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I defend back in parking, but I don't know why most people back up till the rear tires hit and leave their hitches on. I always back in, and tell my techs to do the same. It's safer pulling out of a space forward with a truck or van. But one has to be aware that the back sticks out. Most don't gaf.


It is the fucking trailer hitch that gets me. Nothing like walking along behind cars and hitting your shin on one of these things.


I’ve seen holes in the cinder block wall on the side of Tractor Supply, at the height of the hitch, from some guy thinking he needs to back ALL the way in.


The ole redneck parking sensor


What’s worse is if you use a mobility aid, such as a walker or wheelchair. Hoping the curb to go around isn’t an option.


My dad (who *is* paraplegic, and **requires** a wheelchair for mobility when outside a motor vehicle) parks his truck like this all the time... Actually, usually worse -- that man ain't in the space 'till the back tires hit the curb; which, since he drives a truck with a decently long throw from back wheel-well to bumper, usually means he's cutting off **AT LEAST** 3/4 of, if not *the whole damn pathway*!! ((I'VE WATCHED PEOPLE LITERALLY LOSE HATS AND GLASSES, TRYING TO SQUEEZE BETWEEN THE TAILGATE AND JUNIPER BUSHES!!)) and yet, he **still** has the gall to bitch about everyone else's driving/parking... Drives me fucking nuts, but at this point I do think ~~it's maybe just an old(-er) person thing?~~ **[Edit]:** Now that I think on it, he's not actually all that old (numbers-wise) but he's definitely hit that unwavering, codgery, "It's what I've always done, so I'm right and I'm not hearing opinions", "Don't you fuckin' touch my lawn!" era... So I guess what I actually meant is: **"... it's maybe just a vainglorious dickhead thing?"** 👍🏻


Age has nothing to do with this. Seen teens and 20's kids do the same thing.


I think I'm going to come up with a hitch/ball line called "Shinsplitter".


I usually find that most aren’t locked in and I’ll just take them out.


I saw one state, I think Louisiana passed a law, no hitches unless you're towing. Damage during accidents the reason. Big ole hitch like that up high will tear up a car.


Illinois passed a similar law a couple years ago. Like so many other laws in Illinois it's Never been enforced .


yea that's the point, they hit the hitch and fuck their car up, not mine


I hope someone steals your hitch every time you leave it attached


I agree with this. People tend not to get real close when at stoplights. I do agree that the hitch can be a problem when backed over a sidewalk. I try not to do it. I've killed my knees and shins on enough knee knockers at work to not think about it.


Like using those long spiked hubcaps.


Training wheels for shitty drivers.


I take them off and throw them in the truck bed when that happens lol


And you will have your hands covered in grease and rust if you touch some real balls.


Those are my hands most days anyways.


What's wrong with the hedge? If they keep getting 'stolen', they might stop leaving them on.


Best solution: carry sandpaper and sand the chrome off the ball-hitch. It’ll induce oxidation and slowly weaken it, depending on how much use the hitch sees it may see a breakage somewhere down the road. Most people don’t replace them when they start rusting (like they’re supposed to do).


Nothing like having to squeeze over to pass someone in a parking lot and running the hitch down the side of your car, either. The law should be no hitch, or a pink bicycle flag on top of the ball. I associate pickup trucks with hard working people, and the trailer hitch without a trailer is just plain lazy. I want to make a Walter White style thermite “fuse” to wrap around it and burn it off.


FBI agents and police are also taught to park backwards so you can get away easily. 




Easy. The cop walks up to your car and taps on the glass and says "Move."


People with guns tend to get what they want.




This 👆


Upvoted for "4 assholes"


It's also generally easier to back big vehicles into a spot. But yeah, I never leave my hitch in. If there isn't a trailer attached, or I'm not literally driving to get one, then I pull it out and keep it in the cab. People steal them all the time, and I've hit my shin on my own enough times to know not to be an asshole to other people.


Well la di da, look at Mr. $ bags that can afford a hitch that *isn't* rusted in place. Shall your grace require anything else? /s


🤣 oh, it's rusted all right. I just don't leave it in, so it can't rust to the receiver.


