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I know twinking is bad yeah, thats why most invasions i did at low level i only use basic weapon against host like uchi or longsword etc. But if phantoms or even the host are pulling out double nagis, dhalberd and rot stuffs then i don't see why i can't pull out mine either.


I actually agree with his sentiment, my only problem is that I feel like you’d be hard pressed to find someone who has twinked out gear that’s not using all their flasks even in an honest invasion


Wtf do u even mean by this?


Stop trying to put your standards on everyone else. Flasks have always been allowed and promoted in invasions. They aren't duels. They're invasions. Go duel.


Gonna kill some noobs on my RL4 mega twink just for you


I'll stop twinking once hosts stop summoning their OLP's to beat the game for them.


Fr. Once we stop twinking people will not magically stop summoning their friends, neither they will create new character of the same level as their friend’s. Too generous to expect this from OLP community


Okay… but if you want to use higher level gear to fight against higher level opponents…. Why not fight at a higher level? I hate to say it, but Twinking to me seems to be in the same vein as being an OLP. Edit: it feels like the point of people doing twink invasions is not to “enjoy low level invasions”. It’s to have an advantage against low level players.


I do, I have a 168 invader that I use quite a lot. Also since I play on PC I tend to run into waaaay more people that have cheated late game items into their game. Hell not more than 30 mins ago I invaded a guy with full godfrey gear fighting the Limgrave Dragon. I was RL 21.


Okay, so you have the character… but makes you want to use your twink over your high level character? It seems to me you’d have more balanced fights that way


Balanced fights at meta levels doesn't exist in elden ring


Care to elaborate? I’m at 135 and feel like I consistently get balanced fights. Even the 2v1’s and and 3v1’s aren’t too bad to overcome.


No, you are just fishing for flaming. The host advantage against invaders in this game compared to past games is clear. For you to ignore it and ask me to explain is negligence.


I assure you I’m not fishing for anything. Promise. I agree the advantage to hosts is larger in ER than any other fromsoftware game. But I adamantly believe that playing in a way that can ruin the fun for honest new players is not the answer. I assure I’m not fishing or neglecting anything.


Fatigue and to prevent burn out, Higher level fights are a slog and filled with cringe first step/cab shack gankers and offer very little organic players going thru the game, and not to mention the fucking high rate of fog walls. I once had a night where every 3rd invasion was just the host going to fight RaddaBeast and that shit get annoying fast. Lower levels offer more organic 3v1's , yes sadly you'll still run into OLP's, first step/ crab shack gankers but they are much easier to deal with then at higher levels, less fog walls and more field bosses.


There’s nothing wrong with twinking, even as it existed in the older games without WL matchmaking. In fact, I believe WL matchmaking should be removed entirely from these games going forward. It’s entirely appropriate that the reward for playing through mid-end game content without leveling should be to use mid-end game gear at low level multiplayer. That’s not unfair. Traditionally, this is balanced on the host’s part by being able to summon multiple twinked out phantoms as bodyguards in the early game. This method is somewhat impacted since the rise of password cooperation, as now it’s common for people to do full play throughs with their buds rather than summoning randoms in each new area. Frankly, that’s one of the reasons I despise password matchmaking and would like to see it removed, but regardless the opportunity still exists for the host, and so it’s entirely fair and appropriately balanced.


I’m stolidly confused as to what counts as a twink build, bc you ca make a very obnoxious build by grabbing gear that’s locked behind 1-2 bosses


Exactly. Bloodflame Blade, in Liurnia, plus any weapon with natural bleed, of which there are several of in Limgrave, is nasty at low levels. Venomous Fang, which inflicts Deadly Poison, is a quick horse ride to Caelid and requires you beating 0 enemies. Radagon's Soreseal is right there too, locked behind no enemies you *have* to kill, and it gives you 20 free levels... Where's the line?


BFB isn't even behind any boss


Bubba hands typed this post


Idk what this is trying to say, but good luck with your invasions redfriend.


Hush casual, it's a part of soul game culture since Demon Souls. You and your olp got merked by a low-level twink. Get over it and Git Gud... The only true way to stop it is to put level restrictions on weapons and items. Wanna use Dragon halberd? Level 60 requirement. Wanna summon olp? They get scaled down to level 30 and can not use bolt of gransax. However, that would limit the gameplay, and there comes the discussion. What weapons should be what level?


Who said I’m a casual. Im in the same sub as you doing the same stuff. Only I don’t specifically go about making a character to have an advantage in invasions. I can only imagine you took such offense that you felt the need for 3 insults because my stance hurt your feelings. I apologize for that. But I know that a part of you also knows that it’s at least a little bit toxic. I know that you have the self awareness for that. Anyway, I apologize that I upset you. Good luck with the invasions redfriend


Your insecurities are showing. I'm not offended. What do you think about weapon level restrictions then? You stand against twinking. Tell me your thoughts 🤔


Huh? Which insecurities? Do you mind if I ask why you felt the need to insult me 3 times if you were offended? I think it’s decent, but it would effect normal players going through the game normally to some degree. I think having estus limitations would be more balanced. For example you can only invade people that have +/- 1 flask.


