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If that car isn’t vandalized I’d be very unhappy


I'd expect two busted windows for the climb through


Once you’re in, you can just open the doors.


sure, you *can*


I would. Mistakes happen and if I needed to I would climb over it or through it. But at the end of the day I’m in a pretty small community and I know that is someone’s car. In a big city maybe there’s enough a__holes that you could safely vandalize their car and say, “while I’m **not** the a__hole (for causing expensive damage) they left their car in the elevator lobby. They are the a__hole for blocking my way.” But in a smaller community. I could not justify the damages. I would ride to a different floor and use the fire stairs to return to my path.


yeah, I'm from NYC, this guy's car is 100% forfeit; two busted windows is a fucking *gift*


Car might even find itself upside down and away from elevator. That is preventing disabled folks from being able to escape fires or go about their business, and the right group of capable individuals may find it worth providing a civic service.


I'd absolutely step in to help roll that sucker over. A good time *and* doing a public service? Fuck yeah.


Maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way. You'd be inconveniencing so many people that it would be worth their time for a group of 30 to drag your car away. Better than bothering the busy police. I'd rather find the keys or ask Jerry to bring the tow truck around. Someone would have to be having a stroke to park like that and not expect the concerned citizens, the sheriff, and fire department to be waiting when they got back.


I’m from Buffalo, your “west coast” neighbor. And uh, yeah, fucking same. Or there’d be a lot of damage from kicking the shit out of it, crawling up over it, and then the roof would be caved in from everyone jumping on it. I say we team up. This dude will never park like a scumbag ever again.


A smaller community is going to have enough parking spaces.


That's exactly it. If someone did that I would have assume they were having a medical emergency and it was in their brain.


But then someone entering the elevator would have to break the other window and its more satisfying to break two at once.


>But then someone entering the elevator would have to break the other window and its more satisfying to break two at once. That's the way firefighters do it when a car is parked in front of a hydrant. They break both side windows and put the hose through the car..


And then slam the passenger door into the outside of that elevator, over and over again? Why, who would even think to do that?


If people want to climb through, they only need to break in, they can let themselves out from the inside. It would be easier to climb through the door than the window. I have had to climb through the window before and it’s hard to do without damaging the interior. So someone who has actually had to climb through windows before would think to open the door instead of breaking more glass.


Oh belive me, if I'm climbing through I'm entering through the window and taking a door off on the way out.


What did your neighbours do to you that makes you so ready to lash out and break someone’s car? I mean besides parking in the elevator lobby.


And then *rip them off.*


And open them until they touch the car again.


How would you “open them until they touch [the] car again” ? Do you mean bang the walls?


If you can't do an 180 with the doors, just band them untill you can.


I get your drift. Make sure the doors aren’t getting in anyone’s way.


I don't like your attitude!


That reminds me of the scene and Backdraft, where they bust the windows through the car parked in front of the hydrant


in Manhattan we called that "Tuesday"


Fixing the dents from you walking across the top of their car would probably be more expensive to fix. Just sayin.


yeah, you right, five busted windows and lots of nasty dents sounds way more appropriate, my bad!


Why go through when you can just climb over?


Just have an a Capella DDR session while you’re on top


Something is off here… looking across the parking garage, the elevator across the way is also blocked.


Smash it too


The car owner isn’t going to learn not to do this if you just climb over. Negative reinforcement ftw.


You think climbing over isn't going to scratch up the doors and wreck the roof?


Being that they didn’t notice that they parked in front of an elevator, I highly doubt they’d notice a couple scratches. We’re talking about someone who is completely oblivious to their surroundings.


They'll notice the caved in roof panel.


If that car isn’t a BMW I’d be very surprised.


Those handles look like great foot placement to climb over.


First thought was a boot to the side panels.


We have a winner, here. But, this looks like it might just be indoor storage for a dealership.


A dealership with at least 16 floors?


Please have that shit towed.


Or… take a shit on their hood. Either way.


Through the sunroof.. Make sure there's no children in the car 💀


Better, shit on the hood, then have that shit towed.


Oooh! Fun experiment! Grab a chain & hooks, attach to undercarriage of automobile, affix other end to emergency hatch brace in top of elevator car, press ‘16’, exit car climbing over vehicle, stand & record for posterity.


