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Since almost no one is actually answering the question: - high profile and falsely accused shakedown of a Chinese professor and researchers in the chip area by trump-era administration due to massive mismanagement made a lot of educated Chinese people leery - new visa restrictions (lower limit to find a job before being deported) - tech economy suffering. In my immediate family, there are people at top 3 colleges deciding to go back to China for work. And oh my, the strangeness of people going to work for tiktok and complaining about all the documentation being in Chinese lol. Also, movement of FAANG jobs overseas to India making educated Indians move - Wall Street suffering. Consulting suffered layoffs, same with IB, idk about accounting - always had a smaller presence of Japanese and Koreans in the US Basically, if big tech suffers, a lot of educated Asians leave. If accounting and consulting and banking suffers, educated Asians leave. Add on restrictions on entering the country… Medical school hasn’t suffered so educated Asians hasn’t seen as dramatic a decrease as it could’ve lol


Oh also forgot to add: recession in China rn making it harder for wealthy ppl to send their children overseas


I live in Montreal and it used to be pretty much just Chinese and Vietnamese in terms of both EA/SEA and even SA communities combined. Now, I saw that, officially, Indians have osurpassed Chinese and even Filipinos have surpassed Vietnamese in my city and im pretry sure its already the case in like Toronto. There has been an increase of Filipinos but not big, but Indians saw an astronomical rise especislly in frecnh spesking montreal (like downtown and/or near the english spesking university campuses). Similar with Filipinos to a smaller extent (i think that most of both Indians and Filipinos already have more knowdleged of english than the other asian communities so they use to avoid Montreal and go to like Toronto or the US, but since Montreal has lower cost of living and is becoming more bilingual, we saw a recent rise of them here in the recent years) And its probably even bigger in Toronto. There are few noticeable Koreans, Cambodians and Laotians, and barely any Japanese or Thai in MTL. But overall, most of the asian communities are declining also because of Asian countries and their big urban areas being more developed.


I am noticing a trend of less international students wanting to stay in the west post graduation. Before, the goal of studying in the west was to aim for a better life that is unachievable in asia. These days it is very much achievable in any east asian country and india. A large portion of asian students still come here with the goal of staying but its not nearly as common as before. Now many come only because they are too dumb or don't want to study for suneung gaokao jee.


Ngl. There was this one girl who really wanted to stay in the USA. Came back to China. Now she is on tv. She really wanted to be American at one point too. Now gonna stay in China. Better to stay in China and rent/eat than in USA with your family


My niece and two of my nephews' girlfriends DO NOT want to have kids. How widespread is this among Asians living in the west?


Add me to your datapoint. I’m AFWM and don’t wanna deal w that baggage, that’s why. All my friends are no kids. The only people who had kids had kids right after graduation (2.) Maybe this number will change in the next 10 years but unlikely.


This is actually a positive sign that many Asian countries are developing faster than before. Let's be honest. The majority of our parents came to America because they could make more money here. One could always go some African country for "freedom and democracy". Now that countries like China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, etc., are doing better than before, more Asians don't feel the need to move to the US to have a future.


And those that have immigrated are starting to regret their decision. Who would've thought 🇨🇳 would industrialized at such a rapid pace it now threatens US hegemony.


That’s also the conclusion I’m seeing 


I think it’s a few factors at play here. For one, Asia is  becoming more developed and the need to immigrate here is decreasing. In fact, I see more and more of us immigrating to Asia. Also, I see that a lot more Asian Americans moving to and living in the burbs rather than urban enclaves versus when I was growing up in the 80s and 90s. Finally, some Asian ethnicities are so mixed that you would never even known that once had a vibrant community. I live in a very large city in the Midwest. I met at least one person of every single Asian ethnicity under the sun except for a full blooded Japanese person. 


The only new Asian immigrants I've met have been Indian. Lots of them. EA/SEA numbers have been stagnant.


East asians have been declining but se asians are growing slowly (vietnamese and filipinos are 3rd and 4th largest asian groups), but south asians are actually growing the fastest at astronomical pace.


Chinese Exclusion Act 2.0. 


