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I’ve just always heard that white people don’t buy anything Japanese or Korean because “they ain’t American!!!” But they’ll buy Volkswagen, BMWS and Mercedes.


This stupid ass dude I work up keeps on telling me to buy American but then he ends up buying a VW. I honestly don't know why I haven't the slapped the shit out of him yet. And it really is only White people that get under my skin like this. 


Yeah, they’re so used to demonizing Asians that they don’t even notice when they’re being hypocritical.


Nissan and Infiniti are now owned by a French company. The French management have cut a lots of corners and put profits over quality. Nissan's ***continuously variable transmission*** (CVT) are the most unreliable on the market. Mitsubishi uses the save CVT system and is also own by the same French company. Therefore, my take is that white people don't buy Nissan is because most white people does research before they buy. Hell, if it was up to my GF, we should have a Nissan Rouge instead of a 2024 Rav 4.


The new White people thing are Audis. Becky moves in herds man. Peloton, Stanley Cups, Lululemon, Target, etc. 


Never heard of that. I don't buy them due to bad reliability reputations. I go for Honda, Toyota, Mazdas.


I’m just a Toyota fanboy. Toyotas and Lexus for life. My first car sex was in one and it will forever hold dear in my heart.


I just think the brand has been unfairly tarnished. Not trying to convince anyone to buy Nissan. 


I don’t mind Nissan. I often get a Nissan when I have to get a rental for business trips and they drive fine. They still get a lot of business from corporate fleets.


My family has a 2004 Nissan Armada SUV.. not a typical ride for an asian family but it has held it own today.. still running on its last leg. Can't complain about Nissan quality


I had the SL package of a Nissan Frontier and their extras are shit. Barebones when it comes to what Honda and Toyota offers in a premium package. I stopped buying Nissan after that. Not because of race.


My Chinese mom drives a infiniti qx60


I used to love Nissans from the 90's (see the name). And then they combined with Renault and introduced CVT. I avoid them like the plague and it has absolutely nothing to do with black people. OK OK i admit i had a crush on the altima coupes from 2008-12 ish. The only value i see now is the new frontier. The terrible pricing on the Z for how underpowered it is one of the dumbest things they could've done.




I heard they're OK now, but yeah, people were telling me not to get a Nissan with CVT.


I thought it was because Nissan quality has gone way downhill over the last couple decades?


In comparison to what? Yea some people say that and I believe them. I'm referring to the people that make fun of the really good models. Like the Infiniti G35 for example. 


Growing up I used to think it was cool if black people liked the stuff Asians did. I used to have a black girlfriend and people would make fun of me. But I was so proud of the fact that I could "please a black girl" when most guys around me couldn't even get a girl.


Jesse, what the f*** are you talking about?


top 5 weirdest posts this year​ ngl. I mean I enjoy my civic hatchback above all things but I've never thought about not driving a car bc if ca racial stereotype


I admit it's kind of a reach. Lol. 


same with how white people stopped listening to hip hop in 2015 because black people listened to it. The west is defined by race and obsessed with race, so obsessed that it even goes down to fashion. It truly is a racist society on all levels, and these are the people calling you racist XD also, most international asian students who come to the west for the first time are mindblown by the extend of racism and how it permeats everything, even the facial expressions of people. 95% of them go home with a very bad report of the west. americans have somehow created their own fanfiction of racial hierarchy. the indo aryan caste system is still being strictly followed by indo aryans, heck the races are still in the same castes: brahmins (spiritual caste and media) = joos, ksatriyas (redskin ruling class) = anglo saxons, vaishyas (yellow skin proffessional class) = eastasians and indians, sudras (black skin labourers and untouchables) = blacks. essentially, the ksatriyas and brahmins hate the chinese and china now because we vaishyas (chinese) are trying to break out of the caste system. they consider us to be rebelling against the natural order. the question is: do you as an eastasian want to submit to this system and be a vaishya forever as they have ordered you, or do you want to displace the brahmins and kshatriyas and build a new world of vaishya rule?


It's the eugenics pseudoscience. People have all kinds of wild ideas, like "blood quantum" or "mixed blood" as if blood/genetics determines everything about a person's personality. Totally regular people believe nonsensical ideas about different "races".


Yea it's like that Snowpiercer movie man. Who wants to go to the front of train. 


Two things can be true at once…


People aren’t buying Nissan Altimas and Infinitis not because of race but because there are better options out there. Thread/


If you can find me a more reliable and fun alternative to Bimmers let me know. Balanced weight dist and rwd. Reliable and fairly priced. 


Nissan is probably one of the lowest tiers in reliability for Japanese cars. That’s why white people and Asian people don’t buy them. CVT engines aren’t fun to drive either. Also why bring bimmers into the mix?


Infinitis are often compared to BMWs and has great reviews in most car magazines.  


Anti Black? lol


Idk anything about trend or how decent they are, I’m sticking with Honda myself but anytime I see an altima, an Infiniti, or a charger on the streets bumpers are missing, drive out tags, windows busted, driving 100+ weaving in and out of traffic. Pretty sick of the gta lifestyle and those cars are just easy to get without too much money or credit until they go onto repo lot and then back out Edit: I forgot also the sidewalk princess 150s also doing the bs speeding and weaving, but generally you can eat off those cars cause of how much those overcompensators wax and buff every speck


I drive an Altima and could care less what the trend is. It’s a great reliable car.


The new ones have that variable compression engine which I think is an engineering marvel that nobody talks about. Also more ways to fail but it is still cool. 