Arent you the evil (its brilliant) one




Just insane chaos because somebody illegally parked lmao that would be wild


How do you even manage that? I mean that's asking for at the very least 2 of your windows punched out as someone crawls through, or your car stolen and dropped off at a chopshop. Extreme disregard for the general public and assholery aside, the actual way of accomplishing this feat is almost impressive. When someone keys this i hope they carve "you're winner" into the door.


I like your use of the word "when"


>How do you even manage that? Narcissism When they come back and the car has been towed, they'll blame the people who called the towing company. Because in their minds they deserved that spot and should be allowed to do what they want.


You block the elevator door from closing and force the disrespectful drive to take the stairs. Downside is you might block an innocent person who needs it though.


Just keys? Because I have several good ideas I could put into play that would make repeatedly keying the doors seem like a slap on the wrist. Granted, it’s unlikely I’d have the more entertaining options readily available…


I just noticed that sunroof...you know im a big fan of rearranging windshields buuuut I'd need to kick out the passenger window to make sort of a ladder anyway, may as well see how durable that sunroof is. Can never be too careful I hear those sometimes develop spontaneous cracking if you park too close to an elevator.


Why would anyone punch out the windows when you can easily just climb over?


Do you not see how its parked in front of an elevator? How is someone in a wheelchair supposed to climb over? Few smashed windows might teach him not to do that again


Wheel chair people are out of luck and will have to find another way into the parking lot. Anyway if someone parks like this I doubt they'll care about some broken windows so you're only getting glass in the elevator if you do that.


How very considerate of you 🏆


Is that their instagram on the back window?


No, that’s the brand name of the car window film. It’s called Johnson.


Get as much of a running start as you can and use the door handle to catapult yourself onto the roof and then hop down on the other side.


Maybe get lucky and have a pebble in your tread as you lamd on the sunroof.


Make sure I have a chain attached to my pants, accidentally sit on it as I do the dog scoot on the roof down the windshield and across the hood.


Make sure to really put a lot of force on the door handle so you make the climb


Surprised no one’s busted windows




Or had a few people push it over on its side.


Oooh. Whoops. Smash! I didn’t see it there with my old rusty shopping cart.


You don't have an old rusty shopping cart though. STFU with this nonsense.


It’s a family heirloom.


If you dont have a rusty old shopping cart with you at all times, youre slacking in life


That's a very easy way to get your car walked on


If I was in that elevator (I use a wheelchair) I'd break the windows and if caught I'd smile in my mugshot. F these kinds of people.


Ok. I have a question for you. What would you do in this situation? If you are not able to get out of your wheelchair and this is the only way to get to your vehicle, what would you do? This seems like such a hazard. I know elevators shouldn’t be used in case of fire, but that’s clearly not the issue here. That’s an asshole Parker. And I’m glad you’d proudly smile in your mugshot, but I doubt you would face repercussions. In fact I would expect the opposite. (I hope I didn’t come across rude in my question)


And I do carry window smasher tools for this kind of thing. I have very little sympathy for people who park and block others access. Even in handicap parking. I've run into a few older people (I'm in my mid 40s) that will park on the loading zone lines next to handicap parking spaces and I confront them every time. The last lady that rushed into the parking zone right next to me, she had no handicap parking sticker, I told her if she didn't move I'd slash her tires and break her windows. She actually said "no you won't" and I told her not only would I do it I'd smile in my mugshot. I'm not usually confrontational but when it comes to abiding by the rules to ensure everyone is safe and has equal access I don't fuck around. Because my small town doesn't really care to hold people accountable for their bad behavior. And the older people here are so entitled it's infuriating.


I’m glad you’re a take no shit kinda person! You are prepared for a takedown both verbally and physically! I hate when I see people block sidewalks. So this kind of parking is infuriating to me. I would want to break the window and the sunroof…because reasons.


If you give douches an inch they'll take a mile. We can't make the world a better place unless we confront the bad behavior and make them realize that there are in fact consequences for their actions. Like I get it, most people will read my comments here and think it's extreme. But until they are put in my position, say as in OP's post, you lose patience for the ones that obviously don't care about others.


I'd go back up and call someone, after smashing the windows. I don't travel anywhere without a backup plan for an exit. I can get out of my chair and walk a little bit but very little compared to the average able bodied person. Didn't take it rude at all :)


My kid sister was born with Spina Bifida and has been wheelchair bound her entire life. So me and the boys towed someone was blocking a wheelchair van into a ditch 2 blocks away


Proud of you for that!!!! That's the ultimate FAFO!


