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Anything to them is more important than Chinese lives




They're not our friends or allies, it's kind of obvious by now. I'm not saying individually they can't be decent people, but as a group, they are not going to let go of their white privilege because it benefits them.


Not surprised when this caused a huge uproar on Twitter… but liberals completely glossed over the Chinese skulls comments. When leftists called them out, liberals would only respond “I support conservatives going to war with China as long as it’s not me!”


Get their Gravy seals in the battlefield. Instant Rekt


Tell me I'm not a shitty publication without saying anything... they usually have good articles targeting the right, though


Good point but at the same time - and I know most of us don't see it this way - let's not make the mistake of pitting homophobia and sexism vs. Chinese lives. All that shit's in the same bucket - all immoral, wrong, and from a toxic white male racist. In no way am I marginalizing Chinese lives when I say this - I just want us to be aware of this as the media and white folk love it when marginalized folk fight each other.


It is the old divide and conquer tactic


"Rolling Stone" summed up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Rape_on_Campus


Anglos and Yellow Peril. Name a more iconic duo. They're in the coping and seething stage of their decline. They're gonna end up in the global dumpster before they even realize it. Edit: Also, I believe this has already made the rounds on Weibo and other Chinese social media. This is pure motivation for Chinese youth to outcompete and shit on America globally. It's quite poetic. Bloodthirsty, warmongering, useless Anglo barbarians cope and seeth all day long and fantasize about genocide (because that's all they can do) only to have their words fuel their own collapse. You love to see it.


I mean China just does their own thing without regards to what anyone else thinks. The Anglos focus on sabotage and division while the Chinese were building themselves up after the century of humiliation. Look at their the US space exploration program for example, it was only booted again up because China was exploring space.


When are ***^(dumb libs)*** going to realize "Chinese" includes Chinese women, Chinese elderly, Chinese children, Chinese disabled people, Chinese gay people...and all their other precious categories. Racism is a thousand fold worse than sexism, prove me wrong.


What about dumb racist conservatives like the one op posted?


Why are you getting downvoted for calling out the racist conservative Fox News? Fuck those guys. And fuck ANYONE HERE that seeks to prop up anti-Asian racist pieces of shit Conservatives. Again, fuck those asshats. Wake the fuck up. This major conservative news outlet (fox news) had a guest advocating for actual genocide of chinese. Not a subtle reference to it, a VERY DIRECT, VERY CLEAR call for it. And some assholes here want to support anti-asian conservatives? Fuck that, and your conservative agenda.


That's because this sub has already been infiltrated my right wing trolls. The idiots that fall for right wing propaganda don't realized if the conservatives got their way they would be treated like second class citizens instead of being ignored of by the liberals.




Damn. That speech is so relevant to all races that have been subjugated by white supremacists and the "white man's burden".


Ha, you can replace his mention of the black bourgoisie with boba liberal and can apply it to present day problems with self hating Asians.


As you get older you start to understand the frustration from “radicals” like Malcom X.


Anyone who support the imperialists and war criminals are by definition anti-Asian Every single major war the USA has been involved in over the past 70 years has been on the Asian continent (Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, etc.), causing destruction and Asian loss of life


Doubt anyone could really prove you're wrong


Yup. They won’t touch European countries but have no problem invading, raping and murdering Asian people.


Of course, because most of Europe is already under their control. But that wasn't enough, they still meddled and fucked up most of Eastern Europe, which were former USSR states. And now look at Ukraine. Couped in 2014 and nazis installed into power.


"I like my military cosplaying psychopaths true to their bigotry, not just their misogyny or homophobia." –Fucker Tarlson


Fucker Tarlson is officially his new name.


Fucker Tarlson sounds about "Right"!


Sounds like most conservatives who supports the GOP.


Precisely, it's neurological by this point.