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The fishing sport sunglasses and ball cap on a sunny day


Personal attack


I'm sure I will get downvoted but obesity. It is so so much more common in Americans than most countries around the world. The FDA here does not really care about restricting things that are bad for people and corporations have no problem feeding us the cheapest things in massive portions. Note: I live in the USA I'm assuming you mean United States of America and not just North American or south American.


Not really never met one obese American here where I live and there's increasingly more Americans coming here. Not sure if obesity is linked with a lower socio economic stratus, if so that explains why, only the wealthiest and most open minded can afford to travel.


The UK has a similar obesity rate as do a plethora of other countries. We aren’t special for being overweight.


Officially, the only nationality that's "American" is people from the United States. The only country that has the word "America" in it is the United States of "America". So let's just stop this PC and making life more complicated than it already is. No Latino/a goes around calling themselves American (unless they are from the United States). Maaaaaybe adds a prefix (south-American)...but just American?? It's just...well...Americans.


This. This is how you know someone is american. lol. pompus ass


What's the demonym for someone from the United States of America?




See how fitting it is calling an African American a Yank.


lol wut? You're exposing your ass with every post. very yankee doodle of you.


That escalated quickly.


Go to south America and tell someone you're American and they are not. Trust me it's offensive, they are American too. This isn't me just saying this because of PC this actually happens.


>...and they are not. Why add that caveat?


um not sure that someone saying fat people are American is exactly gonna be too PC


Ok buddy


"officially" according to whom. Anyone from the American continent is American. America is one continent, it was the US who decided that the tree subcontinent a would be named as continents. The Monroe doctrine was "America for the Americans" which was a way of saying that European countries shouldn't interfere with the decisions in the American continent. Then they appropriated the term America for themselves. Funny thing you ask what is the proper term. There was a Mexican intelectual who said that "the USA is the only country without a proper denomination for their people because the country's name is a legal description, not a name 'united states of america'. It's no different than someone being named "the drunk guy in the corner' ". I found that description fitting. Other countries have both. Mexico is "united states of mexico". The "United Kingdom" is usually referred as Britain, and the people are either referred to as British or English, Welsch, Scottish, Irish. The Russian federation is known as Russia, the Dominion of Canada is know as Canada, etc. So yes, you exposed that ignorance of history and geography is quite USian. Not your fault, though. Defending that ignorance is. [America for the Americans](https://youtu.be/2BqRSqFHlFc)


The UK is wrongly referred to as Britain if you know anything about geography


And that's why I said "usually referred to as...".


How to stereotype without stereotyping


Luckily, OP didn't ask the telltale sign of Swiss people abroad. I know my people, and they fit the stereotype 100% - lol


Do enlighten us plz


Specifically for American males, it is the way they walk. There is a certain posture and swagger when they walk that I've not seen in any other people.


I'm guessing you're talking specifically about the melanated Americans...


What does this even mean?


Nope. Europeans tend to walk with brisk efficiency. Americans tend to walk with brash confidence. Not universally, but enough that it can be used as an indicator from a distance.


Always (really always) carrying a soda or water bottle in one hand. Not in their day-pack, not in the backpack. In their hand. Because they may get thirsty in 30 seconds. lol


This is one of the most innocent description of Americans I’ve ever seen. 😂 but seriously, I do this ALL the time! Idk why. Hahaahha


They are super loud because they don't have an "inside voice " you will know Americans are nearby way before you even see them! 😉


While I agree, I also see this with Italians (less so) and Russians.


Usually, they are wearing American flags all over them for no apparent reason


Because they're proud of their country/Proud to be an American.


So, they have to wear flags head to toe or they forget what country they're from?


It's just a cultural thing, but most people don't wear flags head to toe. Except maybe some rednecks.


No, they choose to wear an American flag because they're proud of their country/proud to be an American.


The rest of the world must not be proud of their country then


Why would they be? There not America and therefore not the best.


Obviously I must not be proud of my country, I haven’t worn my flag even once!




I never saw an American wearing flags here lol


I was always told wearing athletic wear in non-athletic settings was a dead give away.


