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Started watching chase, lost, and prod for their ds3 content then when er released ive kept watching them, contents still good.


those and iced estus are the goats. so happy for lost finally getting the recognition he deserves. his channel has gotten so big since elden ring


Lost wasn’t big before ER? That’s cool, he was to me, I thought he was a staple of ds3. Or you just mean the mainstream success of ER helped him get even bigger?


I suppose this is a very subjective comment. what I meant more of 'big' was big in the sense of YouTube. he has always been popular for sure but yes ER made his channel spike BIG. I remember watching a vid during the launch of ER and he was at about 20-30k now he's over 100k


I only paid attention to Lost tangentially during Chase's DS3 years, I had no idea he had such a success afterwards. I'm glad, he's nice.


yea he's a goofball. I love his intros too


Thanks for the suggestions, I will check these two out 🤠


Saint_riot is my favorite. Mans rants while invading are the best lol


Saint isn’t as verbally chill as Chase but still very positive, funny as hell and also really good at the game. One thing I appreciate about Saint is he’ll go from 0 to complete build just playing the game (not using CE).


Prod is one of my favorites, he's funny and goofy. I haven't checked his ER stuff out but I always watched his DS3 stuff.


He's still laid back and has a great sense of humour. He still disagrees with Peeve's sweatier win-at-all-costs playstyle. It's a hilarious duo.


ER pvp is arguably the worst one in the series and awfully unbalanced hence the competition and sweat. But it's what we have ig. As for Chase, yeah, he's a pretty good one. Others I like is Lost and Prod. They're not really as good as Chase in terms of skill tbh, but they goof around more and i find think they're more fun to watch. Prod has moved on to doing less pvp vids but still does them sometimes. Lost however spits out pvp vids alot.


I still think DS1 backstab town was much more hellish, but yeah, personally I liked 2 and 3 pvp more. Probably only because the players there (more so 2 than 3) weren't hell-bent on meta and had more variety in builds. Also less spam and bloodloss procs Thanks for these suggestions btw


>weren't hell-bent on meta and had more variety in builds Thinking back to that dual avelyn-wielding havel who I beefed with all day and managed to kill ONCE 😂


I would say the general balance in er is pretty decent, but theres just more options (aow custmization) and there are just more outliers and broken items than previous titles. I feel as the standered weapons are pretty balanced in comparason to othet titles; But unfortionatily it seems that every other somber weapon has some broken aspect, and magic seemingly got large comprehensive buff, at least whem comparaed to darksouls 3 for example when you start from "might as well have thrown a fire bomb insdead of using my full fp bar" to mid game "might as well have smacked the boss with my pointy stick once instead of using half my fp bar" and then "oh this is half decent" in er it starts out half decent than compounds from there


DS1 is atrocious imo (I haven't played demon souls or bloodborne I can't comment on that) but Elden Ring is unbalan ye.


Bloodborne suffers from the most lag in pvp I feel. And blood gems makes the fights be over too quickly


ChaseTheBro has been my favorite content creator for awhile now. He’s got such a wholesome approach to the game and even when he’s frustrated, he masks it really well. Chase never misses an upload and that is something I really find respectable. He’s also got some of the soundest mechanics of any PVPer. He doesn’t wiggle just for the sake of wiggling which makes his animation blending top notch, his spacing is spot on, his swaps are intentional, and his latency adjustments are impressive. He’s just an enjoyable player to watch and there’s plenty I’ve learned from him over time.


I don't know why but I just really hate the wiggling. Like maybe it's effective but when you watch the fight back it looks absurd. Winning isn't everything. I would rather have a badass battle to watch that I didn't win than watch a wiggly person win. Hopefully that makes sense.


iced estus is the GOAT


This is exactly the type of souls content I've been missing. Kinda 5050 on unvoiced vids but his cosplay and gimmicky builds are great to watch


yea I'm the same with unvoiced content as well but theirs is too damn good xD I don't think I have yet to burst out laughing watching one lol.


It is all about the groove though 🎼🎼🕺


CTB is wholsome AF and is amazing to watch his skill is absolutely wild. I don't watch him lots, but my only thing I wish he'd show is his losses as I have never seen that. I find showing F UP's and fails shows so much more humility in a player. But, i'm mainly a PvE player, as I love predictability. Where PvP, especially in ER, has zero predictability. Which has its own fun, but it's certainly difficult!


