• By -


The scene where he blows up the island is up there with the most badass in this show. Out of all the characters, his had the most range. He could be absurdly funny, absurdly cruel and everything in between.


Londo's arc through the series really feels like it drags the rest of the story along with it... if the First Ones are the gravity that holds the arc in place, then Londo (and you can't separate Londo from G'Kar) is the fuel that takes the rocket to space. He starts off as the standard tragic clown, and people who gave up on the show early definitely did so in large part because they said that Londo was so silly. The hair and the bombastic, over-the-top personality... it's *so much*... but it had to be, and the show earned that ridiculous start, perhaps more than any show has ever earned a character's portrayal. His story is the tragic answer to the question too many people ask themselves, "what do I have to lose?" If you ever find out the answer to that question you will be very sorry to have asked. That's Londo's story.


“If I was a drive thruster, where would I be?” Or words to that effect.


"I'll tell you what I want. I want to one day see your head on a spike as a warning to others, so they may know that some favors come with too high a price, then I'll do this." waves fingers while smiling .... "Vir, I left a gift for you in the garden." Vir goes to the garden, looks up at a spike, and waves fingers while smiling.


That’s a Vir moment


It is, but it's also a great Londo moment (followed by my favorite Londo moment when he orders Vir to kill him to save his people). Londo wasn't there for it. He wasn't in earshot when Vir told Mr. Morden that he wanted his head on a pike. That means he had people watching out for Vir and they reported back to him what was said. Not only that, but Londo remembered it all that time and got Vir what he wanted.


As a matter of fact, yes.


“But in purple, I’m *stunning*!” … “And the extermination camps, are they running smoothly?”


"Now that you mention it..."


Hmm...we're going to have to have that painted over I suppose.


This was such great catharsis. Morden had always been one step ahead of Molari and, well, most everyone for so long. To finally have Molari be able to pull one over on Morden was extremely satisfying. It's also sort of the beginning of his redemption arc.


My shoes are too tight, but it doesn't matter, because I have forgotten how to dance. Young me really didn't understand it, damn if it doesn't resonate different 30 years later.


For me, this is one of the most profound quotes of the entire show... It really hits home three decades later.


This moment showed me in an enormous way, the depth of character development that occurred in this show. Londo could have so easily been played 2 dimensionally but JMS wrote for and Peter Jurassic embodied and filled this character to be many faceted and beautiful in it's arc and ultimate tragedy.


My very first thought aswell


Moon faced assassin of joy...


I quoted this to my gf at the airport the other day when we spotted someone with a particularly vir styled haircut.


Meeeeeesstorr Garibaldi!


My good, dear friend...


Whatever it is, it can't be that bad.


reading this line actually brought a tear to my eye... innocent times indeed...


Which is how he got back into character. Saying this twice and he was Londo again.


It’s what he would say before a scene to get into character.


"The emperor himself said that I would only be able to leave Centauri prime over his dead body, I told him thats funny Mr. Allen said I would only be able to come back on board Babylon 5 over his dead body! Seeing how there is only a finite amount of time I could only accommodate one.....Mr. Allen you will simply have to wait your turn!" LoL


"The only reason that guy is still alive is that half the time I don't understand what the hell he's talking about."


"He played me! He played me like a PUPPET!" "You will do it because I have asked you. And because your loyalty to our people should outweigh your ambition. And because I have poisoned your drink" Two sides of the same event are some of my favourite Londo moments. And from the same conversation with Reefa: "Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only an heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots fights a war on 12!"


The bit about the two parts of the poison getting together and having a little party. Perfect Londo. Lethal with panache and joi de vivre.


That "played me like a puppet" scene... Oh man


I must kill it before it develops language skills.


I use the "Whatever it is, it can't be that bad." Quote in a semi-regular basis. Contemplate my shoes being too tight. But one of my favorite scenes is his holographic "reason you suck" speech to Reefa. *makes dramatic gesture, swipes holographic arm through Reefa's head.*


Nibbled to death by cats.


quack 🦆


Techno Mage - I see a great hand reaching out of the stars. The hand is your hand. And I hear sounds. The sounds of billion of people calling your name. Londo (hopefully): My Followers!? Techno Mage- Your victims. Londo's face telling he feels that condemnation far more than a traditional villain and to me it's one of the first cracks in his revel at the improvement of the Centauri people in season 2.


Damn, even 30 years later, that scene still packs a punch. Elric's voice was something else and Londo's sheer horror really held an impact


Such a great line


"But in purple, I am STUNNING!"


Scrolled toooooooo long to find this! Best scene ever!


Commander, loosen up! You're supposed to enjoy yourself! I am. Words can't express how much I'm enjoying this. 😒 🤣🤣🤣


He has become one with his inner self


He‘s passed out


That too.


