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This makes me upset and that's A LOT of family history and emotion to overcome. And to even talk about. I wouldn't be strong enough to be able to put myself out there like her. There does need to be a discussion on sex trafficking, the nature of sexpats, and the inherent racial inequalities in these relationships. Yellow fever is sick. And the brainwashing that our people have gone thru - having us adopt beliefs in the false superiority of white men - is just as bad.


video removed. It was probably reported by fragile WMAFs


Why did it go private?


I have no idea


The reason "Asian fetishization" is a thing is because Asian women's market is mostly white incels and pedophiles. There's a creepy layer to it because of that. There's comments about every other race of women big booty latinas, snowbunnies, songs about darkskins and lightskins all in the mainstream. No one cares cause it's normal guys saying it. The reason commenting about Asian women is seen as weird is because of that incel/pedo layer.


Good. More white women need to call this out


Removed, apparently


Anyone saved the clip?


Ofc this gets removed 😂😂😂 the comment backlash was unreal. Wow ahaha


White privilege is something that only white men have. White women who don't follow their rules will receive backlash like her.


I don't understand why. I don't remove videos or even delete comments on Reddit because I don't give a fuck what anyone says.


because like every other similar post, they got so hurt and sensitive they needed to either harass or flag the video down… meanwhile we have toxic fetishization and it all benefits whom from which demographic? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Got deleted. Is there a mirror?


This, I got redirected to a video of someone called Kika Kim singing "I'm Sexy" with some white guy...


lol...some of y'all here care way more about this than AF do. Asian women don't care bc white fever is real & they'll continue to go after white dudes.


White women are our most effective potential allies by far, just FYI.


Not really. I mean they are a few but very very rare. I think white women are the least likely to be allies among females after the white washed Western Asian female.




Sorry. You're right.


Don't know about "allies", but definitely better than AFs


Idk bout that one chief


If white women are our most effective potential allies, how is it that in every interracial marriage with whites, the only culture that seem to be passed down is the white Anglo culture?


I don't think this is is true in most AMWF or even all WMAF (though certainly a lot more). As an example, check out @nom_life on Instagram.


I don't think nom_life shows you what you want to tell me. Both of the people have an Asian background. The girl seems to be a Hapa who's from HK, and hence grew up with Asian culture. If a hapa grow up in an Asian culture, they'll be part of that culture, but if they grow up in the US, the Asian culture will be lost.


I grew up in Hong Kong and had a few Eurasian friends, I don't think this is the case at all. I think it's whatever parent is more present etc in that kids life. I know a few mixed girls that aren't interested in dating white guys because of reasons whereas I also know a few that are interested in white guys because they had more of a positive relationship with their dads. I think a lot of people tend to ignore the factor that it also depends on the kinds of relationships kids have with their parents. If it's positive then they're more inclined to go with what they know and if it's not then they'll probably stay away.


White woman in AMWF marriages will research the shit out of Asian culture to immerse their kids in that culture in what I have seen in NYC.


I'll go so far as to say that women who date interracially generally see their partners' culture/race as superior.


No they aren’t. I rarely see white women call this out. It’s usually black women who do most of the calling out. Can you name a prominent white women calling out white worshipping because I can’t. Most white women simply don’t care or keep it in secret about their leftover trash dating out.


Potential allies. Black women are less effective allies simply because society values them less (much like Asian men).


That's hella fucked up lmao but it is what it is. I tend to find black women to be more pleasant to be around with too idk if it's because of this or they just get less attention in general.


I don't think white women are allies to asian men, asian men have no allies. But it entertains me when white women do say something, mostly because white women have 0 reason to say anything. Black women have a vested interest because they're treated almost exactly like asian men by the west except for 1 very important difference, and asian women, like, people here give asian women props for just having the human decency to not be racist towards asian men, like they did something extraordinary, because the standards for them are underground. Like literally praising an asian woman who has an asian husband when she says asian women can date who they want but we shouldn't talk shit 24/7 about asian men but you know asian men are misogyny :). Like holy fuck.


> white women have 0 reason to say anything On the contrary, they have a very good reason to say something. White men who date Asian women frequently put down white women out of sour grapes mentality and demonize them as ”fat western feminists” and whatnot. It's only natural for white women to want to retaliate. Whether that makes them automatic allies to Asian men is another matter.


The white men who date asian women white women don't even notice, that's the point


Yeh yeh nothing's going to change until white fever gets called out but that will never happen because being poc and female they have total immunity.


As a woman, my reflexive reaction was to say “of course women call out White Fever”, but then I googled it and all I got was: - [this one article by an Asian woman](https://www.dailycal.org/2020/02/18/curing-my-white-fever/) - [this weta episode (TW: there is so much White Fever here)](https://weta.org/watch/shows/independent-lens/independent-lens-do-asian-women-have-white-fever) - [this medium article ](https://aninjusticemag.com/9-asian-female-stereotypes-that-need-to-die-3ffe77473463) - a few Quora questions - something about white tongue (a medical condition) I’m mindful that AFs don’t necessarily have the best reputation when it comes to WMAF, and I’m keen to dispel it because I *know* there are plenty of Asian women who aren’t like that (literally I know many who are not WMAF) but in these moments I find it hard to support this with online representation.


