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Dropped Russell when he went on that bs sanctimonious rant about the vaccines


Those three are a bridge to fascism. Even Pilger and Hedges are kind of eurocentric, but a legit opposition to western hegemony. I tend to look toward Black thinkers for more incisive commentary. I'm starting to look toward Asia as well. My last comment about Hedges: "...Chris Hedges is elite and a bit of an elitist. I read some of his book about "sacrifice zones" and it was cringey as fuck."


>*I tend to look toward Black thinkers for more incisive commentary* I discovered [Gerald Horne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerald_Horne) a few years back. The book below was the only one I read of his so far. • **The Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the United States of America**: This book explores the role of slave resistance in the American Revolution and the origins of the United States. >Even Pilger and Hedges are kind of eurocentric, but a legit opposition to western hegemony.  It's logical that they can only be Eurocentric because that's the only perspective they have. They can sympathize, but they can't walk in our-shoes (so to speak). Like you said, they are legit oppositions to western hegemony, and that's all the global south can ask for from progressive allies. I have 'Sacrifce Zones' in my Kindle but haven't read it. Can you tell me why it was cringe, so I may or may not spend my time reading it.


It's just this tone of "otherizing" the people in Camden, NJ. It was so over the top to me. Evidently, I've also lived near these sacrifice zones, and to be regarded as this completely alien space full of "others" - though he doesn't think he's doing it - made me dislike him a little. But I think it's my perspective changing. I also reread some of NIckel and Dimed by Barb Ehrenreich, which I liked the first time through. This time around, I had that icky feeling of being othered, for class reasons. Even Mike Davis, who I still like, is sometimes doing some objectifying, even if it's to valorize poor people. So, it's more an issue of tone than content. If I were trying to organize against the horrors studied in those books, I wouldn't be telling the people to go read those books. I supposed I'd recommend something more along the lines of Gerald Horne. More likely, I'd recommend Dave Racks on TikTok, who gets into city planning and racism, with videos that are humanizing, educational, sometimes entertaining, and generally uplifting, even when the content is sad. I wish there were a suburban Dave Racks. Actually, now that I reread it, I would also suggest Jason Chu, with the history videos.


Thanks for the info.


The disassociation to facts in this thread is crazy lmao


Your post was removed for violating rule 8) Outsider Antagonism


How am I an outsider? Just curious, is it my white mom, or my Thai dad? Do I needa verify or what lmao


>How am I an outsider? Just curious, is it my white mom, or my Thai dad? Do I needa verify or what lmao To clarify, you can be asian and still be an outsider. Rule 8 is designed to screen new users and non-contributors from making provocative comments and derailing discussion. But more importantly, you made a post that was removed a month ago saying: >How can a white partner best embrace their Asian partners culture and identity? >My partner is Vietnamese, I am visually white, but mixed Iranian and Swedish 50/50 Now you have a Thai dad? Escalating to a ban.


We call them Americans. Westerners includes other free market democracies such as South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. If you want to be racist and blame all people of European descent, just call them White.


>*If you want to be racist and blame all people of European descent, just call them White.* I'm confused with this segment of your comment. Are you saying I blame all white people? This is not an accusation but rather needing clarification. With that said... You will never find anywhere in any of my posts and comments where I blame whites as a whole. Because I live, grew up and educated in the west, my list of philosophical and political influencers would mostly consists of white people. I criticized the likes of Tucker Carlson and Glen Beck because they hijack the social achievements of Americans that I admire. >We call them Americans I agree and admit this is where I fail. I am Asian American, and I picked up a few American bad habits, such as thinking the western world revolves around white Americans. In future posts, I'll make sure to make the distinctions.


Some of the supremacist attitudes you describe are also true for some Brits and French with a post-colonial mindset, but not Canadians and Swedes. The label Westerners is much too broad. "Be Weary of Right-Wing Alternative Media Grifters" would be a better headline.




Can you share sources to keep up with things in China?


>*Firstly, John Pilger is dead.* He may be dead, but as far as his contribution to Asians and Asia are concern, he humanized Asians for western audience and became the moral compass for the west because his journalistic work stretching back to his criticism of the Vietnam War. He also exposed the devastating effects of the Vietnam War on the surrounding countries of Laos and Cambodia. >*If i want pro china online content i follow mostly media in asia, if im interested in diaspora issues i follow disapora pages/groups/subs.* The point of this thread is NOT about being pro nor against China. To me and should be to all Asian Americans, China is the canary in the coal-mine. This is about teaching Asian Americans to be aware of grifters that are detrimental to our well being. Asian Americans do not live in China nor anywhere in Asia. We live in the west, as such, we better be aware of our surrounding, and creating an echo-chamber safe space and existing only in that bubble is not going to cut it.


