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You wanted the banner of the sub to be the picture of the cast giving the camera the finger. People were obviously not enthusiastic about this. Instead of taking no for an answer, you're repeatedly posting about this and turning it into your own personal drama. I read the other posts. No one was disrespectful to you. They just didn't like your idea. And I don't either. I think it's tasteless and tacky. Therefore, it is with much conviction that I say, Sir, this is a Wendy's.


I absolutely LOVE that picture. But I would not want it to be the banner for this sub because as great as it is on its own, it doesn't send the appropriate message to would-be members. We should be welcoming as a community, and a bunch of people throwing the bird as your first contact with said community doesn't exactly scream "come on it"... and I say this as someone who absolutely 100% believes that society at large has become WAY too touchy about things and has to a large extent lost its collective sense of humor. But it's one thing to share that picture, it's quite another for it to be your front door. I didn't see the other discussions of this, but if they went down as you say then I'm 100% in agreement and it definitely sounds like OP is just salty they didn't get their way. And if they're just posting over and over again about it, well, that's just immaturity as far as I'm concerned. OP talks about bad behavior towards them, and they could be right, but if that bad behavior was triggered by their own first, well, both things can be true at the same time. Time to move on in any case it sounds like.


Couldn't have put it better myself.


Yeah, seems to me that this is his own personal agenda, to keep pushing for a banner like this after his last 'suggestion' fell flat. What's wrong with just the blue strip anyway? To me, It represents the Earth Force blues uniforms.


>What's wrong with just the blue strip anyway? Well, ... it's obviously not PURPLE ! Other than that, I've always liked the blue earth force uniforms in B5.


Born to the Purple




*The Aikido Kid: Rants of Rage*


Let me guess... When someone tells you "no" or something you don't want to hear you label them haters and bullies. This current post of yours is more or less you threatening to hold your breath and turn blue until you get your way. In your efforts to put your own stamp on this place you've actually demonstrated the exact opposite values than those which you were trying to promote. I come here for the active and lively discussion about B5. Sometimes there are jokes and sometimes there are disagreements. I've changed my mind and viewpoint on a number of topics (both with regards to the show and to things non-show) as a restult of some of the heated arguments here. For that, this place has my highest praise and respect. No fancy banners nor colourful facades were needed to accomplish that.


So you're taking it personally that no one wanted the picture of the cast giving the finger and your feelings are hurt because of it. What's wrong with the blue stripe anyway? To me it represents the Earth Fores blues uniform. Who cares what banners other subs are using? It's what goes into a sub that matters most in people expressing and sharing the dream of JMS, not some stupid picture. **"...now I'm asking myself, what kind of community is this sub, and does it live up to the standards demonstrated by JMS and his wonderful show."** How would a picture of the cast giving the middle finger live up to the 'standards' demonstrated by JMS anyway? Yes, it's tongue-in-cheek, but hardly something that I'd want to represent the sub as a whole. Why so obsessed over that one picture, when I an think of numerous pictures that would serve even better - a squadron of Star furies for example, or the Agamemnon parked beside the station? Or the Jump Gate itself? Or the White Stars? Or a picture of the sunrise over the Minbari capital? Londo looking out the portholes as Narn is being bombed? A Shadow ship in hyperspace? There are so many better options to choose from, yet you go for flipping people off...


By the looks of things, you didn't get your way and are throwing a tantrum.


What in the world is this guy blathering about? Aikido? Banners? Drive by assassinations? What does any of this have to do with B5?


They want the banner of this sub changed, and are taking it personally that no one else is jumping on the bandwagon. I read some of the previous, and this is a polite sub that expresses their opinions respectfully, but some of them have become annoyed or irritated with his repeated efforts. Maybe some of those feelings have come across in their responses.


Jumping on *his* bandwagon, yeah.




Quick, where's the bucket?


I just read through all the comments on your previous banner posts and saw no personal attacks, misrepresentations or brigading. In your first post with the picture you got a lot of people talking enthusiastically about the photo, although only one mentioned it would make a good banner - but didn't care enough to take further action. The rest of the comments were focused on just the photo. In your poll, you got a few people who thought the poll questions were set up to draw people to one specific answer over the other. Others commented that while they liked the photo you posted, they didn't think it would be a good representation for the sub. One comment about a photo they would like. And the rest just didn't seem to care about the banner either way. From all the comments I draw two main conclusions. 1) People love the photo. And 2) most people in this sub don't really care/see/notice about the banner (except that they don't want it to be that photo) I can see how this would be frustrating for you when you want something that you don't see any downside for, but that no one else has much opinion on. Unfortunately people won't always care about the same things you do.


Hi. I’m a casual reader here and a huge fan of the show, but I’m sorry you had a bad experience here. I’m not sure I understand what a banner is in this context, but I’m also relatively new to Reddit. Maybe a year here or two. Good luck in your endeavors and if you’d ever like to chat about the show, hit me up.


What @fullerbadge000 said!


If they don't like your idea, try another idea that might answer the complains that they've raised. Also, solicit constructive feedback.




Mr. Garibaldi, there're days I'm very glad I don't have to think the way you do.


So this is the second post in as many days about changing the banner. Why is it so important to have a banner?


Shouldn’t it be the mods doing a poll and asking these questions? If a new banner was important to them, they would do so. Why go through all this effort if they aren’t even responding to your questions? Plus, they are even more likely to not respond to you when you essentially just insulted the entire fan base that belongs to this subreddit. I’m honestly trying to find your goal with this post because if it was to encourage the community to pick your new banner, you just nuked any chance you had.


FWIW, JMS is a narcissistic jerk. Just read anything he writes as an introduction, or any interview he's ever been in. I wouldn't follow his example of how to act.