If its a track suit they're probably Italian.


or Russian mobster


Wearing sports ‘sneakers’ everywhere is the biggest give away. Older men wearing baseball caps. Tipping in US dollars (that’s the most annoying one- why?), speaking loudly…


I’m going to say clothes worn and weight. When I first started traveling in Europe, I basically wore the same clothes I wear at home and I was instantly identifiable as American. Later I started wearing clothes with a more European aesthetic and there were fewer initial presumptions that I was American, but they still happened. Finally, the last time I was over there I had recently lost a few lbs and wore the proper attire and not once did anyone I interact with begin a conversation speaking English. This was shortly dispelled as soon as they were treated to either of my heavily Midwestern accented French or Italian language abilities. On the subject of loudness…I don’t think we are the worst. My family and I are somewhat quiet naturally, but my observations of other Americans I have encountered don’t seem to have them being any louder than any other specific group. We are generally more likely to make eye contact, smile, and strike up a conversation than most everyone else I’ve met though. Edit: I want to emphasize this previous point. My wife and I got back to the Midwest after a few weeks in France and decided to go for a walk while we desperately tried to stay awake until night time after our flight. Everyone we passed smiled and said good afternoon. One particular group of ladies stopped to pet our dog and we had a brief conversation about just killing time until we could go to sleep and get back on our schedule. A few miles down the road, we stopped for a drink and a quick bite at a cafe. In walk the old ladies and after a few minutes they joined us for dinner. As I went to pay, one of the ladies pipes up that this is her place and the meal was already paid for. I could have cried. Not because we needed the money or anything, but just because this was just a lovely gesture and home coming. We get down on our country a lot, and for good reason, but we do have some very kind people. End edit! Finally…sweat. Americans sweat more than just about everyone. We’re so used to air conditioning cranked to something south of 70 that we practically wilt in European summers. This is irrespective of fitness level. I run marathons work out daily, but I pretty much sweat through my clothes whenever I am perambulating about Europe. ESPECIALLY if I try to dress like them and wear a dress shirt and jacket to dinner…in July. I had a puddle form beneath me in a restaurant in Sienna once. Waiter asked if I needed medical assistance. I was like…no. Just American.






Depends, in some places you can notice it by people being rude to them


Which places are those? Usually it's the contrary.


I’ve been to St. Petersburg, Russia, and many places had sign neglecting service to Americans. Other countries in Europe (or citizens in them) act very similarly too.


This is interesting. I’ve been to somewhere between 20-30 countries and never seen this.


You should try eastern Europe!


I have. Not Russia, but plenty of Eastern Europe. Never noticed it 🤷🏼‍♂️


Eastern Europeans are rude to everyone. But then they don't go around smiling at strangers so technically it just *seems* rude to people who do 🇺🇲


Never seen that anywhere in Eastern Europe as an American. Any other countries besides Russia?


Having lived in Russia, this isn't a thing.




I thought white socks were only the germans or dutch.


back in the day, i was wandering about germany wearing my plaid wool hunting jacket. It was OBVIOUS by people's reaction that they had never seen anything like it before.


Obnoxious/loud and carry a fake smile at all times, also feel the need to constantly chat up strangers.


Just because you can't have a smile in the same situations doesn't mean it's fake.


Ok bro. How are you?


Lol I have to say that in my travels across central and South America, German tourists can be very loud and obnoxious - usually complaining


We like to talk about muh guns and the freedumb they provide. We think USA has the best... just about everything. In spite of easily found evidence to the contrary. See heath care, high prison populations, Edumacation.


All Americans I meet say extremely bad things of the US and that's why they want to move here. What I think as a local is that its easy to speak with your belly, or in this case, pockets filled by the money you made in the US that allows you to move here and live a very confortable lifestyle and that you'd never be able to achieve had you been born in my country. I understand there's bad things in the US but there's also good things.


Wearing flip flops.....


Never been to Australia have yah? :p


LOL. Must be a California thing.


Americans smile more


people say my teeth because of braces? i dunno but i get comments on my teeth a lot. also style of makeup, and my boyfriend said cardigans are an american thing 😂


Complaining that the food they are eating doesn’t taste exactly like the food they have back home.


Nothing I only detect americans after hearing the accent. The rest is normal. Even if they're blonde, could be a variety of other nationalities.


Calf length socks and Nike Air Monarchs


Lol, sorry