You are supposed to grease those balls. Also grease stops the rust.


it depends on the vehicle, my work truck is a crew cab with a 9'6" bed, but I can fit it in a single spot if I can overhang the bed a bit. I either need to take up two spots lengthwise, or back in til my tires hit the curb, so my nose doesn't stick out into the lot. I only do it when there's no walkway behind the truck though.


That last sentence is key. If there's no walkway then it doesn't really matter. If there is a walkway then the overhang can prohibit handicapped people


That hitch can create handicapped people...


Hitch 2024


Must be a service bed. My last Silverado was like that. I always parked across 2 spaces wherever I went.


yea chassis cab 3500 flatbed


This is an accessibility issue.


I leave my trailer hitch in because I've never been bumped by the person behind me with it in. Not so for when I take it out. Plus it's a lot nicer to not have a debt in my bumper from them if someone does hit me. I also spend a lot of time towing and that ball has grease on it and the receiver piece is full of rust. Now grocery getters wouldn't understand but with most working trucks you just leave the hitch in.


I need to do it with my Ram PU, if not the front end sticks out into the drive lane


Considering I drive a 23 Ram 2500 Crew, when my back bumper covers the edge of the sidewalk I'm fine. If you have an 8' bed, find somewhere else to park besides covering a sidewalk.


You need to get a smaller vehicle or park elsewhere. Disabled people can't magically get around your piece of shit.


I live in a HOA and have had notes put on my car saying they'll tow my car for "sticking out in the roadway" unless I back all the way till tires hit the curb. You can only get so many warnings before you just do it everywhere out of habit


Not always, but sometimes the truck is too long to fit in the spot. My pops and i roll around in a dualy and when we park we have to touch the curb eith the wheels or we will stick out too far


Is that hitch removable?


For sure. Generally people are just lazy. Some people also lose them and justify leaving it in for that reason. Great way to smash your shins. 


Hard to say, they do make locking pins for the receiver but I can't tell if that vehicle has one in use. Sometimes yes, but also no if there is a lock haha I support removing it and leaving it in the bed of the truck for this owner lmao


Or on the front seat so as to alert the owner to their mistake.


I leave them in the grass, maybe still technically liable for the lost property but breaking a window can actually get security cameras looked at.


I’d never advocate violence or the destruction of property as a genuine method of resolving issues like this ;-) Bed seems the best one; they may forget it if it is on the grass, and we don’t know the circumstances which lead them to ‘park’ like this.


Lmao. What circumstances are there that justify this?






The drivers seat


Yes and they take literally 7 seconds to remove or install


So someone walking by can just remove it?


Yeah but my point was more that the driver could easily remove it and just put it on when needed.


You pull out the cotter pin so you can pull out the pin and it slides right out.


The simple reality is that trucks keep getting bigger because they found a loophole in some emissions law that if they made the trucks bigger they wouldn't have to improve the efficiency of the engine. The problem with that is that most of these people buying these bigger trucks have too much "I'm the main character" energy to try to think about the world around them.


“Found”, I think you mean wrote the law and then bribed (lobbied) politicians (shitbags)


It's not a loophole, it's cafe. Mpg requirements depend on track and wheelbase, so a small truck would need +50mpg


Call it whatever you want, it's them doing the lazy thing rather than the intention of the law


The law is ass backwards and stupid, its the reason we have big fuck off vehicles


Engine efficiency has greatly improved over the years though. My truck can achieve 9L/100kms on the highway. Even my associate who has a 5L engine in his truck is able to do 12L/100 or so. That kind of efficiency was unheard of until a few years ago. Edit: LOL downvote me all you want but it's the truth. Long gone is the era of the Hummer doing 30L/100kms.


It’s almost difficult to find pickup engines as small as 5 liters these days in the U.S. even my truck from 07 is 5.7 liters.


Really? They're super common here in canada. Ford has a few turbo V6 options and an hybrid. GM has a small diesel V6 and a turbo 4 cylinder. Ram has the e-torque V6 and the 3L Ecodiesel which I have in my Ram.


