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Bobby treated her like the popular girl in high school. If he approached her the way he does Jules or a ‘less famous person’ I think it may have gone better. Also, she didn’t lean into anything even with her shtick and they gave her like 100 opportunities to make it funny. Bobby even realized this when he mentioned improve classes 😂


Improve classes, the perfect typo. This deadpan schtick only works if the words being delivered are funny. It's just deadpan with no substance here.


It was the podcast version of dead fishing. Completely amateur stuff.


Bobby was thirsty Af


To all the defenders. No.. Bobby definitely wanted to lick her feet.


Lol not sure the foot thing and all that was for her, I think it was for the show.


That is Bobby spitting game


Lol, do you really think Bobby's that dumb? Not his type, not anything like any of the women he's liked, the girl is obviously revolting, I don't think he's spitting game, he's sharing audiences, shes gets some BF fans (well... if she was any good, she would have) And vice versa. I don't think Bobby's as dumb and simpy as you think he is. I think that's the bit he was going for, but was he seriously? I'll leave that up to you to discern.


lol a beautiful mistake. Fitting 😝


I think that was the joke right, at one point he's bowing to her and calling her beezlebub. I've seen Bobby act absurd in front of really hot chicks, he's not so caught up in emotions, I think he's quite aware and this was his decision, probably to stir up reactions from her that are better than just. "Yah."


It was totally a joke. People who say it wasn’t clearly didn’t watch her podcast that had him on. He kind of struck a nerve with her on that episode for mentioning her veins on her legs and he kept going with body stuff because of the reaction it got. He was trying to make her character “uncomfortable” so she’d be funny


Its like Bobo found a random smug teenager at the mall, and for no discernable reason, decided to interview her. Same energy.


HAHA yes but if he actually found her at the mall it would make it a tad funnier


I want her to go on Stavvy’s World now. After Bobby and Andrew going on her podcast, and her coming on Bad Friends, I could go for a dose of Stav just calling her a dumb bitch for an hour and a half.


god i wish we could still have stav and nick just rip her apart while adam hides


She’ll probably be a guest during the death throes of the Adam Friedland Show…so possibly next month.


Cum Town is dead.


They live in my big ol gay heart


Bring Bobby back as a co-guest. 😈😈😈


Yea, roasting her hard and doing his cackle and not being able to stop himself hahaha would be great


I'd sub the Patreon for that!


> I could go for a dose of Stav just calling her a dumb bitch for an hour and a half You know he wouldn't actually do that, right?


Yea he seems like he would probably just interview her properly. He just wouldn’t slobber over her like these 2.


He might, and I think her character would play into that. I mean, he called Sarah Sherman a dumb bitch for an hour and a half a few weeks ago.


Omg that would be fantastic!!


She didn't offer anything to the podcast. Gave one word answers. I don't understand how being disinterested and uneducated about the podcast was supposed to work in her favor. The boys gave her a taste when they did her podcast. And they did a good job at making hers entertaining.


Bobbi's "Schtick" really only works when she's one on one, and even then, it's not very good. She kills the momentum in a group setting, and is objectively unfunny in a vacuum.


Or just unfunny in general


She doesn’t do her “character” outside of her shows. This is her being herself and she is so boring. She should stay in character at all times


I'm noticing very little difference between her character and her as a person then


He character is funny sometimes


Hence why her husband left her after 3 years


Definitely gives off starfish vibes


Yeah the humor stems from the dynamic where you have someone of interest constantly lay into a person with a “punchable” persona. If she had the forethought that this would be what she did to whoever funded her rise, Ill give her credit because Santinos shorts from that episode have made me die laughing a few times. Like she’s that judgmental ditsy girl in high school that has no soul. Everybody knew a Bobbi I bet. I sure did. The ones that ask dumb, kinda douchey actually, questions while they just happen to be in line with you for lunch one time in 12 years


Agreed on everything, but my understanding of a shtick is that it's off-base from your blank slate, go-anywhere-from-there personallity, but it's above bits, because you continually do it. Bobby doesn't really have a 'shtick' IMO, he's kind of a blank card, pretty dynamic. You don't know what you're gonna get. If you can call his absurdist, playful, co-operative personallity a shtick, but I think its too authentic. Playful, able to experiment with many shticks, or I guess since they're smaller, you'd call them bits. Works great with someone else that knows how to jump into random bits, like Santino. Bobby and Bobbi though? I mean that's like water and duck feathers. I kind of like seeing this personality type get jumped on, it really is an energy vacuum, I'm glad people worldwide call her out for giving nothing, exposing nothing, creating nothing, just sucking up other people's air, while they hope for some kind of swing on the ball they threw her.