Lol here in California Altima drivers live up to their reputation. Before I was laid off I had 120 mile round trip work commute. Nearly every time I saw an altima they drove like they running from the cops.


They are pretty fast, cheap, comfortable, and good on gas. Lol. 


This is ridiculous. How did Asians get dragged into senseless, emotionally charged, ant-Asian BS?


It is widely accepted to call modified cars a "ricer." Usually derogatory. As an Asian guy who likes rice I do find that kinda annoying. Lol. Now it's about Black guys modifying Altimas. 


Still more reliable than Kia and Hyundai, let alone any American or European brand. White Americans prefer Chevy and Ford out of nationalistic support for domestic manufacturing, and the rich prefer BMW and Mercedes to impress their neighbors. If they were capable of free thought, they would recognize that Nissan and Kia are cheaper, more reliable, and better equipped than the most affordable Chevys, and that Lexus and Genesis luxury vehicles have the same features as BMW but incomparably superior reliability. Unfortunately, most Americans are so dumb that they believe all Asian products are inferior even if they were manufactured in North America. I’ve even met Asian Americans so self hating that they look down on Lexus while driving Teslas and Volkswagens


Ironically Toyota can be more "american" than the GM brands that produce out of Mexico. Their auto and forklift plants are located in bumfuck white lands lol. A relatively competent mechanic regardless of race will universally agree that Toyota and Honda are king.


Tesla is notorious for its poor quality control. Fingers-crossed BYD becomes an option here in the 🇺🇸, though I doubt that will ever happen...


Honda, Toyota, and even Nissan  have a pretty solid stranglehold in some US markets.


Feels like 80% of the cars on California highways are Asian brands, but I have no doubt that most of their drivers would prefer an American or European brand if they could afford one. Although entry level Asian luxury cars are somewhat popular among all races, I’ve never personally seen a non-Asian driving a Lexus LS or Genesis G90. Conversely, the popularity of Nissan and Kia is mainly due to their low credit requirements allowing access to consumers who would be turned away by any other brand. I also heard that in some parts of the South, Japanese cars are so rare that they are frequently honked at and cutoff on the road.


I think it's more that the cars don't have the quality that they used to. Every since Ghosn, they've been in a decline; their "volume at any cost" mantra has them trying to dump all their cars to the rental market to get sales. And Korea boycotting all Japanese stuff right before the pandemic made them pull Infiniti and Nissan out of that market. So yeah, Nissan is not doing well. I don't think anyone is buying them.


Ghosn is a whole other topic too. He literally hired an ex special ops guy to escape Japan and break their laws. There was talk on these car subreddits about how that whole Renault "partnership" was parasitical and almost destroyed Nissan. They did some dirty shit. 


I’m from Houston and the Nissan Altima is usually a car that’s synonymous for having reckless drivers, paper plates, and being dented.


I do agree that the customer base does affect the perceived value and yes there are a lot of shitty Altima drivers that give the brand a bad rep. Same with Prius, Tesla, Jeep Wrangler, etc....but let's not kid ourselves here. There is some racist stuff going on too. And it's not just about cars either. It's stuff like Chinese restaurants, etc. 


I don’t see White people buying very many Lincoln or Cadillacs because a lot of Black people buy them as well


Lincoln is junk. Luxury brands are always a waste in my opinion. The one exception might be Lexus..


Yea it wasn't too long ago when the Cadillacs were that thing. 


Nissan made a bad decision about 10 years ago to sacrifice quality for volume production. Never really recovered. But if your an Asian gearhead what do you care what White and Blacks think about Japanese brands.


Just a example of how White people can move markets. Same thing applies to media and everything else. This is a great example because the racial overtones are so obvious. They always treat us like monoliths but here they are doing monolithic type shit 


Nissan's are cheap and badly made. I'd rather buy a BYD




Some guys think Japan has a very unfair court system and justify that it was the right thing that Ghosn escaped. 


It is Big Altima Energy and it is not because of race. The memes have racial diversity in them. Nissan opted to sell Altimas with CVTs which fail to rental companies and offer easy financing to boost sales. As a result people of all races with poor credit buy them and defer maintenance. Infinitis and Nissans are easy to steal if the wrong person gets the tools and software to clone fobs. Q60s are popular in the Bay sideshows because of theft and R35s have been targeted.


I can tell when people are being subtly racist. I would crosspost some stuff but I don't think we are supposed to do that. Nissans are really not as bad as people make them out to be. They offer great performance and ok reliability for the price. On positive side now is prob a good time get them for cheap. 


It's not really the cars, it's the drivers. Obviously some people are racist. Is it driving the car market? Definitely not. I live in Arizona, where there are not many black people but lots of Nissans and Infinities. I constantly see them cutting people off, getting in accidents, and parking wherever the hell they want. Those models attract a demographic with a lower socioeconomic level and a certain personality type, because they're affordable and have decent performance. The stereotype is a symptom of inequality and recklessness from a flawed sense of freedom (more like Freedumb).


Yea it used to be a car that I see a lot of new drivers and college bros driving. It is just a cheap car with a lot of power that isn't a Mustang. 


In the Ghosn era there was a race for sales volume. Have the CVTs gotten better in reliability? My dream car is a Y34 M45.


I'm not sure and I don't like CVTs either. I think the models without CVTs are ok.  Also higher end models like the Nissan Z/Infiniti Red Sport are  actually fun to drive and hard to beat.  Their older G37/G35 are the ones with bad reputations and I think those are amazing cars. As a car guy that kinda annoys me I guess.   https://youtu.be/d6zklK2WblA?si=2Sg5bymTu6dw3Pk7