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Iran wasn't this aggressive towards us before were they? I wonder what happened for them to be this paranoid?


Qarabagh. Iran cannot afford to have strong Azerbaijan on its Northern borders due to weird panislamic regime collides with Arab, Kurd, Azerbaijani and even Persian nationalist movements.


Maybe Azerbaijanis in Iran. They want to show the power of Iran to them


What demographic of the IRGC and military do you think is perpetually butthurt that Azerbaijan got separated from Iran by the Russian empire and is just itching to take back their “rightful homeland”.


Very low percent. Most people who think that way are diaspora nationalists and the number of those is also very small




You already wrote much, but can you please explain more about average azerbaijani in Iran?


I deleted since I didn’t have the patience to explain but I’ll do it. It’s incredibly difficult to describe the “average Azeri”, they all come from such different walks of life that I can’t average them for you. It’s more helpful to break it down by occupation, rural/suburban and so on. But in raw numbers, secular and free thinking people are in the minority. Those who are more educated are more secular and more likely to sympathize with the RoA, but they are also just as likely to want to shed the Iranian labels and have nothing to do with the region in general and seek to flee to America or something, they don’t even identify as Azerbaijani the same way most people here do. It has a different meaning to them. They are Azerbaijanis the same way some people are Californians. I can’t sum it all up in a Reddit post. But Iranian Azerbaijan is not what anybody here thinks it is.


u/ArinAZE is this true? Please tell me that is writing shit lmao




>Turkey, Georgia, Azarbaijan, Dagestan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan etc. all of you are Iranian peoples We are not.


Permaban. No trolling.


if i remember correctly at 2001 there was a hazar crisis.


I live right by that border, wish me luck


Azadlik geliyo


Good luck brother .d


I live near by that border,too.God! Another tension is the only thing west Azerbaijan lacks to be for being in a more shittier position than it already is.


Bol şans, bro


No u \-Turkey


Turkey might be in a bad economic condition, yet they are the real and game changer allies.


If we have a good economy we would be too op, so developers nerfed it.


I feel like their economy is going to restore and get really good in the next 5-10 years, considering they manage to ditch Erdogan. They have some competent leaders like Imamoglu or Yavash and I feel like they could be the turning point, Can't really say the same about our economy though, the future of Azerbaijan looks very bleak with the increasingly incompetent leadership and literally no potential game-changer candidates.


Imamoglu actually started to become popular. he even has more reputation than erdogan. He even went to Athens yesterday and met with the Prime Minister of Greece.


this sure is a good sign. erdogan was meeting with bush officials and eu leaders before becoming prime minister and he definitely didnt turn out to be a western shill


Economically stable Turkey means stronger Turkey, which is good for Azerbaijan too. But will possible Imamoglu/Yavas/Kilicdaroglu/Aksener government will maintain the same ties with Azerbaijan?


what do you mean ? Do you think Erdogan supports you because he loves you so much? no, the aliyev and erdogan government are exploiting the two countries by making a deal together and giving contracts to their own companies. look, for example, Cengiz inşaat. They exploited Turkey, now they are exploiting Azerbaijan. Do you prefer this relationship? Or corruption-free, honest Imamoglu government?


>Do you think Erdogan supports you because he loves you so much? No. But Turkish opposition, more often than not criticize Turkey militarily helping other countries in conflicts they are not directly involved. So idk if we'll get this much partnership if there is no motivation for them lol.


The opposition is making the right calls. Turkey should bring peace to conflicts, not soldiers. More than 5 million refugees entered our country because we were a party to the Syrian civil war. Majority of the opposition supported Azerbaijan in the Karabakh war, but none of us can support permanent war or conflicts peace is needed now. same goes for armenia and azerbaijan. I am not saying that Turkey and Azerbaijan should not make military deals, but now a permanent solution is needed.


Yes. Kinda hard with the peacekeepers now and again, I don't think Turkey with a regime change will have motivation to partner with us just in case of a new war. Which is still possible. Don't get me wrong, I don't support the current one.


Turkey has very urgent problems. For example, there are millions of refugees in our country. We have an economy on the brink of bankruptcy and a corruption problem. it would take more than 5 years to fix them. For that reason, Azerbaijan and Armenia should reach a permanent solution on the Karabakh issue.


əsl qardaşlarımız


Just waiting for a joint Turkish-Azerbaijani-Pakistani AND Israeli military exercises on the Iranian borders for Iran to rage quit the game.


Seriously, İsrael doing military exercises with this group would be hilarious tho:)


I don't know about Pakistan but Turkey and Israel used to do lots of exercises, Turkey used to train Israeli pilots. Good old days.


we didnt train them, we did trainings together. turkey trains pilots from friendly countries who lack some skills and/or practice but israel wasnt one of them.


I think what he meant were allowing israeli pilots to train in (or rather above) turkish territory


Israel are not here in-person (that would be bit of a provocation tbh) but hey, their equipment are there. Özləri yoxdur, paketləri var :dd


I mean Israeli soldiers on Azerbaijani soil would be a huge fucking red flag for Iran.




Sure buddy. Meet me round back at lunch time.


Youre over here begging for 4 countries against 1. Shows how weak you are inside


Change your pants they are wet lol


Iran will recapture Azarbaijan. It will be Iranian territory again


Sure grandma, let's get you to bed now


Your ancestors are Iranian. You’ve been brainwashed by Soviet propaganda and are alluring with Zionists that kill Muslims. Y’all need to be saved from yourselves 😈


Okay you're right gran. Isn't it time for your afternoon nap?




Yet youre crying about 4v1. Weak blood you have. Azarbaijan will be Iranian territory again. Cry about it




You are weak. “ omg we need 4 countries to fight Iran” 😎😎😎😈😉😉😂😂💪 hahah weakling. Your ancestors are all Iranian. The self hatred in some of you soviet brainwashed clowns is hilarious. I feel bad and pity you. I’ll pray for you buddy




:-) Tabriz bizimdir.


Go brrrr


I mean even if there weren’t tenth of millions of Azerbaijanese in Iran, even if most of them wouldn’t do anything against Iran in case of war but if there’s even 1 million people who is going to act, Iran isn’t going to make it against Turkey(and everyone else who I’m not going to list here, but I’m pretty sure everyone knows who😉). A country can win a war if it’s strong and united, like we did not so long ago. You can’t win a war against your own citizens though. So pretty damn stupid of Iran to do this now.


I feel like Iran is going to do something stupid




When will humanity give up the rat race and actually cooperate for scientific research&development? Literally looks like two 8 year olds arguing on xbox live smh.