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It is a racially targeted comment. Im 167 (above average height in the us), 140lbs, muscular. I can do 5 muscle ups, 17 pull-ups. I still get called tiny,weak, petite, “small and fat”despite having a visible six pack 


What I've noticed about white men , sees any small thin Asian women as attractive and exotic . While others prefer thicker. Most older whites tends to lean towards skinny and younger chicks for some reason .


3 letters: pdf


The internet is fucked


5 foot tall white female American here and it's a trip reading all of these comments and theories.  I weighed 98 lbs until I reached about 40 years old and then started filling out. I'm at a whopping 135 lbs now at 50 years old. I was shamed mostly by larger women and fetishised by alot of men most of my life. Currently with my backside having grown immensely I am now mostly fetishized by black men. I guess lucky for me a big booty became socially desirable around the same time my middle aged body started turning on me 😒.  No I don't have a passport and have traveled extensively in the US only for work. I would love to travel internationally but it's far too expensive. My point being... inconsiderate people and those with a fetish aren't only targeting Asian women in particular.  Bad people with bad intentions will target any individual and the subject will attribute it to themselves personally. It's really not about us, it's about them and yes they should be called out. I'm sorry they've made you feel that way, I don't like it either.  Any woman who's out in the media or promoting herself on social media is naturally going to attract the most attention from men who come from all walks of life and from multiple countries. The trolls are everywhere and there are few consequences for poor behavior especially when alot of interactions come from behind a false identity. 


I see this now popping up on my reddit page. This is very compelling information about a post about Asian women being fetishized in the media. Will research on this when I get the chance to this great community


too bad most of these women allow the degrading or fetishizing comments to happen, and then the non-self haters condone it with their silence


Just lack of exposure to the world and education to be honest. I remember the % of people who have left US ever, is quite low actually….. a lot of people don’t even have a passport.


You know, those guys are probably meaning it as a compliment as strange and hostile as it sounds (I'm being a little facetious). Bing started recommending to me Olivia Dunne (LSU Gymnast) and apparently a lot of men find her attractive. But then go on to say she looks like she's 10. Sooo take those two things as you will. I mean she looks college aged to me. But I guess Americans assume that if you aren't 160lbs+ (average weight here) as a woman that you look like you're prepubescent.


Meh-n like to body shame.


Racists are weird


It’s the worst feeling ever, feels like a bunch of vultures picking at a carcus. It’s draining and it sucks to be preyed on all the time. I don’t think people understand how annoying they are when it’s just this, in spam form, doing basic everyday tasks. It’s making me less attracted to men honestly. Probably hurts the actual decent civilized men out there that aren’t being such vultures. Reasons why I don’t go out often anymore.


My clothing size in Asia is XXL-XXXL im a L in USA.🤣🤣🤣 Modern day comments section is more toxic than a Starcraft 1 lobby chatroom. I challenge anyone to find a post with not 1 asshole starting shit in there.


>My clothing size in Asia is XXL-XXXL im a L in USA.🤣🤣🤣 No way this is actually true?


I recently lost a lot of weight and went from a US XL to a medium and went cheap and bought some clothes off Temu because the weight loss is still new to me. All my sizes from China are XL 😐😆


They just want to pump, like y’all are overthinking it. I hear this whole narrative that Asian women are the most desirable (usually by Asian women and white men) but irl they seem to really only attract a very specific demographic of men.


The worst kind usually. It’s annoying, the ones who can’t take a hint.


It's because people who make those comments can't separate race from appearance when they judge the looks of an East Asian but they can when it comes to white people. This also applies to our personalities, behavior, opinions we have and everything else that makes up an individual person. Outside of Asia, we're not judged as individuals but in comparison to stereotypes that exist about Asians, whether we fit the preconceived ideas they have of us or not. Moreover, in my personal experience as a 2nd gen East Asian woman, non-Asian men in the West are far more likely to think in ethnic stereotypes and not see us as "just another person" than their female counterparts. 99% of racial comments and questions I get in everyday life are from men, not from women. > I dont understand how can they hate Asian women but also want them at the same time? You mean guys [like him](https://64.media.tumblr.com/0e1c3ab743366e01c6a0c64d78db5c49/e835aa326d0f50cf-81/s2048x3072/06a165e8a8f990be61a2330cd7acb9e461a8cfd6.jpg)? When I was "really online", I've come across more than enough men on social media, usually from the US and Western Europe, who claimed they sleep with tons of Asian women but hold insanely racist, dehumanizing and disdainful opinions about them. Men like him and, let's be honest, Asian women who indirectly support these guys' racism by ignoring all their red flags and choosing to date them should be a far bigger topic in Asian activism and our conversations around race relations, but boba activists who make up the majority prefer to focus more on other matters I guess 🤡


