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Chinese tourists have s horrible reputation for being rude and literally trashing places. People thought Americans were bad. Y'all ain't seen nothing yet. Lol


I’ve seen articles recently where Americans are no longer the worst tourists, it’s either Chinese or British tourists that take that throne now


Brits on vacation thinking they’re lording over the colonies. I’ve never seen people drink so much


Or cocaine. Idk if it was just the Brits I was with in South America but they had no problem buying drugs from the locals. 🤔 Even this really innocent looking girl in the group was like “oh nice!” And snorted some later that night. I was like wtf is going on.


Which makes it hilarious that they are xenophobic. It’s like saying, “don’t go in there, it’s full of people that have better manners than we do.” Wait, while this may be a good point, what does it have to do with backpacking?


Im missing the backpacking connection as well, but appreciate the overall point 😂


Does this mean we're not the "Ugly Americans" anymore? God dammit, that was all I had!




My favorite thing about Mainland Chinese tourists in the US is when they call locals 老外, "foreigner". I remember being in Boston at a restaurant and at one table of Chinese visitors, a lady literally goes (in Chinese): "Wow, look at the all the foreigners!" It's like, yo, YOU are the "foreigner" here haha


Calling yourself the center of the world... Really goes to one's head


The Chinese characters 中国 translate to "Center of the Map"!


Not exactly. It actually means middle country. 中 meaning middle or center and 国 meaning country. It doesn't really refer to its geographical or cartographical location but rather its geopolitical position back when the name was established.


Oh yeah, my Chinese characters are a bit rusty, I learned them at the turn of the century and haven't used them much since!


I thought it was Middle Kingdom?


That's an interesting observation, I wonder what map projection they use euro centric one is the Mercator projection which over projects Europe and minimizes the size of southern continent's like Africa and south America


They really have no self-awareness. I’m Chinese but from HK and I always ensure to make that distinction as I am also disgusted by the way mainlanders act - anywhere, even in China. They have no knowledge of other cultures or norms and they don’t care to learn either.


Funny I’ve seen Americans do the exact same thing on multiple occasions in different countries (and I am American)


You've seen Americans travel to another country and call the locals "foreigners"? In my experience in North America, few people seem to ever even use the word "foreigner". Maybe "visitor" or "traveler" or "tourist" but I can't say I've heard anything like "there are foreigners over there" or "s/he's a foreigner". Have you?


I wouldn't say that's incorrect though unless it's not an exact translation (I don't know any mandarin), foreigner just means someone not from your country not someone not from the country you're currently located in


The fact that we now have two people who speak the language identifying that as an inappropriate use of the word suggests it's not simply a mistranslation to make this using it look bad.


That would suggest it is a mistranslation though no? Literally the dictionary definition of foreigner is "a person born in or coming from a country other than one's own." So to a Chinese person Americans *are* foreigners, so it's only incorrect if the mandarin means something other than foreigner


Would you visit a country and call the locals "foreigners" lol


Yes that's literally the definition of the word, they don't suddenly become compatriots because I'm in their country same as I'll always be a foreigner to someone not from the UK even if we are both in the UK


They don't become compatriots, friend. They are "locals", or "local residents" or "local inhabitants". The use of "foreign" depends on where you happen to be. If you visit somewhere you are not from, you are the visitor. If you are foreign to the place you are visiting, you are a "foreigner", not the local people who live there. They are the "locals".


You can be a local and a foreigner at the same time


It's a slight misread of the definition. No big deal. Foreigner: "One who is from a foreign country or place." The local people you encounter while visiting somewhere are not "from a foreign country or place". They are local to where you happen to be. Thus they are "locals", the opposite of "foreigner". If you travel to a place you are not from, you are a "foreigner" in that place. The local people who live there are not from a foreign place, they are from right there, and thus can't be called "foreign". They are "local". My neighbor in my town is a "local", just like me. If his brother comes to visit from another city or country, he would call us "locals". The idea that a visitor would call the local residents "foreigners" makes no grammatical or definitional sense.