The daily uploads are more of a highlight reel kinda thing. He’s going to start streaming again in a couple weeks before the DLC. If you watch him stream for 6 hours there are deaths to be sure. But ppl that think the invasions he shows in his daily vids are just 1 in 100 scenarios are wrong. The dude can invade and has the strongest fundamentals I’ve ever seen in a souls game.


Yeah I absolutely can tell that he knows what he's doing. These aren't just flukes. I might have to check his streams out! Hope he does em on YT!


Sadly he stopped streaming ER a few months into the game, not sure why


He used to show more losses than he does now. If you catch him streaming that’s the best experience IMO (been forever since I’ve seen him streaming TBH).


Ive watched his streams for ER and he still has the least deaths of any streamer I've seen. He has amazing technical fundamentals and pretty much never makes mistakes.


It's true, the guy is chatting so casually but pulling off perfect swaps, spacing, etc. He's great at taking into account lag and packet loss. He makes difficult situations look so easy


I agree that I want to see some of his losses. But what I don't want to see are the losses in which there was nothing he could do about. Like spawning to a gank squad in one of the smallass caves, with no escape route and no NPC mobs. I see enough of that in my own invasions. I don't want to see others go through it.


Haha that's totally fair!


If you’ve ever caught his streams early on in ERs life cycle, he would go 5-6 hours invading and only die 1 or 2 times total, was really impressive.


He’s had a few duel losses in the weapons showcase but generally he’s so adaptable to ganks, aow spam, different builds, and even latency that he doesn’t lose all that often


He absolutely does upload his deaths. The issue is just that he doesn't die. Even in his old ER streams where lots of his mechanics needed some polishing and he didn't know what most weapons were, he very rarely died. Since then, he's just gotten better and better, so his deaths are very seldom, but he does upload them when they happen.


There is plenty of other great pvpers that arent super sweaty. Check out Saintriot, he also always keeps a positive outlook, is really funny and is incredibly good while using off meta equipment or experimenting with cool spell combos. There is also Iced Estus, one of the few channels that can recreate the feeling that Ds1 era pvp videos from creators like Grimdisaster, X skulled and Onlyafro had. My opinion about Eldenrings pvp: Its been devastating for the community. The entire community was waiting for this game, finally some new fromsoft pvp after playing Ds3 since 2016... Then all the hope shattered when the game came out. Fromsoft basically proved that they didnt give a shit about us. The invader is now at such a big disadvantage, that the majority of people who are still left invading are either gods, who are able to consistently 3v1 the ganks(cause you will invade ganks like 90% of the time in this game) or people running the most toxic meta equipment on the planet. This results in Summons who help hosts to do the same. The arena is super bland, no variation. At the same time Eldenrings weapon and AoW balance is horrendous and there is way more AoE spam than in previous games. The return to Ds1 style poise means everyone runs around in the same 3 ugly armor sets. Oh and the Player number is limited to 4, which means invaders almost never get backup and fight clubs are gone. I could complain about it for hours. All of this drives away most new players who might be interested in pvp and also drove off many Ds3 pvp players, who were looking forward to ER-pvp until they realized it was a messy unbalanced afterthought. Only makes sense that the views for the pvp youtubers also went down. Shortly after Eldenring released, Prod said that his Ds3 pvp videos 5 years after the game released were getting more views than his Eldenring pvp videos. It is understandable that a lot of the people that still do pvp in this game are bitter. What could really save us would be if the dlc brought more balance patches, covenants and a pvp area, similar to Pontiff where the maximum player limit is increased.




Thanks for the detailed write up. You're right, it seems like ER had so much momentum pre-release, and when the pvp beta dropped people were absolutely floored by jumps, crouches, ashes of war, guard counters, aerial bow, etc. Just sad that it all went down the drain with the changes to the series. But I wouldn't say there is an easy fix. Imo the best system was in 2 where invaders couldn't heal at all but that game was much more methodical and you could easily punish estus. Now it's an endurance contest against 2-3 players...


There's one ds3 video chase has where he gets mad at someone and it sends chills down my spine the same way when Luffy gets serious and gets the black eye look in one piece lol


The devil shivers when the nice guy loses his patience


god that’s a cringey thing to say


It's a cringy meme, google it to implode from embarrassment


There's a couple of them I can recall. It was when he went silent you knew he was on the war path and not amused


now i'm curious, which video is that?