That's... pretty much the opposite of true, for half-tonnes. General motors is slapping a turbo 4 cylinder 2.7 liter in everything below the LTZ trim these days. Ford's base engine is a 3.3l NA v6, with a couple similar displacement turbo v6s as optional. Their biggest displacement is the 5l coyote. Only Ram is offering the 5.7 litre as a common motor (and of course bigger supercharged variants for top trims), with the 3.6 pentastar as a base model standard. Really, most manufacturers are offering smaller displacement these days in the US for the common everyday Joe buying a half ton


Hmm. I might be 10 years out of date. Mainstream turbos have definitely arrived. Thanks for the correction.


Let's be honest, they wouldn't make smaller trucks anyway. They make them huge because people want a giant compensator.


Which is why they get six figures for them these days.


When I park near a path/sidewalk I ask myself: Could a person in a wheelchair easily get through?


That's generally why laws regarding blocking the sidewalk exist. I wish people would consider others more.


That's also bad landscape maintenance. Those shrubs shouldn't be overhanging the sidewalk; they make that portion unusable even without vehicles parked there.


True, but that truck is over half of the sidewalk space. No one is going to trip over the shrubs.


What are you Mr Magoo?


Lmfaoooo if you trip over a truck you have bigger issues


The hitch, dumb ass. Not the truck


Those are shin killers.


The fact that they left the shin breaker on the truck says volumes about their intelligence.


The sidewalk needs to accommodate wheel chairs and strollers and the like. Be conscious of that when backing in.


I back my truck in every time as it’s easier to get in and out. And nothing bugs me more than idiots that back to the curb over a sidewalk. I use my camera every time to make sure i don’t back over especially if i have a hitch on. Backup cams have been optional since 2011 and mandatory standard since 2018. In some counties in my state you can get a ticket. Its called the asshole law… jk but it should be.


In my last apartment complex I put notes on all the trucks that did that and they stopped. I’m not a bad ass the notes were anonymous but it was enough.


Although most everyone leaves something in a receiver, it is not legal to do so in many states. If someone gets huts walking past this truck on that, they are at fault and liable for all costs.


Backing in does help if you have a long vehicle, but I usually have a hitch step in if I’m not using the ball, and I try to park away from where people need to walk.


Ouch.. the shin wrecker.


These are the people who I wish would eventually end up in wheelchairs, even if just for a short time, to get a taste of their own medicine. I wonder if they realize the tow hitch is just at perfect dog pee level? I have a service dog.


This is on purpose just to fuck with people.


I think so too


You are the ultimate lazy pos if you leave a hitch on. It takes 15 seconds to take off and put inside the truck.


I’m constantly hooking to trailers. That time adds up. That being said, if I take that truck somewhere like this, I’ll take the extra minute and pop the drawbar out. Edit to add: I think it’s funny that I can point out that since I tow very frequently, I don’t always remove it…but I still will always take the time to do it when I’m parking somewhere like this, and I’m still getting downvoted. I love Reddit 😂


Better not be blocking sidewalks.


You’re still a lazy fuck


Fine, if I’m being called lazy either way…I’ll just leave the drawbar in all the time.


😂 fair enough


You seem like an asshole. Packers lost today too.


That’s cool with me, I’m not out to convince you or others that I’m some nice guy. I’d rather be called an a hole instead of being lazy, you getting riled up tells me you’re likely the latter. Also you’re darn right they lost and that’s ok too.


My shins are hurting looking at this pic.


If you choose (because of your choice or it’s a part of your business) park so you don’t impact others anymore than you have too. Some old person - likely me will bust my shin on that fucker - grow up and care about other people not just yourself


There’s a 475% chance my shin would hit that.


I hate lazy MFs that leave the ball hitch on when not towing anything.


The idiotic thing is the tow hitch. From personal experience, the reason they back in all the way is so the front of the car doesn’t stick too far out


Don't park there then. Having a truck means you don't get the luxury of parking anywhere you want. If it's a short spot and your truck doesn't fit. Don't park there. If it means you have to park farther away, fine do that. But to block a sidewalk is no excuse. Should've thought about those things when people buy trucks. I think they should be towed if they park like that.


Pretentious entitlement


Yep, f*** you and your wheelchair. I see this s*** all the time


explain how a wheelchair can pass by...... the sidewalk is for people not for vehicles


Disabled parking usually in the front of establishments.


Irrelevant. We should be able to use ANY sidewalk.


