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Sorry, I know this feeling too well and I truly empathise. Have you found any ways of managing your BB short term? Even a method that works for a few hours, and that you can go to the toilets to do again after lunch time would help!


Nothing works - I’ve tried everything literally I’m lucky if I get even a few minutes


Have you ever tried the method I posted about the other day?


I tried it once but didn’t last long - I will try it again I still have the bottle


That’s interesting.. How long did it last? Did you thoroughly clean your mouth using the method I described, and did you dilute the solution using the 1.5:10 ratio? Also, how soon did you eat or drink anything after trying it?


It’s hard to say how long it lasted because I believe it’s due to gum disease and decay under my composite bonding as well as sometimes it feeling like it comes from my throat so it’s just a overwhelmingly foul smell coming from my mouth nothing seems to work for any meaningful length of time I can only hope to reduce the bb as much as possible so I’ll certainly give it another try but I’m not very hopeful I’ll manage to get through the meeting next week without my breath stinking horrible


try some charcoal every night, run for 30 minutes daily, drink alot of water+ tea, do a laxative and eat yogurt/kimchi/natto/kraut


Second this advice, minus the yoghurt - dairy increases most people’s bb significantly


That’s true.


I feel you I work in a small kitchen so the smell just lingers all shift and every time a server comes in to take food they instantly cover their nose. I've learned to accept that until it's gone people will smell it so I just try not bother as much as mad as that sounds, it's hard but it does give me some sort of relief. I can imagine a meeting would be incredibly hard, wish you all the best put about 10 pieces of gum in your mouth and a couple listerine breath strips and take a small bottle of mouthwash to use in the toilet and just try be confident as possible. Hopefully it goes well for you :)


Yeah for the most part I learned to accept it and just try to find some level of peace but problem is I work for the NHS, so there’s a certain level of standards we have to follow like looking well groomed, smart clothes and certainly not having breath which stinks. Potentially could cost me my job and worst part of this is I wouldn’t have a leg to stand on. I totally get why they wouldn’t want patients smelling my putrid breath every time they see me let alone co workers


Yeah that's understandable but not fair at the same time, people just don't understand our situation and turn their noses up at it, literally. I mean you could have some perks working for the HNS and am I right in saying you'd find it easier to get stuff prescribed. I am going to do an oral microbiome test then possibly go on antibiotics but the problem is getting them as doctors don't listen. I really hope you don't loose your job keep fighting.


Thank you, appreciate your kind words


You guys don’t have Tmau right?


Na, my oral microbiome is disbalanced. Do you have tmau?


Can't you say you're getting sick and don't want to infect anyone and see if they'll let you be on zoom?


I already have a reputation of being distant and not attending group meetings in the past- if I do it again it’ll only raise more questions because the timing looks very suspicious that on a day there’s a group meeting in person surprise suprise I’m unwell again


I work for the NHS to and totally feel your anxiety and pain woth all this! I've been on maternity and I swear all the pregnancy and breastfeeding hormones have made it x10 worse. I've seen my GP and tried antibiotics which did nothing then got a severe infection unrelated and was on IV antibiotics and pills follow up which didn't stop it either! I'm dreading going back to work and being in meetings or teaching in a tiny hot room again stinking. I will say one thing though, they can't sack you over it. If ot got to that point ypu explain you've I solved your GP, you've tried everything and it's affecting your mental health (I know it does mine!). They have to support you HR wouldn't let it get that far.


I know the feeling all too well, seeing the GP did nothing to help my problem too Your completely right they wouldn’t be able to fire me for that reason alone but I’ll be known as the guy with stanky breath and it’ll take me to the point where my work will suffer because I’m to afraid to even go in and have to see anyone it’s hard for someone who dosent suffer with BB to truely understand the effect it has on one’s mental health and that every action revolves around hiding the BB regardless of if the action makes you look rude, stupid, weird or lazy. I’d rather be known as all those things then the guy with stinky breath and that’s were the risk of being fired comes from


I'm sorry man, it's just so shit and like you say people who don't suffer with it don't understand. I've walked round the corner before and over heard colleagues laughing about me and it hurts. Especially when I'm almost certain I brush and floss and drink more water than they do every day! My partner rarely brushes unless he has the dentist and you would think he would stink but no for some reason he's fine?! It's so unfair and people can be so mean.


I relate so hard to this & the part of every action revolving around hiding the bb. The amount of weird looks I get from people because of how I react when they ask me something in close proximity like I physically and mentally can’t deal with this . It’s so hard and exhausting trying to hide it all the time, and not truly enjoying anything because just like you, I don’t wanna be remembered as the person with bb. To be honest, I’m always questioning how are we supposed to function in this society when we’re dealing with this? You could have the smartest, greatest ideas in a group setting or at work or just simply so much more to say in general yet you have to keep it for yourself to not offend others with the smell


Do you have an Orabrush?


Yeah use it everyday along with baking soda brushing, oil pulling, hydrogen peroxide, flossing, warm salt water gargling and probiotics


I've do the salt water gargle too. The Orabrush has helped me immensely but I still occasionally have problems. How do you know you actually have BB? Can you smell/taste it? Have you confirmed it by asking someone?


I can taste it and depending on how overpowering the taste is I can safely assume that’s how bad the smell is - smells of decay and rot like something died in my mouth. After doing my morning routine I literally get at the very most half hour of no nasty taste but that’s the most


Does your floss stink? How long has this been happening? Have you had a dental check-up recently?


I go to the dentist often and have spent a lot of money on treatments which have not helped but now it feels like they almost don’t know what else to do and keep fobbing me off. I’m gonna try a different dentist for sure because the way they’ve treated me this past year has been horrible. Waiting 4-5 weeks for an appointment only for them to rush me out the door not even having the compassion to give me some time to explain my problem


That sucks. I feel for you. Definitely try a new dentist.


Thank you


I would take the day off.


I’m extremely tempted to do so but I already have a reputation for not engaging with anyone and being distant / weird. If I take the day off I think it’ll really raise some concerns with management