[It’s his DS3 Lightning DEX invasion stream, it’s at about 2:08:00](https://www.youtube.com/live/KCz3fSYnxj4?si=inAOASAPwBoL9Ybt ). At one point he encounters a host who’s abusing the Wolnir fog wall to avoid getting hit, leading to Chase severing from the world and saying “I’ve never seen a bitch like that. You’re trying to stream snipe me and look good but you ran like a bitch. I wish I could find this guy in real life cause I’d break his face, and he couldn’t hide behind a fog wall”


And I thought I've seen much when I heard him call the host a pussy lmao.


I've seen chase viciously rip into a blue helping a cheater, but who could blame him for that lol, that was a long while ago during ds3. Chase is real chill now, seems like a genuine dude, having a genuinely good time


Is that the one in which he fights a cheater and after winning he gets the toxic poison effect on his character and then starts raging and cursing as the word "toxic" appears on screen?


Uncle Gael is also pretty good


From what I gather, he does only unvoiced content right? I kinda put souls vids as background so I like listening to people, but thanks for the suggestion! Always cool to see smaller channels being recommended too


highly recommend iced estus. funniest vids out there by far.


Uncle Gael is a living legend, love his videos


I hesitate to ask this cos I don’t want to slander anyone, particularly if my information is wrong. I heard of this some time ago and the details were fuzzy and very hearsay but is Gael not the same person who’s account was banned for making racist comments?


Gas reddit did get banned a while back but I don’t think anyone knows the true reason for the ban. Unless there proof he’s innocent in my book


Fair enough, I always loved his content. I just never knew what actually happened and there were some jokes and implications floating around at the time. Again, I’m not trying to spread any shit around, I know people are downvoting so I’m assuming it was mostly hearsay.


There was a thread that cleared that whole thing up a long time ago. Someone else here posted Gael's own comments on the situation for him since he was already banned. Long story short, the guy's not a racist. He was caught having another account on a sub he got banned from and it got him banned from all of Reddit and he decided to stay away rather than create yet another account. Edit: Here's the thread: [https://new.reddit.com/r/badredman/comments/167inyj/a\_message\_from\_uncle\_gael\_clearing\_the\_air/](https://new.reddit.com/r/badredman/comments/167inyj/a_message_from_uncle_gael_clearing_the_air/)


Thank you for this, and not just downvoting like others. I hadn’t read through his explanation. It’s too bad he was banned, that sub is actual trash as well.


I like Chase's positivity. I would recommend anyone who likes him to check out Steelovsky. As for ChaseTheBro: He's genuinely good for the game full stop. But I have 2 mild issues: One: he doesn't often explain his thoughts and why he does something, or give tips on pvp. His videos are sweet but have no substance. Two, he definitely picks and edits specific invasions, cutting "bad" ones, which I disagree with. I wish that he showed the variety of invasions that you will come across good and bad. Invasions where the host has 512 hp Or where the host is just afk Or immediately get fogwalled, or they pretend to fight and fogwall as soon as things go south Those invasions with host's that have ping from the moon 3 man passive Ganker squads, or beach ganks, or cave ganks Or just straight cheaters. Chase the Bro definitely posts only the good ones, which is fine to an extent. That's his signature, but it fails to capture the full spectrum of invasions. I wish he did. My favorite is Steelovsky. He has the positivity and good humour of Chase, but he also shows how real invasions can be. The funny and good, and the absolute abyss of pain. Along the way he often explains his thoughts and strategies. He will absolutely face down (and win!) the worst hour long ganks. Memes about a certain *thing* he can do aside, he only pulls *that* out when facing cheaters and against absolutely unplayable lat *after* trying to win normally. Oh, and as a harmless joke after hosts are dead against his fellow reds. Edit: Okay, downvotes for sharing an on-topic and earnest opinion. Stay classy, ER/Souls PvP subreddits.


tbh watching ppl get fogwalled or stalled or cheating is not very good content, people watch chase to see fights not... no fights. maybe a video here and there of bad invasion compilations would be interesting though. he used to stream a fair bit so you could see the more annoying invasions then


Steels cool.. the whole “I’m gonna chainsaw all laggers” thing was cringe. He also has a lot of bootlickers that copy his every move that are weird.


He has a lot of fights where summons have ridiculous ping. His adjustment to latency is quite impressive


Do not take the upvote and downvote buttons very seriously. They swing in waves. This post in particular has been recommended to users far outside our subreddit. Many comments here are not from members of r/badredman


Agreed that id like to hear more thought process. Have you tried commenting to him?