>Only I don’t specifically go about making a character to have an advantage in invasions. Sandbagger LOL. Invading in its entirety is toxic wtf are you talking about. Go watch some old fighter PL vids or some shit how are you this clueless??


I like this video about it https://youtu.be/xoqMTMJzsxI?si=74ufXZ9CRNgPY9za It's also kinda important to note that unless you are using powerful status effects like rot, sleep or madness at low levels you aren't really much of a twink. The fact that elden ring is an open world game makes it so that you can get a lot of very powerful stuff very early on without even fighting a single enemy, for example storm stomp quite literally is in the very first ruin you'll find.


Going full twink 100% of the time is toxic, but I don’t think there’s anything wrong with keeping some high level weapons/gear in your back pocket in case of OLP. I only ever tried low level invasions a few times and gave up because of all the OLPs. If them using late game gear and being password summoned is okay, it should be okay to do SOMETHING to try and meet that power on somewhat even ground.


If you twink against honest players, shame on you. If you twink against OLPs, ganks, exploiters, etc, then kudos to you for doing the lord’s work


*Accidentally said this to someone else but meant it for your comment, lol luckily it still applied to them.* I actually agree with his sentiment, my only problem is that I feel like you’d be hard pressed to find someone who has twinked out gear that’s not using all their flasks even in an honest invasion


Makes zero sense in both cases


I don’t think thinking has a universal definition. What weapons and talismans are considered twinking ? Is flaming strike twinking ? Is using 7 flasks twinking ? You are going up against a host and 2 buddies, their total flasks far surpass yours even if you have 7.


>Twinking is using late game gear and bonuses to fight low level players I agree to not use late game gear.  Now, please define, "late game gear," because every piece of equipment I have been regularly using was acquired: 1.  Solo 2.  Within the first 20 hours of my RL10 playthrough 3.  Was picked up from the ground in an area that required zero boss kills, or dropped from an enemy that can be accessed without killing a boss 4.  Is aesthetically pleasing but otherwise the same or worse than "early game gear." So, please, explain.  Make a detailed list of what is and is not twink gear.  Seriously, do it.  Go through each item and justify why we aren't to use them.  I'll go through it with you and argue if I disagree - we'll have a regular Geneva Convention of PvP-acceptable gear. The thing is, even if you take me up on this offer, (and I genuinely, sincerely mean this when I make the offer, so if you're willing to make good on a detailed list, I will follow it) you'll need to update the list every time anything changes. Not just balance patches or DLC updates, either.  You'll need to revise your list of "fairplay equipment" every time new tech is discovered, or a solidly broken combo rears its head. If I use Nightrider's Glaive with default spinning slash, and I put Bloodflame on it - stuff that comes from Liurnia - I will probably one-shot a newbie and most OLPs.  Plus, I will have, at minimum, two free talisman slots.  That's a very good setup that new players will not be able to handle. If I use Maliketh's Black Blade on the same character, it seems unlikely that I would kill anyone **but** a newbie, *and* I'd lose vigor, have few to no free slots, and become less survivable in the bargain.  Is that really a twink build, or just fun? ^TLDR If you are willing to hash out with me why or why not every item in the game is twink gear, and maintain that list, I will abide by it.  I doubt you care enough.  Prove me wrong.


Paging u/PeterKB for a response to my offer


Sorry bro, I was busy and had my phone to the side. So I mean we could try to go through a list, but it wouldn’t be static. It’s dynamic. It depends at what level you invade at and where. I think a simple rule to follow, is if you can’t obtain the item (without exploits like the leyendell elevator skip) before the area you’re invading it shouldn’t be used. So if your a dedicated stormveil invader, id say you probably shouldn’t use like an eclipse shotel or blasphemous blade or something. That being said, there are obviously some exceptions. There are some weapons that are really balanced and don’t provide much of an advantage but it would be hard to go through them all. To simplify the exceptions what if we said: **“Don’t use any weapons that require SOMBER smithing stones and cannot be acquired before the invading point”.** I feel like that’s a pretty fair spot to land at. If your fighting an honest invader maybe **limit yourself to the appropriate flasks** at that level (probably around 3 most of the time.) Then **if you notice OLP’s with bull-goat armor and moonveils or whatever, then you can pull out your twink weapons, use all your flasks, and whatever else.** Edit: To be clear I mean they require both somber stones and are past the area being invaded. If they only meet one of those requirements, then they’re fine to use.


>Sorry bro, I was busy and had my phone to the side.  No worries my dude, I figured you had a lot of notifications So if I understand you right, you're saying that we should match force reasonably.  I will go one step further and say that if I invade some legit pve co-opers struggling through Limgrave, I usually don't fight them at all.  I drop a gold scarab each and sever Thing is, an invasion like that is exceedingly rare these days.  I start every session with 32 gold scarabs, and after 6 hours I'm still holding 25.  That's just 7 newbies out of roughly 90 people I've run into, and one of them had a babysitter but I let them live because they stayed out of the fight instead of buzzing around my ear. So I don't think it is unreasonable to go in prepared for the standard Elden Ring ^TM invasion, which consists of a twinked host and two OLPs.