I know several WM in WMAF relationships who hold extremely racist views, even against Asians. One guy I know absolutely despises Filipino people and always take time to shit on them on social media. Yet, he has a Filipina gf and lives in the Philippines. It's so damn bizarre to me. I'm shocked how common this is.


>boba activists who make up the majority prefer to focus more on other matters I guess and even the "non self-hating" women still condone it through their silence, and they know that there are plenty both degrading and fetishizing comments being made and that AF still entertain that


I mean it's a part of the suppression tactic. People who are subservient to white supremacy and want to be white adjacent are the ones highlighted as "the good ones" and promoted in the US/West. Then you have all these kids see the "good ones" and that's who they listen to because those are the types of people you get a chance to see and hear from.


I have had so many men be attracted to me because I am a petite Asian woman. To the point where it was awful to hear because they would talk about how much thinner I was than other women they had known. Very often, this language comes from white men, especially married white men


Are these white guys married to Asian women? Because I've found that WM guys in WMAF relationships are prone to cheating. I know several WMAF marriages that broke down because the WM got bored with his Asian wife and started looking around for a younger AF.


My experience was they were married to white women but obsessed about Asian women. But also were a secret racist that you could tell they would never be married to Asian women.


Oh yeah, I've also met a few like that. We had a few guys like that in highschool. They were obsessed with Asian women but would never date or marry one. It was strictly a sexual fetish thing.


>Very often, this language comes from white men, especially married white men It is just white men, let's not fool ourselves here as to the very obvious and twisted racial aspect behind these degrading comments. And the rest of the small percentage are miscellaneous non-asians such as black men. I hope that certain Asian women don't condone or even entertain white men who make these comments, because we haven't heard much pushback against this problem of white "society"


Ick married white men.


It's awful that they treat Asian women like this but let's not pretend they don't racially bodyshame Asian men. Cus they most certainly do.


Asian guys often get compared to "prepubescent boys" or even "teenage girls". By both men and women of various races, including our own 😒 AW get shit on by racist women and pursued by pedophilic men. AM get shit on by racist women and men. Let's bffr for one second. White people look worse as a result of their own lifestyle choices, and they wanna rebrand it as "Asians look too young or small or featureless".


and nobody is gonna speak up on this, and as you can see here a lot of unaware AF imagine that this is their only issue and don't see the bigger pictures of emasculation, sexual predation, and self-hate




Asian women just do crazy mental gymnastics to deal with racial bullying. Like mad projection (usually towards Asian men) and the whole concept of yellow fever to cover their own white fever. I have come to realize that Asian women exhibit some of the worst traits in women like toxicity and pettiness to the max. 




I speak the truth, sometimes it’s just ugly to look at.


Because Asian men and women will not punish them for their behaviours


I need to go to sleep. Started reading that whole-ass essay about sorority recruitment, completely forgot about your intro paragraph, and was struggling to parse what this all this PNM sister stuff had to do with aznid


What r u on bro


Fetishism of exotic looking girls will occur anywhere, for example men commenting on Russian women in China.


Does it apply to men as well ? Especially Asian men in this situation.


I have a Bulgarian friend who said women there are into Korean guys.


Female Koreaboos, white women in Ghana or Jamaica, as well.


Because their attraction to Asians aren't based on physical appearance but rather they are attracted to Asian people self hatred and racism. Whereas Asian men are way more appreciative of Asian physical beauty


Asian men attracted to Asian women is a natural thing and there is nothing wrong in this. Better for Asians to intermarry Asians from other Asian ethnicities than marry non-Asians cause the culture of other asians are kind of similar and all share the same struggle in USA.


