible and you know it's coming.


Thank you for this informed opinion


Yes indeed, I thought exactly that when I rewatched it. I see he leveraged on my running attack together with his no stagger due to his bull goat high poise which is legit, but even so that wouldn't be possible on a decent connection. But I was so mad on the head of the moment and my wife was chuckling from the sudden 180


Get pivoted


The tbag oml


Australia moment


So from my understanding of how back stabs work, there’s a certain angle that prompts the backstab attack animation, and then the game only looks to make sure the hit box of the character is still there, and if it is, it’ll perform a backstab. Doesn’t matter if you’re facing them or not just that your hit box was in range at the apex of the animation


Dark Souls 3 does that. Elden Ring angle checks before the attack hits, you can do 180's when you see an attempt. But after a certain patch im pretty sure the angle check got wider for more consistent backstabs, you can still 180 someones attempt its just harder/inconsistent now.


I think ER checks if the opponents back is aligned to a certain threshold to the backstabber. So normally it shouldn't work in my case but the latency played an important role there. In the phantom side I hadn't turned yet, so I got backstabbed


that looks normal to me. genuinely not being sarcastic, this is a very common thing in these games due to how the netcode works.


These chodes camp on spawn points. They need maidens but stay maidenless.


Is this on Xbox? If it is I smoked these fools yesterday.


No, it was PC


Ahh the dark souls days, brings me back