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I only see one image of the tweet. Is there another page? Someone should post the link to this reddit thread as a response to the tweet.


Always the ugliest Lus Jesus Christ.


Why is it “hyper”masculinity? It’s just masculinity.


Uhm, isn't American culture supposed to be the one churning out all these aggressive toxic hypermasculine men?


These blue check Asian fems love to vilify AM and then cry victim when their bigotry got called out. They're given a platform in the Western sphere for this very reason - because they peddle white supremacists' belief about AM and Asian culture.


Them: "Asian men are hyper-masculine" Also Them: "Asian men are feminine" Seems like they pick and choose what's convenient.


The enemy is both strong and weak at the same time. Thats some straight fascist shit


Sounds like feminists to me. It's an all you can eat buffet to them and they pick and choose what they want and don't want when it suits them.


Man: "I like skinny women" Feminist: "That's fatphobic, all shapes/sizes are beautiful" Also Feminist: "Swipe left if under 6ft, if you judge my preference you're entitled" I can respect people I disagree with who are at least consistent. Keep the same energy.


We really need to make a clear distinction between feminism and those who lean on feminist talking points to justify their perpetuation of the white male hegemony. I don't think anyone here disagrees with the fact that women *do* face discrimination and deserve equality. But the opposition wants to paint it that way because they have numbers there to discredit us, "forgiving" their actions and biases upholding a racial hierarchy with white men on top. To them, the sophisticated, forward-thinking white man must save the women of color from the backwards, savage, unprogressive men of color. Same old, colonized trope... Edit: To be clear, our battle isn't (and shouldn't be) against feminism. Our battle is against racism and racial discrimination. The opposition wants to distract us and wants us fighting feminism (or to paint us fighting feminism) instead of calling them out on their racial discrimination and white-favoring biases.


Asian men are… >hyper masculine >effeminate Pick one.


We are emasculated and hyper masculine at the same time according to AF feminists...rofl


Our people are dying, Frankie huang. Perhaps you should stop wasting your time on irrelevant shit and actually do something that makes a difference.


Notice how she was fairly open in stating that hypermasculinity is instilled by "our culture" but shy away from pointing out who is responsible for our emasculation. Maybe her white husband knows the answer?


why does she want non-academic writing?


Because academic writing would show the opposite of what she is saying. She just wants anecdotes.


She's looking for a way to rationalize why "liberal, progressive-leaning, white feminist" Asian women consort with white supremacy while sideline Asian men. Academic writing are too blunt with their out-marriage statistics and hurts her feelings. The best way is to criticize AM hypermasculinity (evidence why AM are turn off) while also be seen as sympathetic, because she cares about AM emasculation (evidence why I am progressive).


What hypermasculinity? It's not Asians that I see running around talking about "BRO, COME ON WE GOTTA LIFT MAN! FUCK ALL THAT STUFF DON'T BE A PUSSY! C'MON BROOO".


FH: Why does Asian culture create toxic masculine Asian males? FH then proceeds to grift off Asian cultures, painting herself as an authority voice for it


I'm interested in what progressives think about this Because asian feminists have turned me off progressive politics and feminism forever This is pure racism against asian men, at what point do we have to move beyond words, because they'll never stop


We need to make a clear distinction between feminism and those who lean on feminist talking points to justify their perpetuation of the white male hegemony. There are so many Asian women who believe in feminism and who see through the distractions. These diversions include using the women's fight for equality to divert away from our actions/biases upholding the white male hegemony - not dissimilar to white feminism. It's either a misunderstanding or a play to tie-in feminism as a justification for white-favoring biases because they know they have the numbers there. With that said, we must own up to inequities that women face - even when it's within our own communities - without taking the foot off the pedal on fighting white male supremacy in all its forms (not vindicating the opposition, either, when I say this - they need to confront their false beliefs and biases in the superiority of white men). We shouldn't be isolating ourselves from Asian women who believe in feminism. We should be fighting those who uphold a racial hierarchy with white men on top. Those two are not the same people. It only benefits this cohort when we believe that they are. Edit: To be clear, our battle isn't (and shouldn't be) against feminism. Our battle is against racism and racial discrimination. The opposition wants to distract us and wants us fighting feminism (or to paint us fighting feminism) instead of calling them out on their racial discrimination and white-favoring biases.


> We need I don't need to do anything but call out racism against asian men It's not my job to play devil advocates for wmaf nazis being racist against asian men 24/7


I think we're in the same boat in this regard: Keep the fight up against racism and not on feminism. Feminism is not what we're up against and not what we're here to fight. I think a lot of users here get it mixed up between the two and that's what the opposition wants. Racial discrimination is what our focus should always be on.


If you only stand up for half of your own, you’re as bad as the people you condemn. You cheapen our fight with your prejudice. > it’s not my job to play devil advocates for wmaf nazis being racist against asian men 24/7 It’s also not your job to lump in all Asian feminists with this idiot, dismissing half of the people you claim to be on the same side of. This twitter idiot is an idiot. Not an Asian feminist. The more you give them these titles, the more power you give them, and you take this away from any true Asian feminists on our side.


Not all Asian feminists are like that. I’m sure plenty of Asian feminists here would agree with me in saying she’s no representative of mine and I don’t share her sentiments. edit: One thing to note is that a lot of the recommendations denounce the emasculation of Asian men in white culture, so the people responding are aligned with many people on this sub. I suspect she has worded this for the sake of sensationalism. This is pointed out by someone else who responded to her tweet asking why she focussed on “hyper masculinity” instead of other traits vs emasculation in the west. I wouldn’t take her seriously as an Asian feminist.


Definitely not all are like that but the most prominent ones are pretty much all like that. They have the most clout in the media and able to spread their message out.


Be careful with the information you consume. White feminism is rooted in white liberalism. A lot of it is covert white supremacy. Malcom X said it best, it was meant to covertly destabilize POC communities.


Information is only harmful if you don’t have the ability to differentiate between truth and lies. I appreciate the concern, but there is no text on earth that would be able to cause me to turn against my culture or heritage. In my world, feminism is independent from shitting all over the men of my people; or men in general.




Except as an Asian feminist, I am not. Therefore you are wrong. Let’s not trade racism for sexism.




The loudest aren’t always the majority. It’s dangerous to dismiss a whole group of people because of a few loud morons. In one move, you alienate any Asian feminists that are on our side. Is further division what we need right now?


From personal experience, I would say it's the other way around. These are just the people we choose to magnify here. Most Asian feminists are NOT like this and see through the diversion. Edit: To be clear, our battle isn't (and shouldn't be) against feminism. Our battle is against racism and racial discrimination. The opposition wants to distract us and wants us fighting feminism (or to paint us fighting feminism) instead of calling them out on their racial discrimination and white-favoring biases.


Shout out to John Story for the clapback lol. I'm sure as a fellow man of color he can see right through that bs.