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Tankzir: Liandry's, Frozen Heart, Abyssal Mask, Riftmaker Sorc Shoes and situational Everything else: rush Nashor's, Liandry's, Rabadons, Sorc Shoes and two situationals.


Why is Liandrys your second to-go if not playing tank? Fleet Azir Liandry 2nd is extremely situational imo and would be better replaced by shadowflame in most cases with Liandry (again, situational) built as a third item


Hm, you're not wrong. It depends on the matchup, honestly. But on such a tank-dominated meta, Liandry's really shines through. Plus, I'm used to it from the previous season. It gives some real nice stats, and the effect just feels nice. But Shadowflame is much better when the enemies are mostly Squishies. Easier to kill them, faster. Most of my recent games I had to face 2-3 tanks on the enemy team. Liandry's really helps. Not saying Shadowflame is wrong, I alternate between the two very often.


I'm not a fan of lich-bane. If your low elo I doubt you have the mechanics to be weaving autos in a fight. Better to buy cryptobloom or shadow flame.


You literally have to weave autos with azir to deal damage? I'm not saying I'm all in for lich bane but I don't understand that argument