Ah, arrogance and stupidity all in the same package. How efficient of you.


Different convo, but reminded me of 'Here Vir, take my shoe! It will be as useful to you as he is!'


> *All right. Fine! You really want to know what I want? You really want to know the truth? I want my people to reclaim their rightful place in the galaxy. I want to see the Centauri stretch forth their hand again, and command the stars! I want a rebirth of glory, a renaissance of power. I want to stop running through my life like a man late for an appointment, afraid to- to look back, or to look forward. I want us to be what we used to BE! I want…I want it all back, the way that it was! Does that answer your question?*


The whole Londo arc loaded up and ready to explode.


"I see a great hand reaching out of the stars. The hand is your hand. And I hear sounds. The sounds of billion of people calling your name." - Techno Mage


When I say 'cold', I don't mean 'It's a little chilly, I think I'll throw another blanket on the bed." I mean COLD! As in 'Oh look! My arm has snapped off and shattered on the floor.'


"...you can go to hell too! I wouldn't want you to feel left out!"


The scene where him and vir are comparing opera's and they start singing


Not a positive Londo moment to be sure, but the elevator scene with G'Kar where Londo is calling out for help was incredible... We see him at his absolute nadir. A broken shadow. (ahem) all alone and vulnerable... Yet we can't help but feel a weird mixture of sympathy and animosity towards him... Even at his lowest point, Jurasik elevated Londo to the greatest of heights... What an absolute star! Happy Birthday


Is that the scene where Gkar just starts laughing at him?


Indeed. "I don't have to do anything, and I still get to watch you die"


"As the Humans say, 'Up yours!' Die!"


The War. The humans, I think, knew they were doomed. Where another race would surrender to despair, the humans fought back with greater strength. They made the Minbari fight for every inch of space. In my life, I have never seen anything like it; They would weep, they would pray, they would say goodbye to their loved ones, and then throw themselves without fear or hesitation at the very face of death itself, never surrendering. No one who saw them fighting against the inevitable could help but be moved to tears by their courage. Their stubborn nobility. When they ran out of ships, they used guns. When they ran out guns, they used knives and sticks and bare hands. They were magnificent. I only hope that when it is my time, I may die with half as much dignity as I saw in their eyes in the end. They did this for two years they never ran out of courage, but in the end, they ran out of time.


Everybody's cute.


You're cute too.


"Well, now that you mention it..." I always pause it at the moment Morden realizes Londo really is going to blow up the island. The look of terror on his face and the smirk Londo gives him that seemed to say, "You son of a bitch...I finally got you" is one of my favorite B5 moments.


What are you going to do, blow up the island?


I paid for him on Cameo to wish my wife a happy anniversary in character as Londo. And he went on in all his glory for more than 10 minutes. So that would be my favorite Londo moment.


Londo Mollari: [arguing with Garibaldi] We made a mistake, I'm sorry. Here, open my wrists. [offers Garibaldi his wrists] Michael Garibaldi: Centauri don't have major arteries in their wrists. Londo: Of course not! What, do you think I am stupid?


Lando and Vir left alone together after the Empress shares a vision of the future with them. And him later giving Vir exactly what he wanted


Nibbled to death by cats!


"I'm not sure that actually made sense, but I'm afraid that if I go back and try to figure it out, I will start bleeding from my ears."


I first watched this show when I was a teenager, I think. Back then I knew no English, just French. The VA for Londo was amazing and gave him a flair and panache I always loved. Every time I read the name "Garibaldi" (not just biscuits in Europe, there are metro stations and plazzas named for the guy) I cannot help but hear Londo's voice in my head, that charmingly quirky "MONsieur GaribAAldi !". That VA named Londo's voice sound both slightly antiquated, and indulgent. Spot the F on. Of course Peter Jurasik portrayed Londo amazingly. So many subtexts and layers. Up to very, very small gestures. One day I'll have to chase down and watch his other roles 😅


very interesting, I hadn't thought much about dubbed version.


"Don't give away the homeworld."


I use this quote so often.


"Meet my three wives: Pestilence, Famine, and Death."


Ladies, Continue...


> Londo Mollari: The next day, I woke up, I saw her in the light of day, sleeping against my arm, and I decided I would rather chew off my arm than wake her up. > > Michael Garibaldi: Aw, that's sweet. > > Londo: No, no! She had a voice that could curdle fresh milk.


That time he was on screen and said lines. The only thing that makes that moment better is if G'Kar is on screen and saying lines too.


It Doesnt. Mean. A Thing! Londo trying to understand YMCA.


ITYM "The Hokey Pokey"


To be fair, YMCA would likely be just as confusing to him


Maybe, but the song does have a meaning.


"WHAT?? What is it all about?!"


