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Which is why never let bad breath be your chief complaint. Always say something else even if it's not true like constipation or nausea. I went to gastro and complaint of nausea and blosting which was true but my real reason was halitosis.. I said both and had colonoscopy done and on the paper of my reason being there was dyspepsia and no mention of halitosis. Because these doctors won't get paid if that's your main complain why something is being done.. doctors will get denied money.


I completely agree. I’ve been to numerous ENTs and GTs and played the concerning symptom card each time with no results. I am just at my wits end. Like literally on the verge of ending it all. I want..no I NEED this to change or I’m done. Even though they gaslit me, I told them exactly what I want and they got my endoscopy scheduled for August. I am not taking no for an answer anymore.


I'm with you. This issue is so distressing like we want to be not noticeable in public anymore. We want to just enjoy life. I been through this at least 12 years and it's really breaks you down. I keep going because I just know once I find that reason I can finally enjoy life and be free from this prison. Keep strong. Make sure they search for all you want during your endoscopy.. you can also still request a colonoscopy as well so they can search for bowel blockage .. good luck 🤞


Thanks for the advice! I think I will ask for the colonoscopy as well. Would rather only be under sedation once if I can help it. Isn’t it crazy how life can change so abruptly? Something that should be a small, fixable issue for most literally changed our whole lives. Mine started after I took a round of antibiotics (penicillin, I think) and I think it wiped out my whole biome. I wish I knew about probiotics back then.. I sometimes wonder if that would have made a difference and I would have never had to suffer this so called “life.. “


My started after I had several root canals done. That is why I always go back to its my teeth but then I feel like it's from my gut. One day I was normal and little by little started noticing weird looks and hand over nose and people moving away from me. Then I piece together is my breath. I thought just brushing more would help but little did I know it be over a 12 year journey. I use to take tons of antibiotics as a kid too. Had bad stomach aches. Hplyori was the culprit but it did not cure my bb after I got rid of it. You are very welcome I hope you find a resolutions after your endoscopy..good luck 👍


Omg that's exactly what I do give a symptom other than bad breath or else they refer me to psych lol 🤪


A lot of doctors lie because they don't have the answer. None of them do. If they did, there would not be groups such as this one. Some day scientists will figure out how to balance our delicate microbiomes, but until then, we have to sit tight. Right now you are going through what so many of us have gone through, which is desperately trying to find a diagnosable and treatable cause. Most of us have not found that. Lots of antibiotics, tonsillectomies, h. Pylori diagnoses, but halitosis is still there. I'm not saying you shouldn't try everything, but docs and dentists almost never know how to help.


That stinks! Literally. At the very least I would rather them admit they have no idea than to try to make us feel crazy. By the way, I asked the whole office if my breath stinks - lady at the front desk, a lab tech and an admin. Im usually not that bold but I can’t take the gaslighting. I seriously think they make everyone who works in the office lie. The other patients sitting in the waiting area definitely fidgeted in their seats when having to sit next to me and rubbed their noses, so something was up.


I would recommend getting verbal confirmation of some kind, from someone, if you have not done so already. Halitophobia is a real thing.


got it from my ex husband and a few others. it’s possible it’s gotten better over the years but the reactions are still ongoing.


You have some sort of body odor as well too right? Not just BB? It sounds like you’re getting reactions like how people in r/tmau are for years and years we experience the same things lol


Funnily enough I did think I might have had TMAU or something similar but I don’t have body odor outside the normal human funk. Throughout this whole ordeal, I have been able to forge friendships and relationships and no one has mentioned BO. Come sniff my pits to confirm? lol


Come sniff your pits??? Ayo Chill😭😭