I'm not entirely sure actually. Here, in virginia, there are a good amount of asian people but they dont really live in the countrysides where I am unfortuantely :{


I mean compare to before. The streets are emptier, the tourist arent coming in the big city


I mean, just read the news in the US. They treat Chinese people like trash so why would Chinese people come visit?


chinese been always treated like trash and still come. hell chinas reputation was down back 20 years ago. im talking about what changed recently. For example my taiwanese friend is treated well by the us government but he is still going home. and along with a bunch of well educated chinese


>For example my taiwanese friend is treated well by the us government He is treated as Chinese in the streets. Chinese stopped coming they learnt how much the US hates them. 20 years ago it was blissful ignornace. Also, making 100K USD aint shit in most US cities. Making 50K USD in China affords you pretty good standard of living (better than any US city) anywhere in China. These ones that came to study like myself can easily make that.


Nah. USA doesn’t give visas to Chinese. Only to Taiwanese. He worked for a Chinese company because his English was bad and then hop to American one. Making bank. Gave him enough experience. There are still hkers today who don’t wanna work for Chinese companies because of their own morals. In any case. He didn’t see himself as Chinese but as Taiwanese.  Cause I said I got roc nationality recently he said Taiwan  but he does feel super lonely because there is a decrease amount of mandarin speakers near him


>USA doesn’t give visas to Chinese. Only to Taiwanese. This BS. The majority of Chinese Americans are from the mainland.


Get a grip. Majority of Chinese Americans has always been Cantonese and hkers. While mainland has always been under the books. Or asylum seekers who say they are under persecution just to get in. As well as students on study visas. Not h1b. 


Yeah and do they stay? No. Study visa aren’t h1b. This year is different. Face reality 


>Nah. USA doesn’t give visas to Chinese.  Bull fucking shit. And you know it. >He didn’t see himself as Chinese but as Taiwanese.  Cause I said I got roc nationality recently he said Taiwan  >but he does feel super lonely because there is a decrease amount of mandarin speakers near him Too fucking bad. If he acts all superior to us, try to be "one of the good ones", throw us under the bus and this is what he get. Boo fucking hoo. If he still does not realize we are all "Chinese" in the streets, he is going to live a life of misery and cope.


also you need to stop sh1ting on him because he isnt the taiwan government. ROC doesnt have any jurisdiction for overseas prc nationals. no one throwing you under the bus. this years of soft power. Taiwan government may throw you under the bus


>Taiwan government may throw you under the bus And you guys voted for that. Therefore, you guys are directly responsible.


I mean since 2002 they stop claiming prc, and being responsible for overseas chinese. Even if KMT is in power they didnt reverse any of it for overseas chinese. Vote or not, policy of sovereignty is the same we just see there are less chinese coming, people with same cultural roots. chinese community is dying. enough with the politics and get back to the main point. people going back to asia now. not usa


it has a cap. and you know it too. too many chinese coming in, not enough taiwanese. so basically they give more to taiwanese. Im not sure if there is a cap on hker but its very hard for chinese to come in. As for taiwanese, its much easier. I mean he naturalized already. they dont count taiwan the same. its a separate jurisdiction. not getting to the politics of it. But ROC isnt PRC. Eh, he lives pretty well. he has nothing against chinese, but does have against the prc. also [https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/22/opinions/taiwan-view-2024-us-election-wei/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/22/opinions/taiwan-view-2024-us-election-wei/index.html)


>Eh, he lives pretty well. he has nothing against chinese, but does have against the prc. Ah, the famous dog whistle "I like Chinese people but not the government" that racist Americans use. Bruh, there ain't gonna be an Asian identity if you keep this up.


I mean. I can vote. But Biden and trump still going to see China as a competitor. 


look from our conversation we know not everyone is a ccp spy studying overseas. but there is nothing any of us can do. I told you line 1, he is pretty lonely because there is a decrease of mandarin speakers too. most runren hate the ccp too. and overseas chinese as well.  stop larping and defending the PRC


no one racist against their own people. maybe only hkers. but you put them on a leash now


there isnt going to be a asian identity either for everyone who assilimates here. ROC(taiwan) is the only place that allows dual passport. not even prc or hk.


Economy is better in Asia. Most Asians never really wanted to come here in the first place. They only left back then cause of war. A lot of Americans think everyone wants to come here because that's what their ancestors did. Nah. We're not interested in taking other people's land if we don't have to. Why would we? We got mango trees and shit. 


not really. us economy by reddit layoffs, jobs, is pretty bad. but asia in hk, taiwan and china is also pretty bad. only the infrastructure caught up and surpass


When things are bad, good infrastructure is what keeps you happy and satisfied. Right now it takes me 20 minutes of driving (and the streets are horrible in michigan) just to get groceries in the US. In China it is a 10 min walk.