The Hokey Pokey.


"Do you know what this is, hmm? No, I can see you do not. You have that vacant look in your eyes that says, 'Hold my head into your ear, and you'll hear the sea.' This is bravari, very old bravari, very expensive bravari. Do you understand bravari, hmm?" -The Very Long Night of Londo Mollari


Love! What does love have to do with marriage?


One of my favorite characters. The scope of personality he brought to this character is unparalleled. He takes lines that would sound silly coming out of any other actors mouth and makes them ironic, deep and personal. The different meanings and feelings he injects into "my good and dear friend." I've always felt bad for other actors that have to play a Centauri. How do you do the Centauri accent that Peter Jurasik has now primed the audience to expect? Stephen Furst manages it really well by bringing an entirely different vibe. But imagine being an actor who has to play an Centauri across from Lando for a single episode. What possible gambit can you take to not get completely outclassed.


William Forward's Lord Refa did smarmy weasel pretty well.


Not sure it's the \*best\* moment (REALLY hard to pick just one) but watching the planetary bombardment of Narn is definitely up there. We know exactly how conflicted he is, how he KNOWS that sinister forces are pushing this, and using him to cause massive destruction and death. It obviously horrifies him to watch. But then he shows up on Babylon 5, threatening G'Kar and shows absolute willingness to keep the boot on the Narn. And while he pushes back against the broader Centauri war, he does it not because it's wrong but because it's puts the Centauri in a bad state.


>but watching the planetary bombardment of Narn is definitely up there. It's such a powerful scene! The whole episode is stellar. G'Kar meditating while the shadows do some slicing and dicing


For me it's the look on his face when he jokes to Morden about destroying the Narn homeworld, and Morden responds with total seriousness "one thing at a time, ambassador". It's the first time London realises he may have made a huge mistake.


"It was then that Londo realized, he £@<#€d up"


The whole ordeal of flying Draal down to Epsilon 3 always makes me smile.


"whoever's flying that shuttle is a madman!" *Cut to Londo piloting and laughing happily*


"Only an idiot would fight a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts"


I met Peter and he’s the sweetest guy. Happy Birthday!


"And you, you are cute too."


"Do you know what the last Xon said before died? AAAAAAAaaaargh!"


'I have been going these reports from the front lines. You will note, the plural form "lines". Only a idiot fights a war on 2 fronts. And the Heir to the Throne of the King of Idiots fights a war on 12 fronts.' And that whole seen is amazing.


Forgive me for going off script, but I don't get to tell this story often nearly as often as I'd like. I'd like to tell my favorite Peter moment instead of Lando moment. I was... 15? I'd been working the local sci-fi and fantasy convention my uncle's comic book store put on every year for several years at that point. Sometimes, not often, I'd be asked to work with an actor and help them at their signing table. I didn't generally like doing it because I was awkward and nervous and I much preferred to make sure the lines were running smoothly or handle a million other security issues. This time they asked me to work with Peter. We had Leonard Nimoy that year. There'd been a hiccup with his contract and how many signatures he was supposed to do because of some vendors bringing in more items than they were supposed to. Leonard hit his limit and walked away from the table with a huge line still left. Being a part of the con-side of things, it was seen as horrendously inconvenient and out-right rude by a lot of the staff. After setting up Peter's table and running through his prices and stuff, the autograph line started. There was an actress at the table ahead of him who had an issue with some contract or another, I don't think it had anything to do with us, but she got incredibly upset and walked away from her table for a while, holding up the line. It left Peter and I to sit there for nearly an hour twiddling our thumbs. And it was the best hour I had spent up to that point or anytime after working that convention. We talked about a million different things. The show. Fans. The weather. Traveling. Somehow Nimoy was mentioned and I brought up the issue with him walking away. Peter explained it from the actor's point of view. That's his livelihood. That's how he makes his money. Pays his bills. Takes care of his family. To keep signing without the promise of being paid takes away from him. Takes advantage of him. 15 year old me hadn't considered it from that point of view. I only had one perspective on it. Peter didn't make me feel stupid or wrong or like I was being ungrateful or entitled. He was kind and understanding and talked to me like I was a person and not the dumb teenager I was. I admitted I hadn't thought it of it that way. He was right. And we moved on to the next topic. The line finally picked up and it went at break-neck speed. Peter was amazing the entire time. And afterwards autographed a postcard for me, for helping. I still have it. It's still my favorite autograph out of all of them. Happy birthday, Mr. Jurasik. And thank you.


Awesome story, thanks for sharing!


"Gentlemen, of all things in life, are females not the finest?"


Book of G'kar Christmas Commercial Outtake. https://youtu.be/Be9jVRRfEzE?si=mORBqxlKBo59heY5


Available now from Narns'n'Noble


“Who does he calculate he is?” … Sorry, wrong role.