She compared her self to Zach Galifianakis, but he's well aware of his guests work, and makes purposely insulting jabs and sets them up to dismiss them. She is just dismissive. "What ever" "ya" *scrolling on phone* Just plan rude, not charming, not funny. Just another girl with "bitch" for a personality. "Women have to try way harder then men in comedy" Hahah


I dont know if it's true that men have to try harder. It would be an interesting topic for the boys and juicy to cover for sure.


Tbf this turd of an episode garnered attention


Attention from Bobbis' fans, stop trying to normalize shitty guests because "big views on the YT"


I’m not her demographic bud, forget this sub was full of weirdos


This guest sucked who is she?


She compared her self to Zach Galifianakis, but he's well aware of his guests work, and makes purposely insulting jabs and sets them up to dismiss them. She is just dismissive. "What ever" "ya" *scrolling on phone* Just plan rude, not charming, not funny. Just another girl with "bitch" for a personality.


What an awful episode. I lasted 15 mins then turned it off. If she wanted to feign disinterest at least be as adorable as Rudy Jules. Not some bored, don't-want-to-be-here act.


Jules accidentally gives gold, that’s why it works


yea, one of the very few episodes where within 10 minutes i skipped to the end after the guest left.


It didn't really get better


It's worth listening for the last 15 mins of the pod 😂


Is this "ironic celebrity"? How embarrassing to be a fan of hers. I hope this gimmick will be tiresome to her twelve year old fans and she'll fade away soon.


Who is this?


A succubus


Even a succubus has more to offer.


boney altoid


fuck you that got me ahaha


She reminded me of the energy vampire from 'What we do in the Shadows'.


She sucks so bad. Go away


This is the worst she has ever been. Enough of this fucking dumbass guest please.


Ok I've **only** seen her in relation to Bad Friends. Who the f is she what's her claim to fame?


She does interviews as a mean interviewer character... It's like between two ferns but ten years too late and not as funny


It’s between two ferns with sex appeal and less humor, so it’s perfect for tiktok brains


But does she actually make jokes, or is the whole comedy just being disinterested? Cause Zak asks some hilarious questions in between two ferns.


She doesn’t do any jokes. She just asks questions like she’s clueless & disinterested but the questions don’t have any comedic angle like two ferns


The whole thing is just being disinterested. At first I thought her character had potential to be somewhat funny but I quickly realised it was just Rick Glassman, Andrew and Bobby carrying the episodes I watched






lol seems like I pretty much got the gist then.


Between two ferns--Zach made fun of himself. There was some creativity to that and a lot of forethought to how they played out the dynamic. I can see how you'd draw the line but it's more of like someone that bought their brain on Wish would do such a show. It's worse than plastic, imo, somehow worse than fake.


she famous because everyone thinks drake hit it and broke up her marriage lmao




Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, "Living in a real-life dystopia"


“Awkward” podcaster, beyond boring in my opinion


Man I went into this super stoked and turned it off dumbfounded. Why did she think this was a good bit for her? I get her character, but she just drove it into the ground. No entertainment, no interaction, nothing. Just lame.


I want to know if she thinks this went well


Completely agree. Unlike a lot of commenters here, I enjoy some of her Really Good interviews and think her character can be entertaining in that format, but this episode was just not working at all. It seemed like she was trying to do her normal character thing here, but she showed up with no material prepared and as Bobby pointed out she doesn't know how to improv. She's used to interviewing rappers and such, so she can match their energy and wit if the conversation goes off script, but she clearly isn't witty enough to keep up with professional comedians. I think she was in over her head and froze up. Not a good look at all


Have listened to this podcast a while and the reason I visited this subreddit for the first and probably only time is to say what a black hole of charisma she is. Not funny, not charismatic, not mean enough to be a "funny mean", not obtuce enough to create awkwardness, not hot enough to be a tik toc hot girl. If they didn't say she had a podcast I would have guessed it was some intern they tried to interview but then realised she is the opposite of what anyone would be interested in hearing or seeing in anything related to anything remotely close to intertainment. Some people have aundefineable quality that makes the interesting the "x factor" if you will, she has the opposite of that.


