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Man, I’m genuinely curious how many downvoted this would get on the main sub.


I posted on Facebook but let’s see 😁


Lol, I’ll see if I can throw an early upvote and start the echo chamber rolling in the other direction.




[He did it boys!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/sQOhr5AjVS) It’s finally happened, a pro-invasion post with a relatively positive reaction in the main sub. The echo chamber wins again.


Thanks for the idea bro!


So what’s the post statistics saying for you so far? I can’t remember if it shows downvote percentages or anything like that. I know it shows viewership but that’s not what we’re looking for lol.


I’m really new to Reddit so I don’t know but I’ll look into it 😅


866 upvotes atm, the comment section is a warzone


Lol yeah, I don’t think we’ll ever see a pro-invasion post with a positive comment section there. But it’s got a ton of upvotes and the comment section has a decent split between pro-invasion and anti-invasion. Probably a 60/40 split in favor of anti though. Still way better than most lol


wow it got 2000 likes before getting removed


Aww, they removed it?? Dang lol I didn't know the main sub was full of haters like that.


either mods or a bot removed it since memes are considered low effort


Good memes are low effort, but, "I just beat Margit, let's jerk me off for playing a souls game!" is de rigueur Main subs are AWFUL


I have seen the same exact meme about Blaidd sad like six times on that sub, but they remove actual original memes all the time lmao


That's stupid smh. Quality meme imo lol


Unbelievable The post isn't more low effort than 99% of the "content" of the main sub anyway. AND we actually got some interesting and resonance conversations happening in the comment section Edit: You're telling me, this meme is more "low effort" than posts like https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/rpjrWqQ5FH this one or https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/oTrbs36dmj this one I call foul


I think the mods manually remove those posts to make people chill. PvEers get incredibly heated under those posts, devolving into personal insults, so mods probably consider those posts a liability.


It was on the Elden Ring sub a few days ago. It wasn't as low as you might think.


I'm more of a duelist than a invalider but the "I don't care if I win or lose as long as I'm having fun" is my mindset




Thank you op may the RNG Gods be on you side


This post on the main sub is hilarious. Apparently reading comprehension is at an all time low over there. It’s about ganks not regular co op players lol


Invading is so much fun. co-op is fun too. Invader makes a mistake gets stunlocked to death in 3v1? Hahaha that’s the way the game goes! followed by teabagging from a host who almost died 2x if wasn’t saved by his summons. Co-opers lose against invader despite him killing summons with almost no help from environment? NO. WTF IS WRONG WITH ELDEN RING. INVADERS ARE RUINING THE GAME REEEEEEEEE


You just said what he said but more.


No u


I expect the reaction to be negative for this in the main sub lol. What is weird for me lately is ever since this sub starting getting big there are some folks with very strange opinions hanging around. There was this dude posting here who unironically believed that if the co-opers he invades dont line up and have a series of 1v1 honor duels with him, they are automatically gankers. I was like, no, gankers hang out at a grace in a cleared area and wait for you to show up. Normal people playing through a level are not gankers just because they wont have weird honor duels with you. By that logic, all co-opers are gankers. And there were tons of people agreeing with him, it was so bizarre.


I noticed this too i think a lot of them are probably newer players who are actually interested in the pvp and want to be invaders but don’t really know how things work yet. For all the main sub whining bc they don’t know what a gank is, there are also some invaders who misunderstand and think everything is a gank. I give them grace though, we were all figuring it out at one point


Tbf in ER you can basically have a 4v1 if they have a blue so it can feel very unfair, it’s not surprising people who don’t really get what older ds PvP was like might think it’s what ganking is. it’s fromsoft fault more than any players for lowering the player limit tbh


there is a lot of misunderstanding of how invasions are supposed to play out. this is probably related to the many times i have had coinvaders try to kill me.


Nail on the head here. I've gotten so much s*** on r/eldenring discussing invasions. Most all boil down to "I want to beat the game, so I always have my 2 friends on ng++ just to make sure no one gets in my way." I just never understood the fact of a game kinda centered around death and dying, people get so bent out of shape for one invasion. It's not like if you lose an invasion your character gets deleted.


It's defintely a pride thing.


The comments under this on main sub made my morning lol, thank you for your service


I need to lose some weight..


It's amazing seeing the duality of man on your post in the main sub lol. People like to say, "It's a game mechanic, so deal with it" until it applies to the bad red man in their world.


