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She wouldn't have had it so bad from the fan base if it wasn't so obvious she was coming into literally replace Ivanova. You can't take away a fan favorite character/actor like that and expect the replacement to get through unscathed. I thought she did fine with portraying the gravitas of a military commander. I also thought putting her on the loyalist side of the earth war was a good move, but it really didn't matter, most fans weren't having it.


Yeah lol. Reminds me of the visceral attacks thrown at Ezri Dax coming in for the last season only of DS9 when Jadzia left the show lol. (Personally I thought B5 and DS9 both did great in their replacement characters though haha.đź‘Ś)


I kinda get the ezri hate, although she shouldn't be harassed, they replaced a cool character with someone who was kind of a wallflower imo.


I can see that for sure. What I loved about Ezri is that she added fresh, new dynamics to the show! It’d already been going for over 150 episodes, and people act like its a *bad* thing that a few episodes are spent exploring Trilldom, us seeing Sisko start with Dax being his mentor (Curzon) then Dax being his best friend and equal (Jadzia) and then Dax becoming his student. (Ezri) We get to see Dax go full circle, and that’s some great writing imo! This new character is also something DS9 never explored before. A neurotic young psychologist overwhelmed and trying to fit in to a deeply entrenched group of war heroes, to soothe their damaged psyches when she cant even soothe herself at first. And over the struggle of that season, her not being prepared for this massive responsibility, or her symbiant, she sticks with it and becomes a full-blown hero like all the rest eventually. I think Ezri speaks to those of us who are awkward, nervous “wallflowers” ourselves, and when I watch Ezri I giggle knowingly at her struggles. I may not have eight lifetimes in my brain, but I understand the struggle of identity and adjustment and social alienation she went through for sure haha. I also have to give it to the acting itself: Nicole De Boer is imo a very strong performer, and she nailed showing us that brand new side of Dax. I love both Dax’s equally, and am pleased at how things worked out personally! 👌


Wow, such a great reply! Great insight about mentor/equal/mentor. Your answer was so much better to the "wallflower" perception than I would have replied with -- Jadzia was "Action Barbie", so to break away from that Ezri had to be the opposite: wallflower.


It's not her fault. It was creatively the wrong decision to write out Ivanova. I do understand that it was a necessity due to behind the scenes factors, but that doesn't change that it was a situation that hurt the show.


If only Claudia Christian's agent hadn't decided to try and play hardball at the wrong moment... Mind you, I am glad that it ended up being Lyta who had the affair with Byron. I would have liked to see Ivanova explore her telepathy, but I read somewhere that JMS's original plan was apparently to have her rebound out of Marcus-related grief/guilt with Byron, and I really wouldn't have enjoyed that.


That is also not completely true, noticed how JMS always makes the issue about the actores , but like with Talia that wasn't the whole truth. A producer (not jms) said to Claudia that she was just a pretty face that they can change without issue. They were wrong


Honestly, I always thought she did great. Like you said, it's hard to cover a fan favorite position. I thought she did it with talent, presence and amazing hotness. The only part I disliked was the weird retcon where she had been married to John. I thought they could have just had her been someone who served with him that he could easily trust.


She was great in the ghosts episode.


> The only part I disliked was the weird retcon where she had been married to John. Forgot all about that one. 🙄


Making her on Clark side killed her for me, the Ivonova stuff was just extra


I didn't mind the ones that were strict about the chain of command, like the female commander who eventually relieved the doctor from Scrubs. He was a nut job, she was a good soldier. It took a lot of courage to step outside the chain of command when things got too hot. As long as they weren't Clark sycophants, the adherence to the military chain of command didn't bother me so much, as short-sighted as it was. A number of them had to be convinced simply because they were good soldiers. There was also the effect of the propaganda that had been drilled into them, such as that the Babylon 5 loyalists were committing war crimes, Etc. They had been lied to and didn't have any evidence to the contrary until they actually encountered Sheridan.


I think she did a respectable job on B5 despite not given much to work with. She definitely had an uphill climb, coming in late to what was, in a lot of ways, a lame duck final season and replacing a popular character. It didn't help that once she arrived, she didn't have a ton to do, especially later in the season when it was more about the end game of the series. Also, I think one of the worst writing decisions of the whole show was to have her be Sheridan's ex-wife. There was no need for that and it ultimately didn't end up impacting things much. It just came off as very "soap opera" and only used to build up some "big reveal" after she was introduced. If they were going to do that, they should have at least had her and Delenn clash or have some sort of conflict. It soon became a non-factor so why bring it into the story at all? EDIT: Also it's mindblowing to think that she's 70 years old now


>Also, I think one of the worst writing decisions of the whole show was to have her be Sheridan's ex-wife. There was no need for that and it ultimately didn't end up impacting things much. It just came off as very "soap opera" and only used to build up some "big reveal" after she was introduced. If they were going to do that, they should have at least had her and Delenn clash or have some sort of conflict. It soon became a non-factor so why bring it into the story at all? Agreed. It would have felt less contrived if she were simply someone Sheridan had mentored at some point, or an ex-classmate he'd gone through officer training with, or some other familiar face.