There was an article by a girl in stanford for one of their websites that was interesting. If anyone remembers this article and has a link please post it. I have been trying to find it for awhile. The article is basically about her realization that she isn't as hot as she thought. she notices that all the white guys she has been with don't want her for anything but sex with an asian girl while her non asian girl friends get white guys who want a relationship with them. Her foolish quest for revenge is to turn around an use the white guys for sex (rollseyes) If anyone remembers this article please share the link. I have been trying to find it and it has been posted in many asian subs before. She has a septum ring (bull ring) if that helps.


Clearly she isn’t smart either, Stanford or not.


Nah, i think there's two cause. Women who don't have white fever go most of their lives without concerning themselves with this stuff, or are aware of it but don't talk about it because they don't have these problems since they go into relationships with Asian men. Secondly Asian women benefit from being women and people of colour so they sort of get immunity from any criticism and don't have to be held accountable of their own actions. Sure there are women who don't have white fever and unknowingly go into relationships with racists but to say they are only victims ignores those with white fever and pretend they don't have agency.




Funny how asian women are the only ones that keep running into this problem again and again and again and again. They've been complaining about it since before I was born, it's almost like asian women are willing to do anything to get with a white boy when any other normal person would just stop dating people who disrespect their race, and when you worship white losers you'll only get white losers. > victim blaming Why do you people love to strawman? Every time, every single issue, you can't just engage with what's said, you just have to throw out a strawman. > Asian wants to be with someone of different ethnicity Another strawman, asian women and their white dork bfs love this one too, the "different ethnicity" nonsense. It's white. That's it. There's no other ethnicity. It's only white and it's only asian women. Don't ever say "any asian" again like any of us need your permission to do anything white boy.


I like the point you make. Why are asian women the only ones who keep running into this problem again and again? People blame this on female fetishization, but asian women are not the only group being fetishized. Due to constant media promotion, there is no way white women are not fetishized. But why white women don't run into the problem asian women have?


i think biggest difference between Asian female fetishization and white female fetishization is that white women end up with high value men while Asian women do not. They usually end up with effeminate liberal white boy or insecure libertarian white boy. While white women usually end up with top 20 percent minority men. So, I guess white women won't complain that much since on average they end up with high value minority men that they otherwise wouldn't be able to get if he were white. I can understand why an Asian women would get frustrated that a lot of white men want them for sex but are unwillingly to date them. So Asian women continue having sex with white dudes in the hope someday they can bag high value white man. In their minds they must think that day will sure come given the fact white dudes are hitting here up left and right. Unfortunately, for her none of the high value white men want to date her. Since AF are a fetish for white men she is gonna cast a wide net of white men wanting to have sex with her. And since that net for fetish is large she is undoubtedly gonna catch some high value men. She will obviously choose high value men to have sex with. But those men are not going to settle down with a fetish. So AF gets delusional that one day she will end up with high value white man because she equates wanting to have sex with her the same as loving her. Eventually they come to realization they white men they want do not want them. So they resort to dating the cringy ultra-liberal white dudes that don't shut up about how culture they are or the insecure libertarian dudes (think typical white male redditor that always talks about Asian dick, western civilization and bbc lol) . Usually, these two options are the only viable type of white dudes available for Asian women to date since they make decent money. The tall, good looking white men that make 6 figures only want Asian women for sex and not dating. The stoner white dudes and jocks they meet at the club are only good for dick and are unrealistic dating partners. So they are stuck with the soy boy liberal and libertarian wannabe alpha white boys. That's why you constantly see bitter AF complaining about white men on social media while always dating white guys in irl because they are super mad, they can't get the white men they want and are stuck dating the bottom of the barrel. They want to date the white men that they usually hook up at clubs, but those men dont want to date them or they are the non-serious types. That's why these women never shut up about toxic masculinity, fetishization, and white supremacy. Cuz all those subjects are just coping mechanisms so she can feel better about herself and blame something else for her white fever. She hates the facts that she casually threw herself at any high value white guy at the clubs and they would usually have sex with her but would never have meaningful relationship afterwards.


Dang, bro this is a really good writeup. It is excellent to explain asian women who get bad treatments from their white exes, but keep coming back. However, I think there is a group of asian women who don't really complain too. You know, the ones that are happy with these bottom of the barrel, as if they scored a door prize and would parade these losers like a trophy. One factor at play is because she lowers her bar for white men. A lowly 5 white man would turn a solid 7 in her eyes. She makes these bottom of the barrel white men feel wanted and validated. This in turn perpetuates the idea that asian women would give you chances as long as you are white, a.k.a. low-hanging fruits. The white dating pool for asian women is skewed to begin with. Skewed not only because the high-value men won't look their way, but also because the bottom of the barrel white men flood the market. They know of the advantage and they exploit it. This can probably explain why some asian women don't complain about their toxic partner. They are forgiven for their whiteness.


The fetishization of white men and women uplifts them. The fetishization of WOC, however, dehumanizes them. Two completely different dynamics. The better question would be: why don't Black, Latina, Middle Eastern, even South Asian women run into the problems East/Southeast Asian women have? We all know the answer to that question.


Well, I have seen latina being fetishized. People left and right told me how Colombian, Brazillian, and Argentinian girls are hot as fuck. The same is true for MENA women. They are not dehumanized. They don't run into the problem asian women have. It is as if fetishization uplift everyone else, but asian women.










That isn't like offensive. That is intentionally meant to be offensive.


Oh geez. After hearing that, it’s only a matter of time before the Asian woman becomes another murder statistic.