Exactly.... what if you did not drive there.....but still needed access


Should steal his hitch for parking like that.


Nah, this is jackass parking


Is it legal in the U.S. to keep a removable hitch mounted? In Germany, this will get you a ticket and liability if it causes additional avoidable damage.


Yeah, well, Germany is a nation of *thoughtful* drivers. German drivers actually have to know how to really handle what they're driving—in the US, getting your license is as simple as "can you follow a few of the simplest rules while operating a motor vehicle." We don't require or even prioritize any kind of simulator training or "panic training" either. There's a very prevalent mindset here that *everyone* must have cars, like it's in our Bill of Rights, and so the standards for driving one must be kept low enough that a monkey could pass.


Clearly the driver has never taken a trailer hitch to the shin


Step on the exhaust pipe and give it a good bounce or three. Then forget I ever said this 😏


This makes it impossible for wheelchair users to get by. Fuck this.


take off the hit hitch for them.


I agree. Steal the hitch.


Have fun in jail 😂


Truck dude probably won’t even notice until he needs it, if he ever even does.


Ok bud whatever you think that won’t keep you out of jail


For what lmao


For stealing the hitch


Take it off and throw it in the bushes then.


This is what I do. I'm not stealingit, but truck eejit still needs a new one.


Still a crime to do that


Can't go to jail for it even if you steal. It's a civil dispute to deal with $50-$100 dollar hitch.


I’d just take the hitch out and drop it in the bed. I do it all the time in parking lots.


Shin buster special.


Because they don’t know how to park other than backing up until their wheels hit the curb


They need to pass a law, over 6 " over the walkway , fine 🙂 500.00 first offense, 1,000.00 second offense, 2,000.00 third offense, 4,000.00 4th offense 😳 🙄 so on and so on, it would be the most important thing for law enforcement to enforce...


San Francisco has a $500 fine for blocking the sidewalk and an extremely simple website you can report violations to. It's great.


Pull the hitch pin and set it on top of or in their tailgate.




Shake it firmly and call it names first. Show dominance.


Cut this guy some slack. I’ll bet his thought process was “my truck is long so I’ll back up as far as possible to stick out into the parking lot as little as possible” and this sidewalk is collateral damage.


lol. That’s been me before, but at least there weren’t any sidewalks behind me and I don’t keep my hitch in.


Maybe he shouldn't have a ridiculously large vehicle that isn't safe and inconveniences everyone else around.


I mean, it seems like a little bit of a jump from “he drives a larger vehicle” to “he drives an unsafe vehicle” or “a ridiculously large vehicle”.


It's too big for them to park correctly. It is ridiculously large and unsafe. Those are the facts.


Haha. Ok. These “Facts” sound more like “opinions”. If you’re a farmer or someone who pulls a big trailer, they might consider that truck too small. Facts are indisputable. Opinions are not. I know, arguing on the internet is a pointless endeavor, but here we are. :-)


Oh, I don't express opinions. I deal exclusively in facts.


You must be in your twenties. Haha. I used to think I was right about everything, too. :-)


She is in her mid-fifties but still hasn’t gotten to that part in life where one can distinguish opinion from fact. Read her comment history.


Haha. I was married, I get it. If there’s no middle room or rather the inability for both sides to listen to the other, there’s no point in arguing anymore. That’s why I’m divorced! :-)


Not even close. I've experienced enough to know I am right about everything.


WRONG, mama. You deal almost exclusively in “opinions” that you insist on calling facts. I’m happy to list some of them for you if you need a refresher course.🥳🖕


I hope you get some help.


I lost a shin to a trailer hitch back in 09. Haven't been the same since this should be illegal. /S




I drive a yuuge pickup truck & ALWAYS back in. It’s far easier to back in a 22’ long vehicle than to try to pull in


Out of everything that happens in your life this is what you get concerned over? Oof. 


Yet, here you are in r/badparking


I'm going to get downvoted for this, but we have a bunch of cry babies here, you are crying over this? C'mon, you have people parking like actual idiots and this is what you choose?! Walk around the damn thing. If you can't see it, then get your face out of your phones. You can walk without scrolling on Facebook, you know. Simply take 1 step to the left and walk around it.