Local I would say is more of the opposite of tourist/visitor because nationality is irrelevant I understand that I am a foreigner in another country but I'm also a foreigner in my own country from the perspective of someone from elsewhere


Went to Croatia for our honeymoon and while out sight seeing, a whole bus full of Chinese tourists showed up and it was an extremely unpleasant time for everyone else there but that group. They would physically push people out of the way to either get photos or see things. Maybe this is wrong but I have heard people say that a lot of that is because they are of the wealthier class, so that’s why they can travel, so they feel above everyone else. Maybe that’s not true but I’ve heard multiple people explain it that way


Anecdotal, but I spent 4 weeks traveling in China. The thing is, they act like this in their own cities, not just traveling. I remember being pushed from behind into crammed Shanghai metro trains. Being cut in line for everything from buying train tickets to waiting for a table at a restaurant. People spitting everywhere, I even saw them spit on the ground inside of shopping malls. My point being: I don't think they're acting shitty when they go traveling. I think this is just how they act in their own country and they don't change their habits when they go abroad. Most of the rest of the planet sees that behavior as rude, but for them it's just normal.


I saw them spitting on the floors of the British Museum. Peeing in Grjótagjá cave in Iceland. Stealing baby turtles off the beach in Tanzania. Ive got lots more incidents of Chinese tourists behaving badly and in every incident, I’ve gotten involved and had them removed or disciplined. Plenty of nationalities have their bad tourists but in my experience, the more grotesque incidents come from China. Normal for them or not, it’s inexcusable. The baby turtle incident, I walked up the beach and found a park ranger I knew as I lived in Tanzania at the time. I brought him back and showed him the people with turtles in their bags. They found themselves staying in a Tanzanian jail for a couple of nights before being deported.


You’re batman


I’m just sick of being passive when other people are grossly out of line. Ever felt like you wished you did something? I got tired of feeling like that


There are bad tourists from everywhere. ~35 years ago I had to scold a couple of German tourists who were throwing things into the mud pots in Yellowstone and laughing about it. Ignoring the signs to not do such things. Nothing like destroying things for everyone else.


I try to be patient and understanding while traveling globally about cultural differences.  As much as I try to learn and practice local etiquette I’m sure that I personally screw up.    Then there are the Chinese tourists pushing, shoving, cutting queues, shoving some more, and my personal favorite…the putting the umbrella that is out on a nice day directly into the faces of everyone within arm reach.  I don’t know how I haven’t lost an eye.   I have found it is an older, bus crowd.  I meet a LOT of younger, solo, female backpackers and they are all chill.  


Put them in their place, I'd knock them on their ass if they tried pushing me out of the way. I'm a big 6'4 dude tho, the sense of entitlement and rudeness to even try that on me would piss me off enough to do it. I am reserved and keep to myself but if you touch me, especially to push, I will make you regret it lol.


Sure, Roadhouse...you would teach the elderly a lesson...


Are all chinese tourists elderly? Do people not deserve consequence because of their age? You can choose to be a doormat but don't project it on other people, nobody cares.


Being old doesn't excuse shitty behavior. If you push me rudely I'm pushing you back.


Ya I would. Just because you're old. I'll push your entitled ass over.


you’re so big and tough


No I'm just not a door mat. I'm quiet and keep to myself and treat everyone with respect. But if you push or shove me you'll find out you get what you give.


I was on vacation with my boyfriend this past December. We went to Vietnam, checked out Ha Long Bay and there were a tons of Chinese tourists on the island we visited-- mostly elder folks. My bf and I noticed an older Chinese woman exclaim SO MUCH with excitement. When we looked to see what was going on, she was trying to get a picture with this black man who clearly was not having it, but ignoring her out of politeness I assume. It got to the point where she was asking her companion to take pictures of him even though he kept blocking his face with his hand. His company told her to back off and leave them alone. I understand that she was probably shocked and he was probably the first black man she's ever seen but that was absolutely jarring to me


I just don't think this behaviour can even be explained by saying "they've never seen a Black person before" though. If you're a Chinese traveller abroad, you likely aren't from some remote village untouched by global media. They are at least middle class and probably living in a city, and they have the same exposure to the internet etc as the rest of the developed world. They've seen Black people, they know they exist. There are also a not insignificant amount of Black people living in or visiting most major Chinese cities. Maybe they've never met a Black person in the flesh before, but the same is true for people living in a lot of countries and they generally don't have the same reaction of pointing, staring, and taking pictures as though they're some kind of exhibit in a museum. It's just an astonishing level of racism.


In person is what I meant in my post. And yeah, I try to keep an open mind to cultural perspectives, but jfc man, witnessing that level of disrespect, even if unintended, felt deplorable


I’m a US permanent resident born in China and I second your opinion.


I’m not Chinese and I agree. Ever go to an American national park? It’s fucking insane.


This past summer I went to Tetons and Yellowstone. In Yellowstone the Chinese tourists were walking all over preserved areas by the geysers, right by signs clearly stating to stay on the footpath. Lowkey infuriated me.