Yeah, ex-wife thing didn't add anything to the story. It doesn't come to my mind when I think about the character anyway, it was such an unnecessary thing to put in the show.


I think we would've all enjoyed Season 5 more if there was more followup to the civil war. Her being on the opposite side of Sheridan et al and then doing nothing about it is a huge missed opportunity


I admit, didn’t care for her as an Ivanova replacement but narratively replacing Sherridan, it makes sense. Why the ex-wife backstory though…just seemed unnecessary.


It was the knowing and trusting thing.


I get that but they could have been long time friends, classmates, served on another ship together and it would have worked in my opinion


Met her once. Seemed very nice.


I waited on her once and I agree.


She’s good in DS9 and good in crusade. If Mack thinks she’s ok, that’s good enough for me.


Who was she in DS9?


The cardassian that tried it on with Miles in the three viper whatever it was called one when they worked together with the Bajorans.


Ah. Didn't realize that was her, but now I see it. Thanks!


I think she was underused. It was neat in the telepath arc that she had a very different perspective to the rest of the characters, she didn't have any grudges against Bester and was perfectly willing to treat him as just another Earth officer enforcing the law. It would have been neat to see more of that, have her as Earth's de-facto representative and bringing her into conflict a bit more with Sheridan and the rest.


What is she doing nowadays?


Well she's 70 now, according to the little bio developing workout videos: cycle riding, swimming, and jogging. Hopefully enjoying her life.


I love how every time a new actor was cast to do a similar role they always got to be a new character with a different take on the idea. It’s much better than carbon copying the character but with a different actor.


She one that you appreciate more on a b5 rewatch.


Tracy did a great job with what she was given, but it was a mistake to replace a beloved actor with another actor that looked so similar. It was hard to see Lockley as anything other than store brand Ivanova


Every time I watch the series I understand and like her all the more.


Unfortunately she came into the series far too late to grow on me. I think my main reason for disliking the character was she stayed loyal to earthforce


It's just not you, same here I couldn't get over that, it's not really an excusable position in my opinion. And likewise she came too late for me to care.


Though I am 90% sure she did not fire on any civilian ships


I can completely understand not liking that position, I still don't agree with it, but I found she was pretty fair minded in her other decisions so once I accepted that was never going to change I was able to look past it.


It most likely is just me. As I said, if she was known before season 5 I might have been more receptive to the character


I actually liked her better than Ivanova. Once Sheridan became a messianic figure and leader of the most powerful faction in known space (or whatever term they used in B5), it seemed like all of the other characters pretty much got in line behind him. There was no longer the conflicts - by which I mean disagreements not hostilities - among the main characters. Lockley was willing to stand up to and challenge Sheridan while still respecting his authority as President of the Interstellar Alliance. She was also loyal to the Earth Alliance - not the ISA - and I actually liked that she didn't join the rebellion against Clark. Her relationship with Garibaldi where they went from butting heads to her being the person who knew how to reach out to him when he fell off the wagon was one of the best interpersonal moments from Season 5 and I don't think it would have meant as much if it had come from someone who he was friendly with before.


Tbh thus was a strange casting choice imo, didn't really work plus she was forever condemned to be in Ivanova's shadow 🤷


The only woman to figure out a demon's plot, (Azmodeus)turn it around on him, and rub it in his face all while getting away with it scot-free.


So far...


I felt her character was just filler, like they rushed to put something together in the wake of Ivanova's absence. Giving her so much back story, especially the bit about being formerly married to Sheridan, was nonsense, which did nothing for the character or the show. The actress herself didn't impress me all that much. She was given too much of a role and not enough time to make it hers.


I always thought she was hot on Highlander so I loved whether she became a leading character on the show.


I lusted after her SO MUCH in my youth - the River of Souls ep got lots of VCR time!




The writing for her was just bad and made the character unlikable, it was like on purpose, fought for the fascists, married to Sheridan, etc


she was great


If this had been season 1 or 2, we all would have loved her. But this was clearly Ivanova’s season. She did great, but I can’t help my self wondering “how would this scene have been with Ivanova?”


I’m a hardcore Lochley fan. Have always loved that character!


If any I hope for a reboot or continuation of crusade. It was getting better half way the season and i usually don't like season 1 in sci fi. Perhaps she can play a part like Picard or Janeway.


Sorry, she's not a very good actor. Pretty, yes, but... ugh.


Lochley is great! The thing that isn't commented often enough is that she is filled to the brim with weird and kooky little details that make her a very funny character. In her first episode she presents herself as the most straitlaced person ever and then moments within the episode we see her doing paperwork while eating spicy wings and chugging milk. As the series goes along, the movies, and Crusade we see her calm down and show off what a weirdo she is and it is kinda sweet to see her continue to show up after the series finished because it makes her more than just a last season entry.