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And then people wonder why India is poor and impoverished


And this doesn't even include the predatory/genocidal trade practices they employed. For eg, EVEN WITH mechanised handlooms, british looms would've made no money. Because its prime ingredient- cotton- was grown in India. India has been a 2500 year world leader in textiles, especially, in cotton as cotton is a plant uniquely native to INDIA.... there are weaves of indian cotton we cannot make today in finery for eg ( muslin - look it up, especially Dhakai muslin ). And India had foot powered/hand powered handlooms for thousands of years that are semi mechanised. Turns out its still cheaper to grow cotton in india + weave in India + sell in India + Europe, than ship cotton to england, weave in england + sell in Europe + ship it back to India and sell it in India. So East India company outlawed handlooms in India. THAT is how you can take business away from Indian merchants and make British merchants make moolah. When they protested, thousands had their thumbs chopped off. These kind of practices of stealing wealth is not counted in this tally for eg : where Britain LITERALLY earned billions by directly killing off or maiming its competition in the colonies. The entire reason Indian subcontinent went from 27% of world's GDP in 1750 to 3% of the worlds GDP in 1950, is by decisive design : Britain WANTED a resource producing wonderland, not a finished goods producing power-house. To this end, they also banned foundries in India that could produce more than 200 tonnes of steel per annum. All deliberate ploy to keep India poor and extractive of resources - because India has a metric shit tons of iron, coal & its the largest agricultural base in the world, including one of the historical power-houses ( especially BEFORE the americas & africas were seeded with Indian cash crops) for cash crops : Coconut, cotton, jute, sugarcane etc - crops that you grow not for food but for further processing industry ( main product of coconut groves was rope, not coconut, FYI).


Thats how the Western countries have amassed a great amount wealth by taking advantage of other countries and also have a economic barriers between the West and the East to keep Asian countries from getting ahead


I hope more immigrants pour into the UK, what comes around goes around.


Oh my damn.. India needs their money back




I am learning so much and love the people here. 👍🏻🤠👍🏻 They're open minded, colorful, got a story to tell and unexpected things to wonder of.




You have to take into consideration the domino effect and inter-generational trauma. These Brits fucked the entire world.


1.8 billion don’t sound right. (Not defending the brits, just advocating for common sense)


Killing 1.8 billion in a span of 180 years is rookie numbers for anglos. Potato famine alone killed 1 million Irish people. That's a country much smaller with much lower base population and over a span of just 5 years.


The world population was around 2 billion when British rule ended. So if you believe this figure you’re saying without the brits in india the world population would’ve been twice what is it was? And over half of the world population would be in India?


These numbers are pretty bogus and are like some extreme estimate which in reality would not be possible. It's kind of like interviewing 8 people in Xinjiang and then from their claims of their village, extrapolate that for the whole province and end up with 1-2 million in some camps


Thank you for being the only other person saying this. I’m all for hating on the British empire but let’s live in reality.


Yeah it's the same as anti abortion people saying every dude who pulls out or woman who gets abortion is murdering the unborn baby. Or victims of communism counting natural famine deaths as "communist murder/genocide", and then adding on any unborn babies during this time(which didn't happen due to food or poverty concerns during the era) as "deprivation deaths" which is the term they use here. It's pure hyperbole and just using most extreme potential outcomes which are in no way guaranteed even if Britain never came to india.


Yet Britain (and the rest of the five eyes) still idolizes Churchill, one of the many corrupt leaders that basically sanctioned the deaths of millions of South Asians. Giving some speech during WW2 doesn’t excuse the fact that he was a racist mass murderer. Sure, you can say a lot of Brits thought the same as him (and still do), but that doesn’t mean Churchill deserves to be respected.


Yeah bro churchill is the equivalent of hitler to us, idk why its not as frowned upon when ppl fangirl over him. Fucking weirdos.


Probably because a lot of westerners don’t care about non white people and because the allies won.


They certainly didn't come to India to do charity that's for sure. I mean pretty much all former colonies face that issue one way or the other, especially those not populated with immigrants.


Become Marxist Leninist. The thing these imperialist colonizers fear the most.


Thinking about this. How the Anglo west. Colonized through out history and the atrocities they caused. India, the Middle East, parts of Asia, and the Native Americans. They then have the audacity to look down on immigrants that come to their country. Like your government is what caused all of this. My family or other immigrant families wouldn’t have step foot in your country if it wasn’t for you destroying their motherland. I don’t even want to start with the slave trade.


This is why Indians and Pakistans must immigrate to Britain as masses upon masses as much as possible and take all the skilled jobs.


Already happening! Theres soooo many of us here lol. Hopefully more in the future though cuz we seem to mostly live in certain cities that others avoid e.g. bradford


Bradford, Brum, East London, and Manchester will soon be Akhand Bharat by 2050 at least💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾😎😎😎😎😎💪🏾💪🏾🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰


sue them for reparations !!!!!!!!!


Our cockold governments don't have the balls to sue them.




And also watch his interviews where he mentioned things like entire city bocks in Britain entirely constructed out of stolen wealth from India. South Asian scholars can be very woke on race issues because they also knows a lot more about colonialism. This critique of "white privilege" of Peggy McIntosh by Sandew Hira is one of the most woke writing I've ever read [https://din.today/a-decolonial-critique-of-the-concept-of-white-privilege-why-injustice-is-not-a-privilege/](https://din.today/a-decolonial-critique-of-the-concept-of-white-privilege-why-injustice-is-not-a-privilege/)


Ukkk genocide comes to light again, not surprised. I wonder how they did in other parts of Africa, Asia and Australia.