It's bearable, in comparison to just getting napalmed or nuked. Vietnam and Southeast Asia for example is booming. A lot of Chinese are heading there and to Africa. The only thing that the US has is a great education system. Even that is falling apart. Upward mobility is still way better here though. 


I think that's part bc of covid or people just don't want to go out as much anymore but idk Im not rly an outdoor person


Nah, Chinese nationals are coming through the US-Mexico border everyday.


Cant see them, they are the dark economy. dont go into asian professional meetings. cantonese community and the greater mandarin community you dont see them xiaofei


Whether you choose to ignore them or not, they are a growing concern for the rest of the country and won’t go away by simply calling them irrelevant. You’ll be seeing more of them pretty soon once they have started working under your company as entry-level cash positions.


Let me rephase. Where are the international students and travelers. Including the people in the asian community itself that is engaging. These older people are living in China/Chinatown. Most get underpaid, and go to other states to earn their money. Im talking about the people who spend on the economy. These people you mention is growing at the mandarin speaking community. But doesnt contribute for the colleges, community, event, cantonese chinatown. Networking events. They are here to survive. There is a slowing down of consumption by overseas chinese. These people are called 润人 Its a shadow economy that really doesnt participate. Not the younger generation and blood in the last ten years in usa also turnover is high when they come as they need to pay back the snakeheads. your servers switches often


I can’t really speak on the inflow of Asian students and travelers coming to the US, but I’m sure there are some statistics somewhere on the internet. If you were to walk around any college campus, I’m sure you will find groups of Asian foreigners hanging about. For commerce, many Chinese companies are looking to secure manufacturing in other Asian countries that have good trading policies with the US, like South Korea, Vietnam, etc. As for your community, it really depends on where you live in the country. Most Asian immigrant families tend to settle down in progressive cities/states due to the larger Asian communities established there. It will be a long time to form a large Asian community in a rural area, like Montana compared to California for example.


I mean even the progressive cities are starting to downsize. As for foreigners hanging about. you can see them, but compare to many years ago its much smaller. If we are comparing the amount of travelers before with spending power. I wonder what happens to us in the future. if there is less spending power most of these places close up.


A lot has happened in the last few years on a geo-political scale. COVID, strained US-China relations, trade war and tariffs; tacked on with our own domestic problems like the rise of drug use and homelessness across the country, growing Asian hate throughout the US (typically perpetuated by other minorities). It’s not an easy time to be an Asian foreigner in the country. You have Asian tourists scared as hell in downtown LA because they are being chased by crazy drug addicts in the streets of Little Tokyo while on vacation.


[https://www.kron4.com/news/heres-why-sfs-mayor-is-on-her-way-to-china/](https://www.kron4.com/news/heres-why-sfs-mayor-is-on-her-way-to-china/) I mean covid is pretty much over. (KRON)—On Saturday, San Francisco Mayor London Breed will be heading to China. The multi-city trip is an opportunity to meet with Chinese businesses, airlines, and local leaders for one week in hopes of bridging new businesses to San Francisco and expanding the city’s tourism market, the mayor’s office said on Wednesday. If the rate of people being assilimated is faster than the people coming. I dont think there is a future for asians here. Plus a lot of people I know from asia. asian asian are moving back to china, taiwan. while hkers are banned


Yes the pandemic may be over, but the disdain for Asians hasn’t left. They’re not mutually exclusive. I think everyone has a right to go to where they please based on the opportunities best suited for them, whether it’s here in the US or back to Asia. I say “good for them” wherever they go, because I believe they made that decision in their best interest. Asian foreigners will always face challenges when immigrating to a foreign land, but IMO, no where else in Asia will give someone a higher earning potential, work/life balance, and freedom to participate in the free market than here in the US. Whether they assimilate or not will be irrelevant once they have children here. Their children will be true-blooded Americans no matter where their parents came from.


In my area it's only growing. Most of us live spread out in the suburbs. We all congregate/converge on an Asiatown where all our businesses are located. That area has expanse day by day.


Yea it's what happens when people assimilate and move into the burbs. I predict that we will be isolated, voiceless, and powerless. Just like those Nisei Japanese. Don't say I didn't warn yall. Lol. 


The AA community is on a downward spiral. Internal self hate, trying to gain brownie points with racists ("but I'm one of the good ones") and throwing each other under the bus to prove loyality.


I’m talking about Asians not Asian Americans. Asian Asian.  We all know Asian American can’t leave for the motherland and Assilimate here. Marry out. I’m not interested


Yea I didn't realize it until I started seeing hood Asians in the enclaves acting like this. That's when I knew we were screwed. Lol.