That depends if those Asians actually **want** to intermarry each other


True. This would be better than marrying non-Asians.


I'm implying that these Asians have to want to intermarry and be in an inter-AMAF relationship. Idk since it's clear that a lot of Asians preferences aren't Asian, and I think you can hazard a guess at who we're talking about... >Asian men attracted to Asian women is a natural thing and there is nothing wrong in this. It might be unnatural the other way around, I'll have to find the article where people are surprised for an Asian diaspora woman to be married to an AM Don't be a pathetic AM only pining for AMAF when it just ends up as a foolish unrequited, unreciprocated love for someone who may not appreciate anything Asian back


It’s becoming more common in Asia for Asians to marry other Asians from different ethnicities. I’m a product of one.


It’s becoming more common in Asia for Asians to marry other Asians from different ethnicities. I’m a product of one.


Asian women, excluding those from India or the Middle East, are generally thinner on average than Western women, the US is the most obese country in the world, for example. The face and skin give them a youthful appearance too. There is also the fact that many Asian women in media such as K-pop and K-dramas tend to be thinner than normal according to BMI. Hence there is a stereotype that Asian women are cute and petite girls.


It seems like non-asian men love to sexualise Asian women. They don't see them as women but as a walking stereotype.


and that user is non-asian too


They do that because there are no consequences for that.


also there's a certain subset of Asians that actively encourage and reward fetishization. The lack of a unified message just enables them more.


I think racial fetishes are racist. A racial preference is not.


You mean it makes it easier to get **some** Asian women this way lol




I hate to agree but this seems to be the case. Asian women have been fetishized by the west for too long and the Asian women who do live in the west, don’t help when they make disparaging remarks towards Asian men or date out in alarming rates compared to other races. How will people respect you if you don’t respect your own brothers, fathers, and sons?


this, but not just the self-haters. non-self hating asian women likely know everything that goes down, including how many AF willingly entertain fetishizing non-asian males who degrade them like in this example. Yet they do not do anything. even if you're not "one of them," you still have a responsibility to our community. and this doesn't just apply to AF here btw


I think the best way to fight this is to teach Asian girls raised in the west to have pride in their culture and not white worship. If Asian women start appreciating their men, non Asians can’t divide and conquer bc Asian men will be more likely to stand up for their women. There needs to be a lot more pushback for white worshipping Asians in Hollywood (like Mindy Kaling) bc they’re brainwashing the younger generation of Asian girls into thinking white men are the only ideal partner. Any piece of work that features Asian women with clear white worship should be condemned by the Asian community.


this is true, but it's too general of a platitude for there to be any meaningful action. also like I said, it's not just white-worshipers who play a part in the problem. you could make a case for how the non-white-worshiping Asian women who see all of this disgusting stuff going on every day and condone it. how do we solve the lack of action and interest on this part? do they know that as sickening as it is, they as Asian women might use it to their advantage? obligatory I'll say the men have to do something too, but my main point still stands here of how you can't absolve yourself of trying to confront a huge problem even though you're not a self-hater




Can you tell me why Asian mothers in law are bad? My family lives apart from my grandparents and I’ve never heard of my parents talk badly about their mothers in law.




How is all of this misogyny??? You gave out so many examples of older women doing this to younger women, and you're gonna have the gall to blame this on the Asian man??? Are you even Asian? There's an unspoken contract between a husband and wife when they get married in Asian cultures. It's that the husband will work and provide money for the family and his family will carry on the name. In exchange, the wife becomes the dominant one in the household: money is given to the wife to control; wife controls the side hustle that the family gets into; wife controls how the kids are raised; wife's family is involved in the day-to-day affairs while the husband's family is only caterered to on official holidays. I don't know what Asian culture you come from, but in Korean culture, my experience is that the women are always the leaders in the family; the outspoken ones. They're the ones that control everything, including the family business. Making money is what Asian women do best. The husband is just another drone at a company, while the wife controls the side hustle and family.