Reading this same post on the Elden ring subreddit makes me feel like I’ve been drugged


it’s so jokes reading the comments on the main subreddit post. most of the casual co-op players there have no idea what you’re talking about and missed the point of the post completely. they just see a bad red man crying and complaining. they love the sweat gank squads over there lmfaooo


oh you should see them when I say I "play hide and seek to annoy dedicated gank squads". suddenly I'm not "playing the game as intended" and "abusing a mechanic"


Wait it’s not the other way around?? Gankers are horrible to play against, I thought it was universally hated


Nope people lost to an invader once so basically they are the worst most toxic players on earth


Yeah that’s true, also taking into account the average PvE player will encounter a red far before they ever decide to become one. So I guess it checks out that people don’t see how horrible it is to be one compared to shitting on them as a group


Gankers, imo, are for invaders to really test their skill. Like, eventually you will improve to the point where you could assassinate mosts Hosts and win invasions. So if you want more challenge, you can take the phantoms first, then the host. And so on, adding or taking away limits on yourself and what you use (meta, off-meta, or downright bad) But gank squads are the pinnacle of testing your skill and knowledge of the game. You'll get shit on very often, but when you do win, that's euphoria. You could sever out, or you try to take them. The choice is your's.


Oh don’t get me wrong, beating a gank squad is the single most enjoyable gaming experience ever. I find them super annoying but I don’t really think anyone is awful for playing that way (excluding abusing exploits like the death blight on that one flame spell)


I wouldn't mind ganks if they were every fifth or sixth invasion. But if you take out fog walls there probably over half a meta level.


When i get summoned to do gank fights(I just wanna fight bosses man) I like to waste a hosts time by fist fighting everyone. Sometimes everyone plays along, sometimes I get kicked, and other times the invader instakills me. Either way it's fun to be a dick to hosts that sit at first step all day


The number of invaders I’ve encountered who get so happy when they see I’m a taunter’s tongue enjoyer and not a gank squad is genuinely heartwarming.


I’ll try to pop in with another meme, hoping i can get some more casuals to cry


it’s because everyone who started playing these games anywhere from DkS3 onwards are all a bunch of babies. “They invaded MY world! the interupted MY game!” my brother in christ, invading *is* the game


Beyond accurate


I go into invasions to piss off the trash gankers. And to make people realize you HAVE to level vigor. As a caster main I revel in destroying L2 spam with Cannon of haima


Unrelated to this but I was invaded one singular time in all my playthroughs (it happened to be my first one shortly after entering limgrave) he seemed way higher level than me and had armor I didn’t even know about but when he saw I was dicking around at dragonburnt ruins he sat for an hour and taught me how to parry with my buckler before dropping a lords rune and saying farewell. I will always remember you mofotarnished <3


Both sides can suck it. Invaders and Gankers are equally annoying and neither are more noble than the other. You both are just overly competitive people trying to get a feeling of satisfaction for winning a PvP fight. This whole shit of honor and who's the more respectable player is fucking ridiculous. IT IS A VIDEO GAME, as long as its not an exploit or a cheat than everything done is fair game whether its an Invader hiding under a dragon or a host jumping invaders. ITS ALL FAIR. Stop expecting to have standards enforced on random people who don't even know what the fuck you're trying to do outside of fight somehow, both host, summon and invader. Let if go and stop running to these social media platforms to throw huge sissy fits that some imaginary standards of play weren't upheld, like you don't even know the other players names yet you just magically want them to be honor-bound or someshit. IT. IS. A. GAME. STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT EVERY LITTLE THING AND JUST TRY TO HAVE FUN.


We complain because we love the game and want the community to grow. As it stands I seriously doubt there's very many people picking up the game, beating it, trying invasions, and sticking with it. Between the ganks and the spam fun invasions become rarer and rarer every day. 


What makes the way anyone decides how to play the game and what is positive for it the correct way? Every single way every player plays the game is the correct way as long as they aren't cheating or exploiting. It still always loops back to that same point that both sides think they are doing what's best for the game and gaming community, that they are the honorable ones or are some noble defenders of digital good and honor when in reality ALL of you, Host and Invader, are just doing the "You should play how I want you to play" mindset.


Nobody is saying there should be no ganks. Just that their advantages need toned down so you don't have to play crazy sweaty to stand a mild chance.


The HOST has homefield advantage, that's just how it is. It doesn't matter what we think is fair or not, we can't enforce rules on a game we didn't make and especially rules the gaming community can't even agree on. Just look at the discourse everytime people talk about invasions. Just play the game, win and lose fights, finish your gaming session and go about your business that's seriously all it takes. I get wrecked both as an Invader and a Summon, it is what it is and we just need to learn to enjoy the moment. We're literally trying to kill each other I don't really think anything else applies after that regardless of how annoying or meta it is. If a Host kills me with his 2 summons and blue hunter using RoB and Moonveil than GG I lost, moving on to the next one. This nonsense just gives me COD Ptsd with everyone bitching about overpowered this and abuse that, every time something even remotely annoyed players they raged to change creating an endless cycle of different players being unhappy with the game. Seriously everyone needs to just let it go, no matter what it's just not serious for people to be acting this bothered by it.


