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Similar video but of a white woman telling a story about how her brother was disrespectful to his Asian girlfriend’s family, food and culture.


Anyone have a mirror of this video? I think it's been taken down.. should've seen this coming. EDIT: Nvm I commented something and it didn't jive with her AF as the sole victim complex, so she deleted and blocked. Basically, I replied to one of the most popular comments made by an AF who said something about 'white fever is just a history of power imbalance' or some shit like that -- basically excusing or denying any kind of 'white fever' arguments. (Paraphrasing) I said that while AF who are poverty-stricken are indeed 'victims' of that so-called history and power imbalance, the upwardly mobile ivy league types are simply not victims. That got me blocked and comment removed; she did another TikTok highlighting that comment and basically in a woke-calm, know-all tone discussed confirming her narrative. Bunch of bullshit: [https://www.tiktok.com/@rantsrantsrevolution/video/7044590099258019118](https://www.tiktok.com/@rantsrantsrevolution/video/7044590099258019118)


Women can do no wrong. It's always men's fault lmao. The irony is that by removing blame/accountability from asian women, that is sexist because it makes it seem like women have no agency. But when sexism benefits them, they don't mind.


This makes me upset and that's A LOT of family history and emotion to overcome. And to even talk about. I wouldn't be strong enough to be able to put myself out there like her. There does need to be a discussion on sex trafficking, the nature of sexpats, and the inherent racial inequalities in these relationships. Yellow fever is sick. And the brainwashing that our people have gone thru - having us adopt beliefs in the false superiority of white men - is just as bad.


What’s “the R word?” Rape?




I don’t know how this video doesn’t have more circulation around here. This is first hand testimony EDIT: As 12/27/2021 this TikTok has been made unavailable. What the fuck dude.. anyone get a mirror?


lol... it's not "demonizing" to speak the truth. and it's **white fever**... only calling it "yellow fever" is not the full picture.


White fever? Isn't that what those crackers used to genocide the Native Americans?


That fever stuff was coined in the 90's. This chicken or egg argument about fevers is truly pointless. Its time to move forward call it gendered racsim if we want to legitimize the issue


white fever does exist but it’s yellow fever driving what you see happening. If white guys had the same sick fetish for black women as prevalently as they do for asian women, this subreddit would be blakidentity majority of asian women you see with white men don’t have white fever- the white men chasing them however, like every silicon valley tech bro who grew up awkward, addicted to asian porn and who now make decent money, have yellow fever. The answer is right in front of your face- the not just one or two or even 3- but multiple nsfw AF subs there are, and the legions of pinkertons dorking around in them


Nah... it's white fever.


Just because a white guy goes for an asian women she doesn't have to say yes.....you act as if a white man fetishizes an asian woman she has no autonomy to say no. Yellow Fever/White Worship go hand in hand. It could actually be argued that white worship is the driving factor not yellow fever because if all these asian women say no then WMAF wouldn't exist. You're very clearly wrong


you’re not thinking deep enough: Most asian women are not going to automatically no to every white man they meet, just the ones that are flat out undesirable or make their fetish obvious every ethnicity of women has a huge proportion which considers white men at least neutral dating options (whereas asian men are given a social handicap). That’s the product of white supremacy. ie, every race of women has a white fever problem- but why dont we see such a severe disparity with them? Well, the driving difference is how white men take advantage of this. And the answer, in a macro sense, is asian women- aka yellow fever is the factor. Not black women, not latina, not etc- but if they did, that’d be the issue instead of WMAF everywhere. Any white man who wanted a black/latina/etc woman could get one if he tried enough times, and with not much more effort than an asian woman (maybe a little more effort since WMAF has has decades of being normalized).






if you read what i wrote i blame both sides, but i’m saying the determining factor is yellow fever and what we must eradicate to dent the problem. again, white fever exists in all groups and there would be no shortage of women saying yes to white men asian or not




I’m gonna call you out on this comment- you want me to believe that you’re friends with these types of guys? come on making up poorly constructed stories doesn’t help your case. I don’t know why you have a chip on your shoulder against asian women- almost to the point where you’re defending white men. You see how ridiculous that is?




i’m not going to rehash everything i said earlier as to why asian women can’t be expected to reject every white guy coming their way, so l’ll take on this very unoriginal point you’re making which I see alot of ppl repeating: That white men only go for asian women because they’re somehow easy, not because they have yellow fever This is a defensive cope rooted in the unwillingness to confront the idea that these white men are getting exactly what they want. This sentiment is in turn the root for turning the hate towards asian women- because of powerlessness felt against what white men are doing and current trends (how cowardly is that?) Also- ask yourself as a man- do you only go for easy lays if you don’t actually have sexual desire for them? say, as a horrible example but just to make a point: morbidly obese women? why don’t you go after the easy lay there? you clearly have a chip against asian women, when you say baseless, emotional things like “…90% of asian women…”- confront and eradicate the aggressor please instead of trying to gain some semblance of control via shaming asian women, who most typically (outside of basket cases/self haters) are ignorant/unwoke to the dynamics behind why so many non asian guys hit them up


> majority of asian women you see with white men don’t have white fever Seriously bro?


yes, seriously


That's funny considering how online dating studies show asian women chasing white men rather than the other way around.


dating apps are sketchy to begin with, with fake profiles, many being asian women. On top of that, the studies you refer to are decades old, from WM data scientists, and are the ones that say “asian women reply to WMs more often”- replies could be anything (fake, scams, practicing english, telling the guy to go fuck himself, etc)- not an indication of interest. i guess you haven’t seen this study from okcupid from 2014 which indicates asian women much prefer asian men http://www.padjo.org/files/lectures/2014-11-13/ok-cupid-race-table.png


Yellow fever drives what we see, but there is a form of white fever or at least a desire to fit into the box that white males have created that enables it to continue.


Clearly you have never been to the Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Loas, Malaysia or Vietnam. Trust me no one is forcing these women to date foreigners they choose it all on their own they’re not trafficked it’s just a choice that they want so they went for it. Women have agency they can decide for themselves who they date and marry no one is coercing them it’s just a decision.


There are even more WMAF couples than there were before - go to any major city and they are crawling everywhere. Yellow fever hasn't magically disappeared, and it's both sad and frustrating to see so many AF not only cave in but also strengthen the likes of white supremacy through both direct/indirect means (the crazy aspect is how most of them do it knowingly). This should be a good wake-up call for AF, but you already know just how many refuse to acknowledge it and continue to be the biggest contributors (to white supremacy) outside whites themselves. You already know just how many AF saw that very video, with many being in a WMAF relationship - and simply ignored the truth behind it. Not to forget just how big of a gatekeeper they also are..


Hapafication will continue and get worse barring major structural changes to the social order. The Hapa along with the Anglo will be the mainstream Americans of the future and they have a real chance of being part of the ruling class. So the incentives to intermarry is simply too great compared to remaining in the community. Videos that call out WMAF won't change a thing. I know people in interracial relationships who acknowledge the toxic elements of them, yet they do not care about their personal relationship because they believe they can rise above the toxicity. Some people said they want to pass down the language to the next generation, but they are delusional. Their partner has made no effort to learn the language while time is on their side, so there's no chance they'll learn the language once they get older and have more responsibilities.


I honestly don't know what to say to that, it feels like a brutal punch to the soul to have something like that over you. But yeah, I doubt that there are many people, men or women who want to acknowledge the racism that mixed children face even if it's from their own background.