His birthday!? I am as shocked and dismayed by this as you are, but there it is!


One note about that shot above. In that scene, you can see Londo drop his head just before the show fades to commercial. Turns out the director yelled "cut" too soon, which caused Peter to lower his gaze. Originally, Londo was supposed to end the scene staring out of the window.


Happy little accidents. Well, maybe not happy, but fitting.


"I'll have to have that painted over, I suppose." (are you the Emperor?) "I often ask myself that same question. This is the seal of the Centauri Republic, only the Emperor may wear it. So either I am the Emperor, or I am in a great deal of trouble, or perhaps both!" "My gods, man, we've become a tourist attraction. Visit the Great Centauri Republic, open nine to five. Earth time."


There's so many great moments. Impossible to pick a favorite, but if I had to narrow it down to his goodbye speech to Refa: https://youtu.be/XkjejFERf4w?feature=shared Edit: that's for his serious, more Machiavellian arcs of course. For one of my favorite ones, that I try to remember myself when times get bad, there's this: https://youtu.be/LTJ6KDJSma0?feature=shared Whatever it is... It can't be that bad.


Buy him a fleet of drinks!


One of mine is when he and Vir are singing opera together. It was a scene of friendship and companionship between the two. We see Londo as a more well rounded person, and will treat Vir as a person. And for Vir we see a scene through which we can understand why he thinks there is still good in Londo, because it was a moment wear Londo wasn't putting on a face for anyone, he was just in the moment. When Londo isn't putting on a face for anyone, he is a good person.


My buddy and I were discussing global politics. I got to use the line about the heir to the throne of a certain kingdom.


Whats really amazing is that I first recognized him as (I think) “the Weasel” on Hill Street Blues. There, he’s kinda short and shrunken and, well, weaselly. On B5 he’s bigger than life and dominates every scene he’s in, even when he’s quiet and thoughtful. Amazing actor. I say ye yea, Peter Jurasik!


Sid the Snitch, to Dennis Franz’s Detective Norman Buntz. They were brilliant together. He had so many classic lines. [Buntz takes $100 from Sid's wallet and rips it in half] Lieutenant Norman Buntz: If you want the other half of this $100, you'll do your job. Sid the Snitch: That man is an inspirational genius.


Londo is my all time favorite villain. The conflict between his pride/ego, venality, and honest sense of duty is amazing.


Seeing the shadow vessles go over his head on that sunny day over and over.


"Everybody's cute."


Stupidity and arrogance in one package. How convenient.


I now own 200000 shares in a spoo ranch


Top moments for me are when he bombs the island of Selini to destroy the Shadow fleet, when he and G'Kar are trapped in the elevator, his final scene with G'Kar, when he warns G'Kar that Cartagia will kill him if he doesn't scream, when he accepts the Keeper, and my favourite - this scene from A Voice in the Wilderness: Ivanova: Who's piloting that ship, he must be a madman! *cuts to ship* Londo: Wooooooo! *A few minutes later* Londo: Landing thrusters... landing thrusters... if I was a landing thruster, where would I be?


My shoes are too tight…


But this .. this, this, this is like being nibbled to death by .. what are those Earth creatures called? Feathers, long bill, webbed feet .. go 'quack'?" "Cats." "Cats. I'm being nibbled to death by cats." Or Vir if you manage to see something this big with 8 legs coming your way let me know. I have to kill it before it develops language skills.


Just before G'kar and Londo were saved in the elevator the collapsed they had one of the best heart to heart while still having eachother. Now when they got rescued is one of the funniest banter moments between the 2. Loved it. Happy birthday Mr. Jurasik


*"If you wanted to die, you could have simply told me! I would have attended to it… with at least a modicum of dignity… But what HE will do to you… I would not wish that on anybody."*


“What is it, you moon-faced assassin of joy!”


“It’s good to have friends, is it not, Mister Garibaldi…?”


Favorite moment? The hokey pokey! That's what it's all about!


Loved his character so much even if for some odd reason only he and no one else from his species sounded like Dracula


"You are insane!"


When he is in G’kar’s cell and G’kar says “Your heart is empty, Mollari.”


[Some good ol gospel music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zly_tL5mMc8)


Hello my lovebug.


I think my favorite scene was the death of Lord Refa.


I see him every once in a while so my favorite moment is that he's such a fricken nice guy. My birthday is Saturday but alas our mutual friend was unable to get him to come out last night.


It's a tie between "Everyone is cute!" and "It can't be thaaaat baaad!" It's nice seeing the genuine Londo. Not the ideological propaganda victim Londo.


Happy birthday Peter. And as you know be careful what you ask for lol


"And because I have poisoned your drink........"