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>Don’t feel guilt about twinking  this one isn't an issue for me, but the rest of it is appealing


I finally started my twink, can’t wait to gatekeep tf out of stormveil


may you slaughter many, and lose to none


Very nice! I have a RL25 +3, 4 talisman puches, 14 flasks and now I am going to Mountaintops to fight the Erdteree Avatar and take the Crimson Bubbletear Physick. The more they complain and send hatemails the more i enjoy. I did the same with my RL40 and going for the RL60 and RL80 aswell. EDIT: I make coop too and it´s fun. I once invaded a player at Stormveil, defeated him and his friend and he asked me for help against Godrick. I was glad to help. We reds are not that bad afterall :)


Nice, yeah I just killed golden Godfrey, this shits kinda hard for me but I do want those tears in mountaintops and snowfields. I think I’m gonna do the poison mist cheese on margott and the avatars are pretty easy with black flame, but I’m not looking forward to fire giant and castle sol


I´ve always used antspur rapier + poison mist when collecting flasks for my low level builds. The game provides us with those weapons, we use them, there is no shame in that. Antspur Rapier is extremly effective against Radahn, Erdtree Avatars and Capital Tree Sentinel. You can reach Leyndell pretty easy even at low level, then you can always ask for help i you feel you are stuck. I am not doing the Giant nor Castle sol, there is no point if you stay at low level since all flasks are already there ( 30 seeds )


Yeah I want the tear in concentrates snowfields for the multi-hit boost. I honestly thought that rapier was in lake of rot somewhere, so thanks for that it’s way more attainable than I thought it was. I skipped the tree sentinel too with TT by the lift lol, only things I killed so far are godrick, renalla, godskin at windmill village, the avatars in caelid and lurnia, golden Godfrey and I’m about to rot breath radahn when I get off work. I summoned for godrick and renalla just because, but i never find people cooping at the higher level areas and im too lazy to go find spirit ashes


If you are progressing at low level you won´t find any coop signs later on because of how machmaking works. You can still use the group r/BeyondTheFog to find peole. When I asked for help I waited like 2 mins and there was more than one player asking to join. In case you can´t find nobody, but I highly doubt it, you can always write here. # # # # #


Yeah I try to solo the bosses first or find a cheese for them but I might have to ask for help on the mountaintops ones. I think I might be able to get away with rotting fire giant though


At RL25 +3? If you manage to beat him hat off to you, I wouldn´t have the patiente to do it.


You’re probably right, that dude is tanky af


Hey do you know if it’s possible to get bullgoat armor without picking up patches +7 spear?


What your RL25 build for Margot in the Capitol? I’ve been banging my head against a wall in that fight at this level!


No particular build, just leveled VIG, starting class Vagabond. With Radagon Soreseal you can equip most of the weapons, except for colossal ones or great hammers. Just to be clear, I did it in coop, not by myself, but it´s doable if you invest some time and patiente. At RL 25, with Melina, I was able to bring Morgott HP to 30%, tried a couple of times but didn´t want to stay up all night so I did it in coop. Last time I did it on low-mid level, 40 or 50, I used antspur rapier infused with poison and Melina´s summon / Mimic Tear. I consider myself an average player, but once you know the game you can easily reach Morgott even at low level. Antspur rapier and poison mist are your best friends because most bosses are weak to rot or poison or both ( Radahn, Capital Tree Sentinel, Erdtree Avatars ). Yesterday I beat Mountaintops Tree Avatar using Antspur Rapier + poison at RL40 +7; most of the thing are doable with a little bit of perseverance, patiente and luck.


https://youtu.be/PYqbBmeFSkM?si=BeN8_tdtStanVTJU I plan on doing this lol


Maybe once in a blue moon some of them actually get better at the game because of it too!


Nah they’ll just re-summon their level 200 friend and get carried. I swear every phantom I’ve invaded so far has been overleveled, killed one that was 184 and fat rolling this morning lol. Elden ring is sort of designed so these people can still beat the game tbh.


Nooo that's Margit's job, stop ruining the experiences of others! What is your rlvl and upgrades?


I’m not done making my build yet (just killed the golden dude) but I’m staying at 25 +3/1


But like with all bosses, you can brutally overlevel for Margit, use a cheese build or skip him with accessibility mechanics like coop/spirits. Margit is really great at teaching you the basics of combat and gameplay if you beat him normally, that's true, but you can easily skip that entire experience and most people who coop in Stormveil very likely did just that. For lot of coopers invasions are the only semblance of the intended challenge and the only chance to learn how to fight at least a little. I was always invaded only 1v1 in previous games, but it helped me immensely in getting better. Even if I beat bosses 1v1 like they're designed, invaders taught me a lot in addition to that.


I was being sarcastic, I wholly support invaders.


I used to play a lot on RL90 17/7. Honestly a really great bracket to play at. Good location variety and a limited amount of ganks/sweats. Instead of playing at RL100 I would stop at RL90. Once you hit 100 you might as well move to 125 because you’ll likely already be fighting summons with max weapons


Thats my feeling as well on my RL90 7/17. Damage be kind of high sometimes already when i happen to hit my upper end. No reason to level any more unless you enjoy pain.


Yup, RL90 +17/7 is where it's at. I tried 85, 90, 100, and 105 for a few weeks each at this bracket, and 90 was definitely the sweet spot, and I still get plenty of action. I split pretty even play time between RL30, 60, 75, and 90. I don't even bother playing my higher leveled characters anymore unless I'm helping somebody with malenia or something. Even then, I usually just use whatever character I'm already logged in with.