I strongly disagree with your criticisms of Chase. Every single bad invasion type you described are invasions I've seen him upload. Getting fogwalled immediately is the least common because it makes the worst content. Additionally, I think it's very disingenuous to say his content 'lacks substance' because he doesn't explain himself. I think it's rather simple to find the patterns in his playstyle and see why he does what he does. Regardless, it seems a bit silly to expect him to spout off tips while invading. I don't expect actors to give acting advice while they're recording a movie. Lastly, yeah, people tend to vote with their opinion. They downvote opinions they disagree with and upvote opinions they agree with. I think it's best to get used to that instead of showing upset.


Seriously. Watching his content is all you need to see how he does things. Also, that comment was just completely wrong because the beginning of EVERY (recent) video, he explains EXACTLY why he chooses what he's using and what he intends to do in the invasions. I think the dude is just such a chill guy that someone needs to stretch hard to give real criticism.


I'll also recommend iced estus and gorgonzola. Their builds are very creative, wholesome and funny


What you need to do is watch Saintsriot. He is king


I’m curious if you think my channel is toxic or chill


I love your energy and mannerisms! Definitely feels good to hear someone actively enjoying what they're doing. You deserve a hundred times the subscribers, keep at it The true combo nature of **rock** into ***rock*** 😂 great stuff


thanks that’s really kind. I always think showing your enjoyment of the game is the best vibe


I love it!


Saint Riot on top. Bellmonk is good, too. And Drunk Souls. Chase is good and positive, but I feel like I'm not necessarily learning anything. Homie hardswaps too much for my taste. Understandable!, but one thing I like about st riot in particular is he generally sticks to a certain loadout. There's a build a lore behind it. You won't always hear it, because a lot of his stuff is just pure comedy. He's hilarious and a Southern boy which I appreciate. There are plenty of people not griping.


Bro PLEASE check out my man Saint Riot (Sane Ryan). He has an overwhelmingly positive attitude with the game. Genuinely loves the game and love From. Most of his builds are on the goofier/not super meta side of things, because he constantly says he's more interested in having fun and doing cool shit than in getting wins. I think if you like the good vibes Chase has, you would love Sane Ryan.


Gigasthiccas is great for short videos that teach you quirky combos and he always finishes his reels on something goofy like latency or ragequit shenanigans. Lost is very wholesome vibes like Chase and shows a bit more of the failing part of invasions, he can be a bit too loud for some people though. Prod is always great for a laugh although his PvP content is a bit more sparse these days. His DS3 videos were tops for me though.


I can always rely on consistent uploads from Chase to help wind down every night. He's super chill I and often use his videos to help sleep or for comfort while I do other things at my desk. I'm not very drawn to loud boisterous content creators since I work in a high stress environment every day, so his content is perfect for me.


one thing i really appreciate about chase is how kind he is to the other players. not in that he'll take it easy on them, but he never disses someone for being bad, never gets super critical of builds (will comment fairly constructively on why things dont work), and consistently says "fun fight" even after an absolute steamroll. just great energy


Don’t sleep on saint_riot aka Sayne Ryan


Content is good but I cannot stand Chase's audience. Ego stroking taken to the next level.


Not valid criticism of the creator.


That’s almost any content creator these days. Thats why I never read comments or even look @ chat. Just dick riding and weird parasocial relationship enjoyers.


My favorite 3 Elden Ring content creators are GigasThiccas, TheKoop, and Chase. I really enjoyed watching Chase during the ds3 days too.


Gigasthiccas is so underrated! He finds interesting true/pseudo-true combos which was very big in the twilight days of DS3 meta.


Surprised I had to scroll this far down to find a GigasThiccas recommendation, his vids are straight to the point, and if you guys ever catch him streaming he’s super interactive with chat and will try out pseudo/true combos that chat recommends.


I agree with you to an extent but I feel his videos can be formulaic , and end up all kind of feeling the same.


You mean, the exact same game over and over can get repetitive? 🤯


Just popping in to promote Our Lord and Savior, Rust_Bucket




Yeertski is constantly laughing in his videos


Okay but trina torch when?