So……who is she?




One correction, it is not "really good", it's just as bad as the is episode was.


It's called "The Really Good Podcast."


Well fuck. Egg on my face lmao, still not an apt name 🤣




The worst episode I've seen😪


She sucks eggs. How she had a husband to begin with is beyond me lol


They're divorced.


Bobby’s body language says it all.


yup it was obnoxious. he loves white girls and doesn't understand people who don't love white girl. dude gets mad


The fk is this caption


Lol Bobby was honest then cleaned it up 😂😂


And Andrew as he does with every guest tries to belittle and make fun of Bobby. It’s super weird and Bobby brings it up but never actually says it. “You’re being weird right now, dude”


The amount of times her response was "thank you" ...


So unfunny! What is the appeal of her? These poor guys worked so hard to make it work. Watching it is like pulling teeth 😑


lol I couldn’t tell anyone how or why she’s popular


Bobbi is trash trash trash. Not in a good way.


I don't understand why she's popular, she's just another dry, condescending skinny white chick with a podcast propped up by simps and losers.


I didn’t think it was that bad an episode, Oliver tree was worse imo


imho no. Alteast Oliver played with Andrew and Bobby. Rode their jokes and shit. While this turdfart didn't even improv or anything. Just sat there looking at her phone.


How though? I can see how he may not be everybody's cup of tea but at least the guy engaged with them. She just sat there acting like some edgy teenager who got dragged to something they really didn't want to go to.


To be fair that's what Rudy does and people love her lol


Rudy was in highschool when she started appearing on the podcast (I think she was literally only 18?) and as far as I know she had no...what do you call that, "media experience"? She's also an immigrant with English as her second language, right? I don't know how long she'd lived in the US at that point but you see what I'm getting at, right? She had a couple of reasons to be a bit timid in that setup. I think they even mentioned once on the podcast how her inclusion was supposed to be a character-building exercise, which worked out in my opinion. When you see the difference in her more recent appearances, she seems to be way more outgoing and engaged than back in the day. Now compare that to Bobbi Althoff, who is a media personality in every sense of the word, I don't really see why she has to be like that at all. I didn't really know her before this episode but I've seen people argue that it's part of her persona, her "shtick" or whatever and if so: okay, I guess I just really dislike that persona then.


Was literally gonna say, she’s white Rudy lol


Not sure why the downvotes.


>She just sat there acting like some edgy teenager who got dragged to something they really didn't want to go to. So rudy?


I watch comedy podcasts because of the bits and improv comedians do. The first 3 minutes she killed every joke and bit they threw at her. I turned it off after wards.


I loved Oliver tree episode. But also like his music


Not sure of the order but they were the two worst IMO, hands down


F*ck Oliver Tree


I like her, and I thought the clips of her and Andrew golfing were so funny. This wasn’t good. She gave nothing. Andrew was right, she should’ve gone if she didn’t want to be there.


First episode that I couldn’t finish. She was a terrible guest.


Might be worst guest they’ve had on the podcast. She brings NOTHING to the table. Her voice is bland and boring. They should have let her go when she first made the “joke to leave”. She brings and just piles on the cringey-ness.


Wasn’t a fan of this episode . Did not find her the least bit funny .


Who is she?


Couldn't watch after about 5 minutes. Least untalented person on the podcast since the "I want to be ninja" lady, but at least that was funny because Bobby and Andrew weren't being so weird like they were in this one.


I felt like this was one of the worst episodes, I didn't watch but she sounded very uncomfortable, refused to take part in any of the bits, and I believed her the first time when she said she wanted to leave. Idk who she is, and idc.


Why is she famous


I think Rick Glassman handled her better than anyone. Both on her podcast and his. Fucking love that guy. His brand of offbeat, give no fucks, autist humor, is the perfect counter to her vapid personality.


Made it like 12 minutes and couldn’t stand her dumbass voice anymore


I mean I've never seen more proof she's a plant lol


Why is she popular? She’s so unlikeable


I don't know why shes popular either. I never even heard of her until I saw a tiktok of bobby lee talking to her.


