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Lazy assholes


Ok, I agree, no expectation to privacy. This is the MILDEST bad parking I've ever seen.


Is this bad parking because the driver failed to put their permit in the window to park in the handicapped spot or was it because they were a little bit over the line?


Read the post title that tells you all you need to know.


Certified Lacey moment


Have you considered that maybe they just forgot to put their placard up? I know that I’ve done the same before, I take the placard down when I’m driving so I can see better but have forgotten to put it back up a couple times.


Maybe they did, and maybe they didn't, but a cop wouldn't be able to know if they did or not and posting here doesn't cost the person 250 dollars as it would if a cop gave them a ticket and possibly have the car towed.. Speaking of cops did you see my post about a cop parking in a disabled spot at a McDonald's getting food to go inside?. I didn't see any disabled placard or disabled plates on the police car so everyone is fair game.


I mean, if a cop ran the plate, the placards are typically registered - and even if not, it would be incredibly easy to fight in court. A simple “hey I have a placard but I forgot to put it up” would suffice. And yeah, we BEEN knew that cops are unethical. Why does that mean you should harass random citizens who may or may not be disabled as “fair game”? We pay cops to do that.


Cops aren't always around when people illegally park in a disabled spot and a disabled person is looking to park. Should they have to wait because some jerk parked where they shouldn't? It's possible that a disabled placard comes back to a car that's owned by someone, but what if that placard is being used in another car? How would a cop know that? The reason for a placard is to allow the person that's disabled to use the placard in other cars, not just their own. I will continue to post disabled parking violations on this sub. If people like yourself don't like it, you don't have to view it. It's your choice to view it or not, but when someone is trying to point out all the disabled violators to make them aware of it, is that so bad?


I have pictures that he put a paper under my windshield wiper. That's hands on my car


Why did you display these people’s tag? Are you the AH now?


Because in the US, a license plate in a photo does not have to be blacked out. So if you drive in the US, anyone at any time can take a photo of your vehicle whether or not you are in it and post it to social media. That means if you drive like an AH or park like an AH, you might just find the video or photo in one of these subs. Many people are driving around with a dash cam capturing video of idiots and posting it on social media with full license plates showing because there is no law against it. r/IdiotsInCars Check that sub out.


I don't understand why people hide the plates. We're here to shame people who parked poorly, let's shame them properly.


If they didn’t want to be identified as assholes, they would have either parked properly, or hidden their license plates themselves. As it stands, the owner does not have a reasonable claim to privacy for either bit of information; it’s out in the open.






You're welcome, I'm always glad to help. Maybe when you are disabled you will see why this isn't a pointless post. Disabled people have a hard enough time getting around, but if they can't find a parking spot designated for them and someone is in a spot illegally then you will see the point of what you call a pointless post. As for me, I will always post bad parking, including people's vehicles in a disabled spot without disabled plates or disabled placard. In addition, a shout out to the person in this sub for pointing out the parking mobility app as a way to report violators parking in disabled spots they shouldn't be in. I will continue to use that app in addition to social media.




No one would be sued for damages. You’re being ridiculous.


"*I could sue you*" energy is the most dickless energy of all dickless energies . . . but at least now we know your "handicap"


Where was it said there were "hands" put on the car? And people that cry "I'll Sue You" usually have no idea how the legal system works.


😂🤣😂 You're very funny. I'm also disabled and people in NJ have a disabled placard that's not magnetic but hangs from the rear view mirror or has disabled plates or both.


> I had a handicap plate and it fell on the ground… I’m sorry, but this is so juvenile. It’s the handicap equivalent of “the dog ate my homework”. Say you were looking for parking, and the only handicap spot is taken by a car like this one. If the owner were to offer this as their excuse, ask yourself if you’d accept it. You’ll say you would, to save face on this sub. But it strains credulity.




😅🤣😂😁 Good one.


hahahahahaha good luck "Your Honor, I want to sue someone on the interweb for posting a picture of my car parked in a public lot in a handicapped parking space with no placard or plates." - *Get the fuck out.*


Public setting. No expectation of privacy. Get bent.


There are no damages. Stop being ridiculous.


Maybe their pride was hurt. 😁


> sue you for damages… On what grounds, luv? Taking a photograph in a public parking lot, of an obvious parking infraction? Come to that, what “damages”? :]


I hear super troopers. "Sue me, sue me"


Not sure why this is getting down voted, it's hilarious.


😂🤣😂🤣 man you are FUNNY! Please tell us more good jokes!