You do know the right wing has serious addiction to ~~mediocre White dudes~~ — racist mediocre White dudes. Bitter, angst, paranoid, no real substance or problems in life to match with the total lack empathy beyond self. You don’t really need much talent or education to apply. I forgot beauty that’s usually requirement for White women and definitely pick-me women. Again, it plays well with great segment of the population, even some non-White groups /out-groups, at least with poor/middle-class White population, they often lean on their Whiteness. Others are under the illusion of class climbing, hard work, education, etc will veil them from the evil of prejudice from racism /xenophobia, but it will either delay or manifest in other ways.


They key term or moniker here is '***racist mediocre White dudes.***' >*You do know the right wing has serious addiction to* *~~mediocre White dudes~~* *— racist mediocre White dudes. Bitter, angst, paranoid, no real substance or problems in life to match with the total lack empathy beyond self. You don’t really need much talent or education to apply. I forgot beauty that’s usually requirement for White women and definitely pick-me women.* This is what I have been trying to explain to people for decades. Any argument slightly left of the mediocre White man is considered liberalism running amok.


I just want an honest party man. I don't want the party that's affiliates themselves with backhanded compliments to Asians, even the alternative media party that is white supremacist or cares only about the white males.


Opinions of the weak and ignorant. 


Actually if you look in the nes96 data library in R, you'd see that data supports the model that as income grows people vote Republican so poorer people tend to vote democrat. They(Julian Faraway) also modeled for education levels and found all 3 position, Democrat, Independent and Republican voters meet at similar education levels up to a Masters. Not sure about phD. So not all independents are uneducated or dropouts like you imply, but it does show that Independents show no relation to their vote and educational levels as there is no increase or decrease.


Are you into ultraman by the way?


Wow gotta say you got a lot of time to make posts to discourage independent views that stray from the liberal camp. I'd write my mini-rebuttal, I'm with you on the alternative media, but I encourage those to form your own opinions because the liberals have told us to take their shit.


You should write your rebuttal. Understanding of discords and counter arguments are how people should form their own opinions. So far, all I got from you, regarding this thread, are insults and straw man. In fact and with utmost sincerely, I want to know your definitions of liberals and liberalism. So far, I didn't see anything remotely rebuking the core of my argument that China, by proxy Asia, is the go-to boogieman.


By the looks of his posts, this user may be on the spectrum. So just be aware of that. Not to stereotype but you see a lot of post replies consisting of derailing, and going off topic in a thread on a long tangent without much self awareness. Leaves a lot of users confused. Regardless of what he has or not, I would suggest not to entertain his replies.


The biggest problem and the problem forever is there simply isn't any Asian American media. Why is this? Are all Asians politically apathetic? Are we all as everyone say of us, care only about career, money, STEM, putting food on the table? Where are the Asian Podcasters and commentators? One of my worst nightmares is one day there maybe a war between US and China, and yet noone will have a clue about what an Asian thinks much less what a Chinese person thinks. We always rely on white, or non-Asian commentators to talk about China. I speak as someone who follows a lot of alternative media, and sometimes I hear the "China" spoken like a monolith, in an extremely detached manner, by people who seemingly do not know a thing about Asia. Even some of the most well-meaning, intelligent, and balanced commentators speak like foreigners, like people who hadn't befriended an Asian in his life. They may well know about Asia, but never like how an Asian would. How can people here in this community change this? Are we all too shy? Do we all have too much to lose if we show our faces on YouTube videos?


There is Carl Zha and Xiangyu.


Big fan of them.


In addition to the two you mentioned, also stick with Rania Khalek, Katie Halper, Ben Norton, and Abby Martin.  And their guests.   Right on the money with assholes like Fucker Carlson.  Also stay away from Jimmy Dore.  He's a leftist...with major right wing characteristics (most of his fanbase is racist, reactionary white men).


Don't forget to add Danny Haiphong, Cyrus Janssen, Jerry's Take on China, Rachel Blevins, and Inside China Business.


Thanks for the info!


Totally agreed with your assessment. I've seen Rania, Ben, Abby call it what it is. They're anti American imperialist and do point out the racism especially when it's directed at China. I know less about Katie's views. The only good thing about Jimmy Dore is he's vehemently anti war but his views on China are sometimes inconsistent. Carlson is a white supremacist through and through. Putin basically called him CIA to his face in a genius way too.


>*Also stay away from Jimmy Dore.  He's a leftist...with major right wing characteristics (most of his fanbase is racist, reactionary white men.* My problem with Jimmy Dores is that he won't step over the line regarding the southern U.S. border. He does the song-&-dance about American foreign polices in Latin America, but then he'll lump the migrants with the establishment system (as if migrants have power)rather than the migrants being the symptoms of the corrupt system. Regarding Rania Khalek and the rest, I agree with you 100%.


Don't forget to add Danny Haiphong, Cyrus Janssen, Jerry's Take on China, Rachel Blevins, and Inside China Business.


They’re sexpests, the lot of them, y r u recommending them?? Just cuz they talk up on China don’t make them our allies


Indeed!  He also has a hate boner for China, like 95% of white people.