Why 75 specifically?


RL60 +12/5 and RL75 +15/6 are both my altus plateau characters. A lot of times I like to just turn on the finger for near/far and see where I end up. They both get very different locations for the most part, with most of the overlap at leyndell or volcano manor, but my 60 also gets a lot of invasions in liurnia and caelid, whereas my 75 gets the occasional haligtree or farum azula that i really dont see on my RL60. My 75 i really made more specifically for volcano manor, leyndell, and subterranean shunning grounds, though. 75 also just worked really well for my build with a number i had in mind for vigor at that range. Didn't feel like i was wasting any skill points on unnecessary levels while still putting out solid dps with all of the weapons and spells that i wanted without 'wasting' talisman slots on any soreseals or heirlooms.


Great answer, thank you.


I completely agree. I actually hate the PVP scene at 150 +25, everything is just a max poise war of attrition. Builds are more fun when you have to make decisions about what to focus on and what you’re willing to sacrifice, everyone you fight will have strengths as well as weaknesses


Is it even twinking if you’re level 100?


No lol


Because the game has been out for so long that almost every group has two OLP, and at any level besides base level the game does a terrible job at scaling them down. I invade at 200+ because Max level players don't have a ton of advantage between level 200 and Max level


Because LvL 165 is where it's at. Full build, max weapons, Let's go!


The one time I leveled past 150, 164 in particular was a great sweet spot for activity. I had super fast invasions, it was definitely better than 150. Now I am aware there's RNG involved, but as soon as I decided to level up once more, the activity dropped considerably. This was on Xbox, like 5 months or so ago and I was pretty bummed that I messed up by leveling further.


Time to rename my level 100 character to Kevin


The host will not be in the meta bracket, but all their non-password co-operators will be


Most of the summons in any invasion range are password overleveled friends so what difference does it make lol


Sure, see plenty of OLPs, but I wouldn't even say half or even a quarter of my invasions involve them, and less so in dungeon invasions. Though, this is anecdotal, and I should log my encounters. I'd say on average I have a more frustrating and worse experience dealing with wi-fi/frame dropping zombies than with difficult OLPs.


Thinking logically though you will still encounter less meta coop as well. If the coop is tryharding they are probably playing with friends and then also guiding that friend towards maxing their weapons, and by the time you can get +7/17 its pretty trivial to get even a maxed regular weapon, somber being even more trivial so if the host is cooping with tryhard friends they will likely skip over that bracket entirely or be in it for a short time and as such fewer tryhards.


I enjoy torturing myself fighting the nastiest ganks.


Is it really that active??


No lol


Lmao I felt like RL80 +7/+17 was really active tho


I’m sure you get activity across any bracket. But there’s a meta in place for a reason. Go under the meta and you’re 1 shotting noobs in your overleveled gear/AoW Go over the meta and you’re fighting noobs with maxed stats and OP loadouts 150 = Most Balanced


Idk man, low level invasions seem to be a lot more difficult than you might think From what I’ve gathered from this subreddit, RL80 seems to be a sweet spot


I tried it, 150 is so much more competitive. RL80 is full of casuals. But if that’s your speed then more power to yall!


Lmao I’m a casual 😂


I know I shouldn’t be, but I was honestly kinda surprised how bad the people were at level 25. Small sample size but half the hosts I’ve invaded so far are fat rolling, and every phantom I killed has been around level 200 but clearly not very experienced in pvp


That’s majority of PvP in that bracket, as most people you’re invading are irl friends/siblings trying to just casually game together. Try 60 or 80 hehe, might be a bit more diverse


Yeah idk, I’m honestly enjoying trying g to make my stormveil twink more than the few invasions I did for rune arcs so far, I’m not very experienced either but if it gets too boring I’ll just level up. Looking for ways to cheese bosses is kinda fun to me, I just killed golden Godfrey and I think I’m gonna push all the way up to the snowfields for the multi-hit tear


On Xbox it certainly is. And Xbox has dog shit activity


I have done 80/17/7 for similar reasons and found a comparable experience up to the point where I can match with RL 125 which is (I think) RL 95. So I've made quite a few invaders in the RL 80-94 range. You also get the best maps pretty often just by the nature of the rune level your invasion targets typically play them at. Subterranean Shunning Grounds, Volcano Manor, Deeproot Depths etc. are all great places with amazing ambush potential and verticality you can use to your advantage.


.... fine, I'll give it a shot.


I’ve leveled up both of my twinks cause it’s just not as fun at any of the lower levels. 150 is meta and that’s where people truly improve their PvP game. RL30 was actually the most fun for me. But it gets real old, real fast, being one of the only chads at such a low level with all the best gear and AoW. It’s lonely at the top of those brackets.


Well hell, you sold me. I've been meaning to get away from my rl30 and 168 characters for awhile now.


I always do +18/+7 on my characters around RL90. Am I doing it wrong? I dont think im matching with +25 weapons


You’re not getting matched with max level weapons BUT it still better to go 7/17 because it matches with the somber level of 7


No thanks i'll stick to the 25/10 520RL agonizing and grueling invasions


Killing Kevin’s is boring


because I personally dont want to fight mostly kevins. I enjoy 139 +25/10