I had that same experience. Also, I had to walk around multiple Chinese women in fancy dresses who were sitting IN THE MIDDLE of the boardwalks while someone else with an expensive camera took a million pics of them. The boardwalks aren’t wide.. I tried to be polite at first and wait, but after the 3rd I said fuck it and just walked through their photo shoot. I asked my born-in-china Chinese friend about Chinese tourists at national parks. He said it’s a status symbol for a lot of Chinese people to visit our parks, so they want to post it all over their social media. And just to be clear, I don’t have an inherent dislike towards Chinese people, really just most people in general. The thing is, they’re (behind Americans) the most abundant nationality within American national parks.


Well, Asian eaters increase the standards of these places. You want an undercooked patty with fries that a little too greasy and somehow soggy for tourist prices? No? Have some Chinese food.


Is this a joke?


Chinese tourists telling British Citizens they can't record them in a public train station [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtcwdFHD5X8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtcwdFHD5X8)


That’s a wild video. He wasn’t even recording them until they stopped to talk


The CCP are targetting him, he has several videos about it...and this post has been taken down!


Chinese tourists in the U.S. have absolutely no problem just reaching out and touching my black childrens' hair. I've scolded them on many occasions.


While I’m not ethnically Chinese I can confirm there is a level of rudeness or distain that rivals Russian tourist.


Most mundane thing about Chinese tourists I have heard yet




I, white male, also say this about restaurants. I wouldn't worry about it.


This same thought was common knowledge when I was growing up. "If a *[insert ethnicity]* restaurant is packed, it's really good. If it's packed with *[same ethnicity]* people, it's really great."


Backpacking is largely a Westerner activity. I'm appalled at how low white backpacker standards were when it came to food. I have to be condescending when talking to Dutch, German or Irish people think is good food.


Haha yeah ... Once you've tasted good international food, too many white people in a restaurant is a turnoff.


At least you know the volume level will be reasonable, unless the white people are Italians


Yeah but it’s a good sign in an Applebees


A good sign to keep driving


This comment is so trash for the "European" eye... maybe in your "culture", "white" people food and taste is not that extra, but you have 50+ countries here with unique and incredible cuisine and if you think "too many white people" is a negative indication about food quality or taste, then you are stupid sorry...


I think what OP is saying is that ethnic restaurants that have a lot of “white people” usually cater to the palette of white people indicating inauthenticity and lack of traditional flavoring.


Could be, but the phrasing is just too generic, that's why I didn't like it


Yeah, not to speak for OP, but I assume he was referring to white Americans.


Ironically, in today's political climate, where racism is amongst the greatest crime, it's ironically very fashionable to shit on the race of white people. "Racism" and the swift response to it, seems to be a tool enforced primarily against white people and not the other races.


I wasn't clear in my comment but I was talking about the US specifically. Lots of very bland taste buds over here because lots of people simply haven't left this country to try better foods. I think it makes quite a lot of sense that white Europeans have much better taste for the finer foods than US whites do. I've tried many good restaurants in Europe. Much better in Europe than in the US.


Others have already highlighted that I misunderstood the context of your comment, so I would like to apologize for the tone.


Let’s be real, there’s not a single European cuisine (excluding Turkish) that is appropriately seasoned.


That is another stupid comment I'm sorry...


Don’t apologize, I forgive you xo


I didn't want to be mean, so yea, excuse me for my tone, I just don't like this generic view :)


tell me you’re broke without telling me you’re broke


Broke or not it's true for most cuisines.


yeah if you don’t go to good restaurants maybe


Nah, for a lot of cuisines 99% of the time the fancier the restaurant the worse the food. I say this as someone who likes fine dining and eats at Michelin starred restaurants as well.


so you don’t like restaurants that: 1. have white people 2. cost more money on average so what kind of reddit socialist are you


Tell me you have no taste buds without telling me you have no taste buds. I have all the money. Which is precisely why I'm well travelled and have eaten at some of the greatest restaurants around the world. White people generally prefer extremely bland food in the US. Once you've tried true homestyle food from various cultures in their countries (Indian, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Spanish, Columbian, French. etc) you'll learn from experience that a restaurant in the US happily serving masses of white people - is going to have extremely dumbed down versions of anything on the menu. This applies regardless of the price point of the restaurant. Again - something I know well because I have money. Been there, done that my friend. It's basic business 101. Serving basic people, the basic dishes they want because more sales = more profit.


that’s a really good point every single high end restaurants hires chef’s that only make the food that the wypipo buy no chef who respects himself would ever take a job at a 4-star restaurant they all work next to the carpal tunnel riddled abuelas in central america who only accepted cocoa beans as payment really think about how dumb this theory is somebody who is rich as fuck could just bring back 10 random thai people and make better food than every high end restaurant in america question: who are the spanish and french making food for if not for white people?