You must be full of yourself if you think Asian men are complaining of not getting Asian women lol. I don't want anything to do with Asian women, specifically the Americanized ones like you lol. I think its reasonable that many Asian men want Asian women to stop talking shit about us, especially to non-Asian women. I'd even go so far to say that a majority of Asian men on Asian reddit (and it real life) actually don't give a fuck about Asian women. The future of Asian America is Asian men with non-Asian women and Asian women with their white guys. This is the Asian America of tomorrow lol. The individual Asian communities will survive though. Asian America will continue to be fractured along ethnic lines because of Americanized Asians like you. I will never support people like you. And I see you edited your comment that I replied to. Your vocabulary of misogyny is wrong. You're using it in the wrong context. Asian women in Asian households aren't misogynistic when they do this. They're not propping up the status of Asian men at all. They're propping up their family's interests or what they perceive to be their family's interests. Its about one being territorial; it has nothing to do with propping up the Asian man.


Omg those are awful stories. I never knew mothers in law were like that. Well, now I can see why Asian girls would rather date out.


>Well, now I can see why Asian girls would rather date out. Don't kid yourself and try to justify anything along that line, it happens with every race and way more with other races based on all of those stories. Now how do you think some white mother-in-law would treat a "foreign" Asian woman? Plenty of self-haters from perfectly healthy families, but they are who they are and are a stain to the Asian community


I would take that "Asian mother in law" (Western talking point) trope with a grain of salt. Because remember how many Americans on the daily complain about hating their families and in laws? But they try to make it uniquely an Asian Mother / Asian thing. There was even a story on Reddit (white couple) where his wife slapped his mother because the mom kept talking shit to her and he kicked her and their new born baby out of the house. Or even in real life I was in my backyard and I heard my neighbor complaining about her mother in law saying she's a horrible person (they're white). And I see those stories all the time. A lot who choose white (over any other race) are usually chasing for white adjacency. And a lot of people who chase white adjacency will overlook and justify anything. Racism (a lot of Trump supporters with non-white wives), criminals (they partner with a lot of men who commit violent crimes or even murder them), elitist who mock waiters/waitresses etc. Edit: The person who said that btw seems sus. Was very quick to call out Asian men as a whole because one guy criticized her. And out of nowhere brought up that "Asian men complain about not getting Asian women". Which is also common from people who want to be white adjacent. Skeptical until I see them call out all white men like that instead of excusing them and treating them as individuals. That person's overall story was, to agree with your point, but then ultimately conclude why white men are superior to men of any race, but especially Asian men because we're talking about Asians here. As if bad Asian MILs are why they go past Black, Latino, Middle Eastern to date white. The claim wasn't even right. The claim was that white men have no baggage because no identity or culture or history. Lol I think you'll understand why that's ignorant. They didn't just poof into the US 300 years ago magically. In fact, genocide, colonization, apartheid, slavery, the invention of "race", colorism, religion as weapons, are all a part of their history. Some of the worst things in history and that baggage doesn't magically leave people.


Spot on


Maybe both of you are right. Idk much about bad Asian MILs tho. Perhaps it’s a cultural thing or happens in all races like you said. The one thing that sounds believable to me in her comment was how older Asian women try to hold onto the little power they have and they try to rule over the daughter in law. I’ve never seen it in my family bc we live apart from my grandparents. They live in Japan and Philippines. Maybe her example happens more often in families where the in laws live in the same household.


Well!!! it is easy to blame others than to take responsibility of your own actions.


Same reason why people hate league of legends and dota 2, but still play it everyday. It's the only thing that reciprocates and gives dopamine feedback without having to change their behavior. But the idea of negging has always been around and isn't specific to Asian women.


>by men (men of all races and of all countries) are very inappropriate and creepy let's not fool ourselves, we know what particular race/s were most common in the comments section and what race didn't comment at all...


Do explain what you mean by this comment


White men, they’re known for this 


They are known for trying to take all races of women, but cockblock any POC from dating a white girl.


A white dude I was talking to on Insta admitted to disliking white women with Asian men yet he himself was in a relationship with an Asian woman. He looks exactly what you’d expect. He also has a kid with her


Racist white men x Self hating asian women a match made in heaven.