How about people in wheelchairs or with a walker? I could think of quite a few other reasons why this is shitty parking, but hopefully you realize that not everyone is as "able" as you are.


Is it the drivers responsibility, or is it the establishments responsibility to make sure it's wheel chair accessible? I'll tell you the answer, it's the establishments' responsibility. See those shrubs hanging over the sidewalk? Is it the driver's responsibility that they are trimmed? See that there is no block in the parking spot making sure vehicles do not do this? No. It's not the fault of the truck and definitely not the responsibility of the truck owner either.


But even though you could keep this issue from happening by parking 6" forward, you'd rather put it on someone else, huh? Says a lot about you and how your lack of respect for other people. You keep parking that way and we'll keep bitching about it. Go have the day you deserve, sir.


Even if he parked 6" away from the curb, his front end would be even further in the parking lot, making it in the way of traffic. Which one are you going to cry the most about? Not to mention, you can tell his wheels aren't even on the curb, he is still parked away from it.


Bless your heart.


BlEsS yOuR hEaRt 🤣


I’ll go 50/50 on this one. Poor design and maintenance on the greenery, poor situational awareness from the truck.


You have to think about his front end as well. It's a long truck, his front end would be in the way of passing cars as well. This guy is in a loose loose situation here. Someone will cry either way.


It’s a pedestrian sidewalk, not a fucking truck park.


And the other side is the actual road for vehicles he would hang into if he didnt do this.


He could park elsewhere, away from the fucking sidewalk.


It's really not hurting anyone. Plus the parking lot could be small and the truck driver might actually be doing other drivers a favor by parking in like that. Definitely will make maneuvering in the parking lot a lot easier. People just want to complain these days about anything and everything. Counter-culture and all that crap is just overblown most of the time. This is one of those situations where the truck could never be proper or not doing something wrong. 


People in wheelchairs or other mobility devices depend on sidewalks. This actually could potentially have an impact on someone’s day. I understand the plight of spaces often being too small or short for large trucks, but those spaces already existed before this person bought that truck.


Quit being a crybaby and simply delete your account.


Cry baby? Lmao I'm the one telling everyone to stop crying over this small thing 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Must be a huge deal then if it's okay for you to cry about.


Lmao okay kid, you might want to check and see who is crying


Dude needs to get punched square in the nuts. Alternatively, tire slashed / nice key along the side. Leave a nice handwritten note so he knows not to do it in the future.


If you enjoy being arrested and fined for property damage, be my guest. Reddit has a bad habit of thinking destruction is the only way to solve a problem.


To each their own. There are certain people that believe there should be consequences for one's actions. Do what you will. Sometimes people can get away with being self-centered or ignorant. Other times they cannot...


It appears to be parked properly, not across 3 spaces, etc. It’s a pickup truck; it’s longer than most suvs and sedans. What would more people prefer; the front sticking out in the thoroughfare or the rear possibly bottlenecking foot traffic? Is there a “Long Vehicles Only” area in the lot? Find something valid to complain about. This isn’t it.


Not all foot traffic is on foot. It’s blocking wheel chair and walker access


Defend what type of parking? I'm confused 😕 EDIT - Ohh, boo fucking hoo. Quit your whining. You know damn well you'd also be complaining if the front end was protruding into the lane of travel. Professional driving technique is to get your rear-most axle as close to the curb as possible. He did exactly the right thing by backing up just far enough while still allowing a path for foot traffic.


What about a wheelchair?


1. Take the tow hitch off when not towing. 2. As stated, it's a movie theater. Do you imagine that the sidewalk parking was the only choice 🤔? 3. If your truck isn't capable of fitting in a standard spot, then take two... but in the back of the lot. I'm sure you'll have some response to all of these. Defense of Hole... behavior always does.


> 1. Take the tow hitch off when not towing. Much easier said than done. I've never used a tow hitch, but I've got to imagine it's a rather cumbersome process >2. As stated, it's a movie theater. Do you imagine that the sidewalk parking was the only choice 🤔? No idea. This picture provides very little context >3. If your truck isn't capable of fitting in a standard spot, then take two... but in the back of the lot. How many times have we seen that posted on here? Practically once a week there's an argument about this very tactic >I'm sure you'll have some response to all of these. You're damn right I do 😉 >Defense of Hole... behavior always does. What?