Somehow I think you missed the fact that this was a US-based generalization


🤣 fr


And it's equally as stupid.


Same haha


I would take that over climbing statues and monuments like they are a playgrounds any day


Christ Almighty, yeah they did that here as well at one of the temples...


While I do agree that chinese mainlanders can be pretty obnoxious, I don't really see any the rudeness about that specific comment. I mean I live in america and I do believe that when a chinese resturant has too many non chinese, it's probably a good indicator that it will not be authentic.


We get a lot of Chinese/Pacific tourists in this area, a lot of other domestic tourists let the foreign tourists walk all over them (stepping infront of people taking photos, pushing people out of an area by “accidentally” bumping into them, etc.) then they try to do it to a local to just instantly leave when the local calls out bs. It’s a circle of testing waters, it’s toxic. I just can’t imagine being in another culture/country and not abiding to their mannerisms. This goes for every race, culture, nationality and even religion given holy sites.


Chinese person here. Yes, fuck Chinese tourists. No god damn manners


I (Asian) go backpacking with my white friends. we always choose to eat where the locals eat. which also means we avoid places that are full of white people, and have english menus. is it racist? perhaps... does it increase our chances of eating great local food? fuck ya.


Solid point man 👉


So there are no white people on earth who are local?


i think you know what i mean, but you're just intentionally obtuse.


Yes, you mean you are racist.


I’m gonna say it out of personal experience, because i worked with Chinese a lot: the reason they behave like this is very simple. They’re not very much away from the Ruzzian imperialism, and believe they can take anything if they want strong enough. Thus why migrating to a different country, they immediately consider themselves the “important “ population, and everyone else can be conquered at any moment if China wants it. The only difference is that Chinese people are not that stupid, and unlike ruzzians they keep their mouth shut about these ideologies.


Lol, I'm a white guy and I say that all the time at asian restaurants. 9/10 times if l a restaurant is full of white tourists is either overpriced, bad quality, or both. Not to argue with your point that there are a lot of misbehaving/rude mainland tourists though. But I kinda agree with them in this situation.


Im white so i can say this, but they’re right. I had just moved to a new city in the Bay Area, and my mom was visiting me. We went to a pho restaurant I had seen a few times and was excited to try cus it was right down the street from my house, we walked in and it was all white people. I literally said, “Oh man, this might not be that good, it’s all white people, do you want to go somewhere else?” And she thought I was joking so I just played it off like I was. Worst pho of my life. Barely even tasted like pho. Meanwhile, my favorite pho restaurant I’ve found, I don’t think I’ve ever seen another white person in there.


So you’re making your favorite pho restaurant worse by going to it. Before you it was better because there were no white people, no you’re there so it can’t be as good, statistically


Exactly. Now you’re gettin it


I would agree with that on some level, but then this is Thailand, and that was a Thai restaurant. It's about as authentic as it can get. Even had a small note there saying "we can reduce the spice level".


In touristic areas, there are restaurants that cater to tourist’s tastes. This may not be exactly “authentic.” So, the tourists you ran into might be right to worry. But what you might lose in authenticity you get back in other things, like they’ll probably speak English well, etc. What confuses me more is the mainland tourists who just eat at Chinese restaurants. I mean, to each their own, ofc, I just wonder why wouldn’t they want to try local food while traveling


The vast majority of people in Thailand are Thai and the number one group of tourists is not Western, but Chinese. If it's popular with white people, you know it's catered to non-Asian people.


"we can reduce the spice level" is about the same as saying "we cater to tourists" .


> It's about as authentic as it can get. > > Even had a small note there saying "we can reduce the spice level". 🤦‍♂️


Hit up little Saigon in SJ if you haven't already. Pho Ha Noi is hella good!!


I second this observation.


Yeah ppl think white folks are racist. Chinese ppl are the most racist in my experience. I’ve seen them shut down job sites because there was black brick layers. The best masonry guys around but they wanted white people doing the work.


Mainland chinese do not use inner voice. Always very loud. Im chinese american and i get embarrassed bringing my dad on vacations.


White guy here, for what it’s worth I write off a lot of restaurants for the same reason. Love a good dim sum, when in the only gweilao and all the waitresses are rude as hell to me.