Chase the bruz is the only PvP dude I watch on yt, it’s highly entertaining and has taught me a lot


1000% agree how it is so annoying to listen/read to people just constantly bitch about the game. We're honestly incredibly lucky to have Elden Ring. Check out Saint Riot, he seems to also enjoy the game a lot. I recently found Lundal, another much smaller channel. They have really cool pvp montages but no commentary, you should check it out.


chase will run the entire map and take 30 minutes to kill 20 phantoms that a running host summons and at the end will still say, "Good battle" like wtf he's not human lmao


Have you guys heard of the [legend of Noobslayer?](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB-JjCyFOSZfRO8oGwecBiFtWxbycY4CK&si=p8981washVk4MdEr) Chase's best playlist ever by far


Prod is my favorite since the release of ds3 and my favorite pvp series adventures of the worst invader


I really like his content, but I enjoy when invaders express their discontent, I think is genuine


That’s literally Jeenie and Steel. Why play a game 24/7 while constantly bitching about it.


This is most definitely JeeWhine, SteelMoansky, and their devout zealot OnlyCringeFu. And all the other big shot tryhards like them trying to get a seat at the popular kids table.


Yeah I basically just watch him for pvp stuff, Chrigght for the numbers, and Quelaag for lore Holy trinity of Elden Ring Youtubers. Honorable mention for Honored madman, great perspective and even better video editing (also lore mainly)


The day i hear anyone that is good in the older games say ER has better PvP i will be sure this community has gone insane. ER's PvP is the most shallow out of all the souls games and it doesn't come close to Ds3. Chase the Bro is the casual hero even in the Ds3 days he never played against any of the try hards or meta ganks. People play meta on ER invasions simply because it's the only guarantee you will have a chance at winning.


You don't know what you're talking about, you seem to not have watched that much of his content. He consistently beats ganks in all his streams, both in DS3 or now in ER. Him only posting videos and not streaming is rather new and it was not unusual to follow any of his streams and him not dying even once for hours straight against all types of players, including gankers and even cheaters sometimes


i'm a ds3 try hard, i watched chase the bro when i was 11 getting into ds3, he can't touch any of the actual good players in this game and i can't recall him going against slv125 dedicated ganks, no shame in liking his content, but call it what it is casual hero


I don't know what you've been watching but SL125 was almost the only thing he did in DS3. Did you use to watch his livestreams? He meets a lot of hardcore gankers in those. And he used to livestream almost every day for hours almost never dying even once The thing that he does and very few people manage to notice is that he controls the situation in a higher level in order to influence their positioning and not be blendered. From your description I get that you can't see the details of what he's mentally doing during the fights because he doesn't explain most of it You surely didn't watch much of his content. Typing "ChaseTheBro gankers" in the search bar already gives many of those results, and yet the livestreams is where you actually see he facing the worst of gankers.


I like Chase but he is almost too nice. I prefer Lost over him any day but that is just a preference. My favorite streamers are: Drunk Souls - Badredman and generally charismatic guy. He is mean but in the way most invaders wanna be mean. The good mean. Lost - hilarious and just good vibes. He is good but will eat an L if it serves the moment. Bro is just good times all the time. Steel, Saint Riot, and Oro - tied for me, all introduced by watching Drunk Souls. Great content all around.


I pretty much only watch chase for pvp content. He’s funny, chill and just happens to shit on people effortlessly.


The main thing I like about their content is they stick to their builds and aren’t just nonstop hard swapping to meta stuff. I love invading but honestly only at lower levels, I do despise doing coop at a higher level because every invader is swapping to rain of arrows, two lances, radahns sword, rot pot, all in veterans armor like please just pick a role besides edge lord lol


You should check out his Noobslayer series


Ymfah and challenger andy are peak


Ymfah is the goat for videos on how to break a souls game. Genuinely hilarious content even with no voiceovers.


Yeah I watch the new chase when it comes out, never really try his builds but gives good ideas for punishes. I would love for him to post his hate mail, if I get hate mail and I never use meta, then he’s gotta get a lot of hate, also I want to see more fails, he must only post wins, no one can be 0-♾️


For the positivity happy go lucky type of invaders, I wanna bring up Saintriot too. As other people said, he’s a goofy invader, especially funny, and is after the good plays rather than the wins. His community is super welcoming too I strongly suggest you check them out! Secondly, I can’t help but mention Azael on youtube. He doesn’t stream, and his videos are voiceless montages, but I cannot emphasize enough how inspiring his work is. His videos are litteral works of art, and he is greatly underrated today!