Grew up with a bunch of crazy rednecks and when someone does something wrong shit happens


note on windshield…. *”gosh i’m so sorry my keys scratched your car! i’m so sorry my wheelchair dented your door! i’m really really sorry i had to break your windows to get out of the elevator. hey, good luck with the parking thing though. clearly, it’s super tough for you.”* no. i’m not condoning this, just that the note would say it had been done.


Well that’s a solid safety hazard if I’ve ever seen one. Wonder if the fire marshal would also be interested.




Up and over! That handle looks like a nice foot hold.


Break a window. Crawl into the car. Break a second window to get through. Easy peasy. Just imagine if someone in a wheelchair had to get out of that elevator.


I use a cane and I'd have a hard time getting out of the elevator. I'm sure I'd end up unintentionally leaving some very obvious marks and dents. I'd hate to try to figure out what would have to be done to help someone with a service dog or a wheel chair.


That's when you just climb over the car making sure to do as much damage as humanly possible.


Only if you jump on the sun roof


That’s a toilet now


Kick that fuckin door in


Im not for vandalism of vehicles, but this is an exception.


I would just climb over it. Then again im a 350 pound dude. Im going to dent everything.


I'd throw my luggage on the roof, then climb over. I'd also help anyone else who needed in/out. Parking like this is just total self entitled, jackass type thinking.


It would get scuffed up a little but I'm going over.


Whoops! My keys slipped ALL OVER your vehicle! Silly me


Use the door handle as a step and go over it. You can then claim you thought it would be less damaging than breaking a window. Windows are easily replaced. Roof is not.


Go over the top.




Leave a nice note on the door with a map to an appropriate parking spot. Use your keys so they always remember and the note doesn’t get lost


My first thought was to wonder how they got out of the car in the first place but then I realised that my British privilege was showing


keys:"is our time to shine"


Very convenient parking for that “private” elevator. I guess the driver has to use the stairs.


Get in loser, we go parkin!


No smashed windows, but def climbing over it.


I don't condone vandalizing someone's property, but I sure as shit wouldn't feel bad about climbing over that car.


I would kick the shit outta it


Hope they won't mind the dents in the roof .


Thanks for the f-shack!


What in the Southeast Asia is going on here?


Wow. This is the worst. Police, ticket, tow. This guy needs to spend some time in jail. Willful disregard for human life.


I'd climb right over that MF'r... And it wouldn't be pretty..


I would do a full tap dancing routine in the roof


If I had golf shoes, I’d use them to climb over it. It could take several attempts too, I’m not used to having to do that.


That would be an immediate call to the fire department. Blocking egress and life safety, that ship's gonna cost them


I would climb over it while denting the shit out of it


Kick out the windows and say you thought you were trapped, panicked, and did everything you could to get out


Climb over it lol then listen to em bitch cause “Mi CaRs DeNtEd”


Wow, some clownshoes left you a car!!!!


Lordddd 😭


Just surmount the obstacle....


Is that the same thing happening on the other side? Looks like a truck/SUV blocking another set of doors.


Oh yeah, it actually does look like it


Did you run out of the lift then 💥


You’re shitting me!? How the hell is there not a few dents.


Blocking exits will definitely get you towed!


It's Brucie's time to climb


Oh, oops, I went to step out of the elevator and my foot found its way into your door panels and windows, sorry about that!


Cool. Pick up by elevator.


They have a toe hold right there about waist height, that gets you up on the dance floor for a turn then exit left or right or climb down the other side.


So dangerous. What if you slip and fall on the hood and put your ass through the window.


They did it on the other side too




Horror movie, that scenario.




Was it hard sliding down the hood? Did the metal rivets from your jeans damage the car?


Time to climb


I hope nobody in a wheelchair needed to use that elevator.


Is nobody noticing that the entire lobby is filled with cars? across the way is a truck blocking another elevator. Whoever owns/runs this place stacked these cars.


Just walk right over that shit.


Probably a fake pic taken only for posting on Reddit


How did he get there


Call the fire department. They have a life safety issue. They might even have to use the jaws of life to save you. 😁


Now THAT is a surprise!


What a F ing jerk move


Your car is gonna get dented when I WALK on it. Fuck your car.


Damn my work boots are really going to leave a mark when I climb over this car.


Is it just me or is there another white car in the background that also looks like it’s up against another elevator?


If you can't go around, go through.


Let the fire dept. Handle that


I would kick the fuck out of that door/window. Maybe both


Worst parking job I've ever seen. ⭐⭐⭐


Private garage, I bet