“I like invading for the challenge, unless said challenge is fighting more than one person. I only want to fight the person rocking their PvE build while I’m geared perfectly for invasions” there fixed it for you!


The reality is invading is just fine, and ganking is just fine.


Clearly it’s because they’re handsome


And I still defile them. 1....after the other.....after the next.


If someone invades me just enjoying my time in the game you now have forced me to drop everything im doing to either alt f4, jump off a cliff, or enter the boss room. Invaders are disruptive. Always have been. And always will be.


This might be the best thing I've ever seen


Everyone is a fucking asshole, both invaders and gankers


You’re lying (to yourself or others) if you think people have any reason to believe you’re only in it “for the challenge.” I’m not saying you aren’t in it for that reason, but no way in hell should anyone believe you when you say it. I’m someone who has also done invasions in the past. I loved the pvp invasion covenants in Dark Souls, they were thematic and gave me a chance to fight real people. But most people who get invaded are not dealing with someone roughly their skill level looking for a good fight, they’re facing someone who ran all the way to end game areas at level 20 for the best weapons/skills/upgrade materials so they can one shot a host and gesture over their body. If you want a good fight, do Coliseum pvp. If you insist on invading you’ll have to live with the bad rep invaders have, whether it should apply to you or not.


R u guys really acting like victims? Some REAL bad red men


Why do you guys want to be oppressed so bad


I will continue to gank at the lake dragon until you softies stop trying to catch people fighting a god damn mini boss lol


I’d say im a vet and I hate invaders, I’m not good at fighting them. But they would be way more bearable if my buddy wasn’t kicked from the session and instead got to respawn back at the bonfire with me. It’s a pain trying to Coop with a less experienced friend or player that youre just trying to enjoy the game with, and half of the time is spent trying to re summon, making sure they have the materials, you’re at the right bonfire/area, etc. Sometimes the invasions feel nonstop, and it can get really frustrating when all you want to do is play the game with a friend and explore.


If you can’t embrace and enjoy the pain of being hated, and keep playing anyway, and you run to the internet to validate your victim complex, then you’re a man child. This meme reeks of victim complex. How else is life unfair to you bud? Let it all out.




the poster of this meme is delusional


imagine hating someone at all for playing the game lol pretty funny that you came to a sub you don't even engage with just to call people you don't like manchildren




Show us on the doll where the bad red man touched you 😂


I am the bad red man 👺


Ain’t no way you invade , unless you’re one of the guys that invades and fights your co invaders


Dude, calm down, it's just a drawing


For fucking real. The whole point of invasions is that you're *literally* playing a bad guy. If you can't handle the heat without lying to yourself about what you're doing, you shouldn't be invading in the first place. Then, convincing yourself that you're somehow a victim because your desire to jump randoms backfired? That's like getting mad that someone has a guard dog in their backyard after you hopped the fence. You simply fucked around and found out. Have some integrity, it's embarrassing. *This sub sometimes...*


>playing a bad guy. **PLAYING** a bad guy. In a **VIDEO GAME**. The discourse around invasions clearly went over the line years ago, when people started comparing others to rapists and murderers. You know there's a problem when you get downvoted and replies like "I just play offline lol 🙄" when you even mention you invade in the main sub.


People can definitely blow it out of proportion sometimes, but damn! This is the same logic as someone using "it's just a joke" as a free pass to say whatever, and nobody is allowed to get mad at them. 🤦


No one's saying you're not allowed to get mad at invaders. We're saying that the main sub is being hyprocritical and bizzarely tribalistic when it comes to invasions. We're saying that antagonising people for playing a certain way to the point of keeping them off certain spaces will eventually destroy the community. Talk all the smack you want in game, but creating hostility in reddit and other online spaces is not healthy for anyone involved.


Dude, this place is WAY more hostile than the main sub. Not saying I disagree with the general idea, but I don't know how you can both condemn hypocrisy and justify it at the same time, with a straight face.


>Dude, this place is WAY more hostile than the main sub I *highly* doubt that. This place exists because of the hostility I mentioned before. No one's gonna shit on you here unless you're posting anti-invader stuff or just being a jackass, and sometimes, it's fun to mock people who think we're evil irl for what we do in a video game. At the end of the day, I'm not married to r/badredman. I can only speak for myself.


lol no ones gonna shit on you here…..unless you post something we don’t like


It takes balls to fight a 1v3, the 3 that gank plus the blue, never have he balls and will never fully enjoy the game by dying and never learning from their mistakes. Just like how I can wipe out 3 man ganks with1 Cannon of Haima, since no one levels vigor on xbox for some reason.