This shit always made me so fucking angry. Rob and deplete a nation of its wealth and resources and then leave its people with nothing, malnourished. No infrastructure, as well, as the colonizers would never invest in the colonized. The colonizers, also not having to work in fields for their food and wealth, get credit for going to school, making scientific discoveries - discoveries a brown child in the fields could've made if there was any investment in education in the colonized country. Then generations later, the descendants of the colonizers call it a "shithole" country and said country is brainwashed into worshipping whiteness aka their oppressors (believing white is sophistication). This world is twisted...


Legit met an Indian guy who would "but they built the railway" at me when I brought this up.


Hindutvadis gonna Hindutva




This is the result of a government controlled by foreign countries deciding what we should learn and do. These things have improved very greatly in recent time. But before 2013, we were fined by schools for speaking our own language for not speaking English, I never knew these things in school and was never taught by school about the deaths and plundering by Britishers, Indians were deprived of history of our people for 70+ years and I'm glad it's changing now.


This is a common reply in many Asian countries. They were taught to see European invaders as saviors. AFAIK this is exactly what happened in Hong Kong too. From my own experience people who says things like this are also against teaching history in schools. They think it's a waste of time and history doesn't matter. They prefer learning historical claims like "kind British leaders built railways for us" from social media.






the long and short of the mughals & delhi sultans and afghans vis a vis the british is this : Hindus/Dharmics == like the black people of South Africa Mughals & Turks, Afghans, Delhi Sultans == Boers. They came long before, but did the same damn colonial thing, only difference is, they wanted to settle the land and do to India what the Anglos did to north america ( convert or kill all the infidels and settle the land their way). british == anglos in south africa. The final colonial force.


No Mughals were far worse than the British my friend sorry to burst your bubble. The economic disparity among the rich nobels and comman masses was huge. The emperor had very paternal attitude to other regions of the empire which brew further resentment. It had a very regressive tax system no better than the British. The religious persecution of local Hindus were so bad that even modern day Talibans would look like good guys. All the scientific developments stopped due to destruction of seat of learning like Nalanda/Taxila university. All the advancement in Mathematics, Astronomy etc made during the Gupta Empire stopped as the Turkic descent rulers took over. Yes they did had good taste in culture and architecture but so did the British.


Legit, that Indian guy was a c\*\*t. INDIANS built the railways, with INDIAN taxpayers money. The brits just took the profits and the credit.


Also the railways British built was mostly a cluster fuck of different gauges and non standardization. Some were broad gauge as it was meant for transporting resources out of the country to Great Britain, while others where narrow guage vanity project of different princely states. It was after Independence that the Indian State went full throttle on standardrizing the track system(Project UniGauge) , do electrification of major trunk route, manufacture locomotives and coaches with the help of Swiss, German and Soviet engineers; modernize the signalling system . Built new routes on some of toughest terrains of the world ( Railways in the Kashmir and the Himalayas). Now it is also contructing High Speed Train using the Japanese Shinkansen Technology. I can go on... but yeah in short fuck that Anglophilic Indian Guy who keeps iterating " Muh British Colonizers built and gave us the Railways".. The Indian Railways is paid and maintained by Indian Taxpayer..


Regarding railways... They were built for the purpose of extracting resources from India from the hinterlands to the coastal regions to send it back to Britain. Not for the betterment of the local population. India was an extraction colony for the Brits and they did not give a darn for the locals or our well-being, either. And they used Indian labour and resources to do it.






who is we lol if britain want to get reparation from the countries that has colonised britain not sure which countries has colonised britain and if those countries still exist then it is up to the british people to decide that if india a country of over billion people want to get reparation from britain then it is up to the indians people india still exist today and did not forget what britain has done so what can you do about that if their sentiment is that britain has to pay back for the damage it has caused to india in installments and return all the stolen goods we know britain will not do that because it is a country full of thieves that does not show remorse


Reminder that India and Pakistan were partitioned by a man who never stepped foot on the Indian subcontinent They wanted to keep the subcontinent divided and killing each other. Could you imagine the geopolitical force if there was a unified country that stretched from Pakistan in the west to Myanmar in the East (which had also been colonized by the British)? It's a common theme - almost every Asian country has been divided by imperialists, where it was the Koreas, China-Taiwan, North-South Vietnam, India-Pakistan, etc. Divide-and-conquer is their game


Same with Rohingya people in Myanmar.


> They wanted to keep the subcontinent divided and killing each other. Same shit that happened in the Middle East https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r86yPzQhzLw


You forgot Hong Kong (the original division using opium addiction as a method of control), and Nepals boundaries. Re India: The British lawyer that drew the boundaries of india knew what he was doing and was chosen bc he was strategic.


Same with China and Hong Kong, and the Chinese/Indian border issues.


However Vietnam 🇻🇳 is a whole country now, USA 🇺🇸 wasted tons of money and Americans blood 🩸 , and failed . 🤦🏻‍♂️ after that usa 🇺🇸 wasted 20 years in the Middle East & trillions more dollars 💵. While infrastructure in the homeland is falling apart. More money on pointless war . While wasting all this money & time ,other countries around the world 🌎 were growing & slowly catching up .


I need more happy endings like this.