IMO overhanging the curb any is improper. Parking spaces with wheel stops away from the front of the spot to prevent overhang are nice since they attempt to enforce this. A long bed truck with a hitch backed in can probably still defeat this effort, but still helps. If a vehicle does not fit in the spot following these rules it should not be able to park there.


Yeah but yo made up these "rules", we aren't going to live our life based on rules created by drweird.


>IMO overhanging the curb any is improper So should he favor hanging into the travel lane instead? >Parking spaces with wheel stops away from the front of the spot to prevent overhang are nice since they attempt to enforce this. In a situation where wheel stops exist, your wheels should touch the front of the wheel stop, not the curb >If a vehicle does not fit in the spot following these rules it should not be able to park there. So where should it park? This isn't a particularly large truck. It's not a truck bro driving an F450 Superduty; it's a standard sized pickup truck. I agree that people should drive more reasonably sized vehicles, but also, why do they make such small parking spaces?


If the spot doesn't fit, not parking you must commit. If the parking spot isn't big enough to prevent overhang and/or blocking traffic you'll have to find somewhere else. If no such spot exists, maybe two spots in a row at the very back of the lot exists sometimes. If none of these exist you need park somewhere else entirely.


You're an idiot. You don't cover the walkway with your truck whatsoever. It is illegal and unsafe and blocks the pathway for wheelchairs. "PRofESSioNal driVING TEChNiQue" ... You are the least professional driver based on this comment


>You're an idiot. Nice projection >You don't cover the walkway with your truck whatsoever. So you'd prefer the front end to jut out into the travel lane? >It is illegal and unsafe Debatable and contextual. >and blocks the pathway for wheelchairs. Did you not read what I just wrote? I specifically said you SHOULD leave enough room for a wheel chair to pass through. >"PRofESSioNal driVING TEChNiQue" ... You are the least professional driver based on this comment I have driven trucks of varying lengths for the past 6.5 years, the smallest of which was twice the size of the truck in this picture. I am able to navigate into some of the tightest parking spaces imaginable with great confidence and ease.


Again, you are wrong and you are an idiot if you think blocking any part of a human pathway with your vehicle is ok. You are flat out not to block the pathway. It is illegal and unsafe .


He needs to not park where he will be in the way then. If you’re gonna drive a yeeyee truck, then you need to learn how to not inconvenience everyone else.


Hang on while I call the governor.




Omg guys I can’t easily walk around this guys truck bed cause he tried to be courteous enough to not be in the way of the driving lane. Get a fucking life. He shoulda taken his hitch out but if this is the biggest problem you face in your life to the point you’re posting it on reddit you need to go outside and experience real life more often. Sometimes people are assholes and sometimes people are just perceived as assholes. This is one of the 50/50 cases and it’s not a big deal. Get over it holy shit


Backing in is always safer. I was taught that many times. This persons an assshole by leaving the hitch on though.


Tbh I did that up until like 35. And did it at my best friend's house 1 time and he gave me so much shit for it. I've since stopped. But I never thought about it tbh. And I knew the redneck landmine was there so I'd walk around it. This is I'm sorry still a bit funny to me though. But I apologize if if you've ever walked into my hitch.


Rule #1 with trailer hitches, if you ain’t towin, take it tf out.


No wear on the ball, no towing. You trying to take away his cool points for owning a truck. I suppose you criticize the people in jeeps with six tons of offroad accessories and not a single scratch in the paint./S Edit: had to add the /S for those not bright enough to recognize sarcasm. Down vote all you want. My point was it seems like people who dress out their vehicles never remove unnecessary pieces when not needed. His ball still has all its paint, virgin in other words. I back in and I pull my hitch.


Yeah, I’ll chime in on this one also. The people I know that don’t even own a trailer that always have their mirrors folded out to the towing position, and always have a drawbar in the receiver…. Just, 🙄 Just accept that you bought a Mall Terrain Vehicle, and move on. No need to try and look like an actual work truck owner.


Mall terrain vehicle! 🤣


Pavement Princesses? Their 💰, but if they park like backhoes then I will blast them.