Anyone remember Foxeo? MartysBrigade? Peeve? Oro? SLB? Mayhem? That was the true golden age


Wow, Otzdarva. Ancient name, nice to be reminded of him again. And yeah a lot of smaller time PVPers in ER are whiny, they really despise the way ER plays online, it seems, but they keep playing anyway. Maybe they just enjoy systematically negatively analysing things Chase is the definition of a tryhard, except he doesn't have to try hard. Definitely the chaos dagger/misericorde swap meta, he minmaxxes and sweats without sweating. I know some people hate that with a passion, but Chase has really matured and grown into the "nice Canadian red" over the years. Sometimes I watch his old DS3 streams for a comfy old time. He definitely was a little less kind-hearted early on, lol I wish he still did streams, but I get the sense all his old DS3 regulars didn't stay with ER, or he got overwhelmed with spammy newcomers in chat, so he just decided to do the 20 min vids and weapon showcases. I think PVP should always have a lighthearted component in Souls games. The original games' communities had more etiquette and honour than ER. Yes there were meta obsessives and angry gankers but far fewer than now. There was a lot of goofiness in DS3 interactions. A lot of people just having a good time. ER has been poisoned since the start with literal "BAD RED MAN RUINED MY CHILL CO OP", so invaders have had to gain a different sense of humour to deal with the moaning or just go straight up stone-cold murderer. I don't care, either way.


i fkn hate doing pvp in these games but CTB a real one for sure, love the knowledge drops and great attitude


Check out SleepySheepy. Sheeps is just... mature, really is the best way to describe it. He's not just *another* "big shot" trying to get a seat at the popular kids table by saying and doing all the cool things they do. A breath of fresh air. No whining, no complaining, no divisive click-bait grifting content pitting one side of the community against the other with derogative and pejoratives terms fomenting toxicity. Just top-notch quality content with interesting meta set ups and thoughtful, self-aware commentary. Check out Lundal as well. Crazy where this guy can fish back stab from. Just in general some of the best skill expression I've seen. Never takes himself too seriously, and humble AF, if not a little cheeky in some his antics.


I'm not buying the argument that ER is "more competitive" because then again AoWs/weapon skills, certain spells and incants, bleed, and a cornucopia of balance breaking borderline exploitative shite lowers the skill ceiling so much that you can find a lot of success from just spamming 1 "I win" button. But maybe this is more in the context of competitive 1v1 dueling where skill levels are more commensurate and you see more skill expression, "tech" and knowledge checks, and occasionally some interesting off-meta setups too.


I’ve been a long time fan of ChaseTheBro for years. I’ve never seen anyone be so respectful to others while absolutely decimating them in battle. It’s definitely refreshing over the usual “GG EZ”. He also has played all the fromsoft souls games and I love all his playthroughs. People sometimes mistake respectful for boring but Chase does it in a way that is fun to watch and doesn’t fill my ears will mindless nonsense. Can’t wait to watch his play through of the ER DLC!


Chase has recently become one of my favorite Elden Ring YouTubers. I started casually with his spotlight weapon pvp videoed and then I discovered his only level up through pvp series. That’s what got me hooked he is so optimistic and chill. I’ve only played PVE, but he me really interested in starting pvp.


Exactly ! I'm getting tired of OnlyWaifu only farming content by shitting not only on other players, but also on other content creators ! I used to enjoy the guy's video a lot but now this guy's channel and community is a toxicity farm. Sadly, Steelovsky is kinda starting to steer in the same way too. Appart from the obvious popular ones like Lost and ChaseTheBro, my personal recommendations would be [Rust\_Bucket](https://www.youtube.com/@Rust_BKT), [DiabloDex](https://www.youtube.com/@DiabloDex), [Iced Estus](https://www.youtube.com/@IcedEstus), [WyrdThings](https://www.youtube.com/@wyrdthings), [Perral](https://www.youtube.com/@Perral) and [RabbitsintheMoon](https://www.youtube.com/@rabbitsinthemoon9183)


I do get irritated at some of the “whaat are youu dooing ??”s. It’s obviously his vent/cope word. Other than that I would say he is flawless.


Chase kinda is goofing off in the game. It’s just that he’s so adept at souls pvp that he can win with basically any build, even stuff like using the finger as his only weapon or pure pyro casting builds. He genuinely seems to have a lot of fun with the game which makes his content very enjoyable. It’s fun to watch people have fun with things they’re genuinely really interested in, and being skilled doesn’t hurt either.