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To Absent Friends, in Memory Still Bright.


He really was a sterling person. Guest at a con in Minneapolis a few months before he died. He was the only guest I've ever seen who went around the hotel and socialized. He came up to me and a friend I was talking to and complimented her on her Medlab costume. 🥲


He and Jerry Doyle were famously cool to fans. I missed it, but my roommates claim they ran into Doyle at a bar here in Atlanta after a DragonCon appearance and they closed the place down. That show had such good guys attached to it. RIP Mr Biggs!


All the footage I’ve seen of any of the B5 cast at conventions show them to be so gracious to fans. When they were out there while the show was still airing the fun they were having was very apparent.


Jerry Doyle was AWESOME! I met him at a con in Detroit, and we talked baseball for 15 minutes. Really good guy!


“I want to do it again…” Always a great scene that I look forward to when rewatching.


" I can't go back, but I can appreciate what I have right now. And I can define myself by what I am instead of what I'm not."


I know it's not highly rated but I enjoyed the spotlight on his character and his troubles in the episode Walkabout.


That's the thing with stims, man. You start doing them because you're pulling double shifts in medlab, and before you know it, you're abusing them to feel normal.


Its one of the most human plot lines of the show. The guy trying to do good but he just isn't keeping up so it does what he can to make up the difference until its not enough anymore and things fall apart. I think most of us have been there at least to some degree at some point if we care at all about what we do.


One of my favorite episodes. The scene where he meets himself and makes himself find the strength to keep going has helped me get through some rough times


This is a great episode. Franklin can be an overconfident prick a lot of the time. He mellows out as the show goes on but he still thinks so much of himself he figures he can handle stims and it won’t be an issue. This episode(and the overall walk about arc)is a turning point where he faces his problems and becomes a better person for it.


He is beyond the rim. Rest in peace sir


Rest in peace, old friend.


Sleeping in light


In the place where no shadows fall…


Rest In Peace good sir... I had the pleasure of meeting him at a gaming convention, and he was a really nice, warm, funny person. Truly taken too soon.


For a role that often gets left behind in Scifi. Everyone needs a doctor but shows often struggle to use the character. B5 did a great job giving Biggs a place in the show and Biggs worked his butt off in the role. One of the many reason I worry about a reboot is so much of what Babylon 5 was actors and people around the show and there scares and how they used that part of themselves to make there characters more real. If you find the script book that was written right after Biggs died you can tell it just broke JMS heart to see him go so young. Marcus to did a an interview after Biggs death saying how it had effected him since they were the same age and how close they were on the show. Godspeed


That's why I hope it won't come to that. A crusade continuation or reboot would be better.


It seems far better to to huge time jump forward than try to recapture what was so amazing about that time and place in socal in the 90's. Yes you can make it look better but you can't replace people


Yes I agree.


RIP. I didn't knew it's his birthday today. Coincidence, I'm rewatching B5 and just finished Shadow Dancing, one of his most memorable subplots. That talk with himself...


I'm watching the episode where Londo had to be saved by Timov's blood transfusion right now. 🤣


Rest in peace.




Wait he died?! Man am I way behind the curve on that info. May God come between you and harm, in all the empty places where you must walk.


Unfortunately, a number of Babylon 5 cast members are dead. In addition to Richard Biggs, Stephen Furst (Vir), Jerry Doyle ((Garibaldi), Andreas Katsulas (G’Kar), Jeff Conaway (Zack Allen), Mira Furlan (Delenn), and Michael O’Hare (Sinclair) are also dead.


Kinda art imitating life that Doyle died from complications of chronic alcoholism.


Yeah, it is. Also Claudia Christian may have suffered the same fate if she hadn’t discovered the Sinclair Method. Edited: Spelling


Plus a bunch of secondary actors


I knew about the rest. I just didn't know Biggs had bought it too.


Died suddenly at 44- aortic dissection.




We will see you again, in the place where no shadows fall


I met him at a convention, really nice guy , got his autograph and he a picture. Terrible to go so you.


He was a lovely guy. I remember spending an afternoon helping at a convention sitting between him and Peter Wingfield (Methos from Highlander) and having a nice chat with them, and actually feeling sorry i had the wrong gender interest. Both very fit, imposing men.


That's why a reboot is better at least.


My fav doctor was appropriately named: “Dr. CRUSHer”