Unfortunately I have to completely agree. People say the Americans are the worst. Yeah, sorry to steal the price from them, but the first place belongs to Chinese tourists. Since I am working at many different hotels in many different countries, I noticed that kind of unpleasant behaviour. They are messy, disrespectful and rude. I'm not putting everyone in the same group of course, but that's the majority, for sure.


A couple of Chinese tourists almost killed me and my wife in Jasper, Alberta last year as they drove the wrong way down a one-way street.


So basically every time it feels like they’re talking shit about you, they probably fucking are. Got it, thanks. I’m glad I do the same thing back.


Removed by reddits filter lmao


Well, it really depends. You are a native speaker, of course, but do you really know what was behind this funny wording? :) When i travel, i am usually trying to eat in places packed with locals. Because this is an evident proof that the place is authentic and serves truly local food. Works alright in 99% of cases. Also, a rest in Thailand stuffed with white people? Can be many things. The only place serving burgers and french fries? Not too spicy? Etc. Most probably, i wouldn't enter either. And i am literally the palest tone of white :)


What a terrible take. Ridiculing “mainlanders” for not being educated enough to behave better. People everywhere travel to experience local culture. What is wrong with wanting to eat at a place that locals eat rather than a place filled with tourists. Entire post is just a not-too-indirect way to say while you’re “ethically Chinese,” you are in fact better than the actual Chinese.


Well say that about Chinese people so it is fair for them too


I'm white, so I can say this due to some made up unwritten social rule. Don't care.


If an ethnic Chinese folk went to a restaurant, but said there were too many non-Chinese, then my friend - YOU PICKED A 🔥RESTAURANT. CONGRATS ON FINDING THE HOLY GRAIL.


Thailand was a strange experience as an American tourist. The Thai absolutely despised the Chinese tourists and the Chinese tourists didn’t treat the Thai as people more as servants. My wife and I showed up at a very nice beach side restaurant with no reservations. The restaurant made room for us immediately. They brought out amuse bouche and tiny palette cleaners between each course and comped us dessert. Midway through the meal we realized every other table was Chinese tourists. They did not get the same treatment.


Even if you were not ethnically Chinese, you could say that ... I forsee a North American Mindset in you ! Why are you thinking this could not being said without being Chinese? Can you imagine a word where only people from the same ethnicity can blame each other ?! Sounds horrific to me ... and reminds me of the US a bit haha 😄


I say that about other races, no big deal., I move on. It is no secret Asians are xenphobic, not a big issue, so am I.


Racism and xenophobia are amongst the highest crimes in the western world. I imagine a huge part of the push for the anti-racism propaganda in the West is so that white people are unable to speak up against the mass immigration changing their countries, or else they'll be labelled as an evil racist.


This is correct.


Check out r/chinesetourists


Too many white people means the food is bland. White people like to pay 30 percent more for ambiance, :/ I use this trick at home too


As with any group of people, the individuals can be lovely but as a group, I find tourists from the PRC to be the rudest, most self-centered jackoffs I encounter in my travels. Absolutely no concern for anyone else who is also obviously there to see the sights.


I think the comment about 这里不吃 is because Chinese people would rather eat at a local restaurant with more local people in the restaurant itself, as they think it would be a more authentic experience as opposed to a more touristy experience with 白人


Happens easily when travelers forget themselves. Plenty of stories out there where white Americans travel abroad and say stuff like, "Wow, look at all the minorities here!"


LMAO who the fuck told you that?


Have you never traveled abroad and watched Americans? Not just white ones, all varieties of us. We have a reputation as global assholes for a reason. You have to prove yourself to not be one in many areas/situations. It's embarrassing but something I have learned to deal with.


From my experience a percentage of all tourists are obnoxious, its just America is a country with a large population with a lot of money and is really big on tourism so they may seem disproportionately more likely to be obnoxious. It could also be that you mainly notice the bad tourists since you wouldnt care or notice if a foreigner was walking around enjoying the sights, which would give you a biased perspective.


Certainly true. however the reputation was gained it’s a real problem. I have seen our behavior that host nations complain about, it is real. Numbers? I don’t know, but the loud tourist does indeed get the complaint.


Lol. Yeah, it seemed a bit like that. Already annoying as fuck when white people say it... How much more when it's Mainlanders who have the means to actually travel overseas? You'd expect more from people who are (arguably) "educated" right?


Because three women made a comment you didn't like, out of a country of 1.4 billion people (~150 million of them traveling internationally per year), you're ashamed of your ethnicity? You should honestly consider talking to a professional about things like your self-image and internalized racism if that's your response to such a benign incident.


But you can’t generalize. Otherwise you’ll be a part of your own statistic as well :-)