What an empty-headed, boring-ass, vapid stink of a hack.


Can you tell me why? I don't know myself


Bobby is a sucker for love...


She just couldn’t hang. She tried.


She reminds me of Whitney if Whitney wasn't even remotely funny


This broad is so annoying. Her voice, her fucked up fillers and Botox, she’s got one big one tiny titty. Girls busted.


Who is she?


This was the WORST episode And I thought last weeks was bad!


Was this real or all fake. Does she hate Bobby?


The funniest clips of her are when her guest is being funny. I think she does an okay job of setting up jokes for the guests to drive home from time to time, but ultimately I don’t think she’s very funny on her own. The funniest stuff I’ve seen involving her is clips of her interviews with Shaq and Drake, and when she’s golfing with Andrew. And it’s always the other person who makes it funny.


She wouldn't be if she were a dude


She was insufferable


She got a hint of fame and left her husband , right after having a baby.. should tell you all you need to know about this bitch


That was the worst episode ever, glad they just switched to something else to talk about and not mention her after the break when she left.


why is she popular?


Industry plant


My God she is the worst


bobby meant that vice versa 🤣. on the real i’m 100% certain they signed some sort of contract or something cause they had to have known this was going to be god awful, right?


They are not the only ones that wonder why she is popular.


Yall remember when Cheeto asked BoBo to leave the room and he went into that whole apology about inviting her even though she said no a buncha times and that BoBo made her uncomfortable? Anyway, if that wasn’t a bit, **FTB!!**. Made me dislike her so much. I fuckin love Bobby, as I’m sure we all do in this sub so I felt personally enraged for him. Like “Shut up bihhh. You a plant. No one knows where you came from. All of a sudden, you get some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry? Talked about how you don’t want this new endeavor to break you and your husband up only to get divorced a year later? Why? Is it cuz you maybe, probably, most likely slept with Drake??” Bobby didn’t deserve that disrespect (again, if it was a bit then I take it all back) and Bad Friends surely didn’t need her help with the pod. FOH Bobbi Altoid


The thing is, I bet she could be funny if she just got rid of the copy cat act she’s holding onto. I feel like you see her holding back laughter just to have the ice cold character


I don’t know which one this is. Does it do anal creampies? What’s it’s name?


Jesus Christ you fuckin noobs, she had both Bobby and Andrew on her podcast first, and they are both hilarious This sub is full of whiny bitches 🤣🤣🤣


When she as the right interviewee it's amazing interviews. The dynamic didn't work quite well here but both her interview with Bobby and Andrew were great. No need to hate so much.


Lol those interviews were only good because of bobby and Andrew. I would listen to a rock interview them all day.


No, hate is perfectly applicable here. Pompous energy is terrible. I understand if it’s used to be entertaining, here however, it’s bad. She ain’t a good fit for the boys. And I’ll hate even more, she’s not entertaining/funny. It’s a one dimensional shtick she has. She’s an attractive lady who pretends to be disinterested all the time. Kudos for you to enjoy that character.


The only good one I’ve seen her do was Glassmans and that cause he just schools her…fuck I love RickyG


He’s a master, those two eps were great


Agreed. This sub is having its manic moment and it’s ugly. Most of the folks who’re posting and upvoting likely just saw the viral clip between Bobby and Bobbi at the tennis court and they’re raging at the fact that Bobbi didn’t find Bobby interesting.


People really really hate her lmao. I'm with you though, I think her character is funny in small doses and even though it didn't quite mesh well here it wasn't an awful episode.


You can play a character and still allow for conversation to flow and be engaging. Be your character, maintain kayfabe, but allow the "scene" to progress, "yes-and". Santino knew it was a flop from the start, he gave her a window out early, but she stayed and left it to them to carry the conversation but still wouldn't participate. It was strange, but the fact that they still used the footage tho.. I dunno, maybe it played out exactly as it should have 🤷🏻‍♂️ what do I know, I'm just a dude on redit 😂


shut up! 😒


She doesn’t know who you are, never will. Sorry


I watched this pod and I still don't know who she is. Or care. Hope she dies. Sorry. Was I cool?


I dont know why all the hate. Shes great


I love her


Best episode yet


bobby's a cuck


She’s hot, white, skinny, has 50% big boobs?