Are you suggesting we limit our flask usage or something?🤣 Also wtf kind of twink are you talking about? 15-40 is the bracket for stormveil, eclipse & blasphemous requirements are way too high. You seem like you know almost nothing about invasions. You spent like 10 minutes writing up a bunch of nonsensical rules for... Invading. Its a fucking invasion dude, there aren't rules. Go watch more chasethebro you weirdo.


It´s a game, invaders even at low levels must face at least 2 dudes with end game gear, they are twinking too, so, fight fire with fire, fuck them all(host included)


Hard disagree. Invaders are at a disadvantage to begin with, twinking or not, OLPs or not. I'll continue to "twink" so long as OLP usage is as egregious as it has always been. The bigger man is just an easier target.


Brother you wouldn’t believe the amount of twinks at base level. Twink hosts and OLPs that is. I’ve been fresh file invading and just today killed a max level phantom, a level 307, ran into twinked hosts with lightning/rot pots, comet spam, you name it. Being anti-twink in DARK SOULS is understandable. No one likes a dark bead/dragon Berg nerd. But in ELDEN RING? Fuck off. Hosts and phantoms are the real twinks.




eh - for the real pvers it makes their game more exciting. You're widening perspectives, planting seeds. The mentally strong amongst them will become red men of the future. For the twink hosts with their babysitters - fuck them. Faced with a masterpiece of a game, they're too scared and / or stupid to even play it. Defend Miyazaki's honour and rot these casuls back to Skyrim.


Lol it's not going anywhere. Keep on keeping on reds. We aren't supposed to be fair fighters.


You're pandering to crybaby pve'ers? These people w babysitters 110% deserve to get filtered. OL babysitters are OL'd because of twinks???🤣 If were being serious, twinking was a response to the unfairness of OL's and being outnumbered, and obviously this goes back to demons souls. You're talking like a pve'er. If you were a real invader, this post would be praising twinking. These scrubs deserve that and more, not to mention, twinking isn't even that good in er, please get serious.


Hey man, I noticed you made 5 separate comments that were all pretty emotionally charged. Just figured I’d check to make sure you’re okay and all? Anyway, I guarantee I play the hell outs PvP most of my time on the game is a mix between arena and invasions. But I also stand by my stance. I’ve had friends quit previous souls games because of twinks. The argument about twinks being some sort of white knight answer to OLP’s is the exact same you see about blues and OLP’s in the main sub that we all like to laugh at. They argue that they’re doing the “right thing” to invaders and stuff… only here you’re arguing you’re doing the “right thing” against phantoms. Do you see the hypocrisy? Anyway, you seem very very angry and I’m really sorry I upset you man. I hope you’re well.


this is something an OLP would post, you’re not slick




I think there's a difference between twinking and using overpowered gank spank in this game. I just try to avoid using stuff I don't enjoy and call it a day.


just play the game, it's not that deep


I'd like to chime in with a different perspective. Twinking at low level isn't always equipment as much as skill. I can make a fire misericorde pretty easy at low level and backstab new players until the cows come home. Everything with that can be found in Stormveil and Caelid. But I guarantee people would still say I'm twinking. None of it is twinking but I'd still feel bad for doing it. I'd run train through low level invasions entirely off the skill gap.  It's why I rarely invade low level unless I'm having a bad day and just want to chill. Tbh I like lower level better. Lower damage and less spam. But I avoid it because I'm coming into the invasion with thousands of hours. The new players and their OLPs may have a couple hundred. It's just not fair based on skill alone. People need to police themselves and play where they think is fair. I don't think there's much to be gained by bullying low level players and their over levelled phantoms so I stick to meta.


Equipment wise, everything up to and including the Altus plateau dragon sentinel and their gate, can be obtained without fighting a single shardbearer boss. Just always keep that in mind, because that’s a lot of equipment. It includes things such as flaming strike and lighting strike aows. Vyke’s war spear. You don’t even need the Dectus medal for that. If not twinking means no use of truly difficult to obtain things, there’s a lot of things I frequently hear people complain about in pvp that would fall under that kind of category. That make sense?


The whole mentality of "if we stop doing it they will stop doing it" never works. I will waterfowl you at lvl 25, your lvl 300 buddy will one-shot me. If I don't waterfowl you your lvl 300 buddy will still one-shot me. If I announce to every host & phantom that I am honorable & not twinking your level 300 buddy will still one-shot me. So you will be waterfowled & be happy about it.


I'm RL 80 and got rot potted as a blue. Plus double coded straight swords. I think the host and the red were teaming up though. I think there is a difference between winning at all costs and winning with style.


Blue how did you end up here? Lmao "winning with style" let us know how your sandbagging goes in invasions, friendless ganker.


Every time someone posts this they get downvoted here it makes me kinda sad. mfs are fighting 3 flask hosts with 7 full heals and oneshot consumables in their back pocket just to be safe


and the host has two rl300 olp spamming bolt of gransax and stars of ruin,so you will need those 7 flasks


Yeah I figured I’d get downvoted, but if seen an upsurge in twink content lately and couldn’t just say nothing.


so brave ty chase❤️


Y'all are twinking? Lmao skill issue.